20, Federal forces take the Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis
On last Sunday [the 20th] the military authorities took possession of, and held divine services in the Second Presbyterian Church....We understand they ensconced themselves in genuine military style; marching in amid strains of martial music, and 're-occupying' the unresisting pews; the musical department 'retaking' the choir gallery, and the preacher 'repossessing' the pulpit. After these recoveries, a hymn being adapted to a 'national tune,' was performed to the immense satisfaction of the Unions savers. The reverend Yankee divine, we learn, read a profound essay on good manners to his soldier auditors, upon two-thirds of whom our informant tells us, it produced a peculiarly soporific effect, which was only dispelled by the sounding of fife and pealing drum' at the close of the services. None of our substantial [Confederate] citizens were present on this interesting occasion, and the respectable number of five forlorn, cadaverous looking females, evidently of the lower classes represented the Union feeling of the other sex!
Memphis Daily Appeal, July 25, 1862.
20, Retreat of Federal forces from West Tenn. to Memphis due to drought [Orders No. 55]
ORDERS, No. 55. HDQRS., Memphis, Tenn., July 20, 1862.
In consequence of the total absence of water fit for man or beast at any point near Memphis, save in wells, which are barely adequate to supply the inhabitants, the two divisions under my command will be forced to camp in compact order in and around Fort Pickering, on the river bank, 2 miles south of Memphis.
The Fifth Division will march in the order prescribed early to-morrow into Memphis. On reaching the outer pickets, about 2 miles out, the wagon trains will be ordered to halt and clear the road, and each brigadier will march his brigade in good order straight to the west to Main street, one square east of the levee, then turn south down Main street to Fort Pickering. Gen. Smith's brigade will not enter the fort, but camp some 300 yards to its front or east.
Gen. Denver's and Col. McDowell's brigades will enter the fort, the former taking the south half and latter the north half of the ground inside the lines of unfinished trenches.
All the brigadiers after selecting the ground for their regiments will send an officer of each regiment back to conduct their train of wagons to camp. Gen. Hurlbut will also pass the column of halted wagons and leave his in like manner behind, to be sent for after the selection of camp, and will pursue the same line of march, viz, down Poplar street to Main, down Main to the fort and camp of Col. Woods' brigade to the right, and choose camp in the woods next below Col. Woods' brigade, near the river. The brigade and regimental quartermasters must remain with their trains, and when the infantry has passed them will, without further orders, follow the column until met by an officer of their respective colonels to conduct them to camp.
There is no use attempting to get water until the river is reached at Fort Pickering, where of course it is abundant in the Mississippi. Every effort should be made to make the march in the cool of the morning as far as possible.
Cavalry will remain and escort the wagon train into camp and then choose their own.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 109.
20,"Don't Want Them."
It is extensively hoped in Nashville that the reported countermanding of the order by which the ill famed women of the town were deported, is without foundation. Without desiring to impose such a burden upon any other community, we would prefer that those women remain as far away as possible. Send them to Great Salt Lake city; they'd make admirable latter day saints, and old Brigham would shout gloriously at their conversion. It will require the largest fraction of a century to cure the evils they have inflicted on this community, and it can never be done if they are permitted to come back.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20, 1863.
20, Billiards in Nashville
One of the institutions of the city, and in fact one of the handsomest billiard rooms in the country is kept by that clever gentleman Jo Loiseau, on Cedar street. He is now running thirteen tables, which are engaged nearly all the time, both day and night. Mr. Loiseau has lately secured the services of Frank Parker, of New York, one of the best billiard players in the country, as superintendent of his establishment. He has a world-wide reputation in the science, and amateurs will find it to their advantage to attend the saloon, and see with what ease he can make a run of several hundred points.
Nashville Daily Press, July 20 1864.
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