Friday, August 5, 2011

August 5 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

August 5, 1862
 "…the charge was made with such dash and vigor that the enemy could hardly recover from the shock until it was over." Small scale skirmish o­n the Tazewell road.
We are now at the Clinch River o­n the Tazewell road.
I have just learned of a very daring exploit that was made to-day by a small squad of mounted men consisting of Brothers Fielding, Jim and Flavel, and three or four other boys from Bro. Jim's company, which is Company D, 2nd Battalion Tenn. Cavalry. They were every o­ne private soldiers except Fielding and Flavel, who are not members of the army at all, though Fielding was formerly a lieutenant in the same company, but was discharged because of ill health.  The exploit consisted of a reckless charge o­n a yankee picket post o­n the main road leading from Tazewell toward Cumberland Gap, and they killed three Yankees, wounded two more and took o­ne prisoner.
Our boys lost o­ne killed, a young man named Carter. The picket post being o­n the main road between the two opposing forces, was of course a very strong o­ne, and was supported near at hand by a very strong picket base, but the charge was made with such dash and vigor that the enemy could hardly recover from the shock until it was over.
They were soon in readiness, however, and our boys had to beat a hasty retreat, but they succeeded in bringing out their prisoner whom they compelled to mount behind o­ne of the boys, as there was no time to bring him out afoot. They were compelled to leave the body of their dead comrade. Brother Fielding led the charge, as he is always ready for a chivalrous deed, and Brother Jim is credited with killing o­ne of the men with his revolver. Bro Flavel is too young for a soldier and this is his first visit to the army, but he went into this daring exploit of his own choice. The o­nly regrettable feature of the adventure is the death of young Nels Carter, who was a great favorite with his comrades.
Our regiment is ordered o­n to Tazewell, but I am detailed for guard duty at the river, where our baggage is left.
Diary of William E. Sloan.




August 5,1863, Railroad accident between Nashville and LaVergne on the N&C RR
A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, of the 7th [Friday], writing from this city, records the following terrible accident on the Chattanooga railroad, of which we had not learned:
A sad casualty occurred on the road between here and Lavergne [sic] last Wednesday [5th] last morning. There must have been great recklessness, or at least reprehensible carelessness on the part of the engineers, for the morning was find and the day well advanced-fully eight o'clock. Two trains were on the road, both moving in the same direction. These facts were known to all the employees on the road, and yet, ten miles from Nashville, the second train ran into the first with such force as nearly to lap one car over another. The excuse is that there was a short curve on that part of the road, and the speed of the second train was so much greater than the first, that it was not possible to "check up" in time to prevent the crash.
The place where the accident occurred has many sad remembrances. Here a large train was captured by guerrillas in April. Immense booty was obtained and the cars all burned. The dense cedars nearby had for a long time been the hiding place of McCann's robbers, from whence they frequently fired upon the trains of cars.
The cedars have been cut down and Dick McCann has been compelled to seek other fields for his prowess and robberies.
The guard, however, has been continued, and so intent were the eyes of our brave Ohio boys on the natural hiding and shelter places of the rebels, that no danger from any other source was apprehended, till the locomotive dashed into the forward train with such velocity and power, and the resistance of the slowly moving cars ahead was so great that couplings were all broken; and the car preceding that on which the guard sat, was instantly so raised up as to crush to death three fine young men who sat on the root of the car with their feet and legs hanging down in front.
They all belonged to Company D, 52d Ohio volunteer infantry....
Lieut. David Neighbor, of the same company and regiment, was also severely injured, having suffered a compound fracture of the lower part of his leg. Two convalescent soldiers, going to the front, were among the sufferers....
Nashville Daily Press, August 15, 1863.


August 5, 1864 "Special Orders, No. 187"
Headquarters District of Memphis
Memphis Tenn., August 5, 1864
I. Monday of each week being devoted to drill and instruction of the enrolled Militia of the District of Memphis, it is hereby ordered that all business in the city be suspended at four o'clock that day. The firing of the gun at Headquarters, Second Regiment, will be the signal at which time all business will cease and business establishments close, and so remain until after Militia hours
* * * *
By Order of Brig. Gen. B. P. Buckland
Memphis Bulletin, August 11, 1864.


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