3, Loss of steamboat near Gallatin carrying medicine for Federal forces at Carthage
CARTHAGE, TENN., May 3, 1863.
(Via Gallatin, May 4-9.30 a. m.)
The boats arrived last night. The boat loaded with antiscorbuties sank just above Gallatin. Our men are suffering terribly for want of them. The boats will be sent to Nashville immediately; cannot they be sent back at once with these much-needed articles? Very little clothing-some three hundred pairs of pants-came up. Blouses and pants are greatly needed; many of the men have none.
The rebels are again making their appearance in the Alexandria country [KY], and scattering through the country in all directions. Nothing can be done with them from here without cavalry. It will be necessary to send some of our sick down, if these articles cannot be obtained here soon.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p. 309.
3, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 99, relative to the reorganization of inspector general's office in the Army of the Cumberland
GENERAL ORDERS, No. 99. HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, Murfreesborough, Tenn., May 3, 1863.
In pursuance of a plan proposed by the assistant inspector-general of this army for the reorganization of his department, the following orders are published for the guidance of all concerned:
I. General Orders. No. 6, of November 6, 1862, and the inspection circulars of December 20, 1862, and January 23, 1863, are hereby abrogated.
II. Each division and brigade commander will immediately nominate from his command three energetic and capable officers as inspectors, and forward their names to the corps commanders, who will, from the three approve and appoint one, whose name shall be forwarded to the general commanding for his approval as an inspector, who shall perform all the duties of his office in accordance with this order and the Army Regulations. The inspectors thus appointed will be of the rank of majors for divisions and captains for brigades, unless special authority, in particular cases, be given to appoint officers of less rank. They shall be known as division and brigade inspectors.
III. A monthly and semi-monthly report will be made as heretofore and in accordance with the blanks to be furnished from the office of the assistant inspector-general of the department. The semi-monthly report will embrace the time to the evening of the 14th, and will be made by the brigade inspectors; and, after being approved by the brigade commander, will be handed to the division inspectors by the morning of the 18th. The monthly report will embrace the time up to the end of the month, and will be made and forwarded in the same manner.
Brigade reports will be in duplicate, and by regiments, giving the brigade total; one copy to be retained in corps inspector's office, and one to be forwarded by him to the office of assistant inspector-general of the department. Division reports will be in the same manner in duplicate, and by brigades, giving division totals, and will be made by division inspectors, immediately upon receipt of brigade reports, one copy to be retained in corps inspector's office and one forwarded to office of assistant inspector-general, as before. Corps reports will be in duplicate, and by divisions, as before. All totals shall be in red ink. Brigades and divisions on detached service will report in the same manner, in duplicate, and through the corps inspectors. If such reports cannot be obtained in time for consolidation, they will be forwarded separately, and by him to the office of the assistant inspector-general of the department. Regt. [sic]'s that are detached, and cannot be reported upon by the brigade inspector, will be reported upon in the same manner as above described, and by their adjutants. Blanks will be furnished by corps inspectors to the infantry organizations in their corps, and the reports must be made full and in strict accordance with them.
Every report, whether regimental, brigade, division, or corps, will be accompanied by a letter of advice, which shall contain every information which may be of any importance to the general commanding the department. It must state briefly, but fully, all points which need attention, and recommendations, if necessary, on such points as the inspector may think proper. They must not be more formalities. All letters of advice, or copies of them, will be forwarded, with the reports to which they belong, to the office of the assistant inspector-general, at department headquarters. The letter of advice of the corps inspectors should be very full, but concise, and touch on all changes and improvements, recommendations that have and have not been acted upon, or results obtained. Should inspectors find companies or regiments particularly deserving of praise or censure, it should be given fully and without hesitation. The commanding general directs this particularly.
Guards will be reported upon as to the number of men and average daily detail in brigade in "remarks" and letter of advice.
Hospitals will be reported upon as to the number of men and daily average number of sick in regiment or brigade in "remarks" and letter of advice.
Officers absent without leave will be reported in letters of advice.
IV. Inspectors will use figures, instead of adjectives, to express the condition of regimental books and papers, company books and papers, discipline, drill, sanitary condition of camps, and cooking; also arms, accouterments, and ammunition. With books and papers, 1 will represent "Neat, according to Regulations;" 2, "According to Regulations;" 3, "Not according to Regulations;" 4, "Bad;" 5, "Not kept up;" 6, "Totally neglected." With discipline, drill, sanitary condition of camp, and cooking, 1 will represent, "The best;" 2, "Very good;" 3, "Good;" 4, "Only medium;" 5, "Bad;" 6, Very bad," and 7, "Worst." Clothing will be reported as "New," "Worn," "Well worn," "Worn out," and "Ragged." Corps inspectors will receipt to the inspector-general of the department for the inspection blanks issued to them, and make a quarterly statement to said officers how and when they were disposed of.
