Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10/01/2014 Sesquicentennial Tennessee Civil War Notes

October 1, 1861, Report of the Tennessee Military and Financial Board to the General Assembly



The undersigned, members of the Military and Financial Board, beg leave respectfully to report that they were organized under the act of May last, soon after its passage, and have been engaged ever since in the execution of the arduous and difficult trusts imposed upon them. Prior to their organization and in anticipation of the passage of the act of May, a preliminary and informal board was instituted at the instance of the Governor of the State, by whose agency large supplies of clothing, provisions, and material of war were purchased and shipped to Nashville. The sequel has shown the wisdom and forecast of this early movement, as it enabled the State to secure a large amount of articles of indispensable necessity that in a short time afterward could not be purchased at any price; and much of what was still attain able and important to the service soon rose to enormous rates. Contemporaneously with this original board, there were established by private citizens at Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, and other places boards of supply that rendered efficient and valuable services as auxiliaries in the great work of preparation. And to the liberality and patriotism of the citizens of those and other localities the State is largely indebted for whatever has been achieved in organizing and fitting out the Provisional Army. The undersigned, of course, found many difficulties to encounter. A large army, such as Tennessee had never furnished before, had to be raised, organized, equipped, clothed, fed, and paid. The task was a new one, and the facilities in many respects not abundant. Arms and ammunition, the most important items in such an emergency, were the most difficult of attainment. The blockade then and still existing all around the Southern States rendered the importation of these articles almost impossible. At the time of the organization of this board there was not a cap factory in the whole South, nor a powder mill in operation, nor a manufactory of small-arms to any extent, and but one cannon foundry. In this state of things there was no appeal except to our own resources. Under the auspices of Samuel D. Morgan, esq., a manufactory of caps was established in this city, which from small beginning has been made to produce within the last four months over 12,000,000 caps, and is now producing daily enough to sustain the waste of a great battle. Much credit is due Mr. Morgan for his aid in this and other matters connected with the public service. The capacity of this establishment is believed to be adequate to meet the demands of the whole Confederate States.

Cannon enough have been cast, both bronze and iron, to supply the whole Provisional Army of Tennessee for the present. This has been done principally in Nashville and Memphis, and to some extent in Chattanooga, and can now be carried on to any limit. The manufacture of small-arms, such as guns and sabers, has also been pressed with the utmost diligence. A large amount of capital and skill has been brought into requisition for this purpose in Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, and other places, and while the production up to this time has not been great, the foundation has been laid by which, in a few months, there will have been more guns manufactured in the State than were to be found in the arsenal at the commencement of the present struggle. The skill employed in this important branch is rapidly improving, and the most confident hopes are indulged that the success will be complete. On the subject of powder, the undersigned have encountered the greatest difficulty. By timely action a large amount of sulphur was obtained by purchase at different points, but the supply of saltpeter was limited, and not to be had in the markets of the South. To supply this indispensable article, resort was had to the caves of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas, and, at considerable expense and delay, contracts were made in all these localities which, with varied success, promise in the aggregate to afford a sufficient amount for the current demand. In many instances liberal advances had to be made to induce the investment of capital and labor in that uncertain and precarious business, and it has been impossible to procure the manufacture of the article at all, except at high prices. The undersigned also, by advances, procured one powder mill that had been out of use for some time to be refitted with increased capacity, and it has been in operation for several weeks past. They procured also in like manner to be erected a new mill, which is now about completed, with large capacity. These two mills, if they meet with no accident, it is believed will be able to furnish powder enough to meet the current demands of the whole Government during the war. The expenses of all these operations have been considerable and greatly enhanced by the increase in the price of materials and in certain branches of mechanical labor. Arms of every description soon rose to enormous rates, but the undersigned, while seeking to practice economy as far as possible, did not hesitate to pay high prices where it was necessary to arm and sustain the soldier and prepare for the impending struggle. Much of the expense incurred resulted from the failure of Confederate authorities promptly to muster our troops and to prepare for their support. The consequence was that the State has been compelled, until a recent date, to pay, clothe, and sustain her army, notwithstanding it was virtually turned over by the vote of the 8th of June and the proclamation of the Governor. This, however, can only prove a temporary inconvenience, as the Government has admitted its readiness to pay our troops[1] from and after the 31st of July, the date of the Governor's proclamation, and such as have not been paid by the State since that period will be paid by the Confederate paymaster, and of course the advances by the State on this account refunded.

