26, Assessing need for public assistance in Memphis
Aid to the Poor.—Mr. Underwood, city almoner, had several applications at his office on Second street near Madison yesterday, for assistance. Nine persons received articles of food for which they appeared very grateful. Three were refused, having revealed that they were not in necessitous circumstances. One woman, on being offered a piece of bacon, turned up her nose with the remark that she did not eat the article. She was informed that she might call again when real necessity had made her less delicate. Mr. Underwood will evidently make a good almoner. He is kind without credulity, and firm without harshness.
Memphis Daily Appeal, May 26, 1861.
26, Excerpt from the Diary of Lucy Virginia French
....The Federals visited this place [i.e., McMinnville environs] again on Friday last [23d]-came, I presume, to look up resigned officers and disbanded men-but they found none. Contented themselves with stealing horses, watches, etc., and paying for forage etc. in counterfeit money. They did not molest us, however. There are informers among us who keep them thoroughly "posted"-as it is quite plain for us to see from their actions and inquiries every time they come....
Diary of Lucy Virginia French, May 26, 1862.
26, General Orders No. 65 issued in Memphis: expulsion of Confederate sympathizers
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 65., HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tenn., May 26, 1863.
* * * *
VIII. An entire year of occupation of this City by the United States has given abundant opportunity for all persons to make their deliberate election of the sovereignty to which they owe their allegiance. The so-called Confederate Congress by acts passed at an early period of the rebellion ordered peremptorily from the limits of the revolted States those true citizens who adhered to the country of their fathers. The same sentence will be pronounced after one year's patient waiting upon all who while denying their allegiance to the United States yet have found protection beneath its flag. These persons will be sent where their affections are.
IX. Giving aid and comfort to the public enemy is punishable with death and the leniency with which such persons have been treated must cease. Any person who shall hereafter offer insult by word or act to the United States or who shall express sympathy with the enemy or satisfaction at any imagined or real success of the Confederate arms will be arrested at once and severely punished.
* * * *
By order of Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 5, p. 711.
HQDRS. 16th Army Corps
Memphis, May 26, 1863
General Orders, No. 6I.
I. All persons residing within the city of Memphis, not in the service of the United States, are hereby required to enroll and register their names with the Provost Marshal, Lieut. Col. M. Smith within twenty days.
II. Such registry must show the character of each person registered under one of these heads:
1. Loyal citizens of the United States;
2. Subjects of foreign, friendly powers;
3. Enemies of the United States.
III. Each person who shall enroll him or herself as a loyal citizen shall take and subscribe to the following oath:
United States of America
State of Tennessee
Provost Marshal's Office for the ____ of ____ day of ______1863.
I do solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and will obey and maintain the constitution and laws of the same, and will defend and support the said United States of America against the enemies foreign and domestic, and especially against at the rebellious league known as the Confederate States of America.
So help me God.[1]
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1863. [2]
26, The Annie Williams/Harriet Maxwell dispute
"Recorder's Court"
* * * *
Annie Williams and Harriet Maxwell had an interesting fight which was brought about in this wise: On Wednesday of last week [18th] Annie bought some laces, ribbons, and other fancy things, which were scarcely paid for and admired before they were stolen, and no clue could be found to the thief. On Tuesday Annie went to Mrs. Zachery, the fortune-teller, and learned many things concerning her past finery, but was advised to "keep dark" and have her "eye skinned" until time should reveal the facts. In describing the thief, the fortune teller drew a very good picture of Harriet; so when Annie returned, and took a careful survey of Harriet's form, face, and eyes, she looked awful mad. Harriet asked if she was mad because she had lost her things? Geees-so! [sic] Harriet supposed that Annie thought she took them. Precisely [sic] so. Harriet intimated that Annie was a black ____, Annie replied, Harriet flung a mug at Annie's head, Annie threw her left arm around Harriet's neck, grasped her by the throat, and with her right fist commenced the operation of pounding the lace, ribbons, etc., out of Harriet's face, and continued until they were separated. Harriet had several times intimated that the soldiers stole her property, but she didn't believe it-they were good fellows, and always gave her more then they took from her. Fined $10 each.
Nashville Dispatch, May 26, 1864.
26, Orders for processing returning Army of Tennessee veterans
Nashville, May 26, 1865
Brevet Maj.-Gen. WILSON, Macon, Ga.:
The oath of allegiance is not required of officers or soldiers of the Confederate army paroled under Johnston's surrender who desire to come to the State of Tennessee or Kentucky if their homes are in those States. Will send your telegram of this date in regard to vegetables, &c., to Sanitary Commission. Also have telegraphed Paymaster-Gen. in regard to pay. He says that the whole army will be paid up to date as soon as he can get the funds….The remainder of your cavalry is to come to Tennessee, to be mustered out and reorganized--those whose term expires before 31st of October to be mustered out, the remainder, to be consolidated into maximum regiments, taking men from the same States to fill up regiments. A portion of these will be turned over to Gen. Sheridan and the remainder distributed to aid in restoring law and order in Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.
GEO. H. THOMAS Maj.-Gen., U. S. Army, Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 909-910.
[1] To paraphrase the rest of the article in the Daily Rebel: this oath was made in duplicate with one copy going to the Provost Marshal's office and one to the person. If the Provost Marshal doubted the sincerity of the applicant that person was called upon to give bond.
If a person refused to take the oath he was to be declared an enemy.
Enemies were not allowed to vote and lost all other rights guaranteed to citizens of the United States.
One year was alloted to come forth.
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy was punishable by death.
Property of the enemy was to be confiscated.
All those with Union sentiments were invited to take the oath.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1863.
[2] See also Memphis Bulletin, May 30, 1863.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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