Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

May 16, 1861 - Fear and Loathing in Memphis – Report o­n the Committee of Safety in Action.

Affairs in Memphis-The Feeling in Tennessee and Kentucky.
On Saturday we were kindly furnished with the following information by two young gentlemen who had just arrived from Memphis, Tennessee, at which place they had for some time past been in business. During several weeks past the have received continued intimations that their presence was no longer desirable in Memphis, and o­ne of the gentlemen was obliged to live in the night, his ticket having been procured by a friend. The other was waited upon by a Committee of Safety, who, after asking him where he was from, and how long he had resided there, informed them that if he intended to remain he must join a military company, and if he did not he had better leave the following morning. As the member of the committee seemed respectable, he deemed it advisable to leave that afternoon, an employe of the establishment in which he was engaged buying his ticket for him.
As he went to the cars o­n Friday a proclamation was posted up, to the effect that there were but two parties in the city, friends and foes; and all able-bodied men who did not at o­nce join the Secession forces, were enemies. Several Northerners will be compelled to leave, while others who think more of dollars than principles, have expressed an intention to obey the proclamation.
The feeling in that section is decidedly in favor of Secession, the few Union men residing there being compelled to maintain silence.
A large force is engaged near Memphis in making fortifications, and at Fort Randolph, sixty-five miles above the city, every preparation will be made to prevent Northern troops from passing down the river. Sand batteries have been erected, and six thirty-two pounders have been planted. The point is garrisoned by a company of Light Guards of the 154th Regiment, and a company of flying artillery. More troops are to be sent there at an early day.
In the Southern portion of Kentucky the feeling is similar to that in East Tennessee….
On Wednesday last, our informants witnessed the perpetration of a horrible atrocity. As the steamer Glendale was lying at the wharf in Memphis, a young man, a clerk in JOHNSON & JUST'S store, who was about to start o­n a temporary visit to his old home, Fort Wayne, Indiana, for the purpose ob being married, imprudently said that if the Secessionists visited his section of the country, they would be clubbed. The cry of "Abolitionist" was raised, and the poor fellow was knocked down, abused, and subsequently taken to a barber's shop and his head shaved. He was afterwards escorted by a policeman to the residence of o­ne of his employers, and the next morning left for the North.
Two weeks before this, there men who had, it was supposed, returned North, were seen hanging to trees a short distance from Memphis. o­ne was a moulder and the other two were carpenters, hailing from Ohio and Allegheny City in this State.
Our informants passed up the Ohio river, American flags were waving o­n both sides.
Philadelphia Inquirer, May 16, 1861.

Friday May 16th 1862
Today was the Fast day appointed by Jeff Davis, and we kept it until dinner, though we had no service in our churches. It seems hard that we are not permitted to pray to God, when and how we want to. Ma received a letter from Sister Mary today, written about a month ago, by an "underground railroad" as they term it, & we were delighted to learn they were so well. Haven't been very well today, slept a little during the day consequently did not rest well tonight. Mr. Crossman returned from Nashville today, failing to see any of Mrs. Wilson family, I didn't get an answer to my letter. Several Yankees came into Ma's yard & she gave them flowers. Ma & Cousin Ann went up to the hospital to take our prisoners some nice things to eat, & Capt. Round's commanded them to come no more. He is a villain, "clothed with a little brief authority: he flatters his little soul he is somebody, but did he but know we have heard he was only a drummer." Martha Duffer spent the night with Rosa.
Kate Carney Diary
April 15, 1861-July 31, 1862


Camp Near Franklin Tenn

May the 16 1863

Dear Brother and Sister

I once more sit down with pen in hand to write a few lines to you to let you know that I am well at this present time. hoping when these few lines reach you they will find you all the same. I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you. Was well you said that Kate had gone home. I haven't had a letter from home for some time. I don't know what is the reason they don't write.It is nice weather down here. Now it is most to nice weather for me for it is to hot.