The undersigned present herewith a general and detailed statement of their expenditures, marked A and B, respectively, by which it will be seen that they amounted, on the 1st instant, to $4,637,198.77. And after paying some outstanding liabilities, the whole expenditure will fall little if any short of $5,000,000. Upon this, however, they expect soon to be able to credit the amount of supplies on hand, and which were turned over and transferred to the Confederate Government, to be paid for in cash. The inventory of these supplies, so far as it could be completed, has been forwarded to Richmond for payment, and one of the members of this board is now absent on that business. The amount of these supplies so far as ascertained is about $700,000, subject to be increased by future returns. To meet these expenditures bonds of the State were issued in the first instance, to the amount of $2,000,000, and it was hoped that by an early settlement with the Confederate Government any further issue could be avoided, and thus save considerable expense; but by the act of the last Congress, the claims of all the States have to be audited before payment can be made; and this being impossible until a settlement could be had with all the various military departments of the State, it was determined by the board to issue bounds to the full amount of the expenditure. That has been done to the extent of $1,000,000 in addition, and will be continued until the remainder is covered, unless for any reason your honorable body shall see proper to suspend it. The Bank of Tennessee is largely in advance to the State over and above the bonds received, and in this and in the whole negotiation with the State, has manifested through its officers a most liberal and patriotic policy. The same can with equal truth be said of the Union and Planters' Banks and their officers. They did not hesitate to advance what was desired by the board, and all seemed willing to share in the difficulties of the public emergency. The undersigned take pleasure in commending the conduct of these three institutions, and they are entitled for their liberality to the gratitude of the community.

The undersigned, besides transferring all the public supplies on hand, have also turned over to the Confederate Government all their contracts, for the manufacture of arms and ammunition, so that the State is no longer encumbered with that large source of expense. There remains on hand as a future charge the armory established at Nashville. It has been employed exclusively in repairing old guns, and has added considerably to the stock of arms. It can be made highly useful in this branch of business, as there are thousands of guns in the State now wholly useless that can be rendered available for the field. The machinery already acquired by this establishment and such as may be added will give it the capacity of manufacturing new arms of the first quality to a considerable extent. All that it can make will be received and paid for by the Confederate Government at liberal rates. It is not probable, from the investments made, that any loss can ensue. On the contrary, if it were desirable, its operations can be rendered profitable; but whether it shall be continued or what disposition shall be made of it is respectfully submitted to your judgment and discretion. The undersigned have had presented to them from time to time various claims for settlement, which they could not, under their sense of legal duty, allow, but which nevertheless were not without merit. These they will submit hereafter in a special communication. They ask an examination of their expenditures, and for this purpose their books and vouchers are subject to inspection. They are of opinion that as the Provisional Army has been turned over to the Confederate Government, together with all the supplies on hand, there is no longer any necessity for a military and financial board, and that it can and ought to be dispensed with for the future. They respectfully suggest that a commissioner be appointed without delay to settle with all the various officers who have been charged with the expenditure of the money. It is important that this be done speedily, in order to expedite a settlement with the Confederate Government and to reimburse the State. The books of the undersigned show to whom money was paid from time to time, and all that remains is for the persons to whom the sums were issued to furnish vouchers for the expenditure.

In conclusion, the undersigned cannot forbear to acknowledge the prompt and generous response made to their appeal by the people of the State in furnishing supplies of clothing and other necessaries to the soldiers in the field. Aside from the consideration of the timely and material aid to those who are fighting our battles and struggling with disease, it has inspired new courage and confidence in the hearts of all true friends of Southern independence. Who can doubt the success of a cause that finds such ardent and universal support among both sexes and in all conditions of life? When a free people can rise up to the sublime height of not only professing but practicing the motto of "All for the public and nothing for self," they can never be conquered. A continuation of this same spirit is respectfully and solemnly invoked during this momentous struggle. Let all our resources, physical, moral, and intellectual, be brought to bear by one mighty effort against the enemies of our rights and of American freedom, and it will require no gift of prophecy to predict a speedy and glorious termination to this unhappy conflict. The undersigned submit their action to your inspection and judgment, with the consciousness of having endeavored to do their duty to the utmost of their power, but with a regret that they could not be more useful in preparing and sustaining the State in her great hour of trial.

With high respect, your obedient servants,





Condensed statement of the expenditures of the Military and Financial Board.