V. All printed orders will hereafter be distributed by the assistant inspector-general of the department, and will be sent to corps inspectors (in bulk), who will distribute them to their corps, including all arms of the service. The orders will be receipted for in bulk by the corps inspectors. All orders needed to fill out files in each regiment will be noted in letters of advice; also last orders received, both War Department and Department of the Cumberland. Particular attention must be paid to the proper distribution of orders, and inspectors will be in a measure responsible for the files, or show cause why they are not complete.
VI. Inspectors must ascertain if all the officers reported for duty on the morning reports are present for inspection. Should any be absent, they must be reported by name in the letter of advice. They will also inspect provision returns, and see if they are based upon the morning reports, which reports they will also examine, and ascertain that they are correct. If faulty, it should be reported promptly and fully at once. Inspectors will give particular attention to the treatment of Government animals, and report when they are not properly fed or cared for, and the names of quartermasters who are neglectful of them, or allow them to be ill-treated or ridden hard. No officer or man has a right to use a public horse except on the public service, and quartermasters are responsible that it is not done when in their department. Inspectors must see that have no more tents and baggage for themselves or others than is allowed by orders. Department Orders, Nos. 3,10,17,21,24,25,26,29,30, and 40, of 1862, and Nos. 5,21,32, and 33, of 1863, must be particularly observed, and, if not fully carried out, must be adverted to in the letters of advice. Inspectors will also reports the capacity and zeal of officers in command of troops, staff officers, &c., mode of enforcing orders by officers. They will also report in all new localities upon the roads, communications, where forage can be obtained, and, in fact, all information which may be of use, or will aid to correct defects in introduce improvements.
VII. It is found that the duties of division and brigade inspectors are not distinctly enough divided. The brigade inspectors will in future be relived from reviewing troops and inspecting by regiments or brigades, and it will be their duty, instead, to closely examine and inspect the arms, accouterments, ammunition, clothing, and general equipment and condition of their brigades, by companies, and specially report to the commanding officer of the regiment and brigade, in addition to their report to the division inspector, all evils, irregularities, and wants, of whatever nature, as well as those deserving praise. This does not relieve them from other specified duties and instructions under this order. The division inspectors will attend to the general inspection and reviewing of the troops in reference to drill, discipline, condition of camps, transportation, &c. The duties of division and brigade inspectors in reference to vedette and grand guard and other general duties to remain unchanged. On a march, they will assist the corps inspectors in all things pertaining to the inspector-general's department.
VIII. Inspectors must consider themselves always on duty, and perform their duties without favor or fear. They must have no friends to reward, or enemies to punish, through their official position. They stand as the censors of the army between the commanding general and all officers or men, no matter what their rank or standing may be. Officers who are habitually intemperate, neglectful of their duty, or ignorant and careless must be fully reported on. The duties of inspectors are not always pleasant ones, but they must be performed fairly, and any officer who seeks to find fault with them, or indulge in hard feelings, is both unwise and impolitic.
If inspectors do their duty, the efficiency and discipline of the army can be still more improved. It is hoped that they will not forget that their position is a responsible one, and that the general commanding looks to them for earnest and active work in helping him to make this army what it ought to be. Their appointment is a mark of appreciation of their soldierly qualities. It is hoped they will sustain the reputation that places them in their important position.
The inspectors are friends of both commanders and troops. Justice, good temper, a resolute impartiality, and the avoidance of a bitter and censorious spirit, should characterize their official reports and actions. The friends and aiders of the commanders, by observing all that is done amiss, left undone, or well done, they are equally friends of subordinates and soldiers, whose rights, interests, and honor are at stake-the just fulfillment of orders, regulations, and maintenance of discipline.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 309-312.
3, Harriet Beecher Stowe's play in Nashville
Theatre. – "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is to be repeated at this house this evening. Last night the house was crowded from pit to dome to witness its rendition, and, judging from the plaudits of the audience assembled, we had no doubt it would continue to draw good houses for several nights to come, Little Ella Bailey, as "Eva," was rapturously received, and made the most of her character.
