Thursday, December 4, 2014

12.04.2014 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        4, Presidents of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company and the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Company threaten to cease railroad traffic in East Tennessee

KNOXVILLE, EAST TENN., December 4, 1861.

Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN Secretary of War, Richmond:

DEAR SIR: With great respect for you individually, and an earnest desire to serve the Confederate States to the extent of our ability with our lives and our property, we notify you that unless certain unbearable evils are at once corrected we shall cease to run any trains on the roads of which we are the presidents on and after the 15th instant. We are forced to this position from considerations entirely unavoidable on our part. The military, influenced by no more patriotism than ourselves, have for days past, and without the least necessity for so doing taken possession of the running of our trains, ordering them out in the face of incoming trains, thereby endangering the lives of all on board and hazarding the property of individuals and the company. Moreover, the Quartermaster-Gen. has assumed to dictate tariffs for Government freights at such ruinous rates as will in a short time break down every railroad company in the south. Without boring you with a detail of the multitude of good and sufficient reasons for the course we adopt, we will just say that while we are held responsible for the lives and property in our charge in the management of these roads, the movements of the trains and the control of the finances of the company are ordered by men incompetent, irresponsible, and reckless-maybe very good military men, but certainly very bad railroad managers. We are unwilling longer to assume such responsibilities or to sacrifice whatever reputation we may have by continuing identified with roads so controlled. For eight months now we have labored night and day (with the halter of the Lincolnites [sic] around our necks and our lives and property in jeopardy) as good, true, and loyal citizens for the Confederate States, and do not consider that we are any the less loyal now in placing these responsibilities in your hands. The burnt bridges are in a very forward state of rebuilding, and will give others you may send here to take our places but little trouble to complete. We also advise you to send here good engine runners and machinists. Our men cannot be kept here much longer in present condition of things, feeling that their lives are constantly in the hands of an inconsiderate and reckless soldiery.

Respectfully, yours,

C. WALLACE, President East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Company.

JNO. R. BRANNER, President East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Company.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pp. 227-228.

        4, A call to raise the "black flag" in Memphis; the rhetoric and logic of war

We unhesitatingly say that the cause of justice and the cause of humanity itself, demands that the black flag shall be unfurled on every battlefield-that extermination and death shall be proclaimed against the hellish miscreants who persist in polluting our soil with their crimes. We will stop the effusion of blood, we will arrest the horrors of war, by terrific slaughter of the foe, by examples of overwhelming and unsparing vengeance. When Olive Cromwell massacred the garrison at Drogheda, suffering not a man to escape, he justified it on the ground that his object was to bring the war to a close-to stop the effusion of blood-and, that it was, therefore, a merciful act on his part. The South can afford no longer to trifle-she must strike the most fearful blows-the war-cry of extermination must be raised.

Memphis Appeal, December 4, 1861.[1]

        4, "A Weak Invention;" one editor's support for resisting Governor Harris' draft

Some of those who set themselves up as the apologists of the drafting party, use the argument that Gov. Harris, in making this extreme demand upon the people of his State, was governed by the advice and counsel of those higher in authority than himself. We may justly denominate this a week invention of the Governor's friends to shield him from the storm of public indignation now breaking above his head. Even were the dangers of the times an hundred fold greater than they really are, the fact would not afford sufficient excuse of the suicidal policy adopted by Gov. Harris in regard to the militia of Tennessee.-Had all the Governors of the Confederate States united with President Davis and General Johnston in asking that Tennessee should be the first State in the Confederacy to submit to the disgrace of military conscription, the demand should have been sternly resisted. This is to-day the sentiment of an immense majority of the people of Tennessee. Regarding this draft as a disgraceful blot upon the fair reputation of the State-a stab wantonly and unnecessarily inflicted-her citizens are hardly in the mood, we take it, for granting pardon to the principal author of the evil, upon any such trifling plea of innocence. The Governor was the guardian, How can they, then, think he acted in good faith, if he had not the manliness to answer to the demand, no matter from what quarter it came, to make conscripts of those who had, time after time, honored him with their suffrages, their confidence, and their trusts?

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 4, 1861.

        4, Tennessee's Confederate Electors cast their votes

Meeting of the Electors. – This body met at the capitol yesterday, and cast their votes for Davis and Stevens, for President and Vice-President of the Confederate States. Gen. Wm. Moore,[2] of Tullahoma, was chosen Messenger, to convey the vote to Richmond.

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 5, 1861.

        4, The Nashville Daily Gazette objects to Governor Harris' plan to draft the militia into the Confederate army

The Nashville Daily Press.

Ours, it seems, is the only daily Nashville paper which does not approve the course adopted by Gov. Harris for the purpose of getting additional Tennessee troops into the field. The Union and American, the Patriot, and the Banner – "Tray, Blanch and Sweetheart"[3] - yelp out high sounding praises of the course his Excellency has seen proper to pursue in order to remind Tennesseans that he desired a given number of them to turn their attention immediately to military matters. At this parade of our city contemporaries against the position we have assumed in regard to the force measures of our Chief Executive, we are neither astonished nor mortified. The Gazette is not unused to advocating alone measures subsequently endorsed by the people. For some time, alone, so far as the Nashville press was concerned, it advocated resistance to Black Republican rule. For a longer time, it can, alone, if necessary, contend for the modification of abuses, whether internal or external.

Towards its contemporaries who disagree with its assumptions against abuses of official prerogatives or other public wrongs, it can afford to be charitable. Before this irresistible tide of popular opinion they have followed us on former occasions. By virtue of the same force, they may imitate our examples again.

Nashville Daily Gazette, December 4, 1861.

        4, Scott County Confederate prisoners-of-war

CAMP CALVERT, KY., December 4, 1861.

Brig. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Cmdg., &c., Lebanon, Ky.

GEN.: * * * We have some rebels in camp from Scott County, East Tenn. They were brought in yesterday by some Tennesseeans and Kentuckians. They have been noted for the bitterness of their enmity to the union cause and the unrelenting manner in which they have persecuted loyal men. Four of them are said to be members of a rebel company of rangers one of whom is a sergeant. What shall be done with them?