Quartermaster's department.....................................$1,645,413.46


Western defenses................................. 6,000.00


Paymaster's department................. 1,104,800.00

Commissary department.................... 627,064.87

Medical department............................ 24,761.21

Ordnance department.........................875,308.40

Advances on ordnance stores..............117,832.23

Board of supplies.................................15,150.57

………………………………...           990,291.20

Maj.-Gen. Pillow.............................. 200,000.00[2]


Federal Government….......................... $1,826.55

Tullahoma Volunteers............................... 387.86

Salaries of board.................................... 2,350.00

Expenses of board.................................... 639.26

Army Regulations, &c........................... 2,195.25

Special services..................................... 9,131.89

Exchange............................................ 15,320.78

          ……………………………. $1,645,413.46

Recruiting service.................................... 123.25

Adjutant-general...................................... 600.00

           …………………………………… 723.25

Total expenditures......................... 4,637,198.77


Liabilities of Military and Financial Board:

Due Bank of Tennessee................................... 2,176,241.68

Perkins & Co........................................................... 100.00

       …………………………………………    2,176,341.68

Amount to credit in Union Bank…………........... 39,642.91

Actual and immediate liability........................ 2,136,698.77

F. G. ROCHE, Secretary.

NASHVILLE, October 1, 1861.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, pp. 158-162


        1, Rotten Beef and Pork Kill Tennessee Confederate Soldiers

Fraud Exposed-.The Chattanooga Rebel calls attention to the fraudulent and outrageous manner in which beef and pork were put up for the army last year by the governmental agents in East Tennessee. It says many of the deaths in the army were caused by this unwholesome food, and premises to keep a sharp look out for such criminal remissness the present winter.

Memphis Daily Appeal, October 1, 1861.[3]



        1, Skirmish at Davis Bridge

No circumstantial reports filed.[4]

Excerpt from the Report of Col. John K. Mizner, third Michigan Cavalry, commanding Cavalry Division, including operations October 1-12, relative to skirmish at Bone Yard, October 1, 1862.

HDQRS. CAVALRY DIVISION, Corinth, Miss., October 19, 1862.

COL.: In compliance with Special Orders, No. 254, of October 9, 1862, calling for reports from the division commanders of the part taken by their respective commands in the battle of Corinth and the ensuing pursuit of the enemy, I have the honor to submit the following:

No sooner had the enemy commenced concentrating his forces, by massing his columns at Ripley, than their movements were discovered by our scouts, and strong parties of cavalry were immediately sent to Kossuth toward Baldwyn, out on the Purdy road, and to Chewalla.

On October 1 a portion of the Third Michigan Cavalry, occupying a position near Kossuth (MS), proceeding via Bone Yard to Davis' Bridge, were attacked by the enemy's advancing column, and after a short skirmish the enemy retired....

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, p. 242.

        1, Skirmish at the junction of the Purdy, Chewalla and Hamburg roads

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the October 19, 1862 Report of Col. John K. Mizner, third Michigan Cavalry, commanding Cavalry Division, including operations October 1-12, 1862, relative to the skirmish at the junction of the Purdy, Chewalla and Hamburg roads, October 1, 1862:

* * * *

Capt. Smith, with the Third Battalion of the Fifth Ohio Cavalry, was stationed at the junction of the Purdy with the Chewalla and Hamburg roads to watch the movements of the enemy in that direction. He had some slight skirmishing with the enemy, but held his position until 2 p. m. on the 4th, reporting frequently; when, finding his communication cut off, he made a detour to the right of our lines, coming into the Pittsburg road, and after making a reconnaissance on that road returned to Corinth....

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, p. 242.



        1, Report that Hamilton County public records burned by Confederates

HDQRS. NINETY-SECOND ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, Harrison, Tenn., October 1, 1863-3 p. m.

Maj. WILLIAM H. SINCLAIR, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

Maj.: All quiet. It is reported on pretty good authority that the enemy have burned up all the public records at Harrison, of Hamilton County. Ergo: The enemy would not be likely to burn up the records of a country they expected permanently to hold.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

SMITH D. ATKINS, Col. Ninety-second Illinois Volunteers.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. IV, p. 23.

        1, Federal Medical Report relative to the Battle of Chattanooga

Report of Surg. Israel Moses, U. S. Army, Medical Director, Post of Chattanooga.

OFFICE OF MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF POST, Chattanooga, Tenn., October 1, 1863.

