Friday, May 3, 2013

5/3/2013 TCWN

3, "Volunteers;" suggestion to keep Clarksville volunteer clerks' pay in escrow

Many of the young men who have Volunteered, in this hour of peril, to go forth and battle for the homes, the firesides, and the liberty of the South are Clerks [sic], who in thus doing, surrender situation on which they have been dependent for their living. They give them up, too, for the perils of war, and without the hope of any gain, save the glory, they may win; and in view of this, we wish to suggest to those, who have had these young men in their employment, that they shall let their salary go on, as heretofore, while they are in the service of their country, as soldiers, and that whenever they employ other young men in their place, it shall be with the understanding that it is to be given again to the gallant Volunteer, should he return to claim it, and have proved worthy of it. Our merchants are able to do this, and we hope they will. If they cannot afford to continue the full salary, allow half of it, any way-(to such as deport themselves as good soldiers, we mean, of course.)

We see that this has been done in New Orleans -- the full salary continued, and the old situation, with increased pay, promised to be worthy, on their release from service -- and we hope it will be done here. Who will lead in doing it?

Clarksville Chronicle, May 3, 1861.




3, 1862 - A session of the Nashville Police Court; "she was a raarin an' pitchin' and cavortin' around about."

Police Court.

Saturday, May 3.—A large number of cases were brought before Recorder Shane yesterday morning, which were disposed of after careful scrutiny and some difficulty….

Mehila Guy and Miss Sullivan were arraigned for disorderly conduct, and each fined $3 and costs.

Ellen Angler was fined $5 and costs for abusing and striking an old man called "Doctor" Moore….

Mary Callahan was accused of being disorderly, her accuser being the persons who procured the liquor at her expense. She was found guilty and fined. Fowler was reprimanded, and placed in charge of an officer to ascertain where the whisky was obtained.

Mrs. Nancy Ross was arraigned for being disorderly and for selling liquor, but was discharged on both charges….

Widow Sullivan was fined $5 and costs for selling liquor.

Mary Brown was accused of disorderly conduct. Mr. George German swore that she cursed steadily, without any hold up, for three or four hours, and that, among other things, she said "she wouldn't give a d__n for any one who would not hooray for Jeff. Davis."  One of the Federal soldiers said "she was a raarin an' pitchin' and cavortin' around about."  Miss Alice Write said German was as bad as Mary, and Mrs. Wright corroborated her statement, naming to the Court some of the language used by German, which Miss Alice could not be prevailed upon to repeat, and which we cannot soil our pen to record. The defendant stated that the soldiers frequently tantalized and mocked her, and that a German encouraged them in so doing, causing her to lose her temper, and to use language which she knew was improper. The Recorder took a very sensible view of the matter, and imposed a fine upon both, adding $30 to the city finances.

Nashville Dispatch, May 6, 1862.





3, 1863 - Catholic, company, contraband and Presbyterian worship services in Nashville; an entry from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

….I went to the Catholic Church at 10 oc [sic] in co [sic] with some others the performance [sic], or Service or what ever it might be termined [sic] was a rather singular one to me there was 2 preasts [sic] or some thing of that sort dressed with long black gown one had a white sack or blouse over the gown then a long yellow scarf over his sholders [sic] and the two ends hanging down in front of him the other had over his dress something like a fancy glazee [sic] table cloth with his head stuck through a hole in the senter [sic], and on the back part was a large cross: although [sic] the day was bright and clear they had 6 large candles burning, and 6 smaller ones besides a peace [sic] of candle in one side by itself, and a lamp light, there was a veriaty [sic] of others that was not light [sic]. they had little boys dressed in pink frocks they were jumping around waiting on the priests every time He would pass in front of whare [sic] the candles were burning, and of some imiges [sic] that were placed by them they would fall upon one knee and the seen [sic] was quite interesting one priest sent down the center of the church throwing watter [sic] all over the people with a little spurt [sic] gun fixing [sic] he held in his right hand, and a pitcher of watter [sic] in the other then he went up in front of the candles & images and fell on his knees for about a minut [sic] with a little boy on each side of him then he went through a number of different minor vers [sic] then got a glass and kept pouring in something out of a bottle into it every little while then he would hold it up and look at it then he would ring the bell [sic] & kneel down then sens [illegible] spoonful of watter [sic] to the other [illegible] it then pour it into his mixture and after he got a verity [sic] of stuffs mixed in he swallowed it down I had an idea he was goin [sic] to treat me and my partner as we were strangers but I was mistaken, after he got through with his pirforming [sic] the other Priest got up, he appeard [sic] to be more sensibl [sic] he read about half of the 3d chapter of John then preached a very good little sermon in English then the party was dismissed at one o'clock I went to the fort at hour [sic] Mr. Linnel our Chaplan [sic] I forget [sic] his text but he preached better then [sic] I expected it was the first time I had a chance to hear him after we were dismissed we went down through the negro camp they were just commencing [sic] meeting out in the hot sun. I got up on a wagon [sic] close by where I could hear them. I must say they had good ideas and seemed to understand the new Testemant [sic] in the proper light. Still they had an odd way of expressing themselves they lack both in stile [sic] and education, of what our white preaching have. Still I believe they are more sincere then our own ministers are in the evening with candle light we wint [sic] to the presybterian [sic] church to hear Mr. Goodlet preach. He does not seem to be the right stripe for that reason for that reason I do not like him so much.