*     *     *     *

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. P. CARTER, Acting Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. II, Vol. 1, p. 897.

        4, Supplies of Pork in East Tennessee

Advance of meat for the Army.-We have the following information from the Knoxville Register, of November 23, good authority in such matters:

For the consolation of those timid people, who are afraid the North will starve us out with the blockade, we can state, upon the authority of an officer of the Confederate Government, that the agents of the Government have already purchased in East Tennessee alone not less than six hundred thousand hogs. The number in the hands of speculators it is impossible to estimate; and we have reason to believe there is yet, also, a considerable number in the hands of raisers, as we hear of contracts being made every day for future delivery. We believe that East Tennessee has produced pork enough to supply the whole Southern army for the next twelve months, independent of the great hog raising regions of adjacent States.

Daily Picayune, December 4, 1861. [4]

        4, Skirmish on Franklin Pike near Holly Tree Gap

DECEMBER 4, 1862.-Skirmish on the Franklin pike, near Holly Tree Gap, Tenn.

Report of Col. Robert H. G. Minty, Fourth Michigan Cavalry.

HDQRS. FOURTH MICHIGAN CAVALRY, Camp Rosecrans, Tenn., December 4, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to hand you the following report of my scout on the Franklin pike this day:

At 7.30 a. m. I marched, with 302 officers and men. When 8 miles from Nashville, I met the enemy's pickets, which were driven, by Companies I and L, as far as the junction of the Wilson Creek and Franklin pikes (9 miles from Nashville), and then some 2 miles down the Wilson Creek pike. Here I recalled the two companies, and, leaving D company at the junction, moved forward on the Franklin pike. About 2 miles out, we again met the enemy's pickets (about 70 men), and drove them before us through Holly Tree Gap (6 miles from the junction), and to within about 1 mile from Franklin. No obstruction of any kind has been placed in the gap, which is naturally one of the strongest positions I have ever seen.

Two bridges have been destroyed on the road, one about 3 miles north of the gap, the other about 2 ½ miles south. Wagons can pass both by taking the fields east.

One of the rebels was wounded by a carbine ball in left shoulder. We met with no loss. I returned to camp at 8 o'clock p. m., having ridden about 45 miles.

I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,

ROBT. H. G. MINTY, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. 1, pp. 29-30.

        4, Capture of outpost,[5] Stones River at Stewart's Ferry

DECEMBER 4, 1862.-Capture of outpost near Stewart's Ferry (or Ford), Stone's River, Tenn.


No. 1.-Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army.

No. 2.-Maj. D. W. Holman, C. S. Army.

No. 1.

Report of Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army.

HDQRS. SECOND BRIG., FIRST DIV., ARMY OF THE MISS., Stone's River, Tenn., December 4, 1862.

COL.: This morning about 3 o'clock a sergeant and 9 men of captain Powell's company mounted scouts, stationed at Stewart's Ford, 2 ½ miles on our right, were attacked by a mounted force of the enemy of about 60 men. All of our men succeeded in making their escape, with their arms and accouterments, but with the loss of their horses. Two were wounded, 1 severely. The enemy made their approach upon our right from the direction of the Murfreesborough pike. I have no cavalry to cover my flank in that direction. I had supposed that vedettes were stationed from the Murfreesborough pike toward my right.

I sent out yesterday a foraging party about 4 miles to the front, on the Lebanon pike; 2 men were taken, 1 a mounted scout of Capt. Powell's company, and a teamster; they were paroled and returned to camp almost as soon as the train. I returned them to duty, ignoring the paroles, and with orders that they be charged with the arms lost.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JAMES D. MORGAN, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

No. 2.

Report of Maj. D. W. Holman, C. S. Army.

CAMP NEAR LA VERGNE, TENN., December 4, 1862.

CAPT.: I have the honor to report that, with the approval of the brigadier-general commanding, I left my encampment near Stone's River about 12 o'clock last night with 50 men, a part of Capt. [J. T.] Martin's company, of my battalion, and proceeded in the direction of Stewart's Ferry, on Stone's River, 12 miles distant, for the purpose of capturing some of the enemy's pickets. By traveling obscure roads and recrossing Stone's River about 1 ½ miles above Stewart's Ferry, we came in between the enemy's main force at McWhirtersville [Donelson] and Stewart's Ferry. When within a quarter of a mile of the pickets, I dismounted 20 men, and sent them 300 yards ahead, and ordered them to proceed noiselessly to the place first ordering them to surrender, and, if they refused, to fire. A part of the mounted men under Capt. Martin, and the balance under Lieut.'s [T.] Banks and [A. S.] Chapman, were so disposed on either side of the road as to catch any who might attempt to make their way to the main force. Sergeant [J. M.] Critz, who commanded the squad of dismounted men, when within 15 steps of the reserve, ordered them to surrender. They refused, and one of them fired. Immediately my 20 men fired; 1 lieutenant and 2 privates were left dead upon the spot. I think the whole reserve (9 men) were either killed or wounded; but the cedar undergrowth was so very thick that we did not see them, nor could not, without carefully searching, which we did not have time to do. Three horses were killed, and we captured 6, with bridles, saddles, &c., 2 excellent Belgian guns, 1 pistol, several India rubber coats, &c. The two vedettes, who were some distance from the reserve, made their escape through the bushes, and we did not have time to pursue them. Being within 1 mile or less of a large force, I thought it but prudent to move away at once, and with as much rapidity as practicable. At sunrise this morning I got back to my camp without the loss of a man, horse, or anything else.

I must be permitted to commend the coolness and gallantry of Capt. Martin, Lieut.'s Banks and Chapman, and Sergeant Critz. I cannot mention the names of privates, but they all did their duty, and nobly.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

D. W. HOLMAN, Maj., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, pp. 30-31.

        4, Union citizens in Tennessee seek exemption from the Emancipation Proclamation

State of Tennessee

Executive Department

Nashville, Decr. 4th 1862

To His Excellency Abraham Lincoln

President of the United States

Dear Sir:

The undersigned citizens, of the state of Tennessee and loyal citizens of the United States respectfully but most earnestly request that should you issue a proclamation on the first of January 1863 designating the states and parts of states that may be deemed by you to be in rebellion against the Government in pursuance of your proclamation of the 22nd of Sept. 1862[6] the State of Tennessee not be included[.]

