Thursday, April 9, 2015

4.9.2015 Tennessee Civil War Notes

          9, Public school vandalism in Memphis
Shameful Outrages.—On two or three occasions lately, outrages of a scandalous character have been committed on premises occupied by branches of the public schools. On one occasion during the night, a considerable number of books were taken from a school room and thrown down the privy vault, and the ink was poured over the floor. On another occasion, filth was daubed on doors and forced into locks. These things have not been made public, as it was hoped, the proprietors would be discovered. Yesterday morning, before the arrival of the teacher, Mr. Fray, fifteen or twenty youths from Pinch appeared before the school house at the corner of Second and Monroe streets, and swearing they would clear the South Memphis boys out, they commenced an attack upon the boys who were about the school house, striking several and choking one. Sticks and stones were thrown at the windows, which were broken. The arrival of Mr. Fray put the young rogues to flight, when they proceeded to the Linden street school house. The boys there being in the grounds of the school house, they did not succeed in injuring them, but they swore they would come another day and clean out every South Memphis boy that could be found. The names of several of the assailants are known, and the police are searching into the affair. We learn from Superintendent Pope that he will certainly bring the guilty ones before the recorder, that the proper and highly necessary punishment may be inflicted.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 9, 1861.
        9, Confederate situation report from Hickman and Obion counties
From the vicinity of Union City we learn that the enemy continues to prowl around in the neighborhood in parties of one to three hundred. Our cavalry-five hundred in number-are scouting in opposition. Some four hundred of the enemy's cavalry have been hemmed in between the forks of the Obion river, near Adams' Mill in Obion county, by Col. Jackson's command. The bridges on the middle and north forks of the river have been destroyed, and as the rivers are not fordable our troops are confident of being able to make the enemy capitulate.
The Federal force at Hickman on Sunday was a small detachment of cavalry. All the artillery and infantry engaged in the affair at Union City returned immediately to Hickman, and embarked on their transports down the river, leaving only cavalry.
Memphis Appeal, April 9, 1862.
        9, Absolom A. Harrison's (Company D, 4th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry Volunteers) letter home describing the march from Kentucky, insurrections in the ranks, and condition of Nashville and environs
Nashville Tenn. April 9th, 1862
Dear Wife,
I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am tolerable well at present and hope these few lines may find you are enjoying the same blessing. We have got to this place after a long and tedious march. We got here last Sunday. The country through which we have passed is the worst torn up country I ever saw. The fences are nearly all burnt along the road and lots of the houses deserted and some of these torn all to pieces. We find some Union men down here but they are very scarce in this part of the world. This is a fine country about Nashville. There is some of the finest houses here that I ever saw and plenty of Negroes. We have had two or three insurrections in the regiment. When we fixed to start from Bardstown all the regiment except our company refused to go until they were paid off. But our company took the lead and the rest followed after. Then when we got to Munfordville and got our money they refused to go any further until we got arms and the Colonel went and got some guns that had been refused by several other regiments and told us when we got to Gallatin we should have better arms but we come to this place and this morning the Colonel ordered us to march on to Columbus 45 miles from here and selected our company to take the lead. But they told him plainly they would not go any further without better arms and I have heard that there is no more arms to give out to cavalry. I do not know what will be the result. I have not heard from you since I sent you that money but I hope you have got it. I would like to be at home with you all but I don't know when I can come. There is no chance to get a furlough now. You must write as often as you can and direct your letters to Nashville, Tenn. until I write again. You must be contented as you can and stay where you are until I can get back again and trust to Providence. So nothing more at present but remaining your affectionate husband until death.
A. A. Harrison          
Absolom A. Harrison Correspondence. [1]
        9, The Courageous Governor
Gov. Harris in the Field.
