Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4.21.14 Tennessee Ciivil War Notes

        21, Peter Turney solicits exemption of his unit from Major-General Gideon J. Pillow's command
WINCHESTER, TENN., April 21, 1861.
DEAR GEN.: Before this reaches you I will have my regiment ready to march. My great desire is that I shall not have such delay as to make my men impatient. So soon as I get my men ready I think I will rendezvous. I dislike exceedingly to think of having my men on oars for Gen. Pillow; we would greatly prefer to be an independent regiment. Gen., my all, my honor, and that of my father is involved in this matter. My father was the first man in Tennessee to take grounds for our present position here. He sacrificed himself upon its altar. I feel that under the circumstances this regiment ought to be received first of all from Tennessee. I was the first to make a tender of a Tennessee regiment. I have now about got it ready, and hope I will not have to wait the movement of Pillow. Such a course would certainly dampen the ardor of my men, who have volunteered as minute men, and are now making rapid preparations to move. How are you off for arms? I request an early answer. Remember that my name has been cursed in Tennessee (I allude to my father) for its devotion to the South. Do not, for God's sake, suspend me to gratify Pillow. Answer right off.
Your friend,
P. S.-I mean by the above no disrespect to Gen. Pillow whatever, but do not want to be postponed to anybody. The fever is high, and want to see nothing cool it here.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 60.

        21, "To the Women of the South"
While the men in every part of the country are arming themselves and mustering in squadrons to resist the invasion and oppression threatening our beloved land, let us emulate the enthusiasm of our husbands, sons, and friends in the cause. Many of our daughters are already active in the service with their needles. Let the matrons of every city, village, and hamlet form themselves into societies, called by some appropriate name, pledged to take care of the sick and wounded soldiers of the Confederate army, whenever the changing drama of war shall bring them in their neighborhood; to take them if necessary and practicable, to their own homes. Let the organizations be commenced at once, with officers appointed and known, to whom the officers of the military companies may communicate the wants of the soldiers, and call upon for aid when the time for action shall come; and Baltimore has taught us how soon it may come.[1] I offer myself for the work. Will not some matron with more time take the lead, and allow me to serve in a subordinate capacity? Let the women of the entire South join and spread the organization till not a spot within the Southern borders shall be with its band of sisters, pledged to the work and ready for it; and thus shall every mother feel assured, in sending her sons to the field, that in time of need they shall have the tender care of some other mother, whose loved ones are in the patriot ranks at other points, and our soldiers feel sure that true hearts are near wherever they may be.
Mary E. Pope
Memphis Appeal, April 21, 1861.[2]

        21, "I cannot do anything in the cotton seed business until the army moves." D. C. Donnohue's letter to Assistant Secretary of the Interior J. P. Usher
Savana [sic] Tennessee
April 21st 1862
J. P. Usher Esq
Assistant Scty of the Interior
Dear Sir
I am still at this place which is in the vicinity of the great Battle – we are having incessant rains – Genl. Pope is arriving with his division of the Army – and I suppose we will now have a forward move, if the roads will at all permit – I cannot do anything in the cotton seed business until the army moves – The seed I have bought are all out of our lines and wagons cannot be had to bring them into the boats – I think I am not mistaken in public sentiment here. The poor or laboring men are the only union men but they cannot easily be brought up to the point of asserting their manhood – Some of the more intelligent [sic] of them are pleased with the emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia - & they hope to [see] the slaves emancipated everywhere[sic] – They say slavery caused the rebellion and ought to suffer – Most of the mechanics talk in this way but mechanics are few and far between here – There are others here to say they are for the Union [sic] but some of them who are home plashing Union have two or three substitutes in the rebel army – I do not think that our Military leaders act with Candor or Justice – I have known them to allow men to pass through our lines and insult our soldiers hunting negroes and have more facilities and protection than ;you could have extended to yourself – I care not on what business you might visit the army unless you might be hunting negroes [sic] – I know it is very hard to get along with this slavery question but I do think when if a negro runs off from a traitor to the government that always had protected him in the right to own Negros [sic] – it asking a great deal from me to have my son to catch and hide the negro until the traitor ties him – Yet other men have it to do who are just [as] good as me or my son it is all wrong – I almost fear that the negroes [sic] will prove the utter ruin of our nationality – I have nothing to say about the policy of the government but if it should turn in the end that in attempting to hold four millions of miserable Africans [sic] in bondage, twenty six Anglo-Saxons should have their freedom – would it not be a sad comment upon our boasted institutions – It is easy to see the end of this rebellion from Washington institutions – It is easy to see the end of this rebellion from Washington City – but when your get in this latitude it seems to have just begun. Our Army has not moved three miles farther sought than where they were camped when they were attacked on the 6th Inst – it is true we drove them from the field on Monday but they fell back in good order and have not been attacked since so you can see that both armies were willing to quit! I learn that the rebels are reinforcing and will fight again in the neighborhood of Corinth Miss – They can better afford to wait better than we can as our army will be unfit for fighting in six weeks from this time on account of sickness – We should drive them or fight them at once as all must see that we have all to loose [sic] and nothing to gain by delay – Governor Harvey of Wisconsin, was drowned at this landing night before last – by accidentally stepping over the guard of the boat – That I have been staying on for several days – he was here taking care of and hunting up the wounded from Wisconsin and had been very active and had most of his wounded on board when by some mistake he steped [sic] in the river and was soon our of the each of help. The Gov was a young man of good habits and [it is] said posses [sic] more than ordinary talents – I had been in conversation with him not more than five minutes before he was drowned – his friends offer a $1000.00 [reward] for the recovery of his body – but so far have not succeeded in obtaining it.
I think I will make some money on cotton if ever our army moves – I have a good chance to do so & will do it but the boats are all in Govt [sic] employment, and I have to proced [sic] with great caution so as not to have the cotton burned I have not and dont [sic] intend to have the vandals to burn anything of mine – I am not to pay them until the cotton gets to Paducah.
Will be in Washington as soon as I possibly can – Cant [sic] hear any thing [sic] from there or any other place –
Your Friend
D. C. Donnohue
Letters of D. C. Donnohue.