We enter into no discussion of the validity or constitutionality of such proclamation[.] But aside from any such discussion, we are assured that sound policy as well as strict justice to our people demands the exemption of Tennessee[.]

We have had but one fair vote on the question of secession in the state and that was held on 9th of February 1861 which resulted in favor of the Union by a majority of more than sixty four thousand votes. The vote of the 8th of June 1861 for the separation and representation was invalid unfair and not a true expression of the real feelings and wishes of the people of the state. That vote was taken under circumstances well known to the country and they will not be again repeated[.]

We earnestly desire another fair and unbiased vote and in the present condition of our state it is impossible for such vote to be taken. The whole of East Tennessee portions of West Tennessee and all of Middle Tennessee excepting a few miles around our Capitol are in possession of the rebel army and where it is almost entirely a military camp[.] This thing must be changed--these rebel forces expelled and dispersed and the minds of the people quieted before we can possibly have anything like a fair expression of the wishes of the people. We most anxiously desire this result and as speedily as possible believing as we do that at the earliest opportunity Tennessee will place herself on the list of the loyal states of the Union[.] As we have stated we are encompassed by the military and all the functions of the civil government of the state are practically suspended and it will be impossible for us to take the vote of the state until the Government shall have expelled the rebel forces from her limits[.]

In view of these facts we repeat the request that Tennessee be not embraced in any proclamation of the character specified. We have not the slightest hesitation or doubt as to the expediency wisdom and justice of the course we have indicated and we trust that you will be able to agree with us in our views and to take such action as will inevitably redound to the good of our common country[.]

Very Respectfully,

Russell Houston, Nashville Ten

Jordan Stokes, Lebanon

Allen A. Hall, Nashville Ten.

W B Stokes DeKalb Co.

W. B. Campbell Wilson County

Andrew Johnson

Alvan C Gillem

Manson M. Brien, President to the [Nashville] Board of Aldermen[7]

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, pp. 85-86.

        4, "THEY'LL CONQUER OR THEY'LL NOBLY DIE." Defiant Confederate poetry

Tennessee, My Tennessee.

Though silent hangs thy tuneless lyre,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Though tyrants seek to quench thy fire,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

That quenchless flame can ne'er expire,

Its genial beams her sons inspire,

The foe that spoils shall soon retire,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!


Though for a season sunk in woe,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Though now her prayer she breathes but low,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Though on her margins proudly glow

The colors of her hated foe,

She swears in wrath they yet shall know

There still is life in Tennessee!


Amid the gloom how sweet the thought,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

This truth is with rich blessings fraught,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

The liberty our fathers bought,

That priceless boon we count but naught,

Until our foes at least are taught,

There still is life in Tennessee!


My noble "State," for thee I sigh,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Thy favored hour will soon draw nigh,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Thy true-born sons can never fly,


Then let this be our battle cry,

There still is life in Tennessee!


No fetters can thy spirit tame,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

Be though as in the past, the same,

Tennessee, my Tennessee!

By Zollicoffer's hallowed name,

By Matton's deathless, peerless fame,

By all the martyr'd sons proclaim,

There yet is life in Tennessee!

J. H. McD.

November 10, 1862

Southern Confederacy [Atlanta, Georgia], December 4, 1862. [8]

        4, "I then made me a bottle of cough Syrup." Corporal William Records, 72nd Indiana Infantry, letter home to Montmorency, Indiana, from Castalian Springs, Tennessee

Camp Castillion Springs

Tenn. Dec. 4, 1862

Dear Parents,

As Elisha has written you a few lines, I thought I would send a few also. I am now about well. After taking the Surgeon's prescriptions until I got tired of it, I studied up one of my own, made out a bill of what I wanted, went to the Surgeon, and he verry kindly fited me out, making some little addition of his own. I then made me a bottle of cough Syrup. I then made him belive it was useless for me to run to his office every morning to be excused from duty and got him to excuse me for 3 days and at the rate I am now improving I will then be able for duty. Yesterday I washed mine and Elisha's clothes. that is the first I have been able to do since we were at New Haven. you had ought to see the wash board I have got, it is made of pine board 6 in wide and 18 in long. I made it in a hour with a saw and knife. Sunday night it rained tremendious here, and Monday and Tuesday was cloudy and cold. yesterday was fair & this morning promised a fair day. if the little boys were here for a few days they could collect hickory nuts enough to do them a whole year & walnuts there is no end of, but I recon they would not like to be here among the gurrelias. - One brigade of our Division is now laying at Hartsville, 8 miles west of here, their pickets are skirmishing every once in a while. Where the other 2 Brigs. of this Div. are I do not know, our Brig is all there is of it here. - Geo. Taylor was taken to the hospital on Tuesday. P.S. Nowlin is rather worse - will probbly go to the hospital today. he is suffering from the effects of the measles. Levi Brown, quite sick yet, but his symptoms now are for the better.

Wm. Shaw went over to the 10th Ind. yesterday and came back verry sick. another man in our mess by the name of Adams is verry sick. –

I am anxiously looking for a letter but none have come. - I am still striving in my unworthy manner to cultivate a Spirit of Prayer. I ascribe my returning health to God's interposition in ans to prayer in my behalf. Every eavning about your usual bedtime I can see you all kneeling around that little alter, and Father's well known voice sounds in my ears, and with all his cares he never fails to ask God to care for the absent ones. I tell you dear Parrents the consolations of religion is just what you recomended it to be, - But I must close, Your Son

W.H. Records

Records Correspondence.[9]

        4, Expedition near Yankeetown [White County]

SPARTA, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.

Col. H. LAGRANGE, Cmdg. Second Brigade:

The colonel commanding directs that you proceed immediately with your brigade, lightly equipped, to the vicinity of Yankeetown and clear out a force of guerrillas there, estimated at about 400 or 500 in number. I am, colonel, your very obedient servant,

JNO. PRATT, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.



Near Sparta, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.

