28, A Brief Newspaper Report on the Arrival of the Tennessee Legislature and Nashvillians in Memphis after the Fall of Fort Donelson
On the day they left for Memphis, the Tennessee Legislature arrived, having sojourned to that place from Nashville. They were to convene on the following day to discuss the important question, "What shall we do, considering the circumstances which surround us?" One thousand person arrived from Nashville on the same day. The gold and silver, or all that could be got, a panic of colossal dimensions had seized the rebels, which was a great consolation to the loyal citizens.
State Confederate Scrip was of no value whatever.
Louisville Daily Journal, February 28, 1862. [1]
28, "These sweet-smelling, kid-glovey [sic], band-boxy [sic], tea-cakey [sic], ottar-of-rose exquisites, are as plentiful as gnats around a vinegar jug." A Confederate war correspondent's observations on the Army of Tennessee in winter camp at Tullahoma and news of Williamson county
.…we whittle away time over stale jokes and stray rumors. Toward the close of the evening we are regaled with a piece of tombstone literature, in Gen. Bragg's happiest style, announcing that some fleet-footed lieutenant's gilt has been torn from his collar, for leaving the battle-field at Murfreesboro before the balance of us. Now and then the Provost Marshal, or as a friend calls him, the Provoke Marshal, [sic] perpetrates a practical joke, by conscripting a camp follower, and commanding him to the graces of a Springfield musket and knapsack.
Our army is again in good fighting trim, and the ranks swell rapidly filling up by the influx of absentees. I suppose it is better clothed, equipped and fed than ever before. The country is bountifully supplied with game, but the boys are forbidden to shoot, for fear of hitting some General's aid. These sweet-smelling, kid-glovey [sic], band-boxy [sic], tea-cakey [sic], ottar-of-rose exquisites, are as plentiful as gnats around a vinegar jug. But you must not construe my expression into any reflection upon the usefulness of this necessary appendage of our Gipsey-life [sic]. It is true they dangle a dress sword gracefully, run handsome horses in dashing stile [sic], and smile most daintily at the ladies, yet it is no less true, they can tell the ragged, weather beaten fellow that foots it with his gun and heavy knapsack, exactly what he ought to be. You can thus very readily appreciate the field and scope of their usefulness, and the necessity of taking every precaution to protect them from the weather and disagreeable inconvenience[s] of camp life, and to guard against the rudeness of bringing them in contact with unmannerly soldiers, and everything calculated to grate harshly on their tender sensibilities. [added emphasis]
I have conversed with several intelligent and creditable gentlemen from Williams on county in the last few days, and they bring melancholy tidings of the fate of her gallant people. The country is being desolated. The abolitionists are burning and destroying houses razing fences, stealing horses, shooting cattle and hauling off all the provisions in the county, not even leaving many families meat or bread enough for a single meal. They have broken up the wagons, hoes, and plows, and destroyed the harness, and ever thing that can be employed in cultivating the earth. The officers boldly proclaim that the people shall not raise another crop. Citizens are robbed of their money, and their hoses pillaged of every article of wearing apparel, and bed clothing, and their furniture and table were broken and ruined by the heartless scoundrels. I was informed of three instances of my acquaintance, fair, modest, virtuous young women being ruthlessly violated by the hellish ruffians. These are not pictures woven by fancy, nor the creation of vague rumors, but facts attested by authorities that cannot be questioned. If retributive justice is no myth of fancy, it surely is time now for an exhibition of its power. When the men of the country are torn from their homes to fight for the Government, that Government should take some retaliatory steps to protect their helpless families from the hands of the incendiary and ravisher.
"Cry Havock, and let slip the dogs of war."
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, February 28, 1863.[2]
26, Capture of Washington, Rhea County, by guerrilla chief Champ Ferguson[3]
FEBRUARY 26, 1864.-Capture of Washington, Tenn.
Report of Col. Robert K. Byrd, First Tennessee Infantry.
LOUDON, February 28, 1864.
SIR: The following dispatch just received from Col. Byrd, Kingston, dated February 27:
Champ Ferguson, with 150 men, made a raid on our courier-line last night at Washington, in Rhea County, killed the provost-marshal at that place, and captured all the couriers from there to Sulphur Springs, killing 1 and wounding 2 others. He carried off 11 horses and 11 repeating rifles.
G. GRANGER, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 485.
26, Skirmish at Sulphur Springs
No circumstantial reports filed.
26, General Orders, No. 17, division of mules for the transportation of the Confederate Army in East Tennessee
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 17. HDQRS. DEPT. OF EAST TENNESSEE, Midway, Tenn., February 26, 1864.
The transportation of the army in East Tennessee will be reduced to the following basis, viz.,:
Army headquarters, one 6-mule wagon.
Quartermaster, commissary, ordnance, and medical departments of army headquarters, one 6-mule wagon.
Division headquarters, one 6-mule wagon.
Quartermaster, commissary, ordnance, and medical departments of division headquarters, one 6-mule wagon.
General staff of two brigades, one 6-mule wagon.
Quartermaster, commissary, ordnance, and medical departments of four brigades, one 6-mule wagon.
Field and staff, quartermaster, ordnance, and medical departments of two regiments, one 6-mule wagon.
Cooking utensils of each brigade, on 6-mule wagon.
Medical wagon of each brigade, one 6-mule wagon.
As ambulance for each brigade, one light 4-mule wagon.
Field and staff, and company officers of each battalion of artillery, one 4-mule wagon.
Cooking utensils of each battalion of artillery, on 6-mule wagon.
As ambulance for each battalion of artillery, one light 4-mule wagon.
This order will be immediately and vigorously complied with. All surplus transportation will be turned in to Maj. Taylor, chief quartermaster.
By command of Lieut.-Gen. Longstreet:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 806-807.
28, "There is the same old evil disposition among the rebels, the same hate, but they fear more and hide." Report on guerrilla activity near Carthage
Carthage, February 28, 1865.
A band of guerrillas pass quite often from a point on Obey River, some eight miles above Celina, going west. Their track is near the State line. How far they go west I am unable to say, but they generally pass beyond the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. The band numbers from fifteen to sixty men, or that has been the report for the last few months. They have different commanders. Sometimes Capt. Benett, at others Maj. Jones or Magruder. For a long time they have not gone east of the point mentioned on Obey River. Generally on their return to Obey River they bring goods of various kinds and hide them away among the hills. Yesterday I had a long conversation with H. D. Johnson, of Overton. I know he is in communication with Hughes, Gatewood, and others. He has a son with the rebel Col. Dibrell, formerly of Sparta. Johnson says the rebels will be in this section of country in considerable force late in the spring, or so soon as it shall seem the rivers will not rise suddenly and remain full any length of time. There is the same old evil disposition among the rebels, the same hate, but they fear more and hide. If any one doubts, let him become for a time a rebel and go among them, where he is not known to be other than what he seems.
Very respectfully,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 784.
[1] As cited in PQCW.
[2] An abbreviated version of this article is found in: Galveston Weekly News, March 25, 1863
[3] Not listed in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
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