Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1/22/2014 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        22, A petition from Union Citizens in East Tennessee to Military Governor Andrew Johnson

From Tennessee Union Citizens [sic]

November 22, 1862

State of Tennessee

His Excellency, Andrew Johnson

Military Governor of Tennessee

The undersigned would respectfully, as Union Citizens of Tennessee, request you to enforce your Proclamation of May last, and arrest or cause to be arrested ten rebels, or some such number, for each loyal Citizen of Tennessee now under arrest, or who may hereafter be arrested by the rebels, or under their authority, to be treated in all things as the loyal citizen may be treated by them. Such arrests, as far as practicable to be from the neighborhood of the loyal Citizen. So arrested. The undersigned, in making the above request are satisfied that they represent the Union sentiment of Tennessee and by pursuing the policy of the Proclamation, hundreds of loyal citizens, now confined in loathsome prisons will soon be released and at home with their families and others can remain at home in security. If the aid of the Military is necessary for the purpose, they would respectfully suggest that the aid of the gallant Rosecrans be invoked.

Respectfully your fellow Citizens.[1]

Nov. 22 1862 [sic]

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 66.



22, General J. E. Johnston ordered to inquire of General Braxton Bragg about the Confederate defeat at the battle of Stones River     

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, C. S. A., Richmond, Va., January 22, 1863.

Gen. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Cmdg., &c., Chattanooga, Tenn.:

GEN.: As announced in my telegram, I address this letter to you, to explain the purpose for which I desire that you will proceed promptly to the headquarters of Gen. Bragg's army. The events connected with the late battle at Murfreesborough, and retreat from that place, have led to criticism upon the conduct of Gen. Bragg, which induced him to call upon commanders of corps for an expression of opinion, and for information as to the feeling in their commands in regard to the conduct of Gen. Bragg, and also whether he had so far lost the confidence of the army as to impair his usefulness in his present position. The answers, I am informed, have been but partially given, but are so far indicative of a want of confidence, such as is essential to success.[2] Why Gen. Bragg should have selected that tribunal, and have invited its judgment upon him, is to me unexplained; it manifests, however, a condition of things which seems to me to require your presence.

The enemy is said to be preparing to advance, and though my confidence in Gen. Bragg is unshaken, it cannot be doubted that if he is distrusted by his officers and troops, a disaster may result which, but for that cause, would have been avoided.

You will, I trust, be able, by conversation with Gen. Bragg and others of his command, to decide what the best interests of the service require, and to give me the advice which I need at this juncture. As that army is a part of your command, no order will be necessary to give you authority there, as, whether present or absent, you have a right to direct its operations and do whatever else belongs to the general commanding.

Very respectfully and truly, yours,


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 613-614.



22, Charity in Lincoln County


Now is the time to think of the impoverished and afflicted. Now, indeed, amid the January winds, is the season of their discontent, and all with whom Fortune has dealt with a liberal hand should feel it incumbent upon them to enter the lists graciously as a soldier in the ranks of humanity.

"What has the gray-haired prisoner done?

Has murder stained his hands with gore!

Not so: his crime's a fouler one –

God made the old man poor!"

We deny the poet's assertion that God occasions any man's misfortunes on earth; such evils are the result of man's inactivity, in-opportunity, or indiscretion. But, alas! Society does [sic] look on poverty as a crime, although society's lips hypocritically repudiate the doctrine; and many a wretch, we all know, is grasped warmly by the hand in the parlors of fashion, though every dollar he possesses is the product of some outrage upon the widow and the fatherless, while many a man of integrity is as "cat" [sic] upon the highway by those whom he once lifted from destitution, because Fortune has capriciously shifted her wanton smiles, and he wears a well-worn suit and pays his debts, instead of dashing behind a 2.40 [sic] team requesting his creditors to await his elegant leisure for attention.

In sooth, the poor man has but an indifferent chance for appreciation in this world, and the worthy poor who have too much self respect left to obtrude their privations upon the public eye, are the worst sufferers of all. The clamorous beggar who makes mendicancy a profession, ever secures the necessary aid. We have nothing to say to him; but, let the most moderately wealthy of us remember, at this inclement season, the hundreds who shiver beside comfortless hearths, who sit before comfortless tables, whose ears tingle with the low wail of hungry babes, who eyes weep over the gaunt cheeks of foodless mothers and wives, yet whose decent pride (the last remnant of a better state) prefers the slow death of starvation to the quicker anguish of published want. Think! oh, think of them!

Fayetteville Observer, January 22, 1863.



        22, Capture of Federal Forage Wagons near Wilsonville

No. 1.

Report of Brig. Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis, U. S. Army, commanding Cavalry, Department of the Ohio.

HDQRS. CHIEF OF CAVALRY, DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO, Sevierville, Tenn., January 25, 1864.

GEN.: A small party from Col. McCook's command yesterday captured a small wagon train loaded with supplies for Morristown, and captured also 19 prisoners, consisting of 1 lieutenant, 1 sergeant, and 17 privates. Gen. Elliott's division has captured in all, since we reached this side the river, some 75 prisoners. I am sending a detachment to-day to destroy the pontoon across mouth of Chucky. Gen. Potter and Capt. Gouraud are here.


