December 1, 1861, "The Southern Mothers"
The Southern Mothers' rooms contain at this time over two hundred and fifty soldiers from all parts of the country: many of them extremely ill, and they must suffer much if the liberality of the people is withdrawn from the institution. The soldier who falls sick in camp has often as much claim upon the sympathy and gratitude of his countrymen as he who is wounded on the battle field. The Southern Mothers were the pioneers in the work of nursing the sick soldiers. Their organization is coeval with the war. They began their work before any hospital had been established for the soldiers, and in the face of every species of opposition, and much obloquy, they have persevered in their work until their first modest reception room has become an extensive hospital. Drawn imperceptibly on by the due necessities of our army and the support not liberally vouchsafed by the patriotism of the people, they have incurred expenses in providing for the sick, and in furnish clothing for the convalescent, little dreamed of by those who have not been engaged in the work. They have nursed over two thousand soldiers. The call for their services was never greater than at this moment, and they appeal confidently to the people to furnish them with the means to provide comforts for their patients beyond what the government allows for its hospitals. These men have renounced every comfort to defend our borders Will any of Southern blood allow himself to enjoy luxuries while they need comforts? Donations of every kind will be acceptable – money, provisions of all kinds, and clothing.
Mrs. S. C. Law
Mrs. W. L. Pickett
Mrs. Vernon
Mrs. M. Pope
A. P. Merrill, W. L. Pickett, and J. R. B. Clay, Committee
Memphis Appeal, December 1, 1861.
1, "Notice to Volunteers and Militia"
Having been ordered to this place by Brig. Gen. Pillow, commanding, to organize such armed companies as desire to serve with the army in the field into regiments, I respectfully invite the attention of commanders of all such companies to the fact, and in order to expedite the matter, request that they give notice to me of the strength of their commands as soon as possible. These troops will have their elections whether to serve as twelve months' volunteers or come in under the recent call of Gov. Harris as militia of the State of Tennessee.
James P. Parker, C. S.A.
No. 274 Gayoso House
Memphis Appeal, December 1, 1861.
1, Letter from H. T. Blevins to Captain N. J. Lillard relative to conditions in East Tennessee, Meigs County and strength of Confederate spirit
Decatur, Tenn.
December 1th [sic] 61 [sic]
Capt. N. J. Lillard
Dear Friend [sic]
I write in answer to your very kind letter which I received on yesterday by politeness of S. M. Cox. I was proud to hear from you & learn that you was [sic] enjoying good health & your company was in a like condition. This leaves me in a condition to be restored to purfect [sic] health in a short time, which will enable me to return to my respective Commands. The health of the people is generally good your folks are well. I am limited as to time & news of inturst [sic] to write. The cry of rebellion is know [sic] more that party whare [sic] damniable [sic] deeds are so corrupt & who is so marked in prissciable [sic] are reduced to silence & are made to trimble [sic] & ask what shal [sic] I do to be saved, but little quarters are shown to them some of them are purmited [sic] to volunteer they are all more than willing to join the Confederate Army, but only the best are taken. I hope we will get rid of them soon. McKinzies Company is in Rhea yet & doing great work they have not caught Cliff[1] yet but suar [sic] they will have him he is in that sections somewhere.
County Court meetes [sic] here tomorrow but little business to transact A. W. Hodges Company left hear [sic] for Knoxville yesterday he had a fine Company. [sic] A beautiful banner was presented to said company on their departure by the Ladies of this section. Being the fourth flag that has been fitted up & presented in stile [sic] by the Good & Patriotic Ladies of Meigs. We should be incouraged [sic] while exposed to the felting [sic] storms of winter when we reflect upon the nobility and generosity of those who are well wishes for us at home. I received a letter from Bowling Green a day or two ago which stated that health was good then My letter was Alfred he stated that he wanted me to come to bowling [sic] Green a day or two ago which stated that health was good them [sic] [.] My letter was from Alfred he stated that he wanted me to come to bowling [sic] Green with fail if my health would admit[.] I have concented [sic] to go. The ladies have some boxes of clothing I am going to take them.
I am going to take your fathers [sic] boy Mose to Col. J. M. Lillard allso [sic] some clothing for him I will start tomorrow as soon as I return if my health will admit Capt confide in me for I will be with you if it is long
Give my love to all the boys tell Steve to pitch under I will keep him before land I will [illegible] for the present, let me hear from you soon.
Your friend H. T. Blevins
P.S. the gals are all right[.] talk of nothing but the Decatur Guards.
W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 2, pp. 169-170.
1, "Must the Odium Endure."
To a people so free, so high toned, so intelligent, so liberal and so patriotic as the citizens of Tennessee,-to a people so thoroughly and entirely devoted to the promised escape from the Lincoln despotism, and so freely yielding their blood and treasure to the great cause of resistance to the black Republican tyranny sought to be imposed upon the states of the South,-to a people so sensible of their rights as freemen, and so confident of their ability to sustain their late action in revolutionising [sic] against the old Federal government, and entering upon a new state of political existence,-nothing could be more mortifying, nothing more humiliating than an attempt upon the part of their authorities to fix upon them the eternal odium of drafting their citizens into the military service. No wonder, then, that our people are next to dumb with astonishment at the high handed outrage upon their constitutional rights, at the broad innovation upon a former usage, and at the direct question of their courage and patriotism, perpetrated and implied in late orders of the Governor of Tennessee. No wonder that in all quarters and among all classes of people, irrespective of politics and conditions, there is but one opinion-and that deeply and severely condemnatory-of this threatened compulsion and disgrace of those who, once had occasion to pride themselves upon being citizens of the "Volunteer State." Let this threat be executed and Tennessee falls forever from her high estate, and her citizens and soldiers are doomed to the eternal and damning disgrace of having a forced soldiery in the field. Let it be carried out as threatened, and the name of Tennessean will no longer be desirable, but rather a thing to be avoided and desecrated. Draft the people of Tennessee, and the name of the present Executive of the State, Isham G. Harris, [sic] becomes forever infamous, and justly a by-word and a reproach. Draft the people of and henceforth no citizen or soldier of hers can with pride lift up his head in the proud consciousness that the hails from the "Volunteer State." Draft the people of Tennessee, and all her patriotism and liberality have been expended in vain to give her respectability of position in the new sisterhood of States Draft the people of Tennessee, and her soldiers become forever the subjects of ridicule and derision. Is there no escape from this high handed attempt to engulph [sic] a free and brave people of the State in a sea of unfathomable ruin?
