Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 22 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

22, "Meeting of the Memphis Clergy"


At the meeting of the clergymen of the city yesterday afternoon [22nd], the different denominations of the Protestant church, the Catholic, and the Hebrews were represented. Rev. Dr. White, of the Episcopal church, was called to the chair, and the Rev. Philip H. Thompson, of the Presbyterian church, appointed Secretary.

The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to devise some way by which the spiritual wants of the sick and wounded soldiers in the different hospitals of the city, might receive regular and systematic attention. After discussing various methods by which the object could be obtained, it was concluded best to memorialize the government to have a regular chaplain appointed, and the following resolution was unanimously adopted:


Resolved: 1st, That the chairman and secretary of the meeting be appointed a committed to write to the secretary of War to inform him of the necessity of having some resident chaplain appointed to attend to the spiritual wants of the inmates of the several hospitals of sick and wounded soldiers in this city and vicinity.

Resolved 2d, That the Rev. Charles Jones be recommended as a suitable person to fill said office.


Mr. Jones is a venerable and devoted minister of the Baptist church, a native of Georgia. The great and increasing number of the sick and wounded soldiers in our midst, requires the constant attention of a minister of the gospel. The pastors in the city have visited the sick and wounded, and will continue to render all the assistance in their power. But in the multiplicity of their engagements they feel unable to give the regular attention which is so much required. The chaplain, if appointed, will devote his whole time to the hospitals, and when a patient desires to see a minister of any particular denominations, the chaplain will notify the pastor. The meeting was characterized by the most perfect harmony and fraternal regard.


Memphis Appeal, November 23, 1861.




        22, Call for Memphis women to sew soldiers' underwear

To the Ladies.—The ladies of the Military Aid Society having purchased materials for underclothing for the sick and wounded soldiers at Columbus, earnestly request the ladies of Memphis to meet in the ladies' room in the First Presbyterian Church on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, to assist in cutting and making the garments. It is hoped that the ladies will not wait until another battle is fought, and be obliged to work on Sundays, and all night, to get clothing ready for the wounded, but that they will make it up at once, to have on hand when needed. All interested can get work at any time from the president of the society, Mrs. E. H. Porter, corner of Exchange and Third streets. 


Memphis Daily Appeal, November 22, 1861.




        22, Unionist Judge and Andrew Johnson's son-in-law arrested in East Tennessee



The Knoxville Register, of the 20th, states that D.S. Patterson, Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of East Tennessee, and a son-in-law of Andrew Johnson, have been arrested on the charge of treason and taken to Knoxville for trial.


Macon Daily Telegraph, November 22, 1862.

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