SIR: In obedience to orders, I repaired to this post, and, arriving September 18, reported to the commanding officer as medical director. Receiving orders from you to prepare beds for 5,000 wounded, I found scant supplies for not more than 500, and buildings capable of holding that number built by the Confederates and occupied as a hospital, with about 150 sick already in. Also a large building, two stories high, built by the Confederates as a receiving hospital, capable of holding 150. These buildings were without doors or windows and destitute of every convenience.

A partial supply of medicines, blankets, furniture, and dressings was on hand, estimated for 1,000 men, but deficient in many articles. I selected several buildings which might be converted into hospitals.

On September 19, Saturday, an engagement took place about 7 or 8 miles distant, and was renewed with great fierceness during the forenoon of the 20th [Sunday], during which our wounded numbered over 6,000. On this and the following day [Monday], as nearly as I can estimate, 4,000 wounded officers and men were received and assigned to various buildings and private houses, hotels, and churches. The following general hospital were established during Sunday and Monday:

No. 1. Buildings [13] on the hill, which received nearly 1,000.

No. 2. Receiving hospital at base of hill, which received about 300.

No. 3. Crutchfield Hotel, which was taken possession of, and accommodated, on beds and floors, about 500.

No. 4. Three churches, which held about 200.

No. 5. Lofts over buildings occupied as the commissary storehouses, which received about 300.

No. 6. Buildings opposite the above, which accommodated 400.

No. 7. Officers' Hospital No. 1, a large brick building on a hill, which received 100 officers.

No. 8. Officers' Hospital No. 2, a large private mansion, which received 35.

No. 9. Private houses were taken late at night, and about 150 to 200 obtained shelter.

All the severe cases were dressed the same night they arrived, and other the next day, and all received food, of which many had been deprived for two days.

This work was performed by a corps of 43 surgeons who reported to me either by your order or as volunteers (of whom 4 were Confederate medical officers).

About three-fourths of the wounds were flesh, or of a lighter character, the other fourth being of the gravest character inflicted by musketry.

Few shell wounds or by round shot were seen, owing to the fact that little artillery was employed by the enemy.

On Monday the lighter cases were sent across the pontoon bridge, and on Tuesday others to the number of nearly 3,000. The officers who could bear transportation were sent in ambulances toward Stevenson.

On Wednesday not more than 800 of the gravest cases remained in town, and many of them have since been removed to the camp hospital.

Owing to the establishment of division hospitals there remains under my charge only Hospital No. 1, the Crutchfield Hospital, and Officers' Hospital.

Into these hospitals were received, on the evening of September 29, about 250 wounded, who were brought in from the Confederate lines.

Our hospitals are at the present time crowded beyond their capacity, and should they thus continue it would render a serious fear in my mind that our operations would be unsuccessful.

I have performed a large number of amputations and resections in the several hospitals, all of which thus far promise well.

Operations have been performed by various surgeons, in charge of hospitals and on the field, with a fair amount of success thus far.

The amputations have been mostly circular mode. To this date five cases of tetanus have come to my notice, but none of hospital gangrene or erysipelas.

The general condition of the patients is good, but our hospitals are greatly in need of bunks and mattresses, at least one-third of the grave cases being still on the floor, with only a folded blanket to lie on.

In view of the increasing risk of so many patients with suppurating wounds being crowded together, I would respectfully suggest an early provision for increased accommodations by tents with flooring, and that new temporary pavilions be constructed out of some incomplete buildings south of the railroad depot.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

I. MOSSES, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Medical Director of Post.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. I, pp. 244-245.



October 1, 1864, Surrender of block-houses at Carter's Creek

Report of Lieut. Albert Kramer, Sixty-eighth New York Infantry, Assistant Inspector of Block-Houses.


I have the honor herewith to submit my report of damages to fortifications in my section during the recent raid of Gen. Forrest.

