15, Governor Isham G. Harris' reply to President Lincoln's request for Tennessee militia to support the Union
Executive Department
Nashville, Tennessee
April 15, 1861
Hon. Simon Cameron
Secretary of War
Washington, D.C.
Your dispatch of the 15th Inst. informing me that Tennessee is called upon for two Regiments of Militia for immediate service is received.
Tennessee will not furnish a single man for purposes of coercion but 50,000 if necessary for the defense of our rights and those of our southern brothers.
Isahm G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee
Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, Vol. 5.[1]
15, Campbell county Confederates and Bloodhounds
The Dogs of War.
Among the astounding developments of the last few months is the following advertisement taken from the Memphis Appeal. Its brands and ear-marks are well known in this community who have had a chance to read it in papers nearer home:
"Bloodhounds Wanted.
"We, the undersigned, will pay five dollars per pair for fifty pairs of well bred hounds, and fifty dollars for one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that that will take the track of a man. The purpose for which these dogs are wanted is to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky (who have the advantage of the bush to kill and cripple many good soldiers) to their tents and capture them. The said hounds must be delivered at Captain Hanmer's Livery Stable by the 10th of December next, where a mustering officer will be present to muster and inspect them.
"F. N. McNairy,
"F. H. Harris
"Camp Grinfort, Campbell co., Tenn., Nov. 16. [1861]
"P.O.—Twenty dollars per month will also be paid for a man who is competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs."
Gallant Col. McNairy! Chivalric Capt. Harris! Brave, noble, manly! Five dollars a pair for "fifty pair of well bred hounds"—fifty dollars for "one pair of thoroughbred bloodhounds that will take the track of a man!" Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable! Recruiting service most honorable! Headquarters most fitting! Recruits most select; none but well bred and thoroughbred need apply! Time is precious—opportunity short. It is now the 16th of November; by the 10th of December they must be delivered or the door of Capt. Hanmer's Livery Stable will be forever shut! Thrice happy they who come in time—lucky dogs! A mustering officer, kennel inspector awaits your coming, to welcome you into the ranks of the chivalry, the wellbred; the thoroughbred! the flower of our youth! Paradise of caninity! No common dogs there! Curs and spaniels and terriers and pointers and setters and the "bull pups" shut out! They can't come in! Tray, blanche, and sweetheart, be off! Get out tiger! You cuff! twenty dollars a month, secesh money to a competent drill officer! Hardee's tactics, dogmatically displayed! Magnificent corps, fifty pair of well drilled hounds, that is a hundred, rank and file! One pair of thorough bred bloodhounds, that is two, for the staff! One hundred and two dogs, besides Colonel McNairy and Capt. Harris, one hundred and four in all; not counting Captain Hanmer, not the mustering officer, nor the drill master, "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs!" Go where the field of glory waits you! Not damsels distressed, nor martyred saints, nor the Holy Sepulchre, shall exhaust your noble championship! Yours is a sublimer mission, a far higher pursuit; "to chase the infernal, cowardly Lincoln bushwhackers of East Tennessee and Kentucky!" Fortunate if you catch them; thrice fortunate if they don't catch you! Whatever laurels you win, by Cerberus, save your dog skin! Greatly will your puissant leader value that; if it were not for aught else it will make him a winter cap and some boots to save his own! But the poor, cowardly East Tennesseans, alas! alas! Their offence is rank, it smells! Taking advantage of the rush not only to kill, but to cripple "many good soldiers!" There is no hope for such miscreants and cowardly too, not thorough bred they, not even well bred! common, very! Woe betide them! chased to their tents, captured, dragged to Camp Crinfork, Campbell county and then—horror of horrors! O murderous McNairy, O maddened McNairy; O mighty McNairy; O monstrous McNairy! O marvellous McNairy, O mysterious McNairy, O multitudinous McNairy, O magnanimous McNairy, O mellifluous McNairy, O meritorious McNairy, O merciful McNairy, O Mister McNairy, O McNairy dry so! dog on it, don't!