You said you heard that there was a fight down hear and our men got whiped.* They hasn't been aney fight hear very lately. They was a littel fight down hear a bout a month ago or a littel over a month they wasent but one regiment of infantry engaged in the fight and that was the 40 Ohio and the Cavalry that is hear was in the fight to. they was a good maney of the Rebels but our men whiped them like the Devil. the loss on the Rebels side in all kild wounded and prisners was about three hundred and the loss on our side in all was a bout one hundred but our Cavalry has a skirmish with them a bout every day or so. Our Cavalry went out one night and in the morning they fetched in one hundred and fifteen prisners and they dident have aney fight either. they went in their camp and took them. the Rebels was in bed and night fore last our men fetched in a lot of prisners. you wanted to know if I thought they would be aney fight clost hear.I think they will be a fight hear some time but I dont know how soon but the Rebels cant take this place for we are strong fortified. they are a fort hear and it has got six big guns in it about and they talk of gittin some more. they is one that will shoot six miles.

I havent had a letter from Walter for a long time. I have rote three to him and I havent received aney answer to aney of them. Walter is onley twelve miles from hear. I was on a big hill and I could see within three miles from where he is. I can see nine miles.

We have the best kind of times down hear. Now I cant send you my likeness now but when we are paid again I will send it to you if I am where I can git it taken. I would like to see you firstrate but I expect I wont git a chance to till this war is over. excuse me for this time.

Write as soon as you git this.

So goodbye from Lester Case to Sarah L. Davis.


16, Provost Orders, No. 109
Office of the Provost Marshal
Nashville, Tenn., May 16, 1864.
* * * *
II. The hour at which Saloons in this city are required to be closed is changed from 8 PM to 9 PM.
By command of Brig. Gen. R.R. Granger
Nashville Dispatch, May 17, 1864.


16, Counter-insurgency sweep, Tullahoma to south side of Elk River
No circumstantial reports filed.
Upon the receipt of this you will immediately send the detachment of cavalry down, the south side of Elk River to Simons' Mill, at which place they will halt till 12 m. As soon they will halt till 12 m. As soon as the infantry have breakfasted you will proceed along the south bank of Elk River till you reach Doctor McGoughlin's, leaving five men at every quarter of a mile, as near as may be, but at the same time post them at the highest and most eligible points on the river to obtain a view of the country. At precisely 12 m. your whole command, infantry and cavalry, will cross the river, deploy at as great a distance as possible, taking care that the right and left men are in view of each other and in hailing distance. Try at the same time to make connection with the right of Lieut.-Col. Stauber, Forty-second Missouri Volunteer Infantry, who is on the north side of the river and on your left and with Capt. Lewis' left, who is on the north of the river and on your right. Immediately after crossing the river and deploying your men you will move forward northwardly, with lines converging so as to center at Marble Hill, at which place your men will assemble. After reaching there and reporting to Lieut.-Col. Stauber you will return to your camp at Decherd. The object of this expedition is to trap and destroy the guerrilla Rogers and his band, who are supposed to be in the section of the country that will be scoured by this expedition. The majority of the guerrilla band are dressed in Federal uniforms, and Rogers is said to be riding a dun or claybank horse. Instruct each of your men not to allow any man to pass through their line upon any pretense whatever, but to arrest all persons whom they meet have any reason to suspect, and conduct them to Marble Hill, reporting them to Lieut.-Col. Stauber.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Milroy:
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 807.

TULLAHOMA, May 17, 1865.
This day a man by the name of A. S. Hendricks, one of the worst guerrillas and murderers who has infested the country, came in and reported to me, having surrendered and been paroled at Chattanooga under your late order relating to armed bands, and has come this far on his way to his home in Franklin. He in company with Rogers, whom you recently ordered me to treat as an outlaw, during the Hood raid shot and mortally wounded William Chasteen, captain of my scouts, while in his house at supper after night, and tried to kill his brother, Elijah Chasteen, who since was captain of scouts, and was killed by Rogers and others on the 6th instant, Hendricks shooting Chasteen through the crack of his door. Shall I permit him to go home, or will you permit me to treat him as an outlaw?
R. H. MILROY, Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 822.

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