Governor Harris was present on the field during the terrible struggle at Shiloah [sic], and while there he played a brave and active part. We learn that, in the course of the action on Sunday [6th]. A Tennessee regiment, on being ordered to the charge, showed some symptoms of wavering. Gen. Johnston called the attention of the Governor to the fact. That gentleman at once rode up to the regiment, addressed to them a few stirring, thrilling words, and placing himself at their head, ordered the charge. The charge was made – it proved unsuccessful. Again he led them, and, the second time the enemy stood the shock. A third time he brought them to the contest, and with a vigor so determined, that the foe gave way and retreated, leaving a considerable number of prisoners on the hands of the Tennessee boys and their gallant Governor.
Memphis Appeal, April 9, 1862.
        9, "The Crockett Rangers."
This company, composed of members of No. 5 fire company of this city, and attached to the 154th Tennessee regiment, was in the fiercest of the fight on Sunday last. The regiment, as a whole, won a proud name for Memphis, and the Rangers contributed their share to the general victory.
The casualties of the companies, so far as we have been able to ascertain, were as follows: Killed – 2d Lieut. M. Roach, Corporal McLevy, Privates John Lovejoy, Wm. Bauer and James Donnelly. Wounded-John Hennifer, Samuel Cowan, Thos. Grogan, Jeff Garrett, David Randolph, Frank Lyons and Samuel Ellison.
Mr. Hennifer was shot through both thighs – wound dangerous; Mr. Cowan received a flesh wound in the arm; Mr. Grogan, flesh wound in leg; Mr. Garrett, do.; Mr. Randolph, in stomach, probably mortally; Mr. Lyons, flesh wound in leg; Mr. Ellison, one finger shot off.
Memphis Appeal, April 9, 1862.
        9, "The Victorious on the Field of Shiloh."
It is our proud privilege this morning, to congratulate our fellow citizens throughout the Confederacy, our fellow-citizens throughout the Confederacy, on the success that has crowned our arms on the corpse-heaped plain of Shiloah [sic]. For two days have the brave soldiers of the South, stood the utmost efforts the finest troops the North could make against them. Men well drilled, armed with the most perfect weapons, modern skill can produce, and in possession of those numerous advantages which the expenditure of unstinted millions, and free access to the workshops of Europe impart, were driven before them in ignominious flight. Breast to breast our gallant boys stood before the confident foe; but unawed by their swelling cohorts, their proud array their pompous panoply, they charged them with a weapon no art can produce no money buy – the chivalrous attribute of Southern COURAGE [sic]. With sparkling eye, cheek unblenched, eager step, and unfailing soul, they marched on the opposing ranks – they baffled their mightiest efforts, they subdued their loftiest rage, they drove back their seried [sic] files, and taught the vaunting legions that brave hearts and iron wills, sting by a sense of wrong, and fired with the ardor of patriotism, cannot be conquered. In the pages of history the hard-won field of Shiloah [sic] will have a name among the great battle-grounds of the world.
Memphis Appeal, April 9, 1862.
        9, Preparing to receive the wounded in Memphis
Irving Hospital.—Under the care of Dr. C. S. Fenner, who was charged with the work by the military authorities, the rooms in the Irving block, lately occupied by the Southern Mothers, have been cleansed and fitted up with comfortable beds. Doors have been broken through to allow of complete communication between the suits of rooms. A large kitchen has been fixed up with the necessary appendages. There was but one patient there last evening, Lieut. Crawford, who resides fifty miles down the Mississippi railroad; he was wounded in the battle of Sunday last, receiving a bayonet stab in the eye. He is doing well, and will return home to-day. The hospital, when we went over it, was already favored with the presence of ladies—kind-hearted and compassionate matrons, full of the angel-like spirit of Florence Nightingale—who were waiting to bestow their soothing cares on the suffering soldiers, as soon as they should arrive. Under the care of Dr. Fenner, who is experienced, industrious, patient, and of kind manners, we expect to see the Irving Hospital well and satisfactorily conducted.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 9, 1862.