Ha! do you say you are misunderstood? that you didn't mean the four-footed kind when you advertised for dogs; that when you said fifty pair of well-bred hounds you had an eye to the hundred members of the Legislature; that Capt. Hanmer's stable is nothing more than the building on Capitol Hill; the mustering officer to muster and inspect them, nobody less than the run-away Governor (Eureka, Eureka, Eureka,) the "one pair of thorough-bred bloodhounds," the two chief member of his Military Board (a second Daniel); and the man "competent to train and take charge of the above named dogs," found in the illustrious Major General of all our forces. Poor, miserable men of East Tennessee! How wretched is their lot! Well might they say, in view of this calamity impending, if you please, let it be the other kind of dogs!
Nashville Daily Union, April 15, 1862. [2]
15, "We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded." A letter from the Third Ohio Regiment
Camp Andrew Jackson, Near Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 15, 1862
**We left Bowling Green and marched….That day we crossed the line of Kentucky and Tennessee. Upon arriving at camp, our company had only four men, a small squat out of 93 men. Even our stoutest men gave out, but 1, a small boy, with heavy knapsack always managed to keep up. We laid out that night again, having nothing but the canopy of heaven to shelter us. Persons who have never tried it, can not imagine what an effect it has in making him robust and strong. We left the next morning, and marched 28 miles to a point four miles from Nashville. Loomis' artillery was ordered to the river, to protect our steam boats at Nashville, kept there to ferry us across. The rebels had not all left when the artillery went down-they sneaked up in the night, and burned two of the steamboats.[3] We left next morning and went into Nashville. It took us about three hours before we could cross the river. We found all the bridges burned as usual. Upon our arrival in the town we found all the stores closed, and business suspended, the streets crowded with people, and almost every building had a red flag upon it, which denotes a hospital of the sick. We found about five thousand rebels sick and wounded. The principal diseases that appear to reign in the Southern army are typhoid fever, measles and diarrhea. We only stopped a short time in town. We marched 3 miles out of and are encamped on a beautiful tract of land. We captured about five million dollars' worth of property, such as provisions, &c., which the reels had left, and a citizen informed me that we did not capture one-tenth part of what they had here, as they had a years' provisions laid in store, and to prevent us from getting all, they gave the citizens for miles a round, their smoke houses full of feat, and threw some I the river. We found a cannon buried in the ground about 7 miles from our camp,- A squad of secesh came within four miles out our camp ad took 40 mules and some men, and Gen'l Dumont's horse. We got all the men and mules back and not the General's horse. We took prisoners, killed two and put the others to flight.
**The Graves of the venerable Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk are about 18 miles from our camp. Some of the regiments and artillery went out to see the graves of those two honored men, and fired 22 guns over the graves. They have to most splendid monuments.
**We expect a great fight here before long, we are looking out for rebels that left Manassas to come this way, and show us a fight. The 3d is always ready whenever they are called upon to do their part. I think we will have no little trouble in cleaning the rebels out of Tennessee. The report is they intend to make a stand at Chattanooga, about 120 miles from here.
Columbus Gazette, April 18, 1862. [4]
15, Captured letter to home giving information on the strength of Army of Tennessee
* * * *
Our army at this place is Hardee's corps, with Breckinridge's and Cleburne's divisions; Breckinridge's composed of Adams', Brown's, Preston's, and B. H. Helm's brigades. Helm commands the Kentucky brigade, composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Ninth Kentucky Regt. [sic]'s, whose loss at the recent battle at Murfreesborough was heavier than any other brigade. It was commanded then by Brig. Gen. Roger [W.] Hanson. Cleburne's division is composed of Lucius [E.] Polk's, Liddell's, Johnson's, and Wood's brigades, making an aggregate of about 19,000 men. Polk's corps (Cheatham's, McCown's, and Withers' divisions) are at Shelbyville, about 15 miles west of this place. The two corps contain about 35,000 or 40,000 effective infantry. Morgan's command is at McMinnville, about 30 miles northeast, with 6,000 or 8,000 cavalry; Wharton's north, toward Murfreesborough, with about 2,000 at Beech Grove; Forrest and Van Dorn at Columbia with about 10,000, operating against Nashville and its envious and very successfully. Thus, you see, our army is not so small as some suppose it to be, nor have I overestimated the figures.
The troops are in good spirits, and are confident of success when an engagement takes place, and, if the weather continues good, we expect it soon, although the enemy have not yet advanced from their stronghold at Murfreesborough. Morgan's (assorted) command are still in Southeastern Kentucky. Pegram has met with indifferent success in his late raid there. The health of our army is good.