John Hill Fergusson Diary, Book 3.




3, 1864 -  "The flower and the pride of Tennessee is in the Rebel Army. Her educated and enlightened class are there and I believe them to be conscientious." Excerpts from Lt. Albert Potter's letter to his father

Columbia Tenn

May 3rd 1864

Dear Father

I rec'd a letter from you a few days ago, but have lost it. Am glad you are all getting well again. I am not very tough at present but am feeling better every day. The regiment and Brigade has moved to the front, I think to Chattanooga as soon as they get where I can rejoin them, I shall do so by rail. Col Park told me he would telegraph me to what place to come. Lt Carter is with me. We are boarding at a Rivalto [sic] house, a Mr. Sheppard, very nice people especially Mrs. Shepard. We have plenty of music and singing, a piano and plenty of girls. They are all Southern here at heart but they are loyal with the tongue. The girls sing us southern songs with our permission of course, we allow them to sing what they choose. They have a brother in the Southern Army and they feel a certain sympathy which is natural and right. I think of my own home very often and how anxious you all are and I can but admit that if we had all been born and lived down here that probably we would have been just as these people here are, Rebels. Perhaps you will think I am getting tainted with treason myself but you know me better than that. I do not approve of the course Tennessee has taken. She has brought ruin and desolution [sic] upon herself, but people here are so different. The flower and the pride of Tennessee is in the Rebel Army. Her educated and enlightened class are there and I believe them to be conscientious. They think or thought they were right and now their Pride will not let them come back. K[1] cannot blame the mother or sister who will sympathize for the cause their sons and brothers are engage in under the circumstances.

*  *  *  *

Potter Correspondence.




3, Description of Ex-Governor Isham G. Harris[2] by Governor William G. Brownlow

The aforesaid refugee from justice, without the authority of law, and in violation of all law, human and Divine, was the chief instrument in thrusting upon Tennessee this terrible rebellion, and its innumerable evils, a rebellion which has stormed the very citadel of order, every defense of virtue, every sanctuary of right, and every abode of decency. When those villainous but frantic efforts were astonishing mankind with her success, as much as appaling [sic] them with their atrocity; when the fairest portion of this great Commonwealth had been made hideous by the triumphs of this arch-traitor and his corrupt and treasonable associates, and their preclusive orgies had profaned our churches, like dastards they ingloriously fled, upon the approach of the national flag of beauty and glory, carrying with them to the heart of treason the funds and other valuable from the State. From that period until now, the said Isham G. Harris has been roving through the South, swept by the unparalleled hurricane of licentiousness and furious tempest of anarchy, never before equaled upon earth! Said Harris has been periodically visiting the border counties of this State, issuing bogus proclamations, and collecting revenue, falsely pretending to be the Governor of Tennessee.

This culprit Harris, is about five feet ten inches high, weighs about one hundred and forty-five pounds, and is about fifty-five years of age. His complexion is sallow-his eyes are dark and penetrating-a perfect index to the heart of a traitor-with the scowl and frown of a demon resting upon his brow. The study of mischief, and the practice of crime have brought upon him a premature, baldness and grey beard. With brazen-faced impudence, he talks loudly and boastingly about the overthrow of the Yankee army, and entertains no doubt but the South will achieve her independence. He chews tobacco rapidly, and is inordinately fond of liquor. In his moral structure he is an unscrupulous man-steeped to the nose and chin in personal and political profligacy-now about lost to all sense of honor and shame-with a heart reckless of social duty, and fatally bent upon mischief.

If captured, he will be found lurking in the rebel strongholds of Mississippi, Alabama, or Georgia, and in female society [sic], alleging with the sheep-faced modesty of a virtuous man, that is not a wholesome state of public sentiment or of taste, that forbids an indiscriminate mixing together of married men and women. If captured, the furtive must be delivered to me alive, to the end that justice may be done him here, upon the theater of his former villainous deeds!

The daily papers of Nashville and Memphis, as well as the Chattanooga Gazette and Knoxville Whig, will each insert three times, in addition to the other papers suggested by the Legislature.

In testimony whereof, I have herdunto [sic] set my hand and affixed the seal of the State, at the City of Nashville, this 3d of May, 1865

Wm. G. Brownlow

By the Governor:

Andrew J. Fletcher, Secretary of State.

Brownlow's Whig and Independent Journal and Rebel Ventilator, May 10, 1865.[3]










[1] Unidentified.

[2] By this time Harris, fearing prison and perhaps even exectution, had scrambled off to Mexico, then to Liverpool, England where he would wait until this reward was rescinded and charges of treason dropped before he would return to Tennessee. When he did return in 1867 he took up the practice of law in Memphis and served as U. S. Senator from 1877 to his death in 1897. Little is known of the circumstances of his hiatus in Mexico or England. Even less is known of the whereabouts of the school fund.

[3] See also: Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, Vol. 5, p. 439.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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