14, The Fall of Nashville: The Eyewitness Account of Dr. John Berrien Lindsley, February 14, 1862
14, "To the 500 in the barracks we distributed a gill each, of brandy from the Hospital stores." Entry from Dr John Berrien Lindsley's Journal as the wounded from the battle of Fort Donelson arrived in Nashville
After breakfast notified Post Surgeon Pim that my hospital was not in readiness; but would be (D.V.) in two days. He … replied that he must send the convalescents as the Bowlinggreen sick were arriving in large numbers. on conversing farther found out that it was intended to establish also a camp for convalescents on the University grounds. Meeting Medical Director Yandell, I remonstrated – He agreed with me that the Hospital and encampment would greatly interfere with each other. I hastened to Capt. A.J. Lindsay, commander of the post, and after much persistence got an order to remove the encampment, if the tents were not already pitched. Hurried up to the University, & fortunately they were just laying out the camp. Capt. Cottles civilly received me, and agreed at once Feb. to carry out the order if I would shelter his men for the night. Snow was still upon the ground. All day crowds of 40, 60, 100, or 120, were pouring in from the different hospitals, or from the Bowlinggreen [sic] army. They were tired & hungry, some had not breakfasted, none had dined – By night we had not less than 700 in the Stone College & Barracks. We managed by very hard work to get them something to eat by 8 or 9 P.M. To the 500 in the barracks we distributed a gill each, of brandy from the Hospital stores. Both buildings were comfortably warmed.Drs. Hoyte, Humphrey Peake, Wheeler & Lane, with Thomas (of Demoville & Bell) were my assistants. Gartlan also.
Dr. John Berrien Lindsley's Journal,February 14, 1862, TSLA, ed. Kathy Lauder
14, Skirmish near the Cumberland Gap
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. S. P. Carter, U. S. Army.
No. 2.-Col. James E. Rains, C. S. Army.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. S. P. Carter, U. S. Army.
HDQRS. TWELFTH BRIGADE, Camp Cumberland, February 14, 1862.
CAPT.: A reconnaissance was made to-day by a company of First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, under the immediate command of Lieut.-Col. Munday. Lieut.-Col. Munday reports that he advanced quite close to the Gap; attacked the enemy's cavalry picket; killed 5, wounded 2, and took 2 prisoners, 8 horses, 7 sabers, and 5 double-barrel shot-guns. No one was injured in the colonel's command.
Our party advanced so near the enemy's defenses that they got within range of their batteries, which opened on them, when they returned to camp.
Respectfully, &c.,
S. P. CARTER, Acting Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Twelfth Brigade.
Capt. J. B. FRY,
Assistant Adjutant-Gen., and Chief of Staff.
No. 2.
Reports of Col. James E. Rains, C. S. Army.
February 14, 1862.
SIR: I am convinced that the enemy will attack us at this place within a week. An attack to-morrow is probable. Their cavalry drove in our pickets to-day about 3 miles in advance of us. The force, seven regiments, are reported to be at Cumberland Ford, 15 miles in front. The force we have cannot hold the place, being insufficient to man the works. The strength of the position has been greatly exaggerated. On the Kentucky side it is naturally very weak and difficult to defend. It has been our policy to give currency to a different opinion of the place, and hence the error. It will require two regiments, in addition to the two now here, to resist the force menacing us. The position should never be abandoned. Its strategic importance cannot be exaggerated. On the Tennessee side it is naturally almost impregnable and art can make it completely so. If abandoned, it cannot be easily retaken.
Can re-enforcements be sent us?
JAMES E. RAINS, Col., Cmdg. Post.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 7, p. 417
14, A dollar short and an hour late; the defense of the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
When months ago, we urged the vital importance of adequate defences [sic] on the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, as the keys to the South-west and the necessity of preserving the bridges across those streams as the means of intercommunication between our armies as well as a channel of commercial intercourse, we were denounced as a croaker-a pretender to knowledge out of our line. In vain we fortified our position, by quoting from Northern journals, article after article, urging upon the Lincoln Government the importance of possessing those rivers as highways leading into the South. Appeals and arguments were alike unheeded, until the course of events began to awaken the authorities to truths that should have been palpable from the beginning, and when so awakened, a system of fortification was commenced as little calculated for defense against iron clad gunboats as a pop gun against a pork of artillery. This is no idle opinion, but a fact clearly and painfully demonstrated by experiment within the last few days; and we invite attention to it now, not as a fault-finder, but with the hope of awakening the people, and the authorities to the necessity for wiser counsels and more energetic measures for the defense of our common country.