Capt. J. E. JACOBS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

I have the honor to report that the Second Brigade, Col. LaGrange, has returned from the expedition on which they were ordered by the general commanding. They went 6 miles the other side of Yankeetown, and scouting parties were sent out beyond on all the roads. No enemy was seen, and all citizens reported that but 3 had been in that vicinity to-day. The wheat was brought in. The scouts just in report all of Hugh's force at Spring Creek or Sinking Cave, 6 miles east of Livingston.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

E. M. McCOOK, Col., Cmdg. Division.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 332.

        4, Confederate forces burn La Fayette and Grissom's Bridge; sharp skirmishing at Moscow [see also December 3-4, 1863, Action at Wolf River Bridge, near Moscow above]

MOSCOW, Tennessee, December 5, 1863.

Gen. TUTTLE, LaGrange:

Courier arrived from Collierville in the night. Enemy burned La Fayette, but did not capture the post. They have fallen back on Collierville. Grissom's Bridge is burnt. I have ordered Mizner to remain at Saulsbury or Grand Junction. Negro scout I sent out last night reports the enemy camped near Mount Pleasant. I am sending out what cavalry I have here to reconnoiter. An attack is feared at Collierville. Send patrols of Seventh Illinois and Second Iowa to this point. Is there any news from Corinth? I will dispatch Gen. Hurlbut this morning.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 342.


MOSCOW, December 5, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT:

Communication with Corinth all right. Col. Mizner has again been as far south as Ripley. All quiet on that end of the line. Forrest crossed the Hatchie at Bolivar, and reported going to Jackson. No definite information with regard to his force. Enemy have burned Grissom's Bridge and La Fayette. Scout, whom I sent out last night, reports the enemy encamped near Mount Pleasant. Rail road will be in running order from here to Corinth to-day. Fight pretty sharp here yesterday; our loss 4 or 5 killed and about 20 wounded. Hatch wounded through the right lung, but doing well this morning. Fifteen dead rebels are found on the field so far; their loss much heavier than ours. The Sixth Illinois lost heavy in horses, 30 or 40 killed. I am sending patrol to Mount Pleasant to report back to Morgan at La Fayette.

B. H. GRIERSON, Brig.-Gen.

OR. Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 342.

        4, Skirmish at Kingston

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Brig. Gen. James G. Spears, U. S. Army, commanding First East Tennessee Brigade., relative to the skirmish at Kingston, December 4, 1863.

HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Near Loudon, Tenn., December 6, 1863.

GEN.: In obedience to orders from Maj.-Gen. Granger, I arrived with my command at Kingston on the evening of the 3d instant. A dispatch from you was handed me in an hour or so after my arrival, in which the senior officer at Kingston was directed to collect the forces at Kingston, and on the appearance of the steamer Paint Rock, then coming up the river, to move forward with the forces, the right flank to rest on the river, a small force to be left at Kingston as a garrison.

I, being the senior officer commanding First Tennessee Brigade, assumed command of all the forces there....

I moved forward with all of the above forces, excepting Col. Byrd and his regiment, then on picket duty on the river, whom I left at Kingston with orders to draw in his force and to aid and assist in getting the steamer up from off White Creek Shoals, where I was informed by Lieut.-Col. Remick, chief commissary subsistence, that she was aground. I sent two experienced pilots, well acquainted with the river and channel, to assist the steamer in getting through, and supposed she would get to Kingston by the next morning, December 4. Col. Byrd was further instructed that should it be necessary he would press every wagon in the country and unload the supplies from the steamer and bring then up, especially the ammunition, or at least lighten the steamer so as to get her off the shoals.

I was informed that quite a large cavalry force of the enemy were in my front, and that their pickets were within 4 miles of Kingston. I deemed it most prudent (expecting the boat to arrive every moment on the morning of the 4th) to move forward with my force, which I did, accordingly, by three different routes, throwing a force around on the river bank. In about 4 miles from Kingston we drove In the rebel pickets and proceeded on to a point 10 miles from Kingston, having skirmished with and drove the enemy before us, occupying their camps on the night of the 4th, with headquarters at Mrs. Beazeal's. We captured 26 prisoners, some horses and equipments.

* * * *

JAMES G. SPEARS, Brig.-Gen., &c.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 445-446.

        4, Action at Loudon, across Tennessee River

No circumstantial reports filed.

Excerpt from the Report of Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz, U. S. Army, commanding Third Division, including march to the relief of Knoxville, relative to action across Tennessee River opposite Loudon, December 4, 1863.

HDQRS. THIRD DIVISION, ELEVENTH CORPS, Lookout Valley, December 22, 1863.

* * * *

December 3, the third Division broke camp at 4 a. m., and entered Loudon (which had been abandoned by the enemy during the night) before sunrise, Col. Krzyzanowski's brigade leading. Considerable stores were found and distributed among the troops.

December 4, one regiment of Col. Hecker's brigade crossed the river in a flat-boat, drove away a rebel cavalry detachment, and found four pieces of artillery spiked in a field-work on the opposite bank. The regiment was withdrawn before sundown.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. II, p. 383.


Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Eleventh Army Corps (Army of the Cumberland), Maj. Gen. Oliver. Howard commanding, relative to the skirmish at Loudon, December 4, 1863.

* * * *

December 3, corps marches to Loudon, capturing some supplies of the enemy.

December 4, the Eighty-second Illinois Volunteers, sent over the river, takes four guns and a flag abandoned by the rebels.

* * * *

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 433.

        4, Federal scouts in search of and skirmishing with Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry

HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.


Be on the alert-scouts well out. Telegraph any information immediately to these headquarters, and if line is cut, communicate with Gen. Tuttle and Gen. Grierson at LaGrange.

S. A. HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.

(Same to commanding officers at Germantown and Collierville.)

LAGRANGE, December 4, 1863.

Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT:

There are five regiments, with artillery, in the column that threatened us this morning, and have gone west.

J. M. TUTTLE, Brig.-Gen.

HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.

Brig.-Gen. TUTTLE, LaGrange:

If you think it advisable to move infantry, send Morgan toward Moscow. I will notify the posts at Moscow, Collierville, and Germantown.