On Saturday, 1 p. m., came Gen. Forrest and staff with flag of truce of Block-house No. 5, which was in command of Second Lieut. E. Nixon, Company E, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and demanded a surrender of the block-house with garrison, which demand Second Lieut. E. F. Nixon complied with without firing a gun. Lieut. Nixon, who was in command of Block-houses Nos. 3, 4, and 5, ordered the sergeants in command to surrender. Sergt. A. Frohn, Company L, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, in command of Block-house No. 4, Bridge No. 4, and Sergt. W. Rhinemiller, Company M, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, was in command of Block-house No. 3, Bridge No. 3. Sergt. W. Rhinemiller refused three times to comply. Lieut. E. F. Nixon then threatened to place him in arrest; he also fired on the flag. Lieut. E. F. Nixon rode with Forrest's adjutant to First Lieut. J. F. Long, Company B, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, commanding Block-house No. 6, Bridge No. 5, and tried to induce him to surrender, which [he] refused to do, and ordered Lieut. Nixon, with the adjutant of Gen. Forrest, away from his block-house. First Lieut. Long fought him from 2 p. m. until 12 m.; killed 10 rebels and wounded several; but they succeeded in destroying his bridge; his command and block-house were uninjured. During the truce, the rebels under cover of the railroad bank, succeeded in firing the bridge with turpentine; one end was burned, and the whole fell in. Block-houses Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are burned to the ground; also Bridges Nos. 3 and 4. It is learned Carter's Creek Station, the water-tank, and saw-mill, and the railroad destroyed from there to Spring Hill. Rumor says Lieut. Nixon surrendered for a bribe of $10,000. The rebels had no artillery, and his three block-houses were double cased up to the top log of the loop-holes. The garrisons of the three block-houses and water-tanks and saw-mill were taken prisoners, except 1 man escaped. Block-houses No. 3 was garrisoned with thirty-two men, Block-house No. 4 with twenty-two men, Block-house No. 5 with thirty-one men. Thirty men garrisoned the water-tank and saw-mill. Altogether 115 men captured. Rumor says they have all been paroled, and arriving this day at Franklin. Sunday morning at 8 our pickets were driven in at Duck River bridge, but we succeeded in driving them off without any damage to the works, or loss of life. Sunday morning our pickets were attacked on four different roads, Pulaski, Bigbyville, Mount Pleasant, and Hampshire. Fights and skirmishes continued until 6 o'clock in the evening, when the enemy withdrew in the direction of Mount Pleasant, and encamped on Gen. Pillow's plantation,[added] moving next morning in the direction of Waynesborough. Forrest's force is reported at 2,500 men. The railroad is open from here to Pulaski. These are the whole facts as far as I have been able to ascertain. Will report further information as soon as I get it. Have no laborers nor carpenters to build these three blockhouses. Please inform me what I shall do.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


First Lieut., 68th New York Regt. [sic], Asst. Insp. of Block-Houses.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 507-508.

        1, 4, Guerrilla warfare and retribution near the Wolf River[5]

"Attack by Guerrillas – An Act of Retaliation – Seven Houses Burned."

A few soldiers watering their horses in Wolf river on Saturday afternoon [1st], when attacked by guerrillas concealed in the woods on the opposite side, and three of them [were] wounded. A detachment was rushed forward, but failing to find the enemy, returned. We learn from "True Blue" living on the other side, that the guerrillas were four in number. They were seen to go toward the river early in the afternoon, and return after the firing was hard. Residents recognized them as belonging to a company of thieves and cut-throats led by and infamous scoundrel named Gamrels. One is named Hall. He is a deserter from the 8th Iowa Infantry. Another was recognized as one Davis, a resident of this county. Several weeks since a Federal soldier was killed by some of the gang. Information reaching headquarters on Tuesday [4th], that the gang was harbored and that some of them lived in the above vicinity, it was ordered as an act of retaliation, that the houses there be burned. Accordingly a detachment of cavalry was sent over the same afternoon. They went to work with a will, and in a short time laid several houses in ruins. The scene of the destruction was about half a mile from the river. Among those burned out were Mrs. Harris, Tom Sellers, and one Jones.

Memphis Bulletin, October 6, 1864.





[1] See letter from Confederate Secretary of War to the Board, September 6, 1861.

[2][2] Why Gideon Pillow was paid so much is astounding

[3] As cited in PQCW. A copy of the Rebel with this information does not appearl to be extant.

[4] Moreover, this event is listed only in the "Summary of the Principal Events for Operations in West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi from June 10, 1862 to January 20, 1863" found in OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. I, pp. 1-6 (see page 3). However, there is no information on any skirmish at Davis' Bridge for October 1, 1862, save for a fleeting allusion to a skirmish that occurred on the road to Davis' Bridge during a Federal reconnaissance from Bone Yard, Mississippi, a few miles to the southwest of Corinth. The report does not make clear whether or not the fight took place at Davis Bridge or on the road to Davis Bridge.

[5] Not referenced in the OR or in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

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