Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 26 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

26, Distribution and capacity of Tennessee's military in late December 1861, and a request for promotion to the Confederate War Department

NASHVILLE, TENN., December 26, 1861.


DEAR SIR: Since I wrote to you o­n yesterday Gen. Whitthorne, adjutant-general of the State has informed me that Tennessee has now fifty regiments of infantry in the field all duly organized, and that there are besides camp, or ordered to camp companies sufficient to form two regiments at Jackson, Tenn., two regiments at Camp Weakley, two regiments at Fort Donelson, o­ne regiment at Camp Trousdale, o­ne regiment at Knoxville o­ne regiment at Columbus, Ky., making fifty-nine regiments of infantry from Tennessee. Gen. Whitthorne assures me that he will be able to report to the State Legislature when it reconvenes after Christmas holidays that Tennessee has sixty regiments of infantry in the field, besides twelve battalions of cavalry and two regiments of artillery. I may be permitted to say familiarly to you that I should be pleased, if the general could find it consistent with his duties in view of these facts, to recommend my immediate appointment by the War Department to the place for which I have already asked his recommendation. It seems the Department will wait till he indicates the necessity.

Yours, truly, B. R. JOHNSON.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 245.



26-January 5, 1863, Stones River or Murfreesborough Campaign

DECEMBER 26, 1862--JANUARY 5, 1863.--The Stone's River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign.

December 26, 1862.--Skirmish at Franklin, Tenn.
26.--Skirmish at Nolensville, Tenn.
26.--Skirmish at Knob Gap, Tenn.
26-27, 1862.--Skirmish at La Vergne, Tenn.
27.-Skirmish on the Jefferson Pike, at Stewart's
27.-Creek Bridge, Tenn., 
27.-Skirmish at Triune, Tenn.
27.-Skirmish at Franklin, Tenn.
27.-Skirmish on the Murfreesborough pike, at
27.-Stewart's Creek Bridge, Tenn.
29.-Skirmish at Lizzard's, between Triune and
Murfreesborough, Tenn.
29.-Skirmish at Wilkinson's Cross-Roads, Tenn.(a.k.a "Wilkerson's)
29-30.--Skirmishes near Murfreesborough, Tenn.
30.-Skirmish at Jefferson, Tenn.
30.-Skirmish at La Vergne, Tenn.
30.-Skirmish at Rock Spring, Tenn.
30.-Skirmish at Nolensville, Tenn.
31.-Skirmish at Overall's Creek, Tenn.
31--January 3, 1863.-Battle of Stone's River, or Murfreesborough, Tenn.
January 1, 1863.--Skirmishes at Stewart's Creek and La Vergne, Tenn.
3.--Skirmish at the Insane Asylum, or Cox's Hill, Tenn. (a.k.a. "Blood's Hill")
4.--Skirmish on the Manchester pike, Tenn.
4.--Skirmish at Murfreesborough, Tenn.
5.- Murfreesborough occupied by Union forces.
5.- Skirmish at Lytle's Creek, on the Manchester pike, Tenn.
5.- Skirmish on the Shelbyville pike, Tenn.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 166-167.




26, "Interesting Event."

Some interesting ceremonies took place yesterday, at the Episcopal church, of which the Rev. Mr. Harlow is the "pastor." About one hundred and fifty children, members of the Sunday School, and fifteen teachers, met in the church yesterday afternoon for the purpose of receiving their Christmas presents. The church was handsomely decorated, a Christmas tree being in the center of the church, ornamented with flowers, ad illuminated with wax candles; Dr. Harlow addressed the children, and after signing a Christmas hymn and chorus, Mr. George Hazlewood, the Superintendent, called out the names and distributed the premiums, consisting of toys, book-marks, candies, etc., the eyes of the deal little ones sparkling with joy, and betraying a gratitude springing from their very hearts. Mrs. F. B. Fogg, one of the oldest and most useful members of the Sunday School, was present, and was highly delighted at what she witnessed; indeed she was almost a child again, for her charitable heart and the child-like simplicity of her nature, compelled her to participate and sympathize with the happy little ones. After the distribution premiums among the children, one was presented by them to their benefactress, Mrs. Fogg, which she received gratefully, and seemed much affected at being so kindly remembered by the little ones. Mrs. Crawford was also present. It was intended to give an illustration of the wonders of the Magic Lantern, but the teachers were disappointed, and were compelled to deter this until next Monday afternoon. In the conduct of the Sunday School attached to this church much praise is due to Mr. Hazlewood, who took the school in charge when only ten scholars were to be found, and now fifteen teachers and about 150 scholars may be considered an average attendance.

Nashville Dispatch, December 27, 1864.



December 26, 1864 Action at Sugar Creek 

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report Bvt. Brigadier-General John H. Hammond, commanding First Brigade, 7th Division, U.S Army, on operations from December 15-27, 1864, relative to skirmish at Sugar Creek, December 26, 1864,
The next morning [26th], moving in pursuit at a rapid pace, the Second Tennessee, Lieut.-Col. Cook commanding, in advance, we drove the enemy out of his position five miles from Anthony's Hill, and pushed the rear guard back on the main body, posted in a strong position on the south bank of Sugar Creek. A spirited action followed, in which the Second Tennessee, supported by the Fourth, drove the enemy into his works. A charge was made in turn by two columns of infantry, with cavalry in the center, driving us back about 300 yards across the creek, where we rallied and drove them back to their works, holding the position until the afternoon, when the Fourteenth Ohio Battery shelled their rear guard out of log-work commanding the road, and pursuit was continued to this place.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 608.

Excerpt from the Report of Major-General Nathan Bedford Forrest on operations November 16, 1864-January 23, 1865.

* * * * 

On the morning of the 26th the enemy commenced advancing, driving back Gen. Ross' pickets. Owing to the dense fog he could not see the temporary fortifications which the infantry had thrown up and behind which they were secreted. The enemy therefore advanced to within fifty paces of these works, when a volley was opened upon him, causing the wildest confusion. Two mounted regiments of Ross' brigade and Ector's and Granbury's brigades of infantry were ordered to charge upon the discomfited foe, which was done, producing a complete rout. The enemy was pursued for two miles, but showing no disposition to give battle my troops were ordered back. In this engagement he sustained a loss of about 150 in killed and wounded; many prisoners and horses were captured and about 400 horses killed. I held this position for two hours, but the enemy showing no disposition to renew the attack, and fearing he might attempt a flank movement in the dense fog, I resumed the march, after leaving a picket with orders to remain until 4 o'clock. The enemy made no further attack between Sugar Creek and Tennessee River, which stream I crossed on the evening of the 27th of December. The infantry were ordered to report back to their respective corps, and I moved with my cavalry to Corinth.

The campaign was full of trial and suffering, but the troops under my command, both cavalry and infantry, submitted to every hardship with an uncomplaining patriotism; with a single exception, they behaved with commendable gallantry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 758.


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