Your brother.
[Captain] C. F. SANDERS[5]
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 773
15, Report to President Jefferson C. Davis on the condition of the Army of Tennessee
RICHMOND, VA., April 15, 1863.
His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President:
SIR: In obedience to your orders, dated March 12, 1863...I proceeded to...Tullahoma, Tenn., the headquarters of the army [of Tennessee], and...I have the honor to submit the following report:
At Tullahoma I found Gen. J. E. Johnston in command of the army, and reported to him. I stated to him my orders, and offered them for his inspection but he declined to examine them, and very kindly offered me any assistance I might wish in procuring full information as to the condition of the army. He informed me that he had temporary command of the army, during Gen. Bragg's absence with his sick wife at Winchester. I immediately conveyed to Gen. Bragg my intention to pay him my respects before my departure, but was prevented from doing so there by his arrival in Tullahoma, where I had a full conversation with him the day I left. I am indebted to both Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg for their courtesy during my stay, as well as to Gen.'s Hardee and Polk.
On Monday, March 23, I reviewed Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's corps at Tullahoma. I afterward, on the same day, saw Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson drill his brigade, and witnessed a match or trial battalion drill between the Seventeenth Tennessee Regt. [sic] (Col. Marks) and the Thirteenth Louisiana Regt. [sic] (Col. R. L. Gibson) and Twentieth Louisiana Regt. [sic] (Col. Reichard), consolidated, and commanded by Lieut.-Col. Von Zinken. The Tennessee regiment was remarkable for fine stature, manly bearing, and steadiness of movement, but the rapidity and accuracy with which the Louisianians [sic] executed every maneuver at the double-quick was unequaled.
On Tuesday, March 24, by invitation I accompanied Gen. Johnston to Manchester, 12 miles to the right, and on the next day reviewed the Kentucky Brigade there, commanded by Gen. Helm. These troops afterward went through battalion drill, by regiments, and in the afternoon had a brigade drill. Their performance was rapid, yet precise, their appearance tough and active, and they will compare for efficiency with any brigade in the Confederate Army.
On Saturday, I arrived in Shelbyville, and on Monday, March 30, I reviewed Lieut.-Gen. Polk's corps, by divisions. Gen. Wither's division, composed principally of Mississippians, was the best clad I saw in the army. I was struck by their size and made material bearing. In Gen. McCown's division some dismounted Arkansas and Texas troops showed marks of neglect in many important points. This army is in a high of efficiency, well clad and armed, and marked with every evidence of good discipline, high courage, and capacity for endurance.
There is vast improvement in this army since I inspected it last June at Tupelo; and while great credit is due to the high soldierly qualities of the eminent officers by whom he is surrounded, much is also due to the peculiar talents for organization of the commander, Gen. Bragg, and to his laborious attention to the details of his command. This is not an opinion, but the testimony of all with whom I came in contact. The army lacks no physical element of success.
Attention is called to the two tri-monthly reports of March 10 and 20, furnished me by the assistant adjutant-general, marked B.[6] That of March 20 shows an aggregate of 97,090 men, and an effective total of 49,447 men, of which 15,616 are cavalry. The great accession to the numbers of the army is attributed by Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg to the energy and vigorous system of Brig.-Gen. Pillow and the conscript bureau conducted by him. The fear was expressed that, if his operations were discontinued, the strength of the army would begin to decline. Gen. Bragg estimated the recruits sent forward by him [(Gideon J.) Pillow] at 10,000 and by the enrolling officers at 19 men. He stated that 1,200 men had been obtained in Chattanooga alone. He made some caustic remarks on the camps of instructions, and asked for a vigorous inspection of them.
In the office of Col. Brent, assistant adjutant-general, I found a large number of reports of the battles of Murfreesborough, furnished by brigadier-generals and their subordinates. On inquiry, Col. Brent did not seem aware that it was proper and necessary, to complete the record, that these should be sent to their final depository-the Adjutant Gen.'s Office, at Richmond. I called Gen. Bragg's attention to this fact, and requested Col. Ewell to see that they were forwarded.