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 1, 1861.
1, Minor depredations by recruits and formation of society to operate a Confederate hospital in Murfreesboro, excerpt from the diary of John C. Spence
* * * *
During the fall we had some confederate soldiers stationed in the neighborhood, about three miles out at A. Millers [sic] place. Established as a camp of instruction, the proved to be a little troublesome to him, as they would now and then take a cedar rail from his fence and burn it. This hurt his feelings, but he ought not complain as he was strongly in favor of secession. However [sic] they did not remain at this place long. They were ordered to some other point to the great relief of Alfred [Miller].
We secure an order for the establishment of a hospital for the Confederate army at this place. The Union university [sic] was selected for that purpose and immediately filled up for the reception of sick soldiers.
There was field for the Ladies to operate, which they did with a good will. They collected large quantities of goods of every description-formed a sewing society for the benefit of the hospital. In a short time, large quantities of clothing was made: [sic] sheets for bunks, ticks and straw to put in, stoves, kettles, pans, and everything that should be necessary for hospital purposes was procured.
Everything was fitted up in a neat and comfortable manner by the ladies and made ready for the reception of sick soldiers.
The ladies formed a hospital society, or (Soldiers Relief Society). [sic] Mrs. L. H. Carney was elected president of said society, and Mrs. Jas [sic] Avent, appointed treasurer. This society formed some months previous to this date. Large quantities of clothing were made up and sent off to the different portions of the army....
Spence Diary.
1, "It was Unnecessary;" editorial disapproval of Governor Harris' military draft
There is need, great and pressing need, for the services of every man Tennessee can spare to the work of driving back the invading armies of the North. The same is equally true of each one of the Confederate States, and in no stronger sense applicable to Tennessee than to either of them, for all are alike exposed to the threatened danger. We all feel and realize the vital importance of meeting the emergency in the spirit and strength of freemen, preferring death and all other ills of desolating war to life in serfdom to our enemies. But, while admitting this truth, we cannot believe that these extraordinary reqirements [sic] attendant upon the existing war justify even the threat, much less the execution, of a draft upon the people as a means of increasing the strength of our armies. Under the auspices of men with more prudence and military sagacity than seems to be possessed by the Governor of Tennessee, the purpose desired could no doubt sooner have been accomplished, without even the intimation of the people of Tennessee would have to submit, in any contingency, or the lasting shame of a military draft.-Believing that the course pursued by Governor Harris in this matter is premature, ill-advised, hurtful to the interests and character of the State, and calculated, in truth, to defeat the object sought to be obtained, we have deemed it our duty as a candid, independent journalist to express our disapprobation of his conduct.
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 1, 1861.
1, Editorial backsliding in Nashville: the Daily Gazette elucidates its stance against Governor Harris' draft
In order that there may no misunderstanding of the motives actuating our disapproval of Governor Harris' course towards the militia of Tennessee, we deem it necessary to say that our opposition proceeds from no desire or design to do that gentleman injustice.
Honestly entertaining the sentiments expressed, and having no interest whatever in the matter referred to, so far as we are individually concerned, our disapproval proceeds alone from our regard of for the rights and character of the people. Feeble as they may have been, our efforts in the capacity of a journalist were and are freely given in support of the Southern revolution against Northern tyranny. Feeble as they may be, our efforts as a man and soldier will be cheerfully given to maintain in the field the cause we have advocated in these columns. It is not necessary we trust, to be more explicit than this, to render our meaning sufficiently plain.
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 1, 1861.
1, Correspondence and militia notices in the Nashville Daily Gazette
Nashville Theatre, Nov. 30, 1861
Mrs. Gen. Barrow, Nashville:
Respected Madam:-Enclosed please find $112.40, being amount realized by benefit for the relief of the sick soldiers on Thursday evening last.
With much respect, yours truly,
Walter Keeble, Manager Nashville Theatre
To Mr. Keeble:
The ladies of the Hospital Association return their thanks to Mr. Keeble, for two benefits given at the theatre, for the benefit of the sick soldiers under their care, for the first yielding $42-the last $112.40.
Mrs. G. Shelby, P. H. Association of Tenn., Nov. 30, 1861.
Ladies of the Tennessee Hospital Association return many thanks to the editors of the several city papers, for so kindly publishing their business matter, regardless of trouble and expense to themselves. They likewise acknowledge their indebtedness to Messrs. Harris and Reckless for their efficient efforts in procuring chances in President Davis' picture [raffle], having, through them, realized the handsome sum of $277 for the picture.
Mrs. Wm. Cooper, Secretary.
The Soldiers' Relief Society will meet on Monday at 10 o'clock A.M., in the Christian Church.
Nashville Confederates.
You are requested to meet at Headquarters Monday morning promptly at 9 o'clock. All who wish to be elected Wednesday. All who wilt to avoid being drafted, some up and be mustered into service.
Brig. Gen. Tighlman, commanding the defenses of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, has ordered the discontinuance of the blockading fleet of steamers. No more obstructions are to be placed in the channel of the rivers; fortifications, batteries and armed bodies of men, are instead to be the means of our defenses along these rivers. A wise man and officer-like movement, and speaks well for the ability of Gen. T. [sic]
Captains of Militia Companies.
You are requested by law to collect all the guns belonging to citizens within the bounds of your respective companies. It is no less your duty, though not imposed by law, to get a supply of lead [sic], however small, with each rifle. There is great necessity for doing so, and the announcement is made to you by high authority. Do not neglect to get the bullet moulds, for each rifle, and powder, powder horns, land shot pouches wherever they are to be had.
Attention 2nd Ward Militia.
In accordance with orders from Colonel Commandant, I hereby notify you to meet at the hall in the upper end of the market House, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, I order that one half the company may be detailed for active service in the field.
Any persons claiming exemption under the laws, will present themselves to me with the necessary proof, at the above hall before the hour of the meeting.
