Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

16, Confederate Colonel W. W. Faulkner's cavalry attacks itself at Island No. 10 

"Guerrillas at Island No. 10"
Skirmishing near Tiptonville
Pemisco Bayou Quiet

The steamboat Graham, from St. Louis, arrived at our landing last evening (18th), and from Captain BART. BOWEN, her gentlemanly commander, we learn the reason of the firing at the Meteor, which arrived at noon today, reported hearing as she passed the neighborhood of the celebrated Island No. 10. It appears that on Thursday (16th) two bodies of Colonel Faulkner's rebel cavalry came in there, and each mistaking the other division for enemies, the two bodies fired vigorously into each other. It is reported, however, that the consequences of the blunder had no more serious result that the wounding of two men. The noise of the firing attracted the attention of some Federal troops scouting in the neighborhood, and they pursued them and succeeded in carrying off seven prisoners.

Tiptonville it was reported that the guerrillas were active all around and full of vindictive designs. It was stated, however, that they had been met by; some Federal troops who had wounded four or five of their men. There appears to be great activity manifested at the present time by the enemy along the river. They have been encourage by the inactivity of the gunboats to believe they can close the river commerce of Memphis and starve it into submission to the Confederacy. While we are writing steps are being carried out that will show them the futility of their expectations, while it proves to them that General Sherman will not permit their unwarlike banditti proceedings to be perpetrated without bringing bitter consequences on the heads of their aiders and sympathizers.

When the Graham passed Pemisco Bayou (Arkansas), where the Continental and Dickey were fired into, a gunboat was lying there, and all was quiet. In our report of the shooting into the Dickey, we stated that she was hailed at Halle's Point, by a crowd of people. She did not answer the hail. The Graham ascertained that a quantity of cotton had been brought there for shipment, and the crowd that raised suspicion on board the Dickey was composed of a guard collected to protect the cotton.

Memphis Bulletin, October 19, 1862.

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