S. A. HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.

HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.

COMDG. OFFICER, Collierville:

Five rebel regiments, with artillery, are moving west from vicinity of LaGrange, our forces following.

S. A HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.

(Same to commanding officers at Germantown and Moscow.)

MOSCOW, TENN, December 4, 1863--3.40 p. m.

Gen. TUTTLE, LaGrange, Tennessee:

The enemy are falling back toward La Fayette, on State Line road. Our men are following sharply, still fighting. Have driven them 2 miles.

Col. Morgan has arrived. The enemy are destroying railroad and trestles. Gen. Lee is in command. Chalmers and Ferguson, with from 4,000 to 5,000, are with him; probably not more than 4,000. This information is gained from prisoners. They have four pieces of heavy artillery.

Col. Hatch is suffering intense pain, but the surgeon thinks his wound is not fatal.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. SCOTT BELDEN, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., Second Brigade Cavalry.

LAGRANGE, Tennessee., December 4, 1863.


Result of scout north not satisfactory. Officer was no farther then Van Buren, 7 miles from Saulsbury. Says Forrest has three regiments and battalion, about 2,000 men, three cannon and thirty wagons. That he crossed at Bolivar on ferry. Says he is going to Jackson to stay all winter. Mizner at Saulsbury to-night, and will start for here at daylight. He will have to come on now, I suppose, and by the time he gets to Grand Junction you can be ready to give him such orders as may be thought best. You will know about affairs west by that time, unless there is a great necessity for him; then I think he ought to stay at the east end of road. Hurst, at Grand Junction, says his pickets have been fired on since dark. Don't know what he means. He is investigating it.

J. M. TUTTLE, Brig.-Gen.

MEMPHIS, Tennessee, December 4, 1863.

Brig. Gen. A. J. SMITH, Columbus, Ky.,:

GEN.: I send you the following just received from a sure hand.

It may be that the figures are exaggerated somewhat, but they are substantially correct.

As soon as I can get the front cleared I will turn on these brigands. Gen. Forrest has, I think, gone up there from Saulsbury with from 300 to 500 men.

Your obedient servant,

S. A. HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 335-336.

        4-5, Federal scout, LaGrange to Somerville skirmish with Sol. Street's guerrillas at Moscow a nd insurgent aid given to Forrest near Jackson, Tennessee

LAGRANGE, December 5, 1863--8 p. m.

Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT and Gen. GRIERSON:

Capt. Moore, Sixth Tennessee Cavalry, that you sent to Somerville to-day, is just in; says Richardson was at Somerville with 400 men getting supplies for Forrest, who is at Jackson. One of my scouts in from the south says Lee is going to Okolona as soon as he gets through. Sol. Street got to Holly Springs a day or two ago with only 10 men. Says the rest were captured near Fort Pillow. No infantry down there.

J. M. TUTTLE Brig.-Gen.


Brig. Gen. A. J. SMITH, Columbus:


* * * *

This line has been seriously threatened during this week, and twice broken. A very sharp conflict yesterday at Moscow between Hatch's cavalry brigade and the enemy, 3,000 strong, from below.


Col. Hatch severely wounded; the enemy driven back with heavy loss; 15 dead picked up since. We lost 4 killed, 11 wounded, and from 30 to 40 horses killed. I am organizing as rapidly as possible for a strong cavalry movement south, after which I will turn north by the time you are ready.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 343.


        4, Skirmish at White's Station

DECEMBER 4, 1864.-Skirmish at White's Station, Tenn.

Report of Lieut. Glenn Lowe, Third Iowa Cavalry.

HDQRS. THIRD IOWA CAVALRY, Memphis, Tenn., December 5, 1864.

COL.: Pursuant to orders from brigade headquarters I left camp yesterday morning at 7 a. m. with thirty men to patrol the Germantown road as far as White's Station. About two miles and a half or three miles this side of the station my advance guard and flankers started the enemy's pickets and immediately gave pursuit at a rapid rate. I followed at a charge for about a mile, when the enemy leading my advance off the road soon started some rebels, and like the first gave chase. I followed at a trot to the station and arrived there to learn that both of my advanced guards had been captured, and to find from 100 to 150 of enemy under Capt. Fort waiting for me. As soon as I was observed by the enemy they commenced flanking me on either flank and advancing in my front. Determined to show a bold front I advanced in line and met them half way, delivering a well-directed volley into their ranks. Their flanks beginning to close in upon me, I was now compelled to fall back, which I did in good order. As the enemy would come upon me I faced to the rear and gave them a volley. After doing this three times I saw I would be cut off entirely if I did not move faster. I fell back until I was again free from their flanks and a gallop. My bugler now sounding the halt, my men obeyed the command, as also did the enemy. I now sent one man to camp to inform you what had transpired, and returned at a walk with the balance. Thirteenth of the men captured were on the advance, and had it not been for their doing more than their duty they would have returned with me.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Col. JOHN W. NOBLE, Cmdg. Third Iowa Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 93.

        4, Actions, Overall Creek Bridge

Report of Col. Gilbert M. L. Johnson, Thirteenth Indiana Cavalry, of operations December 4-9, 1864.

HDQRS. THIRTEENTH INDIANA CAVALRY, Murfreesborough, Tenn., December 10, 1864.

SIR: In compliance with orders received in communication dated headquarters, Murfreesborough, December 5, 1864, I have the honor to report that, in accordance with verbal orders received from Maj.-Gen. Rousseau on the evening of December 3, 1864, I took up the line of march with my command on the morning of December 4, 1864, toward La Verge, with the view of camping that night at that point. Upon reaching a point some three miles distant from this place I met a detachment of the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, which had been stationed at Overall's Creek, retiring upon this point, being pursuer by the enemy. I ordered the captain in charge of the same to deploy his men as skirmishers on the left of the road, at the same time throwing a company of my command on the right, and proceeded in this manner one mile to the creek, the enemy's skirmishers falling back to the opposite bank. A brisk skirmish was kept up, the creek intervening, the enemy at the same time opening on us with three pieces of artillery. At this time I addressed a communication to the general commanding, of which the following is a copy:

HDQRS. THIRTEENTH INDIANA CAVALRY, Overall's Creek, December 4, 1864.