E. I. Thompson, Captain.
To the Sixth Ward Militia.
You are hereby notified to meet on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock at the corner of Broad and Cherry streets, up stairs, over Geo. Richards & Co.'s drug store. Let there be full attendance of every man subject to military duty, as business of importance will be transacted.
Attention! Guards-Company D
Will assemble at their Armory on Monday morning, at nine o'clock, for the purpose of detailing half their number for immediate active service in the field, in response to the order calling the militia. Let every man be prepared to volunteer, to make up the quota of the company.
E. G. Pearl, Captain.
Attention, 1st Ward Guards.
You are hereby ordered to meet at you hall, Market St., on Monday morning next, precisely at 9 o'clock, for the purpose of volunteering or being drafted to conform to the general order No. 13
By order of Capt. Coltart
Andrew A. O'Kane, Capt.
1st Ward Militia.
By order of the Colonel Commanding [sic], you are hereby notified to attend a meeting at your hall on Monday, December 2d, at precisely 9 o'clock, for the purpose of transacting business of importance.
J. E. .Newman, Capt.
7th Ward Militia.
You are hereby ordered to meet at Temperance Hall, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. All who have certificates of exemption will present them to me at Foster's shoe shop, South Market street.
E. F. Corbett, Captain.
8th Ward Militia.
You are hereby ordered to meet at my Hall, on South Cherry street, at 10 o'clock Monday morning. All persons holding certificates of exemption, must file them with me by the time of meeting.
J. G. Sawyer, Captain.
The Nashville True Blues are hereby notified to meet at their Armory at 7 o'clock Monday evening, on very important business. A full attendance is especially requested. By order of the Captain.
Bruce Buckner, O.S.
3d Ward Militia.
You are notified to meet at the upper end of the Market house (third story) on Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
4th Ward Militia.
You are notified to meet at Bellview at 10 o'clock Monday morning, to transact business of the utmost importance.
R. S. Patterson, Capt.
Attention! Nashville Zouaves.
You are hereby ordered to assemble at your armory on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. By order of the Captain
A. C. Bauer, O.S.
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 1, 1861.
1, Exemplary conduct of the Southern Mothers
The Southern Mothers.
The Southern Mothers' rooms contain at this time over two hundred and fifty soldiers from all parts of the country; many of them extremely ill, and they must suffer much if the liberality of the people is withdrawn from the institution. The soldier who falls sick in camp has often as much claim upon the sympathy and gratitude of his countrymen as he who is wounded on the battle field. The Southern Mothers were the pioneers in the work of nursing the sick soldiers. Their organization is coeval with the war. They began their work before any hospital had been established for the soldiers, and in the face of every species of opposition, and much obloquy, they have persevered in their work, until their first modest reception room has become an extensive hospital. Drawn imperceptibly on by the due necessities of our army and the support so liberally vouchsafed by the patriotism of the people, they have incurred expense in providing for the sick, and in furnishing clothing for the convalescent, little dreamed of by those who have not been engaged in the work. They have nursed over two thousand soldiers. The call for their services was never greater than at this moment, and they appeal confidently to the people to furnish them with the means to provide comforts for their patients beyond what the government allows for its hospitals. These men have renounced every comfort to defend our borders. Will any of southern blood allow himself to enjoy luxuries while they need comforts? Donations of every kind will be acceptable—money, provisions of all kinds, and clothing.
* * * *
Memphis Daily Appeal, December 1, 1861.
1, Trouble in Scott County
Lincoln Raid into Scott County, Tenn.
A gentleman just arrived from Scott county, Tenn., informs us that on Sunday morning last [December 1]A band of Lincolnites fro Kentucky, assisted by a number of tories of that county, entered the village of Huntsville, and seized the persons of John L. Smith, John Carlin, Calvin Smith, Sterling Smith and five others whose name we could not procure, and immediately started with them to Kentucky as prisoners of war, at the same time taking about a dozen head of horses. All the gentlemen abducted were quiet, unoffending citizens, belonging to no military organization in the Confederate service. Their only crime was that they were Secessionists. John L. Smith, is clerk and master of the chancery court at Huntsville, is at least seventy years of age, and is respected by all who know him in the very highest degree, and the others abducted are equally esteemed.
The party from whom we derived this information, Mr. Wm. Anderson, was likewise captured by the marauders, but made his escape. He says he could not ascertain the precise number of the enemy. He saw about forty or fifty, but the represented their number at several hundred. They were piloted in by the somewhat notorious John H. Smith, who was released by the Confederate court at Nashville, some time since, upon his taking the oath of allegiance, and who forfeited his recognizance some days ago in the Confederate court at this place, upon a charge of counterfeiting, John Baxter of this city being his security. He was assisted in this infamous raid by the tory residents of Scott county, among whom was Riley Cecil, another individual who was released by Major Fulkerson, at Jamestown, last summer, upon making the strongest promises of good behavior towards the Confederate States.
We and every citizen, who wishes success to the southern cause, demand that our military authorities act promptly and efficiently in this affair . Late there be no delay, no matter what may be the policy adopted by the authorities. These citizens must b e redeemed from captivity; or if a hair or their head is injured the must be avenged forty fold,
Knoxville Register, Dec. 3.
Memphis Daily Appeal, December 6, 1861. [2]
1, Tribute to James Keelan
The Watchman of Strawberry Plain-WE have had few examples of heroism to compare with that exhibited by James Keelan, who guarded the bridge at Strawberry Plain, in East Tennessee, and repulsed the incendiaries, single-handed, though he came near losing his life in the effort. His remark, when he considered his wounds mortal-"They have killed me, but I have saved the bridge"-will live in history, and posterity will listen with almost breathless interest to the narrative of Keenan's courage and devotion. We are gratified to observe that the people of the South are bestowing substantial testimonial upon him, such as his circumstances require; and among other contributions for his benefit, the sum of $100[3] has been given by the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company. We are assured that pecuniary favors will not be unworthily bestowed upon the watchman of Strawberry Plain.