        21, Changes in Nashville Benevolence One Year Later
A year ago the Nashville papers looked like dairies, so full were they of exhibitions of the milk of human kindness. Doctors advertised their professional services gratuitously to the families of those who had volunteered in the Confederate army; public school teachers taught the young ideas [sic] how to shoot, without pay, in consideration for the parents who were coming in to shoot down Kentucky Unionists; lead for bullets was tendered free of charge; Gov. Harris was authorized to draw on certain individuals for any amount, and landlords offered tenements rent free to the wives and children of soldiers. Nashville was in fact princely in the munificence of its promises; gorgeous in its display of charity and benevolence and its horn of plenty was lavishly emptied form both ends into the laps of its indigent but lucky inhabitants. Well, time tries all things, even the ostentatious professions of rebel sympathizers. About a month since the Western Union Sanitary Commission wrote to Gov. General Johnson that there were daily discharged from the hospital at St. Louis citizens of Tennessee, formerly belonging to the rebel army, who had become convalescent and were wandering the streets without the means of living or returning to their homes, and the Commission requested that transportation and subsistence should be forwarded for them. In view of these Statements, Gov. Johnson made a public appeal "not only to the charitable but especially to those who have been instrumental in rendering there misguided fellow citizens to this sad degree of suffering, and who have been co laborers in the unholy work in which they were engaged, to come forward and contribute to their relief."
What was the response? Did doctors, or school-teachers, or pig-headed dealers in pig lead, or bankers, or landlords, who in April last made such a parade of their liberality, open their hands or pockets for the relief of these unfortunate convalescent soldiers? Was the horn of plenty sent to St. Louis to gladden the sight of men exiled from their homes and pining to return to their families and friends? How much did the prodigal and lavish charity of Nashville subscribe? History must be written fairly and impartially, and, therefore, we answer-Not one dollar! Not even a donation of Confederate scrip or State shinplasters. The mild of human kindness was frozen in it lacteal fonts; money chests were double padlocked, and the discharged Confederate soldiers who have been prisoners or in hospitals may starve and die and rot for all that Nashville cares! This exemplifies most strikingly the selfishness and hollow-heartedness of secession. Munificent in its professions to induce its deluded victims to serve in its armies, it has no m ore regard or consideration for them when their services are no longer required or useful than it would have for so many sheep with the rot, or swine with the hog-cholera.
Louisville Daily Journal, April 21, 1862. [3]

        21, Ellet's Marine Brigade destroy mills and commissary supplies near Savannah
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Mississippi Marine Brigade for April, 1863.
* * * *
On the 21st, was forced to leave Eastport, in consequence of the water falling rapidly. Landed at Savannah, and sent scouting parties out to burn mills used by the enemy. Destroyed the mills, with large amount of commissary supplies. Captured 3 of the enemy's pickets, and returned without loss.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 279.