        9, Report from the Seventh Brigade Journal for April 5, 1862
Tennessee Items.- We have received the Seventh Brigade Journal of the 5th inst., published at Columbia, Maury county, Tennessee, from which we gather some items of interest. Brigadier General James Negley has been appointed by General Buell Post Commander at Columbia, and the 3d instant issued the following order:
I. This camp will be known as Camp Moorhead, in honor of General Il K. Moorhead, MC of Pennsylvania.
II. The commanding General expects a continuance of the strict discipline and gentlemanly conduct which has already earned an enviable reputation for this brigade. While your conduct peaceable citizens should be marked with kindness and propriety, do not forget your high responsibility, or cease for a moment to be vigilant, prudent and determined against the enemies of your country.
Gen. Negley has appointed Captain Thomas H. Green Provost Marshal of the city. Capt. Green's company-company K, 1st Wisconsin, and company A, 79th Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, for the Provost Guard.
The Journal adds:
The officers of the Maury County Court have applied to Gen. Negley for permission to hold court on Monday. They have represented that all the officers of the court were sworn in under the United State Government, have sworn to support the Constitution of the United States; on those representations, and on conditions that nothing contrary to the laws of the United States should be done, Gen. Negley has, we understand, given his permission, as far as that appeared necessary by the gentlemen making the application. In accordance with this agreement, it is understood that the court will sit at the usual hours on Monday, the 7th inst., The courthouse, which was used by the government temporarily as a barracks, has been emptied by order of Medical Director Groce.
A great number of citizens of Maury county have appeared before Gen. Negley, at his headquarters, and voluntarily taken the oath of allegiance to the United States. One old gentleman remarked, after he had taken the same oath every two years for the lasts twenty years, and he saw no reason to regret it. Among those who voluntarily taken it are three officers, lately in the Confederate service, who have wisely concluded to stay at home. Such amnesty will doubtless be granted by Gen. Buell to all who may wisely conclude to follow their example.
Mr. W. J. Hubbard and two sons, who were in the Confederate service and taken prisoners at Fort Donelson, have arrived at their home, four miles north of this city. They were taken to St. Louis after their capture, where they remained until, having expressed a desire to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, it was administered, and the parties forwarded to this place free of expense. No other condition was required of them by Government authorities.
We were yesterday amused with a citizen of Maury who has been a strong Southern rights man, but who candidly informed us that the United State army passing through here had given less cause for complaint than did a single battalion of cavalry, raised for the Confederate service in this county.
Captain Green yesterday discovered a sick man, a soldier in the Confederate service, and a member of Scott's cavalry, at the house of Mrs. Trotter. The soldier was too ill to be removed, and was placed on parole by Captain Green.
Captain Green, Provost Marshal, has taken possession of the postoffice here. He found the late postmaster, Mr. Asher, had left in the neatest of conditions.
A large amount of wheat was found yesterday by Captain Green secreted in the old Episcopal Church, and taken possession him in the name of the Government.
Louisville Daily Journal, April 9, 1862. [2]
        9, Disease reportedly causes relocation of Confederate camps
The small-pox is reported to have compelled the Rebel force to move from Tullahoma toward Shelbyville.
Philadelphia Inquirer, April 10, 1863.
        9, Confederate attack on L&N train near Alexandria [see April 7-11, 1863, Wheeler's Raid on L&N and N&C Railroads near Nashville above]
        9, Skirmish near the Obion River and Confederate conscript sweep
APRIL 9, 1863.-Skirmish near the Obion River, Tenn.
Report of Brig. Gen. Alexander Asboth, U. S. Army.
COLUMBUS, KY., April 15, 1863.
GEN.: I have the honor to report that, pursuant to orders communicated in my report under No. 1178 to search the house and neighborhood of one Henderson Wright, south of the Obion River, in order to capture the rebel Capt. Scales, with his band, Capt. Hutchens, commanding Company E, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, started on the morning of the 9th instant, and, crossing the Obion, after a ride of 43 miles, reached the plantation of Wright, occupied by the rebel Capt. Scales as his headquarters in his organization of a battalion. A body of cavalry received our men with a volley of musketry, but Capt. Hutchens ordered a charge, resulting in the death of 4 of the rebels, and capture of 26 men with 13 horses, and the complete dispersion of the band. Among the prisoners, a list of whom is herewith inclosed, are Capt. Scales, the commander of a rebel battalion, and Lieut. Voorhees, with their appointments as officers of the rebel army in their pockets; also Henderson Wright, a most dangerous rebel.