GEN.: I am holding the skirmish line at Overall's Creek. The enemy exposed a line double to mine; reported moving column on my right flank; have used three pieces of artillery on me; also reported the same to by used on the block-house. Slight loss; skirmishing rapid; await orders; artillery moving toward their rear on the pike. Heavy artillery firing distinctly heard in the direction of Nashville. I shall endeavor to cross the creek.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

G. M. L. JOHNSON, Col. Thirtieth Indiana Cavalry.

Shortly afterward Gen. Milroy came up with re-enforcements, his infantry relieving my skirmish line, and I formed my regiment in column on the pike, at a distance of 400 yards from the bridge. Just before night-fall I received an order from Gen. Milroy, through Capt. Carson, to charge across the bridge, which order I obeyed. After gaining the opposite bank I turned the head of my column to the right, which had the effect of causing the retiring of a large part of the enemy's force. My pieces (Enfield rifles) being discharged and difficult to reload when men are mounted, and the enemy having turned their artillery on me, I retired my column to the creek under cover of the bank, and in doing so received a slight fire from our own forces stationed in the block-house, they evidently in the darkness mistaking us for the enemy. I immediately threw out skirmishers, dismounted, and, reforming my line, made another dash around he former position of their left flank and in rear of the hill on which their artillery had been planted. The enemy having retired, I threw out outposts and withdrew my command to this side Overall's Creek. I retired, in accordance with orders from Gen. Milroy, and arrived in camp at this place about 1 a. m. December 5, 1864.

Additional skirmishes and reconnaissances have been had with the enemy on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th of December, 1864. In these my command has captured about 20 prisoners, among whom were 1 major and 1 lieutenant.

Please find the list of casualties appended.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

G. M. L. JOHNSON, Col. Thirteenth Indiana Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 630-631.


Report of Col. Minor T. Thomas, Eighth Minnesota Infantry, of operations December 4, 1864.

HDQRS. EIGHTH MINNESOTA VOLUNTEERS, Fortress Rosecrans, Tenn., December 5, 1864.

MAJ.: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Eight Minnesota Volunteers in the engagement at Overall's Creek on the evening of the 4th instant:

The first position was to the right, with the left resting near the brick house on the right of the pike road. I was then ordered to move by the right flank in the direction of the block-house on the railroad, following and supporting a line of skirmishers from the Sixty-first Illinois. When within fifty yards of the block-house halted and formed line of battle. The enemy in front were sharpshooters, posted in a house. After remaining in this position for a short time, and being annoyed by the sharpshooters and shell from the enemy, I first moved down two companies to the right of the block-house, and, by opening fire, drove the sharpshooters from cover, and was in the act of opening intervening space, which compelled me to debase and move down the whole force. When in this position we were subjected to the fire of the orders permitting me to go no farther, I remained in this position until ordered to retire, which was done, first was done, first to the first position on the field, and at 9 p. m. marched to the fortress.

The only casualties were Private Dominick Barney, Company H, wounded in the head severely (left at block-house); Private John Payne, slightly, Company A.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

M. T. THOMAS, Col. Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, Cmdg. Regt. [sic]

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, p. 622.

        4, Report of Acting Rear-Admiral S. P. Lee, U. S. Navy, transmitting information of the capture of arms and ammunition which had been crossed over the Mississippi at mouth of Obion River


SIR: Lieutenant-Commander J. G. Mitchell reported under date of 28th ultimo that 55 boxes of arms, etc., had been taken across the Mississippi on the night of the 25th ultimo from the mouth of the Obion or Forked Deer River for the use of the enemy, but that he had arrested the principals in the affair and would communicate further particulars.

On the 29th ultimo he reported that Brigadier-General Shaler, commanding at Columbus, had informed him on the 26th ultimo of the intended crossing of these arms, 13 wagonloads, which the enemy designed transporting from Dyersburg, in Gibson County [Lauderdale or Dyer County], Tenn., on flatboats down the Obion River, and that 16 more wagonloads were on the way, which would be brought up if the first attempt was successful.

Lieutenant-Commander Mitchell immediately requested General Washburn to dispatch a party of cavalry to cooperate with him.

I enclose a telegram from Lieutenant-Commander Mitchell, dated 2d instant, reporting capture and destruction of the arms (except 50 revolvers) which the enemy succeeded in crossing, as reported above, by the cavalry force. With the arrangements made with General Washburn and the additional precautions taken in guarding the river at the point designated, he expects to be able to prevent the crossing of the additional 16 wagonloads.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully,

S. P. LEE, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding Mississippi Squadron.

Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy.

P. S.-I require an active patrol of the river, not to be defeated by known previous arrangements, to cover landings of steamboats by gunboats, which would give facilities for crossing at other points.

S. P. LEE, Acting Rear-Admiral.


U. S. S. SIBYL, Off New Madrid, December 2, 1864.

With the exception of 50 revolvers, all the arms (850 stands) the ammunition, and medicine that crossed the Mississippi at mouth of Obion River on Friday night last have been captured by a cavalry force under the command of Colonel [P. J.] Yorke, sent by General Washburn, at my request, to cooperate with me. Unfortunately, the arms were destroyed, the roads being so bad they could not be brought in.

J. G. MITCHELL, Lieutenant-Commander, Commanding Eighth District.

Rear-Admiral LEE, Mound City.

Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol. 26, pp. 757-758.

        4, Excerpt from Telegram to J. A. Seddon reporting success of Hood's offensive

MOBILE, December 4, 1864. (Received 7:20, 10th.)

... Governor Harris reports all of Tennessee south of Duck River in our possession. People of Tennessee and army in high spirits....

D. H. MAURY, Major-General, Commanding.

Hon. J. A. SEDDON.

Navy OR, Ser. I, Vol., 21, p. 930.

        4, "An Official in a Tight Place." Preparing for Hood's advance.