Daily Dispatch, December 2, 1861.[4]
1, Relocation of the 18th, 19th and 20th Confederate Tennessee Brigades from Jackson to Camp Brooks at Henderson Station
By authority of Gov. Harris, Commander in-Chief, and believing that the comfort and convenience of the soldiers will be greatly promoted by changing the place of rendezvous from the fair grounds, near Jackson, to Camp Camp Brooks, at Henderson Station, south of Jackson, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, where wood and water are abundant;[5] it is therefore:
Ordered that volunteers from the 18th, 19th and 20th brigades, and the county of Hardin, rendezvous, without delay, at Camp Brooks, where they will be gathered into companies and regiments, and mustered into service.
It is also ordered that that part of the militia that may be detailed, will rendezvous at the same place, when they receive marching orders.
The Commissary and Quartermaster departments will make the necessary arrangements.
By order of Maj. Gen Brooks., Adjutant-Gen, 4th division.
Memphis Daily Appeal, December 7, 1861. [6]
1, The Memphis Legion
The Legion on Duty.-We last evening saw from our window a detachment of the Memphis Legion, Col. Dixon—consisting of members of the City Guard and Garde Française:-start out on active duty for some point to us unknown, by order of the commander of the post. They were under command of Adjutant Weld. The Legion is now recognized by the Confederate government, and is ready for duty when wanted.
Memphis Daily Appeal, December 1, 1861. [7]
ca. 1, Unionist attack at Morristown[8]
No circumstantial reports filed.
We have information that on yesterday a large body of Unionists attacked an inferior force of Confederates at Morristown, East Tennessee, killing a number of the latter, the balance being compelled to retire before the superior force of the enemy. There is intense excitement, and it appears as if the rebellion, which was supposed to be quelled, had broken out with increased virulence. Nothing but summary vengeance will repress the Lincoln incendiaries of East Tennessee. They are possessed with the demon spirit, and controlled by the civil counsels of arch traitors, Johnson and Maynard. We have also information of the arrival of Major George Crittenden, at Knoxville, to take command of the Confederate forces in East Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. His arrival at this juncture is most opportune. He was an officer of high rank and distinction in the old army. He has seen much active service, and is possessed of that indomitable vigor and courage, as well as thorough military knowledge and generalship, so necessary to cope with the formidable rebellion of the Lincolnites in East Tennessee. They will find in him an opponent who will drive them like chaff before the wind. We are truly fortunate in securing for important commands the best officers in the old Federal army. Gen. Crittenden is the eldest son of John J. Crittenden, but unlike his father and brother, is true to the cause of the South.
Memphis Avalanche, December. 2
Nashville Daily Gazette, December 4 1861.
December 1, 1862, Skirmish at Nolensville
DECEMBER 1, 1862.-Skirmish near Nolensville, Tenn.
Report of Brig. Gen. John A. Wharton, C. S. Army, commanding Cavalry Brigade to Lieut.-Gen. [L.] POLK, &c.
HDQRS. CAVALRY BRIGADE, Nolensville, Tenn., December 1, 1862--5 p. m.
* * * *
I had a skirmish with the enemy to-day, and my battery drove them from their position very quickly.
* * * *
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JNO. A. WHARTON, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 20, pt. I, p. 28.
1, Confederate guerrilla attack on Moscow[9]
No circumstantial reports filed.
LAGRANGE, [December] 2, 1862.
T. H. HARRIS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Jackson:
A guerrilla force of about 200 were near Moscow yesterday afternoon. A small force entered Moscow and captured 6 convalescents sick of the 109 and paroled them. A force of 6 came within a half mile and captured four teams loaded with cotton and one cotton-speculator. I recovered all of the wagons, cotton, and 2 mules; they escaped with the other animals. The pickets, 3 miles below Lamar, were attacked yesterday about 5 p. m. by small guerrilla force. The guerrillas were repulsed. No one hurt.
A. S. NORTON, Col., Comdg.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, pp. 376-377.
1, "….we skirmished right on a bed of sweet potatoes and cabbage…." Sergeant George G. Sinclair's first combat
On picket duty seven miles from Nashville on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad.
December 3, 1862
* * * *
We had our maiden battle three days ago [December 1]. We were sent out on a foraging expedition and were assailed by some of Breckenridge's cavalry but we laid six or seven of them, they not doing us any damage in return. We are gaining quite a reputation as a crack regiment and I tell you, we earn it too, for finer never turned into the field. Well on that day we were thrown out as skirmishers and we skirmished right on a bed of sweet potatoes and cabbage which were buried for winter use. We appropriated all that the whole company could carry. Our mess secured nearly a bushel and four hogsheads of cabbage. You may bet that we lived high while those lasted, they are out today. As we are out on picket, we shall try to replenish out stock of vegetable before tomarrow [sic] night
* * * *
George G. Sinclair
Sinclair Correspondence
1, Evaluation of anti-guerrilla campaign in the area south of the Cumberland River
RUSSELLVILLE, December 1, 1862.
Assistant Adjutant-Gen. and Chief of Staff:
My men drove Woodward[10] 10 miles beyond Clarksville, toward Charlotte. From deserters I learn that he expects to unite with Morgan and Forrest, and make a dash on this part of the State, to drive out hogs, cattle, &c. I will keep posted in regard to them.
S. D. BRUCE, Col., Cmdg.
Nashville, December 1, 1862.
Maj.-Gen. WRIGHT, Cincinnati:
The guerrilla parties have been driven south of the Cumberland. McHenry was lent to Bruce for a few days. The occupation of Clarksville will nearly close the lines, and prevent contraband trade in that direction. Please order McHenry to occupy Clarksville, and report to me as soon as possible.
W. S. ROSECRANS, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I. Vol. 20. pt. II, p. 113.
December 1, 1863, Scouts from Pulaski and skirmishes
DECEMBER 1, 1863.-Scouts from Pulaski, Tenn., and Skirmishes.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
No. 2.-Lieut. John W. Barnes, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
No. 1.
Reports of Brig. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. Army.
PULASKI, December 2, 1863.
Lieut.-Col. Phillips, Ninth Illinois Mounted Infantry, attacked the rebel cavalry on this side of river, near Florence, drove them across; captured 5 officers, one Gen. Bragg's inspector-general of cavalry, and 35 enlisted men. Col. Phillips says that an extensive raid is being fitted out under Forrest at Okolona, and that all scattering troops are ordered and going to him.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
PULASKI, December 3, 1863.