From positive information, I would state that there are yet several bodies of conscripts, under Capt.'s Parks, Carter, and others, appointed by Pillow and Forrest, south of the Obion, and I only await the return of my informant with guides to make a combined cavalry movement on them, as the Fourth Missouri Cavalry has arrived and will be in a few days ready for duty. Reviewing the presence of rebel parties on the Obion, at Paris and Mussey, Tenn., and another at Dresden, Tenn., in connection with the avowed and published intention of Pillow to conscript in the counties of my district, I must regard as most opportune the decision of the Gen.-in-Chief in permitting the Fourth Missouri Cavalry to remain in this district.
Adjutant-Gen. Thomas, on his late visit to this post, also admitted the necessity of more cavalry here. I therefore respectfully solicit the exercise of your influence to prevent the projected removal of the Fourth Missouri Cavalry to the Department of the Cumberland; and as it is urgently required to send more cavalry to Fort Heiman, and form a connecting chain of cavalry posts between the Mississippi and Tennessee, also to control properly the railroad and telegraph, I would request that an additional regiment of cavalry be ordered for duty to my district.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. I, pp. 514-515.[3]
        9, Bragg issues General Orders No. 76 forbidding intercourse with prisoners of war
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 76., HDQRS. ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, April 9, 1863.
* * * *
V. The general commanding has been informed that a free and unrestricted intercourse with prisoners of war has been allowed to the officers and soldiers of this army and citizens. This practice is most pernicious to the well-being and discipline of the Army. Such intercourse will not hereafter be allowed except upon written permission.
* * * *
By command of Gen. Bragg:
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 871.
        9, A Fair Squabble"
One of the most beautiful small-sized rows that has come under our immediate observation for a long time, occurred yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock. A boy, whose name we could not learn, was making Flora Temple time, followed very closely by a Hebrew. The boy held in his hand a small piece of cotton goods, which the son of Abraham seemed intent on capturing. As the boy came near the corner of Main and Jefferson street, a gentleman ordered the pursuer and pursued to halt, at which both came to a sudden stop, as quickly as if they had been drilled by a regular army officer. The gentleman who gave the world of command, (also by the way, occupies a military position of no mean importance,) demanded of the gentlemen who gave chase what he was after the boy for. To which the other replied the boy had stolen some goods from him, and that he (the boy,) had them in his hands. The military gentleman asked if he saw the boy take the goods to which he received a negative reply. But another man then stepped forward and said he did. Orders were then given to arrest the man and host hold him as a witness to appear against the boy to-day. This changed at once the order of things. The would-be witness soon discovered he knew nothing about the affair. This dodging of an issue prejudiced great indignation in the breast of military friend, and to satisfy it, pitched into the first mentioned gentleman, with the express determination (or rather this our opinion,) of giving harm (or taking) a sound drubbing with his fist. When we were forced from the field to conflict by the immense crowd which collected, the sight of it arose to that dignified title, was all on one side; that is, _______[illegible] was decidedly in the ascendant. We understand the combatants were separated without much damage being done to either. Reader had you been where we were you would have laughed fit to split your sides. The whole thing was a splendid farce, but not much of a joke on our Hebrew friend.
Memphis Bulletin, April 10, 1863.
        9, Scout to Franklin [see April 10, 1863, "Engagement at Franklin," below]
        9, Report of the Murder of two Federal Soldiers near Taylorsville and the burning of Saulsbury
Murfreesboro', April 9.-After our expedition left Taylorsville on the 3d, two men of Wilder's Command were captured by the Rebels, and both inhumanly shot. Their names were John Vance and Ben Montgomery, of the Seventy-second Indiana. Montgomery was instantly killed. Vance, although shot through the head three times, and horribly mashed, has reached camp, and made a written statement of his sufferings. A Captain French, and a man named Cartwright, did the shooting. They took two rings from the finger of Montgomery, saying that they would give them to their sweethearts.
