29, 1862 - A demanding day at the Nashville Recorder's Court
Recorder's Court.
Another busy day was yesterday at the Recorder's Court, and of a somewhat extraordinary character, all classes and colors being represented.
The first case called up was that of Catharine Duffy, who was fined $6 for being disorderly, in abusing her husband in such manner as to disturb the neighborhood. She very sensibly confessed her sin, and said it was her failing; she could never govern her tongue, when it got fairly under way. We advise her to adopt the remedy prescribed by one of the Fathers, Fill her mouth with clean, cold water, and let it remain there until she becomes cool.
Half a dozen persons were arraigned for using hydrant water without license. Some were fined, others ordered to pay for their license, and one or two went to the Aldermen for certificates, being too poor to pay.
Puss Shelton and Melinda Smith, defendants, with Mary Hill as witness, formed a trio of "yellow gals," brought up to settle a dispute between the first named parties, as to which was the most respectable nigger of the two, and as to which of the twain had "roped in" the largest number of gals. The decision of the Recorder was nearly two to one in favor of Puss, who paid $8.50 for her position, while Miss Melinda was assessed only $4.50….
Hardy Goodswin and Rachel his wife, (the former a slave, the latter free) had a quarrel, which waxed warm and still warmer, until the fair Rachel seized a log of wood and threw it at the feet of her lord. Hardy seized the formidable weapon, Rachel retreated, and from a war of rocks they finally came to close quarters. Rachel is one of the heavy weights, and Hardy, being some hundred pounds lighter, had to bring science and pluck to bear against superior physique. For some time the contest seemed doubtful, until at length Hardy got the tack on her, and down came Rachel with a crash. The involuntary seconds on this occasion were Ellen Brooks and Caroline White, who testified the facts above recorded, and in reply to a closing question by Recorder Shane, Caroline said that while Rachel was down, Hardy—but no matter about that—he was the smallest and the rules of the Ring ought not to be too rigidly enforced on such occasions. Hardy was fined $15, and the Recorder was ungallant enough to make Rachel pay $6….
Another quartette of Africa's daughters appeared in front of the Recorder for the purpose of detaining in the work-house Abbey Wilson, who it seems, was determined to have a fight. Three glasses of liquid fire had caused her to hurl curses loud and deep upon the heads of the four "innocents" in court, and she needed just one more to elevate her to fighting trim. That was obtained, and she commenced operations by whipping the smallest one in the crowd, when the officers put a stop to further depredations by lodging Miss Abbey in the calaboose….
Nashville Dispatch, July 30, 1862.
30, 1863 - "Richardson's Bloody Order"
We are accustomed to hear secessionist talk of Federal outrages, but we challenge the world to afford anything like the tyranny now exercised over the suffering people of the South by their relentless rulers. If ever the demonic spirit which is said to rule in hell had a counter part on earth, it is found among the rulers and petty despots who are now trampling in the dust the rights and liberties of the Southern people. And yet they talk [sic] of liberty! What liberty have they? They have the liberty of being shot, and left to rot like dogs; they have the liberty of being barricaded and burnt to death in the flames of their own consuming homes. Such [sic] is the sweet boon of liberty vouchsafed to those who do not feel willing to leave their families and go forth to suffer toil; and bleed in a hopeless cause. Such are the sweet privileges for which these men have aided by their influence to pull down the freest and best Government the sun of heaven ever shone upon. This is liberty! Yes, such liberty as hungry wolves grant the gentle lamb, or the kite gives to the doves; such liberty as Russia gives the Poles, or death to the victim. The following orders of the day read to the brigade by the Adjutant General to his serene demonship [sic], Richardson [sic] will prove how true are the charges which we have made against the rebel authorities. It seems that Richardson [sic], from being a Saint on the high road to heaven, has let go the ladder which he was ascending, and has descend to hold, converse, and plot cruelty with the infernal council in the lower regions. Let the friends of Southern [sic] liberty read, and ponder these gentle lamb-like orders of a former christian [sic] exhorter [sic]:
1st Every man of this command is expected to strictly obey all orders which the commanding General may deem necessary for discipline or the interest of the cause in which we are engaged.
2nd. Commanders of companies are hereby ordered to make a detail from their respective companies for the purpose of enforcing the conscript laws, passed by the Confederate State Congress * * * [sic] These details shall be empowered, they are hereby ordered, to rigidly enforce the laws of the Confederate States.
3d. Every white man between the ages of eighteen and forth-five in the District of West Tennessee is hereby ordered to report immediately at such places of rendezvous as may hereafter be designated. Commanding officers of companies are hereby ordered to strictly enforce this order. The following rules of procedure are given for the government of company officers and privates who may be engaged in the execution of section third of these orders
If a man should absent himself from his home to avoid this order, burn his house and other property, except such as may be useful to this command. If a man is found to resist the execution of this order, by refusing to report, shoot him down and leave him lying. If a man takes refuge in his house and offers resistance, set the house on fire and guard it in order the recusant may not get out.
Such is the liberty of the chivalrous, noble and free [sic] people of the South. What can be more gentle than Richardson's [sic] rules of procedure? Satan himself with all his attributed good qualities, could not have invented a more kind, satanic and remarkable a code of rules of procedure. This, fellow-citizens, is the boasted liberty of the free [sic] South.
Memphis Bulletin, July 30, 1863
30, 1864 - Legal notice allowing claims against Gideon J. Pillow
Whereas, on July 20th, 1864, an Information was filed by Horace H. Harrison, Esq., Attorney of the United States for the Middle District of Tennessee, in the District Curt of the United States for said District, against all the estate and property money, stocks, and credits of Gideon J. Pillow, and particularly against all his right, title and interest in the realty fully described ins said information, which alleges that in the District aforesaid, on land, said estate, property, moneys, stocks and credits, and particularly said right, title and interest, had been duly seized and forfeited to the United States, for causes in said set fort had averred to be true, to-wit: Because after the passage of an act of Congress, approved July 17, 1862, and entitled "An act to suppress insurrection, to punish Treason and Rebellion, to Seize and Confiscated the property of Rebels, and for other purposes,: the said Gideon J. Pillow acted as an officer of the rebels in arms against the Government of the United States, to-wit: as a Major-General[1] of the armies of the so-styled Confederate States of America.
Now, therefore, I hereby give public notice to all persons interested in said property, so seized as aforesaid, in the Capitol at Nashville, on the 3d Monday in October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. there and then to propound their claims and make their allegations.
Edwin R. Glascock
Marshal Mid Dist. Tennessee.
Nashville Daily Times and True Union, July 30, 1864
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
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