The camps were clean and well laid, and the tents made comfortable with many chimneys. The camps will be shifted at the approach of warm weather. There is little sickness; what does exist is chiefly ague and diarrhea.
Particular attention is called to the report of Col. Oladowski, chief of ordnance, marked Exhibit C. Its information is valuable. It shows, 41,673 small-arms in the hands of the army, and 4,206 in depot, from which deduct 600 recently issued. Forty rounds of ammunition are kept in cartridge-boxes, and 60 in wagons with the brigades. There are 125 field pieces of all kinds. Their loss is generally ascribed to the shortness of the scabbards. Complaint was made of certain cartridges for Enfield rifles as being too large, and fouling the guns. Col. Oladowski says these are being rapidly replaced by others. He says they were made at Atlanta, but Maj. Wright, of the Atlanta Arsenal, told me that they were made at Selma. He showed me the report of a board experimenting with them, which pronounced the Atlanta cartridge not too large, not well greased. This he attributes to the smooth surface of the ball permitting the absorption of the grease by the paper. Capt. Finnie, at the Augusta Arsenal, confirmed this statement, and recommended the grooved ball. Deficiency of bees-wax in the lubricator is also a great disadvantage.
The transportation of the army is in tolerable condition, when the difficulties under which it labors are considered. Most of the brigades had good pole stables, and the condition of the animals seemed largely influenced by the care taken in building these. The horses and mules are suffering from the want of long forage, which cannot be obtained. I may here state that the artillery horses are also in bad condition for want of long forage. The cavalry horses are to be doing better, but did not come under my own eye.
The report of Maj. M. B. McMicken, acting chief quartermaster of the army, is filed herewith marked Exhibit D. He states the total number of wagons to be 2,276. He estimates that the forage east of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad will be exhausted by April 12, and west of that road by May 23. Gen. Polk thinks it will last until July. Gen. Hardee's corps is now being supplied from North Alabama. The report states that the army is fully supplied with clothing, and has 6,000 suits in depot, but that shoes are wanted, and requisitions have been made for 10,000 pairs, which will last through April. Maj. Stevenson in his letter to me filed herewith states that 4,000 pairs are in depot. Attention is called to his two letters filed herewith, marked Exhibit E.
Maj. Cunningham clothing quartermaster at Atlanta, informs me that he is employing about 40 shoemakers, and makes 150 pairs of shoes a day, and that with 60 additional shoemakers he could make 500 pairs daily. I examined his establishment. The leather is rolled by machinery, and the sides split likewise, which effects a great saving. The soles are cut out by a machine, and all the sewing done by sewing-machines. The shoes present a neat appearance, and can be sold for $450 per pair. Government agents have been sent into Kentucky with Gen. Pegram to buy leather. I respectfully refer to the letters of Maj. Stevenson and to the communication of Maj. Cunningham, filed herewith, marked Exhibit F, for details of the productions and capabilities of the agencies at work in this portion of the Confederacy. The remark was made to me in the army by observant persons that the clothing was of better material this year than in the winter of 1861--'62. The men were tolerably well shod.
The question of subsistence has engaged Your Excellency's earnest attention. It is the vital one with this army. I had full and free conversations with Gen.'s Johnston, Bragg, Polk, and Hardee on this subject, and am free to say the prospect is very far from satisfactory. I omit the complaints of mismanagement and want of forethought and scope laid at this door or that, and will rapidly sum up the various plans, schemes, or suggestions made, some or all of which might be attempted, with modifications.
Before doing so, however, your attention is called to the report of Maj. Isaac Scherck, acting chief of subsistence, dated March 23, 1863, filed herewith, marked Exhibit G, and the table of rations accompanying it. By these the President will perceive that the army is living from hand to mouth, and drawing largely on the reserves. The ration of the men is corn bread and one-half pound of bacon. They get very little beef, but I heard of no grumbling about the rations. Gen. Polk, thought we could, by enterprise in foraging and by a systematic scheduling of the resources of the country, subsist our army on its present line three months or more. No one else thought it possible for so long a time. The supplies are drawn principally from the counties of Giles, Maury, and Williamson, and he thought by pushing our trains up toward Fort Henry a good deal might be got out. One obstacle is the inability to use Confederate money to advantage. It is recommended to allow the use of State money where necessary, and to send forward molasses, which can be advantageously exchanged, 1 gallon for 8 pounds of bacon, and which bring to our lines, even from beyond the enemy's a supply of bacon and which will bring to our lines, even from beyond the enemy's a supply of bacon which neither force nor persuasion can otherwise obtain. Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg rely chiefly for beef on the cavalry expeditions of Gen. Pegram and Col. Cluke into Kentucky, and on similar forays hereafter.