        21, Consequences for Disloyalty in Nashville
Headquarters, U. S. Forces
Nashville, Tenn., April 21.
The sympathizers with the existing rebellion in this city and vicinity, apparently considering the dictates of their political sympathies as of more power than the obligations imposed upon them by their residence and protection within the Federal lines, the General commanding of this post orders as follows:
I. All white persons over the age of eighteen years and residing witching the lines of this command, who do not witching ten days from the publication of this order, subscribe to the oath of allegiance or non combatants' parole, and file with Col. John A. Martin, Provost Marshal, bonds with sufficient securities for the faithful observance of such oaths or paroles will be requested to go South of the lines of this army, by routes to be designated by the military authorities.
II. Parties who have already subscribed to proper oaths or paroles and bonds, and who have not been guilty of acts or words of treason subsequent to the taking of such obligations, are exempted from the operations of this order.
III. Forfeiture of the amount of bonds given as above, and of all other property of persons violating obligations taken in accordance with this order, together with such other punishment as may be decreed by a military commission, will follow any violation of the requirements of such oaths or paroles.
IV. All persons who are unwilling to subscribe to the obligations herein ordered, will report their names and place of residence, within ten days specified, to Col. John A. Martin, Provost Marshal.
By order of
Brig Gen. Robt. B. Mitchell
John Pratt, A. A. General
Nashville Daily Union, April 21, 1863.[4]

        21, Ellet's Marine Brigade destroy mills and commissary supplies near Savannah
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Mississippi Marine Brigade for April, 1863.
* * * *
On the 21st, was forced to leave Eastport, in consequence of the water falling rapidly. Landed at Savannah, and sent scouting parties out to burn mills used by the enemy. Destroyed the mills, with large amount of commissary supplies. Captured 3 of the enemy's pickets, and returned without loss.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 279.

        21, Consequences for Disloyalty in Nashville
Headquarters, U. S. Forces
Nashville, Tenn., April 21.
The sympathizers with the existing rebellion in this city and vicinity, apparently considering the dictates of their political sympathies as of more power than the obligations imposed upon them by their residence and protection within the Federal lines, the General commanding of this post orders as follows:
I. All white persons over the age of eighteen years and residing witching the lines of this command, who do not witching ten days from the publication of this order, subscribe to the oath of allegiance or non combatants' parole, and file with Col. John A. Martin, Provost Marshal, bonds with sufficient securities for the faithful observance of such oaths or paroles will be requested to go South of the lines of this army, by routes to be designated by the military authorities.
II. Parties who have already subscribed to proper oaths or paroles and bonds, and who have not been guilty of acts or words of treason subsequent to the taking of such obligations, are exempted from the operations of this order.
III. Forfeiture of the amount of bonds given as above, and of all other property of persons violating obligations taken in accordance with this order, together with such other punishment as may be decreed by a military commission, will follow any violation of the requirements of such oaths or paroles.
IV. All persons who are unwilling to subscribe to the obligations herein ordered, will report their names and place of residence, within ten days specified, to Col. John A. Martin, Provost Marshal.
By order of
Brig Gen. Robt. B. Mitchell
John Pratt, A. A. General
Nashville Daily Union, April 21, 1863.[5]

        21, Entry in Alice Williamson's Diary, Sumner County
"All quiet in Gallatin to-day." Old Payne [sic] and all the rest are mad about the Fort Pillow affair. This vengeance will be taken out on the citizens of G. [sic] in a few days.
Williamson Diary

        21, Guerrilla activity on the Obion
No comprehensive reports filed.
Excerpt from the Report of Acting Master Fentress, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Mist, regarding the general movements of that vessel, giving information obtained.
U. S. S. Mist
Off Barefiled's Point [Ark.], May 4, 1865
....I continue to cruise from Osceola to Gayoso Landing....I keep generally under easy steam, and anchor but a very short time at any one place. One of the most important places on my beat is the mouth of the Obion River. Quantities of supplies are landed there, and some cotton is shipped from there almost every week. Steamers will not risk landing at that point without my protection....
Several gangs of...desperadoes, well armed and mounted, and commanded by a Captain Lee, formerly with the Tenth New Jersey Volunteers (U. S.). These are up the Obion, and on the 21st day of April last they boarded the steamer Panola...and after searching her, and finding no money or supplies, allowed her to proceed....
* * * *
I have the honor, sir, to be your most obedient servant,
Walter E. H. Fentress,
Acting Master, Commanding U. S. S. Mist.
Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 27, pp. 185-186.

[1] From April 17 through April 20, 1861, Baltimore was the scene of secessionist meetings and riots, which seemed to many Southerners to indicate that Maryland would secede from the Union.
[2]Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents of the War: North and South, 1860-1865, (NY: Publication Office, Bible House, 1867), p. 542. [Hereinafter cited as: Anecdotes.]
[3] As cited in PQCW.
[4] This order does not appear in the OR, however, it was reprinted in the Memphis Bulletin, April 29, 1863.
[5] This order does not appear in the OR, however, it was reprinted in the Memphis Bulletin, April 29, 1863.

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-532-1550  x115
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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