Monday, August 4, 2014

8.4.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        4, The "Huyett Battery."
No people whose country is invaded and whose homes are threatened with all the evils of a desolating war, hail with pleasure every new and formidable means presented of overcoming and destroying their enemy. The more destructive the means, the more welcome the announcement of their availability. We have just learned that an engine of war, terrible in the work it will do, but simple and easy in construction and management, has been invented by Col. D. H. Huyett[1] of this city. It may not be prudent to state thus publicly the precise modus operandi of this new weapon, but according to the judgment of well known military gentlemen, it is entire feasible, and will supply a want long felt in the army and naval service. After the close of the war it may not be imprudent to give a full description of the instrument.
We have seen a drawing of this battery, and if certainly promises to be a very powerful engine either of defense or attack.
Chattanooga Gazette, August 4, 1861.
        4, Shelter for Memphis' homeless
Home for the Homeless.—The Association of the "Home for the Homeless," will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, on Monday, August 5th, at 10 A.M. This institution, thus far, has been kept up by the contributions of its members almost entirely, and we hope they will not allow their interest to flag now. The Home is now in such a flourishing condition, and we trust, will remain so, notwithstanding the unsettled condition of public affairs. The poor we have always with us, and they must be cared for. As the Treasurer will make a report of the financial condition of the association, a full attendance is earnestly requested. By order of the President,
Mary L. Bayliss, R. Sec'y.
Memphis Daily Appeal, August 4, 1861.

        4, Ignorance and superstition as the source of pro-Union sentiment in East Tennessee
From Our Special Correspondent "T.D.W."
Morristown, Tenn., Aug. 4, 1862.
Dear Confederacy:
I have noticed, during my stay in East Tennessee, one remarkable fact: that ignorance of the masses is the primary cause of all the toryism in this section. Nearly all of the respectable and well informed are true to the South. In no instance have I found an educated gentleman, or one who has much at stake, a follower of Lincoln. This must be, then, the effects of education. I find here more or less of the class called superstitious. They see ghosts, hobgoblins, trees on fire in the heavens, stars falling, worlds burning up, and a thousand other illusions that portend a large development of the supernatural. An old lady in this neighborhood discovered her dog lying east and west on his back, with his feet up towards the heavens. Straightway she announced to my horror that there would be a death in the family. One remarkable circumstance, however, she forgot to mention: the time the death would occur. If a cock comes in the house and gives a lively crow, straightway it is announced that a stranger is coming that very day. Horse shoes are abundant over the doors, and on inquiry I found it to mean the frightening off of witches. I find but few schools--few churches, and an enlightened gospel is seldom, if ever, heard in the mountains. This, then, is the truth of the whole matter: ignorance and superstition. Follow the chain of mountains, even in Virginia and North Carolina, and as the people in and on the mountains are more or less ignorant, unrefined and superstitious, the demagogue seeking an office finds his victims, and appeals to them by placing himself on a level with them.
T. D. W.
Southern Confederacy [Atlanta, Georgia], August 9, 1862.[2]

        4, Anti-guerrilla initiative launched in the Union City, Trenton, Troy, Dyersburg environs to stop August 6 Confederate elections
HDQRS. SIXTH DIVISION, SIXTEENTH CORPS, Columbus, Ky., August 4, 1863.
Col. GEORGE E. WARING, JR., Cmdg. Brigade, Feliciana, Ky.:
COL.: Your report from Feliciana of 3d instant estimates the rebel forces moving from Huntington toward Trenton and Jackson at 1,500 to 2,000 strong, and Col. Hatch's forces about 2,500 strong, moving west from vicinity of Huntington toward Trenton, in pursuit of the rebel forces. You will, therefore, at once march your command to Union City, informing Col. Hatch, if possible, accordingly, and act in concert with him, if required, this side of Trenton. Meanwhile you will endeavor to immediately clear the country around Union City, Troy, and Hickman of guerrillas and of [R. V.] Richardson's marauding parties, thus securing railroad and telegraphic communication to Columbus and Hickman.
A hand-car is reported to be in the possession of the rebels between Union City and Trenton; endeavor to secure it. A telegraph operator will be ordered at once to Union City. The required forage will be sent by train to-morrow to Union City.
In regard to fresh clothes for officers and men, make your own arrangements; they can be forwarded by train. Our cavalry at Fort Pillow (five companies of Second Illinois) is directed to start heavy scouting parties toward Dyersburg and Troy on the 6th instant, and prevent any rebel election. Move your cavalry accordingly with the same view, and as far as you can prudently operate. Make it impossible for the rebels to hold the elections in Tennessee alluded to in Gen. Hurlbut's letter, communicated to you on July 30, and numbered 3279.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 590-591.

        4, Care of the insane in Nashville
The crazy woman arrested the other day and lodged in the workhouse by Marshal Chumbly has a decided passion for "nothing to wear." The city marshal has furnished several outfits for the lady, but so soon as the clothing touches her back she tears it off. She is said to be destructive to rage as a first class paper mill. [?] The hot weather, no doubt, had something to do with making her a lunatic.
Nashville Dispatch, August 4, 1864.
        4, "Miscegenation in Nashville"
About three months ago, Mr. William Scruggs, who resides...fourteen miles from town on the Hillsboro Pike, hired a refugee named Nash to work upon his farm. When the work was finished, Nash was paid off and discharged. He loitered about the place until Tuesday evening last [August 2], when he and one of Mr. Scrugg's negro girls disappeared. Mr. Scruggs came to town yesterday morning, and with the aid of a police officer, succeeded in finding the two in bed, in a house on the alley between Church and Union streets in the rear of the Maxwell house, or Barracks No. 1. The woman was taken in charge by Mr. William Thillet, a friend of Mr. Scruggs, and the two of them had taken shelter from the rain in the saloon of P.B. Coleman, when three soldiers came along, in company with a negro boy, who pointed the girl out to the soldiers, and the later immediately took possession of the girl, told her she was free, and at liberty to go where she pleased. The matter was laid before the military authorities who declined to inquire into the subject, or to have anything to do with it.
Nashville Dispatch, August 4, 1864

[1] There is nothing to indicate Huyett's "battery" was ever produced. It was most likely a land mine discharged from a distance by means of electricity or it was set off by a pressure detonator.
[2] As cited in:

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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