Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

13, Skirmish on Lebanon Road, Nashville
No circumstantial reports filed.
The following correspondence alludes to the conflict:
NASHVILLE, October 13, 1862.
Col. FRY: Inclosed find report of affair at La Vergne. Did you get my report of success at Goodlettsville? [see September 30, 1862, above] Anderson is superseded; Forrest in command, and is concentrating a considerable force at Murfreesborough. Breckinridge believed to be there; he has certainly been ordered from Seneca. The movements of the enemy plainly indicate an intended assault on this place. They appeared in considerable force on the Lebanon road 4 miles from the City to-day; had a slight skirmish with them, killing several.
Our defenses are in best possible condition. Continue to improve them. Look well to the bridge. Commissary supplies failing. Command in good health and spirits. Have cheering news from Kentucky.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 613.


13, Depredations in Cleveland
….The mails have commenced coming. The soldiers are dealing very badly, taking corn, leaving down fences, stealing horses, chickens, hogs and everything else they see. We turned off several that wanted dinner….Mother commenced putting corn in the little front room this eve….[sic]
Diary of Myra Adelaide Inman, p. 212.


13, Raising the black flag near Harrison's Landing
HDQRS. NINETY-SECOND ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, Harrison's Landing, Tenn., October 13, 1863-10 a. m. Col. C. GODDARD,
Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Dept. of the Cumberland:
COL.: I have the honor to report all quiet this a. m. At Penny's Ford the enemy have 1, 900-Wood with 1,000 and Pegram with 900. Some of the citizens on the opposite side raised a black flag, which, the refugees on this side say, means that some one has been killed by the rebels, and that there is great danger.
I am, colonel, very obediently,
SMITH D. ATKINS, Col. Ninety-second Illinois Volunteers.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. IV, p. 337.


13, Scout and skirmish on Horn Lake Road, near Memphis
Capt. S. L. WOODWARD, A. A. G., Cav. Corps, Dist. of West Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn.:
SIR: The scout I sent out to-day in pursuit of the rebels who captured some of our patrols [and which] left here about 10 a. m., under charge of Lieut. Givens, Second New Jersey Cavalry, about eighty men strong, have just returned. They went out on the Horn Lake road about twenty miles, on a trot, but could not overtake them. They found out that our patrol of the men was attacked about six miles from the picket-post by about twenty rebels, where they had a skirmish, as the citizens heard some firing, and found one dead horse, but could not find any of our men. The citizens also reported that they saw one of our men walking with the rebels as a prisoner.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. III, p. 266.

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