Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1 - Notes on the Civil War in Tennessee

June 1-October 27, 1862, Operations in Middle Tennessee

SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS, June 10-October 27, 1862.

June 10, 1862--.Skirmish at Winchester, Tenn.

10, 1862--.Skirmish near Wilson's and Rogers' Gaps, Tenn.

16, 1862.--Skirmish at Winchester, Tenn.

18, 1862.--Skirmish at Wilson's Gap and occupation of Cumberland Gap by Union forces.

21, 1862.--Skirmish at Rankin's Ferry, near Jasper, Tenn,

21, 1862.--Skirmish at Battle Creek, Tenn.

28, 1862.--Skirmish at Sparta, Tenn.

30, 1862.--Affair at Powell River, Tenn.

July 5, 1862.--.Skirmish at Battle Creek, Tenn.

7-11, 1862.--Operations about Cumberland Gap, Tenn.

13, 1862.--Action at and surrender of Murfreesborough, Tenn.

15.1862.--Skirmish at Wallace's Cross-Roads, Tenn.

17, 1862--Skirmish between Mount Pleasant and Columbia, Tenn.

21, 1862.--Skirmishes around Nashville, Tenn.

25, 1862.--.Skirmish at Clinton Ferry, Tenn.

26, 1862.--.Skirmish at Tazewell, Tenn.

Aug. 2-6, 1862.--Operations at Cumberland Gap and skirmish (August 6) near Tazewell, Tenn.

5, 1862.--Skirmish at Sparta, Tenn.

11, 1862.--Affair near Kinderhook, Tenn.

11, 1862.--Skirmish near Williamsport, Tenn.

12 1862.--Capture of Gallatin, Tenn., and destruction of bridges in that vicinity (August 12)

13, 1862.--Skirmish (August 13.)

13, 1862.--Skirmish at Huntsville, Scott County, Tenn.

14, 1862.--Skirmish near Mount Pleasant, Tenn.

16, 1862.--The Army of Kentucky (Confederate), under Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, crosses the Cumberland Mountains into Kentucky.

16-22, 1862.--Operations about Cumberland Gap, Tenn., including action at Pine Mountain, Tenn. (August 17.)

18, 1862.--Surrender of Clarksville, Tenn. to Confederate forces

19-20, 1862.--Scout from Woodville to Guntersville, Ala., and vicinity.

19-21, 1862.--Raid o­n Louisville and Nashville Railroad, skirmishes at Pilot Knob, Drake's Creek, and Manscoe Creek, near Edgefield Junction (August 20), and action (August 21) o­n the Hartsville Road, near Gallatin, Tenn.

20, 1862.--Skirmish at Pilot Knob, Tenn.

26, 1862.--Skirmish at Cumberland Gap, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Skirmish at Round Mountain, near Woodbury, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Attack o­n Fort McCook, Battle Creek, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Skirmish near Cumberland Gap, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Skirmish near Murfreesborough, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Skirmish o­n Richland Creek, near Pulaski, Tenn.

27-Oct. 22, 1862.--Operations of Wheeler's Cavalry in Tennessee and Kentucky.

29-30, 1862.--Skirmishes at Short Mountain Cross-Roads (August 29), and Little Pond (August 30), near McMinnville, Tenn. [N.B. Forrest defeated by inferior force of Federals]

31, 1862.--Skirmish at Rogers' Gap, Tenn.

Sept. 2, 1862.--Skirmish near Nashville, Tenn.

5-10, 1862.--Expedition from Fort Donelson to Clarksville, Tenn., and skirmishes (September 6) at New Providence and (September 7) at Riggin's Hill.

7, 1862.--Skirmish at Pine Mountain Gap, Tenn.

7, 1862.--Skirmish near Murfreesborough, Tenn.

9, 1862.--Skirmish at Columbia, Tenn.

10, 1862.--Operations at Rogers' and Big Creek Gaps, Tenn.

10, 1862.--Skirmish at Columbia, Tenn.

17, Oct. 3, 1862.--Evacuation of Cumberland Gap, Tenn., and march of its garrison to Greenupsburg, Ky

19-20, 1862.--Skirmishes at Brentwood, Tenn.

30, 1862.--Skirmish at Goodlettsville, Tenn.

Oct. 1, 1862.--Skirmish near Nashville, Tenn.

1, 1862.--Skirmish at Davis' Bridge, Tenn.

5, 1862.--Skirmish at Neely's Bend, Cumberland River, Tenn.

5, 1862.--Skirmish at Fort Riley, near Nashville, Tenn.

7, 1862.--Skirmish near La Vergne, Tenn.

13, 1862.--Skirmish o­n the Lebanon Road, near Nashville, Tenn.

15, 1862.--Skirmish at Neely's Bend, Cumberland River, Tenn.

20, 1862.--Skirmish o­n the Gallatin Pike, near Nashville, Tenn.

20, 1862.--Skirmish at Hermitage Ford, Tenn.

23, 1862.--Skirmishes near Waverly and Richland Creek, Tenn.

27, 1862.--Skirmish near Waverly, Tenn.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. I, pp. 1-4.

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