Colonel Wilder destroyed part of the village of Saulsbury[4] including the dwelling of a notorious gueriilla..
Philadelphia Inquirer, April 10, 1863.
        9, The Clandestine Memphis Daily Appeal Excoriates Special Orders No. 23 and General Orders No. 10, Memphis
We have the Bulletin of the 2d, confirming our reports of the action of the Federal authorities in ordering residents to leave the city in consequence of an attack upon the Memphis and Charleston railroad by our partisans. The following is the order of General HURLBUT:
Office of the District Provost Marshal
Memphis, Tenn., March 31, 1863
Headquarters 16th Army Brigade,
Memphis, Tenn., March 29, 1863
Special Order No. 23
~ ~ ~
II. A murderous and cowardly attack has been made by guerrillas, on a passenger train near Moscow,[5] containing women, children, and citizens, resulting in the capture of part of the passengers and robbing of all.
Notice was distinctly published on the 14th of January, 1863, by General Order No. 10, of the distinct of Memphis, that such an outrage would be retaliated by means herein described,
It is therefore ordered that Col. D. G. Anthony, Provost Marshal of the district of Memphis, fortheith select from the secessionists or rebel sympathizers within this city, ten families….and cause them to be sent south of the lines of the United States not to return.
By order of Major Gen. Hurlbut,
Henry Hindmore, A. A. G.
As directed by the Provost Marshal issued the following order to each of the families selected:
In compliance with the above order you are notified that within three days you will remove, with your family, south of the lines of the United States forces, not to return.
You will report at the office of the district provost marshal for a pass, at the time of your departure.
Lieutenant Zeph. C. Bryan, assistant provost marshal general, will see that this order is executed.
D. G. Anthony
Colonel and District Provost Marshal.
The following is a correct list of the families ordered to abandon their homes: D. B. Molloy and family, G. J. Seldon and family, Eugene Mageveny and family, Thos. A. Nelson and family, T. P. Cogswell and family, L. V. Dixon and family-making in all sixty three persons.
We have information that a position of the prescribed persons determined to appeal to the authorities, at Washington against the enforcement of this order. We hope they may do so; not because we imagine that Lincoln will change the order, but for the reason that a refusal, which is sure to follow, will further stamp the brand of infamy upon those who dictate the policy of our enemies. We desire the world to be fully posted as to the unusual character of the war that is being waged. Let the appeal be made, notwithstanding it maybe done against all hoped of a favorable result.
Memphis Daily Appeal, April 9, 1863.
        9-14, Results of a Fourth Michigan cavalry scout; excerpts from the letter of Albert Potter to his family
Headquarters Co. "H" 4th M. Cav [near Columbia?]
Apr 14th 1863
Dear ones all
….We just came in from a scout. Have been out since last Thursday morning [9th]. Our Brigade has not done much. We were over near Franklin. Van Dorn is hovering around to see what he may devour. He made a dash into Franklin on Friday [10th]. But [he] got rather severely handled. We killed about on hundred, officers and all, while our loss was but a trifle compared to theirs. The Fourth Regulars captured a Battery of six pieces but they were not supported and consequently were obliged to give it up again. Although they succeeded in disabling a part of it by cutting the spokes in the wheels.
*  *  *  *
Potter Correspondence
        9, Scout and skirmish near Raleigh
HDQRS. SEVENTH INDIANA CAVALRY, Near Memphis, April 9, 1864.
