August 22, 1862
Confederate Manner of Guerrilla Recruitment in Tennessee
New Southern Mode of Enlistment.
In Shelby and other counties of Tennessee, the rebel authorities have hit upon the honorable plan of enlisting en for home duty, giving the following interpretation and definition of that duty. The recruit is regularly sworn but not [sic] uniformed, mustered into service, but detailed to special duty on his own farm to act in concert with his neighbors similarly enrolled and detailed. When these bucolic legionnaires see a chance to shoot a picket, burn a bridge or run out a Union man, they remember they are soldiers of the Confederate States Army, or Confederate Stealing Association and do the job. When a Federal detachment comes along to hunt the rebels, the "soldiers" remember they are farmers, and come to the office with demands for protection or answer all inquiries with – "don't know a thing about it." Now this may be a very convenient thing for the framers, but it is rather exasperating to the detachment of undisguised solders of the nation; and gives them a clear and palpable right to treat such men as their crimes deserve. Our troops are fast discovering the guile and seeing through the flimsy veil; and for the sake of humanity and justice we do trust they will treat such men as their duplicity, cowardice and crimes deserve.
Where lurk guerrillas long, there the people are their coadjutors and deserve the punishment due to all accessories to crime.
Memphis Union Appeal, August 22, 1862
Editor Appeal: The editor of the Bulletin and the bankers and brokers of Memphis are having a good time tinkering with the Memphis currency. As the bankers and brokers have entered the ring to enlighten the public in regard to finance over the signatures of "Truth" and "Common Sense," it is to be hoped they will keep pecking [sic] at this knotty problem until some light is given to the public. "Truth" says "that the money is depreciated, and disposed to the lower, is a fact known to most here." Doubtless he was thinking of buying uncurrent [sic] money, and imagined himself talking to a customer over the counter [sic] when he penned this sentence, for further on he says: "I believe most fully that southern money, as a general thing, is equal to or better than Tennessee bank paper, and as such; your citizens ought to up hold it until it can go alone." "Truth," having invested by buying at 15 per cent. discount, is perhaps willing to sell at par, especially as southern is better (to shave) than Tennessee bank notes. If Tennessee paper be good, how happens it that the same banker or shaver, correcting the money quotations for both papers, has Tennessee quoted at par in the Bulletin and 25 per cent. discount in the Union Appeal? Peradventure "Truth" of "Common Sense" can explain this discrepancy; or why is it that southern paper, quoted at 10 per cent., is bought at 15 per cent. over the counter? Is this the patriotism [sic] that "Common Sense" refers to or is this the broker that has tried hard to keep the southern money up?
As to the strangers who arrive here, having a "peculiar distrust for anything South," it should be borne that the people who held cotton and sugar here since the Yankees came have also shown a "peculiar distrust for anything South." Hence, between the patriotic exertions of these people and the bankers and brokers, the balance of the community have suffered until the ting is past endurance. The balance of "Truth's" communication, though readable, is barren of fact or interest.
"Common Sense" seems to labor like a Mississippi pilot in a "fog;" he makes the discovery "that the business of our city is not in the hands of Memphis merchants, but in the hands of strangers, who know nothing of the value of Southern currency." The Memphis bankers and brokers knew its value, though they quote it at 10 percent. and shave it at 15 percent. for Tennessee, and then shave Tennessee for 25 percent. Where is the use of inserting in the newspapers that the Southern money is good and at the same time shaving over the counter at 15 percent.[?] "Common Sense," thee [sic] must be more consistent. The remedy for this evil has been pointed out. Let the brokers send hence the Southern money they have bought, at a ruinous discount, dur[ing] the last sixty days; let them cease to publish unfair quotations of the money market, for if the Tennessee banks are not insolvent, their paper is equal to any other suspended bank paper; if we must have money quotations, give Tennessee money a fair show, or give the public a reason for its discredit. How long will the patriotism of bankers and brokers suffer Yankees to twit [sic] our people for preferring Northern paper to their own. [sic]
Memphis Union Appeal, August 22, 1862.
"Negro Soldiers in Tennessee."
The Decherd correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette writes:
A few days ago an order was issued from department headquarters at Winchester, ordering the immediate organization of the negroes [sic] in the army into regiments, to be armed and equipped and mustered into the service. This work is now being done as rapidly as possible, and will shortly have about seven or eight regiments of contrabands in the field. At Nashville two regiments are being organized out of the men who have been for two years at work on the defenses of that city. About 1800 men have thus been mustered into service at Nashville, and one or two parades have been had. Here at the front the regiments are yet skeletons, but are rapidly growing to be strong and important reinforcements to this army. All contrabands in the army not personal servants of officers, are being gathered together for these regiments. The men go in willingly. There is no necessity for impressing them.
These negroes [sic] will fight much more willingly for the Union than they would for King Isham.
Nashville Daily Union, August 22, 1863
22, A night in Smoky Row, Nashville
The women of Smoky Row got on a big spree last night; three of them -- Laura Hickman, Jane Johnson, and Liz. Adcock, were on a jolly drunk in a hack, while Belle Wallace and Fanny Ames were running a race on horseback. The Carson and Morgan war resumed last night, particulars of which will be developed in the Recorder's Court this morning. [Further reference to the "Carson and Morgan war" has not been found. It may have related to some sort of altercation at Smoky Row.]
Nashville Dispatch, August 23, 1864.
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