Col. Rowett, Seventh Illinois Infantry (mounted) on his trip to Eastport, encountered Johnson's regiment, Fourth Alabama, of Roddey's brigade, and routed them, taking 25 prisoners. No force now of any account north of Tennessee. Col. Cypert, of loyal Tennessee cavalry, some 300, are now stationed at or near Waynesborough, Wayne County.
G. M. DODGE, Brig.-Gen.
No. 2.
Report of Lieut. John W. Barnes, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
PULASKI, TENN., December 10, 1863.
Lieut. Roberts has returned from Eastport. Had a fight with some guerrillas at Rawhide. Brought in 20 prisoners.
Col. Rinaker left on 6th for Hamburg. Johnson is in neighborhood of Florence with his regiment. Maj. Murphy, Fifth Tennessee Cavalry, has sent you request to send him 4,000 rations to Waynesborough. Can you spare them? I refused.
If Rowett goes to Lexington after the two Union families, had not some other regiment better be sent out and instructed to co-operate with him against Johnson.
J. W. BARNES, Lieut., and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 593-594.
1, Scout to Blain's Cross Roads [see December 1, 1863, Skirmish at Maynardville below]
1, Skirmish at Maynardville[11]
Reports of Col. Felix W. Graham, Fifth Indiana Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade.
MAYNARDVILLE, December 1, 1863--11.30 a. m.
A party which I sent on the Knoxville road has come up with rebels about 3 miles out; they are skirmishing now. A scout which I sent toward Blain's Cross-Roads reports half a regiment at the cross-roads, and a party of about a hundred 4 miles this side; my scout Is within a mile of the latter. A citizen just in reports the enemy as having evacuated Knoxville, and retreating in direction of Morristown. A rebel woman of this place, who left here a few days ago for the purpose of visiting her husband in the rebel service, returned last night, and says she did not see her husband, as Longstreet had been ordered to fall back to Georgia, and is gone, and that none but cavalry remained around Knoxville.
F. W. GRAHAM, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
MAYNARDVILLE, December 1, 1863.
SIR: Skirmishing had been kept up all day on the main Knoxville road about 4 miles from town, without any detriment to either side. The enemy had a position on the mountains, and kept it. Our scouts went out on the road to Blain's Cross-Roads; came up with the enemy about 8 miles out; skirmished with them nearly all day without any loss on our side. Late this evening Carter was reported within 4 miles of town. I have decided on holding this place until the enemy's intentions are more fully known. Firing commenced at Knoxville about 3 o'clock this afternoon, and still continues.
F. W. GRAHAM, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, pp. 424-425.
1, Skirmishing around Knoxville
No circumstantial reports filed.
TAZEWELL, December 2, 1863--7.30 a. m. (Received 1.40 p. m.)
A courier came in from the front last night with the report that heavy firing was heard at Knoxville from 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday to the time he left. Can this be Granger attacking Longstreet's rear?
I am posting my small force on the Clinch River in good positions for defense or offense.
J. G. FOSTER, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 310.
1, Major-General U. S. Grant wishes conversion of civilian steamer to assist in flanking Longstreet
HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 1, 1863.
Maj. Gen. G. H. THOMAS, Cmdg. Army of the Cumberland:
GEN.: If the steamer Dunbar is not provided with a piece of artillery she should be, and with a detail of men to work the gun.
A dispatch just received from Foster states that a large number of rebel cavalry has shown itself about Maynardville, which is believed to be Longstreet's flanking column to protect his march by the Rutledge road.
Yours, &c.,
U. S. GRANT, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 293.
1, Major-General U. S. Grant and U. S. Treasury Department agree upon new enumerated list for sales of cotton goods, inspection of steam ships and responsibility for guerrilla outrages [see December 7, 1863, Admittance of cotton trade on railroad to Memphis, with possible military tax below]
HDQRS. SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Memphis, Tennessee, December 1, 1863.
Brig. Gen. N. B. BUFORD, Cmdg. at Helena:
GEN.: Your communication of the 28th, with your report of proceedings in cases of certain steamers, is received. The Treasury Department, with the approval of Gen. Grant, have adopted a new system, the principal features of which will be formally communicated to you. So strong is the pressure on the Government to allow cotton brought forward, that it is useless to do any more that exercise a general supervision. The Treasury Department are the judges as to who shall or shall not go below to obtain cotton, and the clearances issued here and approved by me is evidence that they have given bonds. Rope, bagging, and twine may go without restrictions.[12] Every other article of supply will be examined closely here, and permitted or rejected. It is of no use to attempt to close up the counties named in your former order so that no supplies can go. Unless all trade on the river is stopped we cannot stop it in partial limits where we have no force. But we can, and I am now preparing an order making each county responsible for guerrilla outrages. You will, therefore, not hereafter stop any boat regularly cleared and permitted; but if you have information that any owner of a lot of goods is disloyal, take that parcel of goods until he clears himself from that suspicion.
Persons are permitted by the Treasury officers to go below with money to buy cotton, or to pay for cotton already bought. This, also, is approved by Gen. Grant; the Treasury agents being held responsible for the men whom they permit. Of course, articles contraband of war are never permitted, except whisky and occasionally a little medicine.
You will, by the adoption of this course, be relieved from much responsibility and labor, and have much more time to give to your military duties.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. A. HURLBUT, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 304.
1, Conduct of Federal soldiers in Cleveland
….Wilder's Yankee Cavalry camped on our lot from sundown until 12 o'clock, took corn, potatoes and straw and burnt a great number of our rails. The Major's headquarters were near the pig pen. He appointed a Mr. Brown to guard us. Two soldiers came in and talked to us until late.
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman.
1, Skirmishing in southern Hardeman County on the Pocahontas and Middleton roads
FOUR MILES NORTH OF RIPLEY, December 1, 1863--2 p. m.
Maj.-Gen. HURLBUT:
The enemy is advancing in force; we met them 3 or 4 miles south of Ripley at 10 a. m. We are skirmishing on the Pocahontas and Middleton roads, and will advise you as soon as I learn which road from Ripley his main column takes.
J. K. MIZNER, Col., Cmdg. Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 302.
1, Skirmish near Loudon[13]
No circumstantial reports filed.