COL.: I have the honor to submit to you the following report of the result of the scout under my command to-day:
I was ordered by you to leave this camp with a force of 100 men at 3.30 o'clock this morning, but on account of the tardiness of the detail from the Nineteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, which made a part of the force, I was unable to leave camp until about 4.30 o'clock. I proceeded to Wolf River on the Randolph road, crossed my command on the ferry, and sent, as per order, 25 men, under command of Capt. Roberts, on the Randolph road to the Loosahatchie River with instructions to cross the river, if possible, and advance on the other side about 2 miles and return.
With the remaining 75 men I proceeded toward Raleigh, a distance of 9 miles from the ferry. Four miles on this side of Raleigh my command was fired into by a squad of 15 or 20 rebels, upon which we charged, mortally wounding 1, and in a very effective way dispersing the others. About 2 miles farther we were fired into again by 3 men, who I suppose were standing picket. We returned the fire, and they ran into the woods. Here I learned from a citizen who had just come from Raleigh that there were about 100 rebels in the town. I moved my command rapidly on, and about three-fourths of a mile from town I ordered a charge into the place in order, if possible, to surprise the enemy and capture a portion of them. Upon arriving at Raleigh I soon learned that the enemy had all left about half an hour before our arrival except 10, who seemed to be moving out as rear guard to the command. We fired upon them, and captured 2, one, I think, a lieutenant. We learned here that there was a force of about 500 at Union Depot, about 3 miles from Raleigh. We had 1 horse killed at this place. We also killed 1 of the enemy's horses and captured another.
I learned, but perhaps not reliably, that Col. Barteau was in command at Union Depot. I also learned that Maj. McDonald had a force of about 200, about 3 miles northeest of Raleigh. There is, I am convinced, no large force anywhere near Raleigh. I remained about half an hour in the place, and then returned to the ferry on Wolf River and waited for the return of Capt. Roberts from the Loosahatchie River. The captain soon returned, and reported that he had crossed the ferry at the above-named river and proceeded several miles on the other side; that he saw no enemy at all. I then recrossed the Wolf River, and arrived in camp about 1 p. m.
The road to Raleigh on which I went is small, and almost entirely through the woods; some swampy.
No casualties in my command except as above mentioned.
I am, colonel, yours, most obediently,
JOHN C. FEBLES, Maj. Seventh Indiana Cavalry, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, pp. 584-585.
        9, Communication relative to Federal security patrols and need to restrict passes for civilians drawing army rations in Cleveland environs
HDQRS. 1ST CAV. DIV., DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, Cleveland, Tenn., April 9, 1864.
Brig. Gen. WILLIAM D. WHIPPLE, Chief of Staff, Department of the Cumberland:
I have the honor to report all quiet. My scouting parties are sent out daily on all the roads leading from this point. They find the enemy's pickets at the same positions as previously reported. I have inaugurated a system of patrolling at all hours of the day and night, by which I am persuaded a band of spies and mail carriers from the enemy will be either captured or broken up. I would respectfully suggest that the post commander be instructed to exercise more strictness in granting passes to citizens, as I am induced to believe that information is obtained by the enemy through persons who pass through here.
I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
EDWARD M. MCCOOK, Col., Cmdg. Division.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Chattanooga, April 19, 1864.
Respectfully referred to Gen. J. B. Steedman, commanding post of Chattanooga, for his information and guidance.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
WM. McMICHAEL, Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. POST, Chattanooga, April 20, 1864.
Respectfully returned to department headquarters.
No passes are given to citizens by the post provost-marshal except to those who come in to draw rations and are known to be loyal.
JAMES B. STEEDMAN, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 307-308.
        9, Return of the prodigal house servant in Bolivar
* * * *
....Lettie has returned this morning early. Sister and myself were talking about her and wondering where she was this bitter cold morning. We looked out of the window when who should we see but Lettie walking half frozen with her pappy [sic] behind her. After getting her in the kitchen, he stepped out and got a stick or rather a good sized limb with twigs or something of the sort, all over it, called her out into the yard and gave her the most severe beating I ever in all my life (nearly eighteen years) [sic] saw. With all that and the sympathizing looks of every body [sic], she doesn't seem at all subdued. What a hardened wretch to be sure....