Among the visitors to the points of observation on Sunday was one of our County officials, who was anxious to take an observation of the situation of affairs. On his way thither, he was invited to take a hand in the digging operations; he protested, the guard insisted, and finally the Colonel was called upon to decide. The worthy expressed himself gratified at making the acquaintance of the _______ of Davidson county, but as he seemed like an able bodied man, he did not feel justified in excusing him from doing a few hours service to his country.

Nashville Dispatch, December 6, 1864

        4, "Sunday;" Nashville civilians pressed to work upon fortifications

In consequence of a rumor that soldiers were pressing citizens to work on fortifications, and of the desire to get within sight on hearing the guns, but few gentlemen attended church on Sunday. Those who remained at home perhaps did well, but those who neglected their religious duties to gratify their curiosity were furnished with spades and picks as fast as they arrived outside of town. We did not hear of a man being molested on his way to church, or from there to his home.

Nashville Dispatch, December 6, 1864.

        4, "Working Their Passage."

Among the victims of the press-gang on Sunday, we heard of two quartermaster's clerks who took their lady loves in aback to see the Rebels in the distance. Arrived at the first line of breastworks, a soldier directed the men to step out and the driver to come down. The order was obeyed, and a few minutes after they might have been seen, shovel in hand, working for Uncle Sam. At first they labored tardily and reluctantly, but on being informed that if they worked industriously for an hour they would be permitted to pass further out, where they could see wonderful things; they went at it with a will. The sixty minutes having passed, the men claimed the performance of the promise made them; they were liberated, the carriage passed on in the direction indicated, and in fifteen minutes they were again digging, the officer at the latter place making a promise similar to that given by the first. The hour passed, the officer kindly proposed to direct them where they might go to see the Rebels, but the young gentlemen declined the offer, entered their cab, and told the driver to push into town with all possible speed.

Nashville Dispatch, December 1864.

        4, "Provost Order No. 250."

Headquarters Post Nashville

Office of the Provost Marshal

Nashville, Tennessee, December 4, 1864.

The General Commanding the Post directs that Liquor or Beer Saloons and all bars where liquors, ale, beer, or wines are kept and sold, be closed, and that the retailing by the bottle, glass or other small quantities of all liquors, be stopped until further orders.

This step he regards as necessary for the preservation of the public peace and safety.

Hunter Brooke, Captain and Provost Marshal.

Nashville Dispatch, December 6, 1864.

        4, "Lettie is simply wild in her eagerness to 'see a battle, a real battle!' and anxiously watches for the 'rebs [sic]' – dreading lest they come not at all, at least on our side of the river." Excitement in one Nashville Union household at the approach of Hood's army

Was awakened last night by heavy cannonading, and felt sure the battle had begun. It continues today. Pa came home a little while this morning – reports the utmost confusion and bewilderment in the city – everybody is being pressed into service, white and black, to work on the fortifications – which it seems have been found incomplete at the last moment,-even he had difficulty in getting out of their hands – postmaster though he be! The general impression is that Hood will make a desperate attack on Nashville – most of the Nashvillians who are in the service at all are with him, and there is scarcely a family of an prominence in the City which is not represented by an officer of rank in his army, which fact in itself would speak for the desperation of the attack when it comes.

A large train of wagons took possession of our place today, and the teamsters began their destruction instantly, cutting the few trees left, burning fences, and pulling down barns and stables, making the dear father quite frantic.

Captain Rusing came out this morning to offer wagons for our use should we find it necessary to move into the city, but I don't' think we shall stir whatever happens.

*  *  *  *

Lettie is simply wild in her eagerness to "see a battle, a real battle!" and anxiously watches for the "rebs [sic]" – dreading lest they come not at all, at least on our side of the river. I never saw such enthusiasm in any one, as burns in that little fragile looking child's breast – she is patriotism personified!

*  *  *  *

Mrs. Acklen's is just out of the lines, between the two armies, and in the worst possible position. General Stanley fortunately has his headquarters in the house, which is the best protection they can have….

Pa and Jamie both went into the City, leaving Captain Osburne alone to fight off the marauding soldiers. A line of battle has been drawn up just in the rear of the house extending from the river to Mrs. Crucher's both cavalry and infantry. It is in consequence of the rumor that Forrest with his Texans has succeeded in crossing the river, and is near Mrs. Crutcher's.

The servants and children are utterly unmanageable-simply wild – the former stand and stare at the line of soldiers in petrified terror, the latter equally magnetized by the attraction being one of unmitigated delight at the idea of a battle "right here!" No finer fun can be conceived of; and Lettie, Lou, Frank, John and Baby Bess, are all ready, decked in warlike paraphernalia, U. S. belts, and eagles shining on their small bodies, and bayonets gleaming in their little hands, all eager for the fray! "On! Marmion On!" means something to them now, and what a downfall to their hopes it will be should this all end in mere rumor! I have been laughing at, and trying to encourage old Aunt Cynthia, who persists in declaring "No! No! No! I can't do no cooking this hyar day!" "because [sic] Miss Maggie, dem dar bullets kill me sure in de kitchen!" I have offered her the front parlor if she thinks that safer – anywhere in the house if she will only prepare some fuel to sustain and keep burning all this fire and flame of valor and patriotism in the Lindsey family – but to no purpose – cook she will not, nor any of her numerous assistants – my only answer being: "How kin you – jest and laugh at sich [sic] a time as this Miss Maggie, when de rebs [sic] cum sure, and we all be killed!" It's fortunate at any rate that the children take a more cheerful view of the situation. Phil is especially gleeful, and a fine leader he is making – is quite a hero to the others already….

Journal of Maggie Lindsley.

        4, W. E. Tolbert's Letter to his Sister Emma


Sunday [December] 4th/64

Dear Sister Emma

One week ago today I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you as I had not received any [ word] word for five weeks and you may well know how gladly your letter was received

On the same day that your letter came to hand I started for this place and been here ever since and expect to remain here for sometime unless…Hood compelles…[ us] to leave which is not very likely I have had very [good] health ever since I left home (not been sick one day) and I hope that these few lines will find you all enjoying the same blessing

While I am writing the sound of the cannons can be plainly heard in the office and very likely tomorrow will bring with it the news of another victory

all the rest of the persons that left Chamburg when I did are now in Chattanooga. Geo Fisher I met a few days ago on the street, he had charge of a wood-yard on the N&C-RR. and was run out of camp a few nights ago by a party of [unclear: rebels] yesterday. I met some of the seventy seven 77th Reg and also 26th artillery from what I can learn none for Chambersburg were killed or wounded in the fighting yet

I have not received any pay yet as soon as I do I will send some photographs which be after I go back to Chattanooga

Give my love to Father, mother, Lidi & Robbie uncle Will and give my respect to all inquiring [friends] Write soon

From your affectionate Brother



W.E. Tolbert


in care of W. W. Wright, chief Engineer, U.S.M.R.R. as soon as I get time I will write you a long letter.

