Mr. Editor: Probably my former articles contain all that one man is entitled to say on the money question. I desire to add a few words in reference to the matter by way of application. The circulation of the Tennessee banks is our own money [sic], and if, as a people, we suffer its discredit, its place will be supplied from abroad.
As before intimated, when or bank paper is made the standard in Memphis, its value as currency will be favorably affected and felt elsewhere. A sound policy points to a careful and distrustful circulation of the bills of Eastern banks. The United States treasury scrip is now (almost) the only paper money used for banking in the Northern States. Hence Yankee bank paper must soon go to the wall, and then our people will lose, as they deserve to lose, a worthless currency that they gave a preference to over their own paper.
I insist upon it, the close of the present war, be it sooner or later, will result in a grand "fizzle" of all the New England banks. From their own showing they will never be able to redeem their outstanding circulation. This ingenious portion of our fellow-citizens are using their best exertions to supply our people with a circulating medium, while the "Bears" decry our State stocks, and their brokers, by unjust quotations, force Western and Southern money homeward. It is a fact easy of demonstration that Western papers is better than Eastern-four to one. How is it, then, that the difference is against the great South-West? Are the pictures of the Eastern banks prettier than those of the Western banks? The Yankees are famous for humbugging other people, and the Western people should look ahead at the currency vortex and save themselves from becoming the victims of sharp practice.
There are only two reasons why Tennessee should bank on her own credit, with her own paper: First want of capital, and second, want of financial ability to use it. No one doubts either the ability of Tennessee or Tennessee men in this regard. They why suffer our own paper to be discredited at home?
The present is the same of all other for Memphis to raise the standard of her own money. The army supplies are purchased [up] North, and paid for in government funds-one-half of the money paid troops here finds its way into circulation in all ramifications of business. The money thus distributed will nearly pay for all the Northern good brought to this market. If only one-third of our people could be induced to sell their cotton and sugar for Tennessee paper, exchange would be soon in favor of Memphis. I here deny the oft repeated remark that money regulates itself, and would merely suggest that communities of men have something to do with value of paper money.
Memphis Union Appeal, August 19, 1862.
19, Skirmish near Murfreesborough
No circumstantial reports filed.
MURFREESBOROUGH, August 19, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. BUELL:
Not a word from Gen. Johnson. All quiet here. We had a slight skirmish with 20 mounted men 10 miles from here this morning.
W. B. HAZEN, Col., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 366-367.
19, F. J. Paine at Link [Lick?] Creek, Tennessee, to his sister, Mary, in Washington, Tennessee
Link Creek, Tenn. Aug. 19th 1863
My Dear Sister,
I am again seated to write you a short letter, merely that you may hear from me, For I know it is a source of pleasure at home to hear from us at any time. I neglected writing longer the last time than I intended, but I had so much to do I kept putting it off. I will try and do better in the future. We are still within three miles of Ebinazer [sic]. We only moved the camp three miles in order to get nearer forage, and to get rid of the flies which annoy the horses greatly, when we remain long at any one place. Forage is getting very scarce here, we are now feeding some new corn, it is too green but we cannot get hay here and have to feed it in place of hay or oats. We are still getting some old corn which is much better that if we had to fetch green corn altogether.
G. W. Calahan has the appointment of Chaplain now in our command and is taking a good deal of interest in it. He has a revival now going on. Has had a few professions, [sic] and quite a number at the anxious seat, amongst other Clay Darwin, Sam Sandersdale, Jus Whaley and several other of the same company. And they all seem to be very much affected and I think they are really in earnest. I have been busy generally and have not attended the meeting yet.
I have been staying very close in camp and trying to attend to my business since I came from home. Col. Rucker and Neal have both been unwell since I returned and have been in command of the legion part of the time which requires more attention than only one Battalion. [sic]
I have no news more than you have seen in the papers. There seems to be very little news published now from any quarter. I think Forest [sic] is preparing for a move in some direction but I do not suppose Capt. Darwin got home the day after I left on a seven days [sic] furlough, and has not returned yet. I hear that he is sick. If he gets sick every times he goes home I think he had better stay in camp. I road [sic] out into the country a few miles this evening which is the first time I have been out of camp since I returned from home. I was hunting something to eat and succeeded in buying a nice ham and got a mess of watermelons. They have some as fine round here as I ever saw any where, though they sell very high. I hope you are all getting along well at home and satisfied with doing the best you can. And if I could always know that this was the case I could be much better contented than I am, for at times I think of it, I feel that I ought to be there. But on the other hand, when I take a different view of the condition of affairs I am obliged to admit that your condition is by far better than thousands, who but a short time ago worked much higher in the good of this world and I sincerely hope that you may all continue [to] even do as well as you have this far.
I have recd. no letter from home since I was there but am looking for one in a day to two as I wrote to Ann some days ago. I am still enjoying good health, and am always ready for my rations when I can get them. Though amongst the officers they have been pretty short recently, as the commissary has no bacon and I will not buy beef for poor beef I never did like. But since rostinears [sic] have come in and apples have ripened so they will do to fry and I have been doing better. There is an order issued from headquarters for the impressment of horses and mules and if an agent comes round there, call upon him for his authority and if he has it, and wants Simu or the mules or both of them, tell them that they both belong to me and that I left them there to be worked. That I would have sold both but you could not get along there and carry on the farm without them and that you have no one there to get any more if they are taken. And if they still say they must have them ask five hundred dollars each for them and don't agree to take any less. And if they take them off, take the money they offer you, but don't agree to take it in full unless they give five hundred and take the mane of the man in case, and whose command he belongs to and write me all about it. They may not come there, but the will be likely to if they go to that country.
