Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 25 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

25, Mollie Daniels in Federal uniform, Memphis

Mollie Daniels, well known in the records of the Police Court of Memphis, was arrested on the street day before yesterday, attired in the garb of a soldier, and taken to the station house, where she lodged for the night. Yesterday morning the feminine soldier was taken before the Recorder, where she was recognized, notwithstanding her military attire and short hair. A fine of $25 was imposed but not possessing it, she was ordered to be sent to the calaboose.

Memphis Union Appeal, July 27, 1862


25, Report of Confederate atrocity in Roane County

Doings of the Chivalry in East Tennessee - Cold-blooded and Horrible Murder.

William Magill, Esq. an old and respected citizen of Roane county, East Tennessee, who served in the war of 1812, with Jackson, and participated in the battle of Horse Shoe [Bend], was as a matter of course, an uncompromising Union man. He had three sons in the First East Tennessee Infantry, and had been cut of from Saunders' command in his late raid and requested him to show them the way to Robert Taylor's, which he readily consented to do, being anxious to aid Union soldiers. He stepped back into the house to get ready to go with them, but on returning to the door found they were gone.

These pretended Union soldiers proved to be one Wm. Elbin, a resigned Confederate Captain, Frank Welcker, another resigned Captain, John Duncan, a rebel soldier, and one Foes Fleming, a brother of a certain John M. Fleming, whose arms were to have fallen from their sockets before he would swear to support the so-called Confederacy. These men proceeded to Kingston and reported Esquire Magill to a squad to Louisiana cavalry, who proceeded the next day to his house, and finally found the man ploughing in the field. They tied his hands behind him, drove him some two hundred yards up a hollow, and shot and killed him, and left him lying with his hands still tied. Here is a deliberate murder. And for what? Simply because he was a Union man, and proposed to show those whom he supposed were Union soldiers, the road to a neighbor's house. This is Southern chivalry. Southern Chivalry to assume to be Union soldiers, that they may have a pretext to murder an old men eighty odd years of age. Southern chivalry indeed, has become to mean that all that is wicked , and dishonest! This is only one case out of hundreds. Robbery, arson and murder are things of common occurrence in East Tennessee. We imagine God can scarce withhold the thunderbolts of Justice, and a visitation of his wrath upon these Demons [sic] in human shape! Yet bleeding, oppressed, and murdered East Tennessee, fails to move the compassion of the authorities of the nation, so much as to have the country occupied by our armies, and the people relieved from such scenes.

We call upon the sons of this old man, three of whom are in the Union army, to remember these murderers, and the infamous wretches who practiced a fraud upon their father in order to get a pretext for taking his life. We ask them to pay this debt with four-fold interest. In the name of God, and common loyalty and patriotism, how long is East Tennessee to suffer in this way?

Nashville Daily Press, July 25, 1863.



25, Measures taken to decrease deaths of officers in the Army of the Cumberland from Confederate sharpshooters


GENERAL ORDERS, HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE CUMBERLAND, No. 174. Winchester, Tenn., July 25, 1863.


I. In order to prevent the disorganization of the army its officers being picked off by the enemy's sharpshooters, the following badges of rank are recommended and permitted to be worn as undress uniform in all portions of this army when serving in the immediate vicinity of the enemy: Officers of all grades are authorized to wear single-breasted blouses, with the distinctive badge of rank o­n each shoulder, placed as directed in the Army Regulations, for the badges of rank worn o­n the epaulette. The rectangle of the shoulder-strap being too conspicuous o­n the field of battle, need not be worn. Second lieutenants will wear a single bar o­n the right shoulder o­nly.


II. No private horses will be sent beyond the limits of the department without a special permit from the provost-marshal-general.


By command of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans:


OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. II, p 558.


25, General Orders, No. 64, allowing the purchase of cotton with U.S. Treasury notes only


The attention of the major-general commanding having been called to the fact of persons in this district sympathizing with the rebellion, who have cotton for sale, refusing to receive the United States Treasury notes in payment therefor, or anything other than gold and silver which is paid them by speculators whose love of gain is greater than their love of country, and the gold and silver thus paid indirectly affording aid and comfort to the enemy, renders necessary the publication of the following orders:

1st. From and after the 1st of August, 1862, gold and silver will not be paid within this district by speculators for the products of the rebel States. United States Treasury notes are a legal tender in all cases, and when refused the parties refusing them will be arrested, and such of their crops as are not actually required for the subsistence of their families, stock, &c., may be seized and sold by the nearest quartermaster for the benefit of whom it may concern.

2d. Money so received will be accounted for by the officer receiving it on his next account current, and used for the benefit of Government, only to be paid to the owners of the crops sold on orders from authority above that of district commanders.

3d. Any speculator paying out gold and silver in violation of this order will be arrested and sent North, and the property so purchased seized and turned over to the proper department for the benefit of the Government.

4th. A strict enforcement of this order is enjoined upon all officers in this district.

By command of Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant:

JNO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 17, pt. II, p. 123.


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