Excerpt from the Itinerary of the Second Brigade, Second Cavalry Division (Army of the Cumberland), Col. Eli Long commanding, relative to events in East Tennessee from December 1-28, 1863.
December 1, brigade marched from Benton, Tennessee, to Columbia, Tennessee, and thence to Athens via Charleston. From Athens the brigade marched in advance of Gen. Sherman's command to Loudon, near with place the advance regiment met a force of rebel cavalry. Routed them and took 30 prisoners, losing 1 man killed and 2 wounded.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 435.
1, "…one continued line of citizens and wagons bringing in provisions for the use of the Army." Supplying Federal soldiers in the Prospect, Giles county environs; an excerpt from the letter of George Hovey Cadman
December 1st 1863, Prospect Tennessee
* * * *
When first we came here, we had to seize everything we needed, as we are living off the country, but now it is one continued line of citizens and wagons bringing in provisions for the use of the Army. It has been a most unfortunate blow for the rebels losing the control of this portion of Tennessee. We are well supplied with all kinds of Fresh Meat and Corn Meal. We have a Steam Bakery and get soft Wheaten [sic] bread about three times a week. What we want most is Salt, Candles, Soap, letters and Newspapers. I do not know anything that has happened since we came here as I have only seen two papers since our arrival. We have heard there has been a great victory near Chattanooga, but we know nothing of the particulars although we are in the same state and belong to the same Army.
* * * *
G. H. Cadman
George Hovey Cadman Correspondence.
ca. 1-ca. 11, Conscript sweep in West Tennessee, Hatchie Bottom and Jackson environs
No circumstantial reports filed.
COLLIERVILLE, December 11, 1863, Brig.-Gen. GRIERSON:
The following received last night from LaGrange:
Lieut. BELDEN, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Collierville:
I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of orders, I sent this morning those men which have returned belonging to the first battalion, this regiment, to Somerville, under command of Maj. Graham. He found nothing of interest this side of Somerville, but in that place a squad of 20 or 30 under different commanders. The information, which appears reliable, is that Forrest is at Jackson, Tennessee, with from 2,000 to 2,500; that R. V. Richardson is at Medon: Col. Hicks has been engaged in driving the Hatchie Bottom and conscripting. I sent two companies as ordered, via Mason, but have no report from them yet. Maj. Graham brings in 3 prisoners, which will be forwarded to you to-morrow. I have a night expedition out now in the direction of Middleton and Bolivar.
EDWARD PRINCE, Col. Seventh Illinois Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, p. 386.
1-ca. 26, Unlawful foraging near Strawberry Plains by Union troops
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST Tennessee, Knoxville, December 26, 1863.
Brig. Gen. EDWARD E. POTTER, Chief of Staff:
GEN.: The attention of the commanding general is again respectfully directed to the fact that numerous complaints continue to be entered at this office in regard to the unauthorized and pernicious manner in which foraging is conducted by certain United States officers and soldiers in the vicinity of Strawberry Plains, as well as elsewhere in East Tennessee.
Numerous instances are reported in which large amounts of forage have been taken from our most zealous and devoted Union citizens and no voucher or receipt of any kind given in return.
As an illustration and example of many similar cases, the following were just related to me by Lieut.-Col. Brownlow, who is well acquainted with the individuals depredated upon, and who represents them as men of the most noted loyalty:
Dr. Joseph C. Strong lives 9 miles above Knoxville, on the road to Strawberry Plains. Some one in the United States service, name not stated, hauled away a quantity of his corn and gave him vouchers, or receipts of some kind, for 130 bushels, less than half the amount which was actually taken. Other parties, representing themselves as belonging to the Sixteenth Canada[14], got corn of him and gave him no vouchers.
An officer calling himself Lieut. Wise got corn from a Mr. Stallings (who lives on Dr. Strong's place, and whose house has been open to all Union refugees, and who has, gratuitously, furnished numbers of such with grain and provisions to last them on their way to Kentucky), and gave him vouchers for 120 bushels, not, however, as much as he actually took away. Two or three days after this, Mr. Stallings went to Strawberry Plains, and was met by Lieut. Wise, who asked him if he had the vouchers with him, and desired to look at them; after getting them into his possession he put them into his pocket, rode off with them, and has not since been seen by Mr. Stallings. While I dislike much to trouble the commanding general with the recital of these numerous complaints, I feel it to be my duty to use every means in my power to remove the cause of them, in order that citizens may be protected, the army saved from demoralization, and the interest of the cause, which we have so much at heart, be guarded from the odium which must be attached to it by the continuance of such shameful outrages.
I am, general, very respectfully, &c.,
S. P. Carter, Brig. Gen. and Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
OFFICE PROVOST-MARSHAL-GEN. OF EAST Tennessee, Knoxville, December 26, 1863.
Brig. Gen. E. E. POTTER, Chief of Staff:
GEN.: I have the honor to forward, for information of the commanding general, a letter this day received from Hon. Thomas A. R. Nelson, in relation to the conduct of United States troops toward loyal citizens of East Tennessee. In doing so I respectfully renew my request that the most stringent measures be adopted to put an immediate check to acts which are alike unjust to our citizens and discreditable to the United States service.
I am, general, very respectfully, &c.,
S. P. Carter,
Brig. Gen. and Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
FLAT CREEK, KNOX COUNTY, TENN, December 26, 1863.
Brig. Gen. S. P. Carter:
SIR: Unable to reach home, I have been staying for the last ten days at the house of Maj. Gaines McMillan, who will hand you this note. He goes to Knoxville in the hope of procuring a guard for his property. Having always been a Union man, he cheerfully furnished to the army all the corn and other articles he could spare; but soldiers, in defiance of your safeguard, came and took all his oats; others threatened to break open his smoke-house and insulted his family in his absence, and were with great difficulty restrained by my persuasions and entreaties from forcibly taking his provisions. He has been and is daily annoyed in every conceivable way without the power of resistance. I sincerely hope that you may devise some plan to relieve him from further vexation and loss.