Gen.'s Polk and Hardee also recommended that Messrs. Sam. Tate and Brinkley [?], of Memphis, should be employed to exchange cotton for bacon. Gen. Johnston desires that some more vigorous efforts might be used to get the corn out of Northeastern Mississippi. Last June I engaged the accumulation of this corn in depots as soon as ready for market. Complaints have been made that the quartermasters are preventing its shipment by using the Mobile and Ohio Railroad for the purpose of speculation. Gen. Johnston complained of the summary manner in which Gen. Pemberton dismissed the complaint, without proper investigation.
Some propositions have been made by individuals in Mobile to take the Government vessels there, which it is said Gen. Buckner does not think necessary for harbor defense, and run in meat. The terms of the proposition are before the Government. Government can certainly use and insure her own vessels as safely and cheaply as citizens can. If these vessels are not needed, they might be very usefully employed in running the blockade.
The communication of Maj. J. F. Cumming, purchasing commissary at large is filed herewith marked Exhibit H. It shows on hand, in reserve, 162,000 pounds dried beef, 247,500 pounds pickled beef, 5,267,855 pounds bacon and bulk pork, 600,000 pounds lard, 1,700 barrels of flour, and 3,000 beef-cattle. He discusses the modes of obtaining supplies. Whatever is resolved on in regard to subsistence must be done with promptness and decision. The question will not brook delay or indecision.
Your Excellency's attention is called to the present lines of our army. Gen. Hardee's corps is at Tullahoma, with one brigade 12 miles to the right, at Manchester and with Liddell's brigade at Wartrace, 17 miles in front, and a brigade at Allisona, in the rear; Gen. Polk's corps is at Shelbyville; Maj.-Gen. Wheeler covers the right and front of the army, with his headquarters at McMinnville, and Maj.-Gen. Van Dorn the left, in front of Columbia. Tullahoma is regarded as the central point, but the greater part of the army is to the left of it. It is not the intention or expectation of Gen.'s Johnston and Bragg to await attack there, unless made in front, and this they do not expect. They believe that Rosecrans will attempt to pass our flank, most probably our right flank; in which case we would go out and attack him.
Gen. Bragg seems to have been governed in his selection of Tullahoma as his chief point of defense by the convergence there of several roads. Gen. Hardee preferred Decherd, as stronger and less easily turned, but Tullahoma having been determined on, under orders from Gen. Bragg, marked out the line of the fortifications. I examined these fortifications, which are a line of slight redoubts extending in a semicircle from the Fayetteville to the Manchester road. Our advantage of ground is not very obvious, although the engineer in charge assured me it does exist, and the earthworks are low redoubts, not flanked by rifle-pits, except for some 20 yards or so. To my eye they seemed too far in advance of the crest of the hills. On the slope an abatis of heavy felled timber extends 1,500 feet to the front of each redoubt, making a zone of that width about 3 or 4 miles in length. The works are either too strong or too weak. They are too weak to rely upon, and too strong to abandon to the enemy. Much labor has been wasted on them, unless they shall be put in condition to be held by a small force against a larger one. Gen. Bragg says heavy entrenchments demoralize our troops, and that he would go forward to meet the enemy, in which case that abatis would be an obstruction, to say the least.
I did not learn from any of the generals of any projected movement or of any battle-field preferred on which to meet an advance of the enemy, but they appeared to have an impression that if the enemy does not advance on us, it will be necessary for us to make an advance, perhaps, into Kentucky with the army, to obtain subsistence. This was not stated, however, in direct and explicit terms.