Tell Ann she must pay the girls a visit for me, occasionally during my absence, and keep me posted if any one is likely to take advantage of my absence and get in ahead of me. I hear of them marrying now and then through the country and some of my special friends there might do the same, and me not be approved of it if some one don't look after my interests. I have no idea when I will get off home again, as it is uncertain where we may be ordered to at any time. If we remain in this vicinity I will come down to the association if I can get off. I Ann will leave off some of her briskness when it is to be and write to me, I think I can fix up an excuse to get off about that time if we are anywhere in this vicinity. Write to me as soon as you get this and let me hear what is going on in Rhea [county]. I have not heard from Hab since I was at home. I will write to him in a day or two. I suppose they are still at Tyners [sic] Station. Give my love to all and know me as ever
Your Brother
F. J. Paine
Paine Correspondence.
19, "The Oath of Allegiance."
Yesterday [19th] the office of the Provost Marshal presented a scene calculated to invigorate the loyalty and inspire the patriotism of even Col. Swayne. Throughout the entire day numbers of the country people from around Memphis kept dropping in for the purpose of voluntarily [sic] taking the oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the Union. The day's business in this line amounted to one hundred and fifty men putting themselves as emphatically on the side of loyalty. We need scarcely say that this is encouraging, it is more. It shows very plainly that these men have no faith whatever in the success of the Mississippi Repudiator's ambitious scheme of disunion, and furthermore that they are determined to resist his robbing bands of Goths and Vandals who have been committing depredations within a few miles of the city. That they may do this successfully we respectfully suggest the propriety of furnishing each one of them with a Sharpe's rifle.
Memphis Bulletin, August 20, 1863.
19, Desertion from the 9th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
Maxwell, who has been acting commissary for the 31st Tenn. for two years and had no commission, skedaddled last night to keep from being conscripted. We intended sending letters home by him. Capt. Summers is to start for West Tenn. in detached service and will carry my letters until he reaches Maxwell.
Van Buren Oldham Diaries.
19, Skirmish at Charleston
AUGUST 19, 1864.-Skirmish at Charleston, Tenn.
Report of Lieut. Col. Martin B. Ewing, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery.
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Charleston, August 20, 1864.
LIEUT.: I have the honor to report, for the information of the colonel commanding, that all the forces of the enemy seem to have passed on toward Athens. They were in line of skirmishers about one mile and a quarter from the bridge here for several hours yesterday. I shelled them while in the act of burning the road, and drove the whole party (Humes' brigade, about 1,400) off with seven shells. The last shell thrown (a 10-pounder Parrott) was thrown a little over three miles, burst among them, and wounded six men, one, Lieut.-Col. Powell, of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, mortally. This report was derived from a deserter and from a loyal citizen, whom they held prisoner all day yesterday. From all reports I gather that the whole force numbers about 6,000, with eight guns.
Lieut. Fischer reported a mountain howitzer with the rear guard near here yesterday. Some fifty of our men skirmished all the afternoon with this guard and finally drove them off. Members of this force said at a number of places, and to many parties in this vicinity, that they were on a big raid, and were going on toward Knoxville to meet Morgan, and go with him into Middle Tennessee or Kentucky. They also said that they did not want either Cleveland or this place.
Lieut. Marshman, who was some miles south of Athens on Tuesday night, reports that one brigade was engaged in seizing horses and beef-cattle and sending them off through the mountains to Hood's army.
I have the honor to state, also, that every officer and man of this command did his whole duty. The only trouble I had with them was keeping them from going out and attacking the enemy at every point where they could hear of them.
I am also under great obligations to Col. Byrd, First Tennessee Infantry; Lieut. Coburn, First North Carolina; Lieut. Hale, ____ Tennessee, and Mr. Williams, citizen scout, for important aid and assistance.
No casualties in this command.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
M. B. EWING, Lieut.-Col. Second Ohio Heavy Artillery.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. I, pp. 116-117.
19, Skirmishes near Sweet Water
LOUDON, TENN., August 24, 1864
GEN.: I have the honor to make you acquainted with the following account of the proceedings of the raiding party from the south, in this vicinity for your information: On Saturday last [19th] a detachment from this place had a skirmish with the enemy near Sweet Water early in the morning, and finding their strength too great fell back. In the afternoon, near Philadelphia, had another skirmish, and 3 men captured, I of whom made his escape, but no one killed or wounded. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded in these two skirmishes was 6 or more. We captured 1 from the Sixth Georgia Cavalry. That day the enemy moved to the south of this place and crossed the Little Tennessee at different fords the 20th and 21st. The 22d some crossed the Holston at Louisville and cut the telegraph at Concord, and did a little damage to railroad, and then returned to the south side of the river the next day. Railroad and telegraph to Knoxville now repaired.
* * * *
I am, general, most respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. AMMEN, Brig. Gen., U. S. Vols., Comdg. Fourth Division, 23d Army Corps.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 38, pt. V, p. 658.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
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