Although I do not understand that you are in command of the army of East Tennessee, I hope that, as a native of the country, you will exert your influence to mitigate the horrors of war among us. Supposing that Governor Johnson and Mr. Maynard had in charge the interests of our people, I, in common with others, cherished the hope that they would use their influence with the President to cause the army to be instructed before they came here that they were about to enter the country of friends and not of enemies, and that, by their good conduct, they should make the contrast broad and deep between the behavior of the hostile Armies, and especially that as the Union population had suffered greatly from the rebels, they should be promptly paid for everything that might be taken by the Federals in the same way as our army paid the Mexicans during the Mexican war. I suppose that the exertions which it is to be presumed our members of Congress made have been unavailing, as the Union Army is more destructive to Union men than the rebel army ever was. Our fences are burned, our horses are taken, our people are stripped in many instances of the very last vestige of subsistence, our means to make a crop next year are being rapidly destroyed, and when the best Union men in the country make appeals to the soldiers, they are heartlessly cursed as rebels; or when certificates are given as to property taken, they are generally for much less than the true amount, and a citizen in attempting to enforce a claim against his Government has to run the gauntlet of "the circumlocution office," until, discouraged and disheartened, he turns away, feeling that the Government which he loved and honored and trusted, and which never did him any harm before the war, has at last become cruel and unjust, and cares nothing for his sorrows and sufferings. In many instances soldiers take property without giving any certificates, and the result is a fearful and alarming state of robbery and plunder.
Can you do nothing to remedy these evils? Can you not, in behalf of an outraged and disappointed people, urge Gen. Foster to hold all officers to the strictest accountability for the conduct of their soldiers and compel them to listen to and redress the wrongs of the people? If nothing is done and promptly done, starvation and ruin are before us, and there will be nothing here to support the army next summer. Let me urge you, as you love East Tennessee, and as you would preserve the Union party from ruin, to exert a prompt and energetic influence on the whole subject.
Very respectfully,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. III, pp. 506-508.
December 1, 1864, Action at Owen's Cross Roads
No circumstantial reports filed.
1, Skirmish at Clinch Mountain
LEXINGTON, KY., December 2, 1864.
(Received 5 p. m.)
Maj. THOMAS T. ECKERT, Washington, D. C.:
We have news from Burbridge this morning. Our forces at Clinch Mountain. Slight skirmish with enemy yesterday. Scout reports Breckinridge at Morristown with 3,000 infantry; his cavalry at Bristol. Our forces expected to be at Bean's Station to-day. Shall I report daily?
CAREY, Cipher Operator.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. II, p. 28.
1-14, Operations about Nashville [prior to Battle of Nashville]
December 2-4, 1864.-Operations against stockades and block-houses on Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad.
December 4, 1864.-Action at Bell's Mills, Tenn.
December 5-7, 1864.-Demonstrations against Murfreesborough, Tenn.
December 6, 1864.-Action at Bell's Mills, Tenn.
December 7, 1864.-Battle of the Cedars, Murfreesborough.
December 13, 1864.-Attack on railroad train near Murfreesborough, Tenn.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 45, pt. I, pp. 21-22.
1- February 7, 1865, Initiation and termination of talks relative to the exchange of East Tennessee political prisoners
Knoxville, Tenn., December 1, 1864.
Brig. Gen. JOHN C. VAUGHN, C. S. Army:
GEN.: Your communication of November 29 has just been received. The major-general commanding the department directs me to say that you and Gen. Carter can continue negotiations for the exchange of non-combatants at a designated place during eight or ten days, or longer if necessary. Ladies within your lines whose husbands or relatives are in our army, and who may wish to come into our lines, will be received. Ladies within our lines who may wish to go within yours must apply to the proper authority for permission. These negotiations, &c., not to interfere in any manner with or suspend the military operations of the U. S. forces in East Tennessee.
Very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
J. AMMEN, Brig.-Gen., U. S. Volunteers.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, p. 1176.
DECEMBER 10, 1864.
Maj. Gen. E. A. HITCHCOCK, Commissioner for Exchange, Washington, D. C.:
GEN.: I have the honor to inclose copy of agreement entered into on 1st instant at new Market, East Tenn., with Brig. Gen. John C. Vaughan, acting in behalf of the so-called Confederate Government, for exchange and release of citizens of East Tennessee held by the U. S. military authorities and by the rebels.
I also inclose list of rebel sympathizers now imprisoned at Johnson's Island and Camp Chase, Ohio, as hostages for Union men imprisoned by rebels, and respectfully request that they be sent to Knoxville as early as practicable, in order that the proper exchange may be effected according to agreement.
For your information I send lists of rebel sympathizers held at this place as hostages who are to be released, as well as of Union men supposed to be in the hands of the rebels. Copies of these lists were left with rebel commissioner.
An effort was made by the rebel commissioner to secure release of parties indicted for treason, and to prevent further issuing of capiases he proposed, in case his object could be effected, to agree to make no further arrests in East Tennessee and to agree to a suspension of the conscript law for this district. Under your instructions I declined to consider his proposition.
Hoping that the arrangement I have made looking to the release of many warm friends of the Government who have suffered long in rebel prisons will meet the approbation of our authorities.
I am, general, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. P. CARTER, Brig. Gen. and Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
DECEMBER 10, 1864.
Brig. Gen. J. C. VAUGHN, Cmdg. Confederate Cavalry, East Tennessee:
SIR: I am in receipt of your communication of the 7th instant, inclosing list of twenty-nine citizen prisoners this day delivered at our lines. In looking over the list I am surprised to find that the name of Charles Innman, of Sevier County, does not appear. He has been arrested, as I understand, since you took command in East Tennessee, and his case was specially referred to in our interview, with a promise on your part that he should be speedily released. I trust that the apparent oversight in his case will be speedily corrected.
I have already written to Washington to have the prisoners who are held as hostages at Johnson's Island and other points sent to this place for exchange. They will be sent to your lines without unnecessary delay after their arrival at Knoxville. I trust that you will have the Union prisoners, who have been so long absent from their homes, brought to East Tennessee at as early a day as possible in order to [secure] their release.
I inclose list of hostages who are hereby released and sent to your lines. You will see that [they] have been set at liberty here. A few other persons held at Knoxville shall be sent to your lines, if they desire it, at an early day.
I have already written on the subject of treason cases, as agreed upon.