Diary of Sally Wendel Fentress.
        9 – April 10, 1865, The case of Ramsey, Sperry and Fox, prisoners of war in Knoxville
RICHMOND, March 9, 1865.
Lieut. Col. JOHN E. MULFORD, Assistant Agent of Exchange:
SIR: I have learned that Messrs. Ramsey, Sperry, and Fox, citizens of Tennessee, are kept chained together and made to parade the streets of Knoxville. I will thank you to make inquiry into this matter, and if it is found to be true, that you will have them relieved from such ignominious punishment.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
RO. OULD, Agent of Exchange.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, City Point, Va., March 17, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, commanding Department of the Cumberland, for report in this case.
By command of Lieut.-Gen. Grant:
T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. J. G. Parkhurst, provost-marshal-general, Department of the Cumberland, for report. This paper to be returned.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
SOUTHEARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Third indorsement.]
Respectfully referred to Col. L. S. Trowbridge, provost-marshal-general of East Tennessee, for report.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Fourth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST TENN., Knoxville, Tenn., April 3, 1865.
Respectfully returned with information that the prisoners Ramsey, Sperry, and Fox have never been treated in the manner mentioned. Ramsey and Sperry are here in prison and are as comfortable as prisoners can expect to be. Fox died in hospital February 5, 1865.
S. T. . BRYAN, Jr., Capt. and Acting Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
[Fifth indorsement.]
Respectfully returned to Maj. Southard Hoffman, assistant adjutant-general whose attention is invited to the above indorsement of Capt. Bryan, jr.
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Sixth indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., April 11, 1865.
Respectfully returned to Lieut.-Gen. Grant, commanding Armies of the United States, with reference to indorsement of Capt. Bryan.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 370-372.
        9-10, Guerrilla activity near Memphis
Killing, Robbing and Whipping.
The Memphis Bulletin of the 9th and 10th has the following pleasant record:
A very inoffensive young man, named Allender, who lives near the State Line Road, was out shooting on last Tuesday with a small shot gun, when he was met by guerrillas, who ordered him to give up his gun. He refused, saying that as it was for only firing small shot, it would be useless to them. The guerrillas advanced to take the gun, when Allender prevented it, threatening to shoot if any one assailed him. At this two of the guerrillas drew their revolvers and shot him dead. They then rifled his pocked, and stripping the body, carried off the clothes.-Memphis Bulletin, 9th.
Guerrilla Outrage-Two Southern Men Hung.-Two men who had been into Memphis with teams and colored drivers, to sell cotton, were, on Tuesday, going out on the Hernando road, and when a few miles from the city, they were m et by guerrillas, who charged them with being Union men. The imputation was denied, but this did not satisfy the guerrillas, who robbed them of a considerable sum of money whipped the negro drivers in a most inhuman manner, and finally hung the two cotton sellers, whose names were White and Johnson. From one of these murdered men the guerrillas took over three hundred dollars.-Memphis Bulletin, 9th.
Cotton Buyer Hung.- A man named George Sterling, who lived outside the line on the Raleigh road, and has been accustomed to purchase cotton and bring it into Memphis, was caught on last Wednesday by guerrillas, who robbed him of $500, and then hung him.-Ib.
Whipping and Hanging.-A Bloody Fight.-Two men, names Robert Jackson and Wm. Flood, own farms on the Hernando road, ten or eleven miles from the city, and had both been reported guerrillas when the occasion offered. Some misunderstanding recently occurred between them and this led to a collision on Wednesday. They fought with bowie knives, and the contest was of the most desperate and sanguinary character. One of the men was almost literally hacked to pieced, and lived but a few minutes. The other still lives, but is dangerously wounded., Ib., 10th.
Daring Robberies-Increase of Crime.-A man named Flannegan, an employee on the steamer Fanny, was going through Shelby street last Wednesday night, and a short distance from the Gayoso House was assailed by two men, one of whom sprang from behind a post and the other from an alley. Having no warning, he was unable to defend himself, and being knocked down, he was, while insensible, robbed of one hundred and twenty dollars. The desperadoes escaped before Flannegan recovered his senses.
