Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18 - Notes on the Civil War in Tennessee

Sunday May 18th 1862
A lovely day has passed. Cousin Ann, Bettie & Helen went to church
this morning. Mr. Crossman went to Nashville, regretted I didn't know
of his going in time, I would have written a letter to some of the
Wilson family. Ma sent Sister Mary's letter to Mrs. Wilson to read.
Ma, Pa, & Jennie went down to see Uncle William Lytle this evening. Pa
went up to Mr. Dromgoole's. He has been released from prison for a few
days on account of his ill health. Mr. Henderson came up with him, but
will have to return very soon. Maj. Childress is up on a six days
furlough. Heard that Mr. Hoard was in earnest a Union man, & that Mr.
T. O. Butler had signed the paper, for our State to return to her old
allegiance, but I hope I have been misinformed. Two Yanks came here
and asked for some flowers, I told Leathy (the servant) she might get
them some, for I don't speak to them. One of them seem to be very much
pleased with her. She tied them each a bouquet, & they gave her each 5
cents for her trouble. She told them Ma never sold flowers. One of
them asked Helen, was she a "secessesh", & she said yes indeed she
was. Capt. Frost was out here late this evening & staid a little
Kate Carney Diary
April 15, 1861-July 31, 1862

18, Expedition and skirmish on Horn Lake Creek
MAY 18, 1863.--Skirmish on Horn Lake Creek, Tenn.
Report of Capt. Arthur M. Sherman, Second Wisconsin Cavalry.
May 18, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to submit this my report of the result of the
expedition under my command, which left our camp at 1 p.m. To report
to brigade commander, Col. Moore, Twenty-first Missouri Infantry.
I received instructions to proceed upon the Hernando road 10 or 12
miles with 75 men, and dispatch 25 men by the Pigeon Roost road to
intersect the Hernando road and form a junction with me again, and, if
the enemy were discovered in any force, to hold them in check, and
report the fact to brigade headquarters.
After proceeding some 4 miles beyond Nonconnah, the advance discovered
two pickets and gave chase. After running half a mile, one of them
abandoned a United States horse and saddle and fled into the woods,
the horse falling into our hands. We proceeded then near unto Horn
Lake Creek, and discovered a picket of some 8 or 10 men, who seemed
reluctant to abandon their post; whereupon I halted my command,
without showing its strength, and advanced Lieut. Showalter, with 20
men, for the purpose of charging them, after becoming convinced they
had no reserve to support them; but, if such should be the case, to
feint being unsupported, and fall back and draw them out. He advanced
upon them, they retreating beyond Horn Lake Creek. He discovered at
this time a squad on his right and left, which he immediately engaged,
they as soon giving way, and returning into the timber. He immediately
communicated to me the facts of his engagement, whereupon I advanced
with one-half of the 50 men I had left, the 25 sent by the Pigeon
Roost road not yet having overtaken us. About the time or a little
before my arrival to the front, the enemy had all fled and abandoned
their post.
It being now nearly dark, and my men without either food or blankets,
I decided to return to camp.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. M. SHERMAN, Capt., Commanding Company L, Second Wisconsin Cavalry.
P. S.--I met one of our spies coming in from Hernando, who reported
Gen. Chalmers' presence there with 400 men, and that Maj. [G. L.]
Blythe is this side with 300 men.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 24, pt. II, pp. 144-145.

18, Skirmish with guerrillas north side of Cumberland River near Rough
and Ready Furnace
HDQRS. U. S. FORCES, Fort Donelson, Tenn., May 19, 1864.
Capt. B. H. POLK, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Nashville, Tenn.:
I learned yesterday of a party of guerrillas in camp on the north side
of the Cumberland, near Rough and Ready Furnace, commanded by one
Hines. I sent forty men after them, but finding they outnumbered us,
having over 100 men, did not attack them. Killed 1 of their pickets
and returned. I will send out more force to-morrow.
E. C. BROTT, Col. Eighty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Cmdg. Post.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. II, p 40.

18, Report on status of mopping up exercises in Purdy environs
EASTPORT, May 18, 1865.
Maj. Gen. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Cmdg. Department of the Cumberland:
Your dispatches of the 18th are received. Moreland's regiment of
cavalry Roddey's brigade, is being paroled at Iuka to-day. The
Nineteenth Tennessee Cavalry is now at Corinth to be paroled. A number
or irregular bands have surrendered at this place. There are, however
a number more gangs that infest Northern Alabama, Mississippi, and
Tennessee, in the vicinity of Purdy. I sent notice too all bands to
surrender, and unless the demand is complied with I shall mount all
the men possible by using train mules and hunt them down as outlaws.
Using mules is the only way I have of keeping up a mounted force by
which to keep the country quiet. I send dispatch this day received
from Mobile. The line is now completed via Decatur.
EDWARD HATCH, Brevet Maj.-Gen.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, pp. 830-831.

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