Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

    27, "SPECIAL ORDER NO. 1."

Clarksville, Dec. 27, 1861.

Captain Geo. D. Martin, Quartermaster C. S. A. 

Captain Sayers, the Engineer in charge of the Fortifications at this Post, requires the following number of negro laborers and carts, viz.: 360 men and 35 carts and mules, with a boy to each cart. -- Having used every other method to obtain them short of an actual purchase, I have been ordered by Major General Wm. Hardee, C. S. A., to press them into service, and you are hereby ordered to see this order carried out to the extent of the force and carts above indicated. The laborers are expected to bring their tools, such as picks, grubbing-hoes, shovels, spades, axes, &c.; and such bed clothing as may be necessary to make them comfortable. In executing this order, you will use great prudence and caution explaining the necessity of the case to the master of the slave, and assure him that his property shall be cared for. Take from each owner so as to leave enough for the comfort and convenience of the family. In cases where the owner have, heretofore, voluntarily sent their hands to work, you will not press [sic] them, but urge them to continue to do so. In a word, make the burthen as equal, fair and just as possible. Do not fail to assure the owner than his negroes  shall be well used and provided for, and when obtained, see that this is done; also assure each owner that he shall be paid for the services of his slaves.

In executing this order you will apply to Lieut.-Col. Norwood, of the 42d Reg. Tenn. Vols., for such military aid as you may require, and o­nly use force in cases of extreme necessity, or in actual self-defense [sic].


Your obedient servant,

Wm. A. Quarles, Col. Commanding Post

Clarksville Chronicle, January 10, 1862.


December 27, 1862 -  Substitute for Oil Silk

We commend the attention of our lady readers particularly to the following letter from Mrs. Butler, of Strawberry Plains.  We have no doubt her suggestions are good:
Strawberry Plains, Dec. 27, 1861

Mr. Sperry:  Please call the attention of the ladies of Knoxville and vicinity, who wish to furnish packages for the soldiers, to the fact that a substitute for oil silk, which Dr. Ramsey pronounces admirable, is easily prepared in the following manner:  After hogs are killed and the leaf fat has become perfectly cold, take the skin off, whole if possible; scrape them well, and wash in hot water with soap, until clear of grease.  If the water is too hot it will draw them up.  Stretch them well o­n a clean plank or table, until dry—trim off the uneven edges, and they are ready for use. 


Susan F. Butler.

Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, Dec. 28

Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], January 1, 1862



27, Skirmish at La Vergne

Reports of Col. George P. Buell, Fifty-Eighth Indiana Infantry, commanding regiment and First Brigade, including skirmish at La Vergne, December 27


 December 28, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to report that preparatory to an advance upon the enemy in the town of La Vergne, Tenn., this regiment, in accordance with orders received, was, on the 27th instant, formed in line of battle on the right of the advance line of the Fifteenth Brigade, with Companies A and B in the advance as skirmishers, covering the front and right of the regiment.
When the line of skirmishers had advanced to within about 150 yards from the town, the enemy's skirmishers, supported by one piece of artillery, opened fire upon them, which was promptly and vigorously returned by our skirmishers, who were steadily advancing, closely followed by the regiment. The enemy, being protected by the houses of the village, for a short time seemed to check the advance of the two companies acting as skirmishers, when Company F was also advanced as skirmishers to their assistance, and the regiment ordered to charge bayonets, and thereupon the enemy made a hasty retreat. After pursuing the enemy for about the distance of 2 miles from the town, during the whole of which time a constant skirmish was going on, this regiment was relieved by the Third Kentucky Infantry and took its position in the second line of the brigade.

* * * *


GEO. P. BUELL, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20., pt. I, p.580.



December 27, 1863 – January 7, 1864

December 27, 1863- January 6, 1864, Anecdotes of a Tennessee cavalryman's life

On the 27th day of December, 1863, the 2d, 3d, and 4th Tennessee [U. S.] Cavalry regiments moved out from Nashville under Col. D. M. Ray. They were afterwards joined by the 5th Kentucky cavalry and 72nd Illinois mounted infantry. Passing through Hillsboro on the 28th, and on the 29th arrived at Duck River and bivouacked opposite Columbia. This was a damps, drizzly day until the afternoon, while the weather was rather warm for the season. In the afternoon Hugh C. Jeffries of Company A, and I went out to the country to get something to eat. Finding some sweet potatoes we bought a bag a full and started back to camps. We had gone without overcoats or blankets, and with thin bloused on, being quite comfortable, so far as the temperature was concerned. On our way back to camps the weather turned suddenly very cold, so much so that when we got to our place, throwing the bag of potatoes down, it felt like a chunk of ice, frozen stiff as a badger. We were almost in the same condition. The change was so sudden and the cold so intense it seemed almost impossible to keep from freezing through the night. Fences, boards, indeed, everything that would burn and give heat were rapidly consumed by the boys shivering, hovered around them. New Year, 1864, was so sold there was no stirring except for fuel. On the 2nd of January, late in the afternoon, the Third was miles on the Mount Pleasant pike. The pikes were covered with a thick layer of ices, so that it was very dangerous for the first company in marching on them. The horses were falling and tumbling in front almost all the way. But the first company cut the surface of the ice until it was not quite so bad for the others. January 3rd, we moved about five miles and stopped again. The weather continued extremely cold. On the 4th passed through Henryville. This again seemed to be the coldest weather we had ever marched in. Night came on at last. But, oh! What an uninviting night it was. Almost stiff with cold, the country nearly barren, but little hope to eat and nothing to feed our horses upon. At length we came near an iron foundry. The country nearly bare of vegetation – not even a shrub to hitch the horses to. Men and horses seemed to be sunk in gloom until it became comparatively a noisless [sic] march. Not a word was spoken – only the slow thudding of the horses' feet against the frozen ground could be heard. A halt was made, and every man stood still in his place. Everything was quiet as death, when A. M. Rule, of Company A, began singing in a clear, yet solemn voice, to the tune of Lilly Dale – 

"Oh, soldier, poor soldier, hungry and cold,
Therefore I'll return to my home far away,
So farewell to the brake and the bold."

Never did a thing come more appropriately; never was it more telling. It seems as if I can almost hear it yet. At length we stopped for the night. After so long a time some corn was found for the horses, but iron pigs were the hitching posts. To sleep on the frozen ground would only thaw it into mud, so some time was spent hunting for boards to sleep on. We existed [sic] the night and resumed the march next morning, passing through Waynesboro'. The weather continued to be cold.

On the 6th, we stopped at Savannah, on the Tennessee River. Alex. Kidd and the writer went out in search of food, but found none, save the house of a Federal soldier, whose family had barely enough to supply their wants, so as empty as ever we started for camps, but missing the road it was late when we got in, and so cold that the heat of a burning log heap could scarcely be felt for a long time.

On the 7th we crossed the river in the "Blue Bird," a little steamboat plying the river there. Here we took up the river, and on the 9th arrived at Corinth, Mississippi….

Knoxville Daily Chronicle, June 21, 1879.


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