Gen. Johnston wished your attention called to the matter, before mentioned of the quartermasters in Mississippi, and also to the fact that the limits of his department embraced two armies that could not co-operate, and that he receives no intelligence from Gen. Pemberton, who ignores his authority, is mortified at his command over him, and receives his suggestions with coldness or opposition. The distance prevents his giving orders. He thought the discipline of Gen. Pemberton's army not very good, and wishes a speedy and thorough inspection of his district. He requested me to extend my inspection to that district. I informed him of the limitation of my orders; that you wish for speedy information on the matters already investigated, and that Col. Ives had gone there, though I did not know under what orders. He sent me a letter to you embodying this request, which I file with this report.
These are the results of my observations in the Army of Tennessee.
* * * * [sic]
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
WM. PRESTON JOHNSTON, Col. and Aide-de-Camp.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 757-761.
14, "I have got with a good mess of boys 8 of us they are not as swearing blackguarding set at all with Stewart excepted."
Prospect Tennessee April 14, 1864
Dear Father
I received your letter last night which is the second one that I have had from you since I left. If I had one each day I should not get tired of opening them & reading them if they are from Iowa they are very welcome visitors but like angels visits few & far between I wrote a letter to you yesterday but after I received this I thought that I must write again I have wrote quiet a number to different persons in the country but have received no answers We get mail here every day It is then taken to headquarters & each company's mail given to that company's orderly& then distributed by him. You Perhaps remember Stewart the man that went with Vanness when he thrashed our grain some years ago he stays in our shanty & is very sick it is probably the measles that is coming upon him if that proves to be the case he will of course removed to the hospital until he recovers. James Campbell & Uriah A Wilson have both had them but they have got about well again I received the postage stamps that you sent me but they were so stuck together that I had to steam them to get them separated they should be doubled face to face to prevent them sticking. You said something about Leonard Parker having sold out did he ever say anything to you about some money that he owed to me for rail making I made him 1880 rails & he only paid me for 1500 when he counted them. There was a deep snow & he did not find them all & he promised if he found the rest he would hand the balance of the money to you I know that the rails are there & he should have paid to you 3 dollars & 80 cents perhaps he has but the next time you write let me know I have got with a good mess of boys 8 of us they are not as swearing blackguarding set at all with Stewart excepted They are quiet the reverse more inclined to study & improve their mental faculties we have had several debating schools in our shanty since we came here, & we study grammar some & arithmetic one of our mess sent to Fowler & Wells & got a couple of Phonographic Books & we are just beginning to see a dawn of sense in that branch We have had them only 4 or 5 days & were entirely ignorant of it all of us so we are not advanced in reading or writing it yet. Altogether we have received the name of the literary squad which sounds blackguarding shanty just below us which is known by the name of Gambling Saloon I have just been down to the guard house & saw one from the aforesaid place with his arms tied & fastened in a standing position & I thought that I would sooner be studying grammar or Frognogra [phy][7] by which they try to ridicule us than to be in his place for running the picket lines or some other misdemeanor. I am perfectly well & hope that this may find you all the same
Charles B Senior
Co B 7 Iowa Info Via NashvilleTennessee not volunteers but infantry or the letters may go to the 7 cavalry
Charles B Senior
Senior Correspondence.
15, Skirmish near Greeneville
APRIL 15, 1864.-Skirmish near Greeneville, Tenn.
Report of Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Ohio.
KNOXVILLE, TENN., April 16, 1864.
The Third Indiana Cavalry, reconnoitering beyond Greeneville yesterday, surprised a party of rebel cavalry, killed 10 and captured 15, inclosing their leader, Reynolds. Nothing new relative to the movements of the enemy.
J. M. SCHOFIELD, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 669.
The notorious guerrilla Reynolds, and his command, was surprised by a party of National cavalry, near Knoxville, Tenn., and ten of them killed. Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments and arms.
Rebellion Record, Vol. 8, p. 64
[1] Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, 1857-1869, Vol. 5, (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 1959), photocopy of original between pp. 272-273. See also: OR, Ser. III, Vol. I, p. 81.
[2] As cited in: http://www2.uttyler.edu/vbetts
[3] Most likely a reference to the February 26, 1862 Confederate reconnaissance led by John Hunt Morgan to and about Nashville that included the burning of but one steamboat, the Minna Tonka.
[4] As cited in PQCW.
[5] Cleburne's division: Sanders' Company Tennessee Cavalry (Buckner Guards). See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, p. 873.
[6] See OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 718 for Return of March 20, 1863.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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