S. D. STURGIS, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg. Cavalry.

Maj. Gen. J. G. FOSTER,


No. 2.

Reports of Col. Edward M. McCook, Second Indiana Cavalry, commanding First Cavalry Division.


GEN.: I send the orderly, who knows the road to my headquarters. A scouting party of the First Tennessee captured a Capt. Bennett, commissary on Gen. Benning's staff, Hood's division, and 7 men who were out looking for forage.

The First Tennessee and Col. Palmer's force are out after a forage train, and I think will get them, unless the guard is too strong. I will move my command before day, so that their withdrawal will not be noticed from the other side.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

EDWARD M. McCOOK, Col., Cmdg.

Brig.-Gen. ELLIOTT, Cmdg. Cavalry.


BREMNER'S CHURCH, TENN., January 23, 1864.

CAPT.: Your order for destroying their pontoon was received at 3 p. m. The party detailed (200 strong) started at 4. Miller's scout was not here. The detachment is in command of Maj. Kimmel, a good officer, provided with an efficient guide, and will execute your order if possible.

There is no pontoon at the mouth of the Chucky. I am informed there was one 3 miles above the mount; another 12 miles above that. It will be necessary to cross the French Broad to get at either of them. Even with bridges destroyed, there is no difficulty in crossing with infantry and artillery, or trains. The guide, Mr. Inman, tells me that there are half a dozen excellent fords, both above and below the bridges, that can be crossed at this stage of the river without finding water more than knee deep to a man.

 The total result of the expedition yesterday was 22 wagons with their teams, and 90 prisoners, 2 captains and lieutenant.

My headquarters are on the Dougherty road, about opposite Fair Garden. Your dispatch of 2.30 p. m. is just received (5.40 p. m.). Col. LaGrange with all his brigade not barefooted, is away in the direction of Wilsonville, and the guides, who know the ford roads, with him. I took the responsibility of sending him out this morning in order to keep the rebels from crossing into the bottoms. I can procure no other guides, and cannot move until to-morrow morning at daylight. I will suggest to Wolford that he move on the main road at the same time, and effect a junction with me at Wilsonville. I ordered LaGrange to destroy the boats at Hays' Ferry if he could get them. I will have full information from him and from Dandridge to-night.

EDWARD M. McCOOK, Col., Cmdg. Division.

J. A. S. MITCHELL, Capt. and Actg. Aide-de-Camp, in absence of Col. McCook.

Capt. W. C. RAWOLLE, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.



HDQRS. CHIEF OF CAVALRY, DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO, Sevierville, Tenn., January 25, 1864.

Col. E. M. McCOOK, Cmdg. Cav. Div., Dept. of the Cumberland:

COL.: The general commanding the cavalry instructs me to say that it gives him great pleasure to send you the following extract of a letter, written by order of Maj.-Gen. Foster, commanding the department:

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE OHIO, Knoxville, January 23, 1864.

Brig.-Gen. STURGIS, Cmdg. Cavalry:

SIR: By direction of the general commanding I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt by him of your dispatch announcing the capture of train of the enemy by Col.'s McCook and Palmer, and to express to you his gratification and to ask you to make in his name the proper compliments to Col.'s McCook and Palmer and the officers and men serving under them.

JAMES H. STRONG, Lieut.-Col. and Assistant Inspector-Gen.

You will please to publish this very complimentary notice of the major-general commanding to your command in orders.

I have the honor to be, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

WM. C. RAWOLLE, Capt. and Aide-de-Camp.


No. 3. Report of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, C. S. Army.

HDQRS., January 25, 1864.

Twenty-eighth of our wagons were captured on the south side of French Broad on the 22d. They were foraging and had neglected to get the usual guards. Gen. Martin captured 800 beef-cattle, and reports 200 wagons abandoned and destroyed by the enemy in the retreat to Knoxville. We lost our teams with our wagons, and got none to replace them. Maj. Day made an advance upon Tazewell yesterday. He found the fortifications and forces stronger than was expected, and after a skirmish retired. We lost 1 man, killed; captured 12.

J. LONGSTREET, Lieut.-Gen., Cmdg.

Gen. S. COOPER, Richmond, Va.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. I, pt. I, pp. 110-112.



        22-ca. February 2, 1865, Exile of influential citizens of Davidson, Rutherford and Williamson counties

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Eastport, Miss., February 2, 1865.

Col. J. G. PARKHURST, Provost-Marshal-Gen., Department of the Cumberland:

COL.: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of date January 22 relative to certain persons who have been required to show cause why they should not be sent beyond the Federal lines and asking for further instructions. The major-general commanding directs that you not only require the leading and influential citizens of Davidson, Rutherford, and Williamson Counties, of the State of Tennessee, to show cause why they should not be sent south, but that you require from this class of residents wherever they come within your reach anywhere within the limits of the State, such statements made in accordance with existing orders. He further directs that until further orders you send the papers in each case to these headquarters for final decision.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

ROBT. H. RAMSEY, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. I, p. 629.


[1] The petition contained 132 signatures, most of them from East Tennessee, including W.G. Brownlow, Horace Maynard, William J. Clift and A. B. Shankland, all mainstays of devoted Unionism in East Tennessee.

[2] See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 682-684, 699, 701, 702.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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