Nashville Dispatch, May 3 1864
3, "The flower and the pride of Tennessee is in the Rebel Army. Her educated and enlightened class are there and I believe them to be conscientious." Excerpts from Lt. Albert Potter's letter to his father
Columbia Tenn
May 3rd 1864
Dear Father
I rec'd a letter from you a few days ago, but have lost it. Am glad you are all getting well again. I am not very tough at present but am feeling better every day. The regiment and Brigade has moved to the front, I think to Chattanooga as soon as they get where I can rejoin them, I shall do so by rail. Col Park told me he would telegraph me to what place to come. Lt Carter is with me. We are boarding at a Rivalto [sic] house, a Mr. Sheppard, very nice people especially Mrs. Shepard. We have plenty of music and singing, a piano and plenty of girls. They are all Southern here at heart but they are loyal with the tongue. The girls sing us southern songs with our permission of course, we allow them to sing what they choose. They have a brother in the Southern Army and they feel a certain sympathy which is natural and right. I think of my own home very often and how anxious you all are and I can but admit that if we had all been born and lived down here that probably we would have been just as these people here are, Rebels. Perhaps you will think I am getting tainted with treason myself but you know me better than that. I do not approve of the course Tennessee has taken. She has brought ruin and desolution [sic] upon herself, but people here are so different. The flower and the pride of Tennessee is in the Rebel Army. Her educated and enlightened class are there and I believe them to be conscientious. They think or thought they were right and now their Pride will not let them come back. K cannot blame the mother or sister who will sympathize for the cause their sons and brothers are engage in under the circumstances.
* * * *
Potter Correspondence.
3, Orders relative to administration of anti-guerrilla activity in Middle Tennessee
HDQRS. FIRST SUB-DISTRICT OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE, Tullahoma, Tenn., May 3, 1865. Brig. Gen. H. P. VAN CLEVE, Cmdg. First Brigade, &c., and Post of Murfreesborough:
The following telegraphic order has just been received from headquarters District of Middle Tennessee, viz.,:
Brig. Gen. H. P. Van Cleve, commanding post at Murfreesborough, Tenn., is hereby designated as the officer to treat with the classes named in the foregoing order who may be nearest his post. All bands or individuals taking the benefit of the foregoing order will be required to report at the nearest military post immediately thereafter and take the usual parole, and surrender their arms and everything they have belonging to the so-called Confederate Government.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Milroy:
JNO. O. CRAVENS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
(An order similar to the foregoing has been forwarded Col. Amasa Cobb, commanding post of Decherd, Tenn.; to Lieut. Col. T. J. Stauber, commanding post of Shelbyville, Tenn., and to Capt. W. H. Lewis, commanding Forty-second Missouri Infantry.)
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 591.
3, Description of Ex-Governor Isham G. Harris by Governor William G. Brownlow
The aforesaid refugee from justice, without the authority of law, and in violation of all law, human and Divine, was the chief instrument in thrusting upon Tennessee this terrible rebellion, and its innumerable evils, a rebellion which has stormed the very citadel of order, every defense of virtue, every sanctuary of right, and every abode of decency. When those villainous but frantic efforts were astonishing mankind with her success, as much as appaling [sic] them with their atrocity; when the fairest portion of this great Commonwealth had been made hideous by the triumphs of this arch-traitor and his corrupt and treasonable associates, and their preclusive orgies had profaned our churches, like dastards they ingloriously fled, upon the approach of the national flag of beauty and glory, carrying with them to the heart of treason the funds and other valuable from the State. From that period until now, the said Isham G. Harris has been roving through the South, swept by the unparalleled hurricane of licentiousness and furious tempest of anarchy, never before equaled upon earth! Said Harris has been periodically visiting the border counties of this State, issuing bogus proclamations, and collecting revenue, falsely pretending to be the Governor of Tennessee.
This culprit Harris, is about five feet ten inches high, weighs about one hundred and forty-five pounds, and is about fifty-five years of age. His complexion is sallow-his eyes are dark and penetrating-a perfect index to the heart of a traitor-with the scowl and frown of a demon resting upon his brow. The study of mischief, and the practice of crime have brought upon him a premature, baldness and grey beard. With brazen-faced impudence, he talks loudly and boastingly about the overthrow of the Yankee army, and entertains no doubt but the South will achieve her independence. He chews tobacco rapidly, and is inordinately fond of liquor. In his moral structure he is an unscrupulous man-steeped to the nose and chin in personal and political profligacy-now about lost to all sense of honor and shame-with a heart reckless of social duty, and fatally bent upon mischief.
If captured, he will be found lurking in the rebel strongholds of Mississippi, Alabama, or Georgia, and in female society [sic], alleging with the sheep-faced modesty of a virtuous man, that is not a wholesome state of public sentiment or of taste, that forbids an indiscriminate mixing together of married men and women. If captured, the furtive must be delivered to me alive, to the end that justice may be done him here, upon the theater of his former villainous deeds!
The daily papers of Nashville and Memphis, as well as the Chattanooga Gazette and Knoxville Whig, will each insert three times, in addition to the other papers suggested by the Legislature.
In testimony whereof, I have herdunto [sic] set my hand and affixed the seal of the State, at the City of Nashville, this 3d of May, 1865
Wm. G. Brownlow
By the Governor:
Andrew J. Fletcher, Secretary of State.
Brownlow's Whig and Independent Journal and Rebel Ventilator, May 10, 1865.
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