Hoping that all citizen prisoners of East Tennessee now held may soon be restored to their homes,
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. P. CARTER, Brig. Gen. and Provost-Marshal-Gen. of East Tennessee.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, pp. 1208-1209.
RICHMOND, December 15, 1864.
SIR: I regret that I cannot give my approval to the recent agreement made between Brig. Gen. S. P. Carter and yourself in relation to East Tennessee prisoners.
Whilst it requires that all "Union citizens of East Tennessee who are held by the Confederate authorities" shall be released, there is no corresponding stipulation in respect to our own loyal people. It is well known that a large number of Confederate citizens have been arrested by the U. S. military authorities in East Tennessee and turned over to the State for indictment. Most of the Union men whom we hold were arrested in retaliation, and in fact are held as hostages for such persons. The agreement not only leaves such as have been turned over to the State authorities to an almost hopeless captivity, but fails to require the release of all other citizen prisoners. The Federals only agree to deliver the hostages. It is believed there are some, if not many, loyal Confederates now in confinement who have not been turned over to the State and who are not held as hostages. As to such Gen. Carter only agrees "to use his best efforts" for their release.
The Confederate authorities are willing to enter into an agreement for the release of all citizens or political prisoners on both sides belonging to East Tennessee. They cannot be charged with any want of liberality in this proposition, as it is generally conceded that the larger part of the population of that country, not under arms, is hostile to us.
Capt. Shad. Harris is a deserter from our service; he was tried as such and condemned to death. The mercy of the President saved him from a just doom.
Capt. Battle is unjustly held as hostage. To give up Harris for Battle would strengthen the hands of the enemy in their avowed purpose of contesting our right to try deserters from our service. Capt. Rogers is now save within our lines.
The fifth section of the agreement, if adopted, would, I am afraid lead to difficulties. What is meant by conforming to the "requirements of the authorities?" We and the enemy will in all probability give very different constructions to such a phrase and thus again precipitate what we wish to avoid.
In the event of your inability to secure general release of citizen prisoners belonging to East Tennessee, including Mr. Heiskell, I approve of your desire "to arrest a number of prominent men as hostages."
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAS. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, p. 1229.
HDQRS. VAUGHN'S CAVALRY, Bristol, February 7, 1865.
HON. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Secretary of War, Richmond, Va.:
GEN.: Yours of the 2d instant is at hand. I regret, as do the officers and men of my command, that you have been taken from the department. No one has ever won the confidence and esteem of my command so completely as yourself. They ask for no one more competent or able than you; and to obey your orders, comply with your instructions, has ever been my own and their delight. From the highest officer to the merest [sic] private in my command there is one universal murmur of regret at your sudden departure from the department. Your compliments we appreciate, and regret that no other opportunities offered themselves than those that did so as to have enabled us to have done honor to Kentucky's noblest son-yourself. Your name will ever live in the hearts of my command. I am truly gratified that you manifest in your letter an interest in my command, which I shall communicate to my Tennesseeans [sic], your true friends....I would also respectfully call your attention to the propriety of something being done that shall secure the exchange and release of our citizen prisoners from East Tennessee. There are many noble and inoffensive Southern citizens confined North who can be exchanged for, thus relieving our friends of much suffering, restore them to their families and friends, and save our Government of much expense in feeding the many citizens we have confined under the most trivial charges.
Hoping that the proudest anticipations of your countrymen may be realized in their hopes for your success in your new field of duty, and that you may live to be admired and appreciated for your efforts for the success of our common cause, I remain, as ever, your true friend,
JOHN C. VAUGHAN, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg., &c.
Mr. Shepherd will note the portion of this letter relating to exchange of citizen prisoners and address note to Commissioner of Exchange, desiring early attention to the subject.
J. C. B., Secretary of War.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 7, pp. 964-965.
[1] See: "November 15, 1861, "Dispersion of Unionists' Camp near Chattanooga" above.
[2] As cited in PQCW.
[3] What price glory?
[4] As cited in PQCW.
[5] This may well be an indication that the camp of instruction in near Jackson was septic because of poor sanitation, and that too many recruits were dieing in camp thereby reducing their numbers for the battlefield deaths.
[6] As cited in PQCW.
[7] As cited in PQCW.
[8] There is nothing to indicate a combat incident at Morristown in the OR or Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee. This contention is backed by the remarks of Captain James Brett, of General Carroll's staff, as quoted in the Memphis Daily Appeal of December 3, 1861: "Captain James Brett of Gen. Carroll's Staff arrived in the city [Knoxville] yesterday, bringing us the latest intelligence received from East Tennessee. We learn from him that the reported outbreak of Lincolnites at Morristown is without foundation. In fact, and that on the contrary, matters are growing more quiet every day since the adoption of the rigorous and uncompromising policy towards traitors that has recently been inaugurated." Consequently it is most probable this event was a rumor caused by hysterical Confederates.
[9] This attack is listed neither in the OR General Index nor in the index to OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, nor in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee.
[10] A guerrilla leader. See: NOVEMBER 26-30, 1862.--Operations about Springfield, Tenn., OR, Ser. I. Vol. 20. pt I, p. 20.
[11] It appears that this report makes reference to three different skirmishes.
[12] This appears to mean that the United States Treasury Department could purchase cotton from anyone, even those whose loyalty to the Union was at best suspect. That is, U. S. gold would be going to Confederates starved for specie with which to buy weapons to fight the Federal armies, resulting in an ironic situation of sustaining the power of the enemy.
[13] The OR General Index does not show a listing for a skirmish at Loudon on December 1, 1863. The Summary of the Principal Events of the Knoxville Campaign, OR, Ser. I, Vol. 31, pt. I, p. 255, recognizes a skirmish at Loudon on "[December] 4-5, Skirmish at and near Loudon."
[14] Of course there was no such unit as the "Sixteenth Canada." It was most likely a ruse employed by Federal soldiers to evade accountability for their illegal actions. Federal forces weren't alone in such deception. See: April 29-May 7, 1864, "Investigation of depredations committed against Southern loyalists by Confederate forces in Kingsport, Bristol, Blountsville and Sullivan County" below.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 115
(615)-532-1549 FAX
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