Valley of the Shadow

        4, Convention in Knoxville

The Knoxville Convention.

All good and true men, who possibly can, should attend this Convention tomorrow. The friends of the Union in East Tennessee must be up, and doing, if they ever expect to have civil law re-established in the State. It needs no words of ours to convince our citizens that civil law is preferable to military rule. Events, which are transpiring in our midst every day, speak to them in a manner that needs not our assistance to remind them of the fact. We say then, let every man who can, attend. No endorsement but that of loyalty will be required of any man. The Presidential Electors from this State chosen at the election in November, meet in Nashville to cast their vote for President and Vice President, on Wednesday. A meeting for consultation and action in the contemplated objects of the State Convention was to have been held at the same time and place, but it is hardly likely that any of the Electors or delegates from this end of the State will be able to reach Nashville in time for that meeting, even if it is held, which considering the exciting condition of military matters in that vicinity,[10] is extremely unlikely. In our opinion, the call for Preliminary Convention was a good idea, and if they be carried into effect, even though none of the loyal men from this Division are present, it will accomplish great results and expediate matters considerably. Still that we may be on hand for the Convention on the 19th, let us go to Knoxville and chose [sic] best men to represent us there. Passes will be furnished to the gentlemen from this county, who will all go in one party.

Chattanooga Daily Gazette, December 4, 1864. [11]

        4, Actions, Block Houses Nos. 4 and 7 [see December 2-4, 1864, Operations against stockades & block-houses on N&C Railroad above]

Report of Lieut. H. Milo Torrence, One hundred and fifteenth Ohio Infantry, Assistant Inspector railroad Defenses, of operations December 4-17, 1864.


SIR: I have the honor to report that on Sunday, December 4, at about 11 a. m., the enemy opened three pieces 12-pounder artillery on block-house No. 7, at distances of 500 and 800 yards, throwing seventy-two shot and shell, thirty-one of which struck the building, five in the lookout and twenty-six in the main building and its entrance way. Of the twenty-six, six were thrown in to the inner casing at loop line. It will be remembered that the outer casing of this house is supported above the loop line by pillars twelve to fifteen inches long. The shot were thrown in between the upper and lower logs of the outer case and the pillars. Some of the pillars were struck and shattered but none knocked entirely out. No shot penetrated the main building; no shot struck, however, directly on the loop, the bearing of the guns being such as not to admit of it except at the corner. No shot penetrated the timbers of inner case sufficiently deep to distend the timber on the inside. About 2 p. m. Maj.-Gen. Milroy engaged the enemy and relieved the garrison. On Monday, the 5th, about 2 p. m., the enemy again opened three pieces on house, at distance of 800 and 900 yards to the northeest, and fired five or six shot and shell, one of which only struck the building, doing but little damage. The garrison were ready for the attack, and had seven or eight loops bearing on the battery. I required them to fire by rank, which was done, and done with such precision as to compel the enemy to limber up and get away at double-quick, with the loss of one horse, and, I learn from rebel authority, three or four wounded men; their sharpshooters left with them. We took advantage of the dark to get more wood and water, and some timbers, with which the floor of tower was made bomb-proof. About midnight a Federal soldier came to garrison, saying that Gen. Bate had sent him to say to garrison that if they would surrender that he (Bate) would paroled he whole garrison, respect private property, &c., and that he would sent in flag by 6 a. m. or sunrise. At 12 the promised flag came, by order of Gen. Hill, asking surrender upon terms offered by Gen. Bate; was answered that "We would hold the block-house." This morning a picket-line was put out around us, the sharpshooters looking after also. On the 7th flag came in, by order Gen. Forrest, giving ten minutes to surrender or be burned with Greek fire, etc. Four flags came in during the thirteen days. On Friday, the 16th, the pickets were called in. On 17th all disappeared except a few staggers, who evinced no disposition to molest.

The garrison did not have one man hurt, nor did the house sustain any serious injury.

The deficiency in the block-house, as developed in this case (and as far as I can learn in that of No. 2.), is in the stanching [sic] supporting the ceiling and in the horizontal bracing at the cap plates. In No. 7 the gird spanning the south wing commenced to give way hide the house was bombarded in the opposite side or wings. I had temporary posts put in and other like improvement made as circumstances suggested. I am of the opinion that the rectangular building, properly constructed and located, is the better plan for the block-houses. I have increased confidence in block-houses as means of defense, from my experience, and believe that they can be so constructed as to resist any artillery that is ordinarily brought to bear against them.

Allow me to recommend to favorable consideration Lieut. Glosser and his command; they behaved nobly during the siege of fourteen days.

Respectfully submitted.

H. M. TORRENCE, First Lieut. and Assistant Inspector Railroad Defenses.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 635-636.


[1] Rebellion Record, Vol. 1, p. 102.

[2] Unidentified.

[3] Apparently common names for dogs.

[4] As cited in PQCW.

[5] Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee refers to this as an affair.

[6] The Preliminary Emancipation declared all slaves in areas still in rebellion were by January 1, 1863, free. Actually, however, it freed not one slave in areas under Confederate or Federal control.

[7] According to Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, fn. 3, p. 86, there were thirty two more signatures on the petition, as cited in Cimprich, Slavery Amidst Civil War, p. 232.

[8] As cited in:

[9]Letters of Cpl. Wm Rcds., Seventy Second Indiana Infantry

[10] The advance of the Army of Tennessee commanded by Major-General John Bell Hood.

[11] TSL&A, 19th CN.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456

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