If it be true, that the gunboats are impervious to any projectile at our command, and that we had not the means of building similar ones with which to encounter them, then, the facts ought to have been known long ago to those skilled in such matters, and, instead of spending time and money upon fortifications and heavy artillery, it would seem the wiser course to have thrown effectual obstructions into the rivers-if this were practicable, and if not, then to turn their attention to the protection of the interior, leaving the river settlements to the chances of low water and the policy of the enemy. To this, it has come at last, and the utter inadequacy of our defenses can only serve to bring reproach upon Southern skill and energy, and to stimulate the Yankees to persevere in a struggle that threatens to bring them in contact with such trivial objects to ultimate success. An indefensible fortification requires much time and money for its erection for its defense, troops are diverted from points where they might render efficient and valuable service, their lives and liberty are hazard without a probably equivalent, the armaments of such fortifications are at the mercy of the enemy, and with the loss of all these, goes the loss of prestige-a most valuable consideration.
We make these remarks in no querulous spirit – It may be that the parties concerned have done the very best they could, under the circumstances, and if other could have done better, it is the country's misfortune that they were not vested with the power. Our young government has very much to do, and little to do with, and with this fact before us, charity would prompt us to ascribe to absolute necessity much that wears the semblance of neglect or incompetence, and patriotism should prompt the people to make upon up for such short-comings by increased zeal and energy. Every reverse ought to infuse new ardor into the popular heart, and every blunder teach additional wisdom to those in authority.
Clarksville Chronicle, February 14, 1862.
14, Reconnaissance on Cleveland and Spring Place road, East Tennessee
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, February 14, 1864.
Col. ELI LONG, Cmdg. Second Brig., Second Cav. Div., Calhoun, Tenn.:
You have doubtless received the report of Brig.-Gen. Cruft about the reported movements of rebel cavalry upon the Cleveland and Spring Place road. The major-general commanding desires that you send a small cavalry force upon that road to make a reconnaissance and ascertain the truth or falsity of the report.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brig.-Gen. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, February 14, 1864.
Maj. Gen. G. GRANGER, Loudon, Tenn.:
Intelligence has been brought here that a force of rebel cavalry, 2,000 strong, has been passing up the Spring Place and Cleveland road, probably with a view to cut the railroad between Cleveland and the Hiwassee or capture a train.
The major-general commanding desires to know whether a portion of the cavalry force might not be brought down from the Little Tennessee and be posted at Benton for the purpose of preventing such operations of the enemy. Col. Long will be directed to send a small force of cavalry upon the same errand for the purpose of ascertaining the truth of the statement.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. II, pp. 391-392.
14, "We have been burying dead. We buried about eight hundred as near as I can find out." Abe Clendening's letter to his friend William Miller describing army life in the Chattanooga environs
Chattanooga Tenn
Feb 14th 1864
Friend William
I received your kind letter dated Feb. 4th and was glad to hear from home again. Our Battalion came into camp last evening a little before sundown. We have been out on the Chicamauga [sic] battle cence [sic] last Monday week. We have been burying dead. We buried about eight hundred as near as I can find out. We encamped about three miles beyond our pickets. We was [sic] not disturbed any by the rebs [sic]. We did not see any rebs [sic] only some that came into our line. I think some twenty or twenty-five came in while we were out there. There was one time we thought we would be attacked. While we were out one half of the men went out at a time, the others staid in to wach [sic] the camp and the day we were alarmed I was out and the word came for us to come in quick that our camp was attacked and we started for camp and I thought the next thing I would see would be the rebs [sic]. When we cot [sic] in, nearly all the men were out ready for an attack but it all turned out to be false.