A man named John Dunn was going up the wharf last Wednesday night, when two men met and asked him the time of night. Mr. Dunn pulled out his watch to give the desired information, when one of the rascals grabbed it and started to run. Dunn called loudly for the watch, and ran after the escaping thief, but the accomplice tripped him up, and they escaped before he regained his perpendicular.
The house of Mrs. Richards, on Poplar street, was entered by two burglars early on Wednesday evening. They asked her whether she had any money, and getting no satisfactory answer, the rummaged her house and found fifteen dollars. Mrs. Richards screamed for help, but one of the rascals seized her and compelled her by threats to keep quiet, until, having secured her watch and a lot of clothing, they escaped.
William Watson was going through Beal street near the market on Monday night, when he was knocked down and robbed of sixty dollars.
New Orleans Times, March 15, 1865.
        9 – April 11, The case of Charles W. Meeks, Confederate tax collector
RICHMOND, March 9, 1865.
Lieut. Col. JOHN E. MULFORD, Assistant Agent of Exchange:
SIR: It has been credibly represented to me that Charles W. Meeks, C. S. collector in Tennessee, was captured at Bristol on or about the 15th of December last and taken to Knoxville, where he and his son, William B. Meeks, not yet sixteen years of age, are still confined in jail, the former on a charge of treason for holding the office of collector under the Confederate States Government and the latter on a totally unfounded charge of bushwhacking. I will think you to take immediate steps for inquiry into this matter, that you may inform me what are the purposes of your authorities.
In view of the course I have pursued in relation to civilian prisoners, will you not have them promptly released?
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
RO. OULD, Agent of Exchange.
[First indorsement.]
HDQRS. ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES, City Point, Va., March 14, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, commanding Department of the Cumberland, for report:
By command of Lieut.-Gen. Grant:
T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Second indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. J. G. Parkhurst, provost-marshal-general, Department of the Cumberland, for report.
This paper to be returned.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
[Third indorsement.]
Respectfully referred to Col. Trowbridge, provost-marshal-general of East Tennessee, for report.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Thomas:
R. M. GOODWIN, Capt. and Assistant Provost-Marshal-Gen.
[Fourth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST TENN., Knoxville, Tenn., April 5, 1865.
Respectfully returned.
Charles W. Meeks is held for trial for treason by the Federal court. The young man is also in custody. He was sent up to Strawberry Plains February 11, 1865, to be sent through the lines by flag of truce, but by order of Gen. Stoneman the flag was not allowed to proceed and he was returned to this place.
S. T. BRYAN, Jr., Capt. and Acting Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
[Fifth indorsement.]
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN., Nashville, April 9, 1865.
Respectfully returned, inviting attention to the indorsement of the acting provost-marshal of East Tennessee, which contains all the information in this office concerning the Meeks.
J. G. PARKHURST, Col. and Provost-Marshal-Gen., Dept. of the Cumberland.
[Sixth indorsement.]
HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, Nashville, Tenn., April 11,1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. T. S. Bowers, assistant adjutant-general, headquarters Armies of the United States, with reference to preceding indorsements.
GEO. H. THOMAS, Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 8, pp. 379-380.

[1] As cited in: Absolom A. Harrison Correspondence.
[2] As cited in PQCW.
[3] See also: OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 241.
[4] Today there is no town named Saulsbury in Middle Tennessee. Today there is no town named Saulsbury in Middle Tennessee. There is a Saulsbury in Hardeman County. There is a Saulsbury Church east of Lebanon, (Wilson County) which may be the approximate location of the town which no longer exists as a result of this military action.
[5] There is no report of this event in the OR, although it does indicate considerable guerrilla activity in the Moscow environs; See, for example OR Ser. I, Vols. 17, pt. II, and 24, pt. III.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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