Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 25 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

25, Actions of the Nashville Vigilance Committee; Mr. Elwell's and Mr. Kelly's Hegira from Nashville

A Western Reserve Man Thinks the Weather Rather Warm in Nashville, Tenn.

Mr. William H. H. Elwell, a young journeyman printer, who left Cleveland two years ago, and well known here, has just returned from Nashville, where he has been for the last year. We have gathered from him the following reliable statement.

Being a Northern man, and expressing himself firmly for the Union under all circumstances, and in defence of the patriotism and bravery of the Northern people, and the sanctity of the American flag, he was warned that such sentiments were treasonable, and would not be tolerated in the South. Though he had man personal friends in the city, they had no power whatever to protect him against the mob, that governs there and elsewhere in the South. No Northern man is safe either in person or property unless he avows himself a secessionist, and declares himself ready to go the full length of the Southern bloody programme.

Mr. Kelley, editor of the Nashville Democrat, a Douglas paper, left at the same time for the same reasons. He was threatened by the Vigilance Committee with the destruction of his press if he continued his treasonable Union paper, and the mob gathered for the purpose of the destruction of himself and press-

The office was put in a state of defence, and the American flag ran up. Finally, however, the friends of the editor persuaded him to let them take down the flag, and the office went into the hands of the Vigilance Committee. The life of the editor being in great danger, he came North, declaring he would return again with a regiment of New York volunteers and settle the account. He is from New York city and leaves all his property. Senator Johnson is in Washington and his friends dare not have him return to the State-his life would be taken. The State is completely in the hands of the secessionists, and will, without doubt, secede immediately.-The idle masses and demagogues completely crush out the Union men. Hangman Foote, Zollicoffer, and the like, constantly harangue the masses and the people seem to be insane on the subject of Southern rights. They believe that Jeff. Davis is near Washington, assisted by Ben McCulloch, and that the Capital will be in their hands in less than twenty days. They think, and openly proclaim, that all the chivalric and military spirit is in the South, that one Southern man can whip a dozen Northern men. There seemed to have been a great change of sentiment, however, on this point last week,-the surprise being great at the sudden rush to arms throughout the North at the call of Lincoln.

The Daily Cleveland Herald, April 25, 1861.



            25, Report of steamers fired into by insurgents on the Tennessee River

Steamboats Fired at by Guerrillas.

Cairo, April 25.-The Steamers Belle, of Memphis, and Choctaw from Pittsburg Landing, which they left on Thursday morning, arrived here last night. They were fired into, thirty-five miles below Pittsburg, by a band of guerrillas from behind a dwelling on the left bank of the Tennessee river. The Choctaw received seven shots. Her mate was killed. The Belle, of Memphis, received twelve shots, wounding one negro boy on board.

~ ~ ~

Philadelphia Inquirer, April 26, 1862.



            25, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 91 changes in flag insignia and unit designations for the Army of the Cumberland


Murfreesborough, Tenn., April 25, 1863.

It having been found that the flags prescribed by General Orders, No. 41, from these headquarters, December 19, 1862, to designate the headquarters of the various brigade, divisions, and corps of this army, are not sufficiently marked to be readily distinguished from each other, those herein described will be substituted.

General headquarters.- The national flag, 6 feet by 5, with a golden eagle below the stars, 2 feet from tip to tip.

Fourteenth Army Corps.-A bright blue flag, 6 feet by 4, fringed with black eagle in center, 2 feet from tip to tip, with the number "14" in black on shield, which shall be white.

Twentieth Army Corps.-A bright red flag, same as that for Fourteenth Army Corps, except the number on the shield, which shall be that of the corps.

Twenty-first Army Corps.-A bright red, white and blue flag (horizontal) same as that for Fourteenth Corps, except the number on the shield, which shall be that of the corps.

First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.- The flag of the corps, except the eagle and fringe, with one black star, 18 inches in diameter, point 2 inches from staff.

Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.- The flag of the corps, except eagle and fringe, with two black stars, each 18 inches in diameter, inner point 2 inches from staff.

Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.-The flag of the corps, except eagle and fringe, with three black stars, each 18 inches in diameter, set equally along staff, the inner point being 2 inches from staff.

Fourth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.-The flag of the corps, except eagle and fringe with four black stars, each 18 inches in diameter, three of them along staff as before, the other set equally on the flag.

Fifth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.-The flag of the corps, except eagle and fringe, with five black stars, each 18 inches in diameter, three of them along the staff, the other two equally distributed on flag.

The division flags of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Army Corps will correspond with the above, that is the corps flags (without eagle and fringe), with one, two, three, &c., stars, according as they represent the first, second, third, &c., divisions.

The headquarters flags of all brigades will be the flags of their divisions, with the number of the brigade in white, 8 inches long, in center of each star.

The Regular brigade will have the corps and division flag but the stars shall be golden instead of black.

Artillery reserve.-Two bright red flags, each 4 feet by 2, one above the other.

Batteries.-Each battery shall have a small flag, corps colors and arrangement (but 1 foot 6 inches on staff, by 2 feet fly), with the letters and numbers of the battery inscribed thereon in black, 4 inches long, thus, "B, First Ohio."

Cavalry headquarters.-A bright red, white and blue flag, 6 feet by 4 colors running vertically, red outermost.

First Cavalry Division.-A bright red, white, and blue flag, 6 feet by 4, like last, with one star, 18 inches in diameter, black, the point 2 inches from staff.

Second Cavalry Division.-Same as last, except two black stars, each 18 inches in diameter.

As for infantry, the headquarters flags of brigades will be the flags of divisions, with the number of the brigade in black, 8 inches long.

Engineer Corps.- A white and blue flag, blue uppermost, and running horizontally, 6 feet by 4.

Hospitals and ambulance depots.-A light yellow flag, 3 feet by 3, for hospitals and the principal ambulance depot on the field of battle, 2 feet square for the lesser ones.

Subsistence depots and storehouses.-A plain light green flag, 3 feet square.

Quartermaster's depots or storehouses.-Same flag, with letters Q. M. D. in white, 1 foot long.

Ordnance department, general headquarters.-A bright green flag, 3 feet square, with two crossed cannon in white, set diagonally in a square of 3 feet, with a circular ribbon of 6 inches wide and 3 feet greatest diameter (or diameter of inner circle 2 feet), with the letters "U. S. Ordnance Department", in black, 4 inches long, on ribbon, and a streamer above flag, 1 foot on staff by 4 feet long, crimson color, with words "Chief of Ordnance" in black, 6 inches long.

Division ordnance.-Same flag, with cannon and ribbon, but no streamer.

All these flags will be made according to a pattern to be furnished from the quartermaster's department.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:

C. GODDARD. Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, pp. 275-277.


            25, Forrest's command conducts conscript sweep and arrests deserters from his command in West Tennessee

HDQRS. FORREST'S CAVALRY, Jackson, April 25, 1864.

Lieut. Col. THOMAS M. JACK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

COL.:...My entire command is engaged conscripting and arresting deserters. They are scattered in all directions, but are moving toward this place; will have all concentrated here by the 30th, and will reach Tupelo by the 5th or 6th proximo. I shall move myself via Bolivar and Ripley, and nay dispatches for me will meet me on the road.

I would be glad if the cars would run as far above Tupelo as possible, as I have about 30,000 pounds of bacon which I shall carry in wagons to Corinth, and send it down for my command on hand-cars until it meets a train.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, yours, &c.,

N. B. FORREST, Maj.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. III, pp. 821-822.


            25, Anti-guerrilla expedition to Bigg's Cross-Roads, Williamson County ordered


Brig. Gen. R. W. JOHNSON, Cmdg. Post of Pulaski:

GEN.: The bushwhackers are investing the neighborhood of Bigg's Cross-Roads, upper end of Williamson County, out on the Nolen pike, thirty-two miles from Nashville. The major-general commanding is informed that they are committing all kinds of depredations, and directs that you send to that neighborhood a sufficient force of cavalry to drive them out of the country. You will please refer to Mr. Alfred Ogilvie for further information.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

WM. D. WHIPPLE, Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 465.



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