Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

May 13th 1861, Rumors of slave rebellion in Bradley County
.... Last night the negroes [sic] were to have an insurrection -- so it was reported....
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 95.


Tuesday May 13th 1862
The citizens that were arrested yesterday were sent off on the train to Nashville, including Dr.'s Basket, King, & Robert Wendle, leaving quite a small number of physicians in town, and I don't know what we would do if the small pox should break out, for it [is] already here, we know of two cases among the Yankees, and there is no telling how many more there are that we do not know about. They had these two cases placed in a house on Main St. and gave out they were sick Confederates, thinking the ladies of the place would flock to see them, & sure enough one lady went & was much frightened, as well as shocked when she found what was the matter with them. Some thought the Yankees took that means to spread it through out this place. Cousin Henry Tilford ate dinner with us today. Said he had lost his pass, & they refused to give him another, & that is what he gets for taking the oath. Bettie, Jennie, & I went over to Mrs. Lewis Maney, while there Mrs. Hancocke & Miss Annie Murfree, also Mrs. David Maney & Miss Sallie Belle. We came away soon after the latter arrived, met Helen just at the fence, & persuaded her to return home with us. We then concluded to walk up to see Mrs. Henderson, but we saw about 20 armed ruffians coming down the street, so we concluded to stop in to see Mrs. Pritchet, as we have been intending paying them a visit for some time. We had just started to go when several of those scoundrels came to search the house, I gave them a most scornful look & passed out. They searched every house in town & got a few old shot guns, & an old pistol from here, but should they attempt loading it as it is now, woe be unto them, which I hope they will do. As I saw an officer this evening riding down the street trying to show off, I wished from the bottom of my heart, the horse would throw him & break his neck, & I can't believe it is much of a sin either, but, must we blame the Yankees for trying to show off when some young ladies were out on horse back, also trying to cut a dash, without even an escort. I sent them word they had better mind, or the Yanks would insult them, for, it was the Misses Duffers. I don't know how they took the message, & I don't care. When we arrived at Aunt Tildy Henderson's the soldiers were ransacking her house, pretending to search. She looked very sad, but who could be otherwise here now, for it seems the silver lining to "the dark cloud that hovers" over our land will never be seen. The news came that Norfolk & Portsmouth have fallen into the hands of the enemy & that our gun boat "Merrimack" was blown up by our own people to help it from falling into the hands of the Federals. If something (almost a miracle) is not done soon, we shall have to yield our hearts up to despair.
Kate Carney Diary
[April 15, 1861-July 31, 1862]


May 13th 1863, Letter from G. J. Balthrop [CSA] to his father and mother in Montgomery County
Camp near Shelbyville, May 13, 1863
Dear father and mother,
I take the present opportunity to write you a few lines to let you [know] that I am yet in the land of the living. I am well at present, hopeing [sic] when these few lines reach you they may find you enjoying some blessings.
Pa, I suppose the yankees [sic] is treating you all very bad, but I hope they will not be there allways [sic] to do that. I hear the yankees [sic] have made you take the oath. I think by the time they take a few more horses and one or too [sic] more negroes runs away that you will be left very near lone. [sic]
Pa, I think it would be the best to get along with them the best you can.
* * * *
Pa, if you haven't had the chance to send me some cloths [sic] I want you to send them to me the first chance, for I have to pay from too [sic] to three dollars a plug.
You must excuse bad writing and bad spelling.
My love to you all.
Nothing more, only I remain your son untill [sic] death, [1] from
G.J. Balthrop
WPA Civil War Records, Vol. 3, p. 103


May 13th 1864, "A Female Soldier Boy"
From the Nashville Press:
Mary Ellen Wise, the bold soldier boy that turned out to be a woman, will leave this city [i.e., Nashville] to-day for her home in Huntington county, Indiana. She has been in the army nearly two years, has been in six battles and many skirmishes, has carried her musket and punished hard tack like a veteran. She gave us a little outline of her history, saying she would be eighteen next February.
She enlisted in April, 1861, in consequence of a home made unpleasant by a step-mother and joined Co. I, 34th Indiana, in which company she had a brother. With the regiment she went to Pittsburg Landing, took part in the battle of Shiloh, was on Corinth's bloody field, but escaped unhurt there, to be severely wounded at Stone's river by a musket ball in the side. From there by hospital boat to Louisville, when she had her sex discovered the first time the wound was dressed.
After weary months of pain, she was once more well and was sent home; but she, feeling it was no home, staid [sic] only a week in the neighborhood, and went to Indianapolis, where she re-enlisted Co. A, 65th Indiana. On her way here with the regiment she was recognized one of the train guard, who saw her in the hospital at Louisville, and she was arrested by the military conductor and sent to Colonel Horne, provost marshal. She says she likes to be a soldier first-rate, and went in because she loved the Union and was anxious to fight for it.
This girl, erratic as her course may have been, has patriotism enough to put to shame the deeds of some of the so-called Union men. Browned with sun and wind, with hair worn boy's fashion, and in uniform, there is nothing much to betray here sex except the head.
Memphis Bulletin, May 13, 1864.


May 13th 1865, Surrender terms for Confederate soldiers of McNairy County
Lieut.-Col. WISDOM, Nineteenth Tennessee Cavalry:
COL.: In reply to your request to make an arrangement for the surrender or your command, and the Confederate soldiers of McNairy County, Tenn., you can assemble your command and those soldiers at Corinth, Miss., for parole under the agreement of Maj.-Gen. Thomas, commanding Department of the Cumberland, whose terms are the same as those agreed upon between Gen.'s Lee, Johnston, and Taylor, and Gen. Grant and Canby, and which I am instructed to carry out by the major-general commanding department. You can say to all irregular bands operating upon either the Confederate or Union side, without authority, they will be received upon the same terms, failing to accept which, they will be treated as outlaws. Rations will be furnished for your soldiers and irregular commands during the time required to consumate this arrangement. You will, on returning these men to their homes, say to them that they will be allowed to organize the civil authority of their county. Capt. Rumple, of my staff, is designated as the proper officer to carry this agreement into effect.
EDWARD HATCH, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 752.


 [1] It is not known if Balthrop survived the war.


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