The alarm was caused some three or four rebel cavalry firing on one of our cavalry that was riding around and our pickets heard the firing and gave the alarm. So we have not had a fight yet.
But it was a wonder to me that we was not for we was not more than ten or twelve miles fro[m] a rebel camp. Enough to have taken us had they tried it. But lucky for them and for us to, they did not come. So we have got back to Chattanooga again and found our camp all right.
It is raining to day. It is the first rain we have had to amount to much cence [sic] I have been here.
I have had excellent health cence [sic] I enlisted wich [sic] is best of all.
Deserters are coming in very fast. One of the boys that staid in camp told me that three hundred came in day before yesterday.
I think if they come in that way long, it won't be long before the southern Confedacy [sic] will play out. Some think that the war will be over before long, others think that it will be a long time. For my part I dont [sic] know, consequently I don't [sic] say, but I hope it wont be long.
I suppose the 41st [Ohio] is at home enjoying themselves the first best at least they ought to and I hope they will.
You write that George has got home and he is buried. Well I am sorry. George was as good a young man as I ever met with. He always seemed like a brother to me instead of a stranger and I feel that I am bereft of a friend. While you are bereft of a bro. and you all have my sympathies. I feel that although George was called away in the prime of his life, he has gone to a better land, a land where there will be no more wars or rumors of war. I am very much obliged to you for your kind offer saying you would write to me. I hope you will do so for is a great consolation to me to get letters from my old friends.
I have heard that my brother Boyd had enlisted but I dont [sic] know where he is and I cant [sic] write to him until I know where to write. I wish you would let me know if you know so that I can write to him. I suppose he will write as soon as he gets settled and may be you can let me know sooner.
I cant [sic] get postage stamps here without some trouble so I wish you would send me some and I will send you the money and be oblige to you. Besides I wish you would send me the Sandusky Regester [sic]. I dont [sic] care if you only send it once a month, it will be a great accomadation [sic] to me and I will do as much for you when I have the chance.
Any how I will do what I promised to do for you if you will let me if it done come of [sic] before I get home. I suppose you know what that is. You know what you told me going to [unreadable].
My sheet is nearly full I will have to close. Give my love to all the folks and to them good Union girls. I dont [sic] see many here and what I do see chew tobuckoo [sic] a rite [sic] smart. I reckon no more this time but remain your true friend and brother in Christ. Write soon.
A. Clendening
Center for Archival Collections, Miller Family Papers[1]
14, Major-General R. H. Milroy pleads for reinforcements to fight bushwhackers
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, Dept. of the Cumberland:
GEN.: I have the honor to bring to your attention the almost absolute necessary of having more force at this post. There are now here for duty 319 enlisted men. Of this number three companies, H, F, and K, of the Forty-second Missouri Volunteer Infantry go out of service about the middle of March, and their average strength is 80 men, making 240 enlisted men, which will leave but 79 enlisted men for duty at this post. There are a great number of guerrillas and marauding bands in the surrounding country, which makes it incumbent upon me to send out large and frequent scouting parties, in order to clear the country of these outlaws and afford protection to the loyal inhabitants and the railroads. It is so perfectly manifest that my force is entirely inadequate for this purpose, that it is only necessary to make mention of the fact to you. I earnestly urge the pressing necessity of having at least one good full regiment of infantry ordered to this post, if it meets with the approval of the general commanding and is consistent with his plans.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen. of Volunteers, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, pp. 714-715.
14, Capture of guerrillas near Athens
ATHENS, February 14, 1865.
(Received 8.50 p. m.)
Brig.-Gen. TILLSON:
Capt. Duggan just came in off scout. Captured 5 guerrillas out of 6, all that came in this time. Also captured 5 horses, with saddles, and 4 guns and 1 pistol, and recaptured Lieut. Don, of Monroe Country.
W. A. COCHRAN, Capt., Cmdg. Regt. [sic]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 715.
[1] As cited in: http://www.bgsu.edu. Center for Archival Collections, Miller Family Papers [Hereinafter cited as Miller Papers.]
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
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