Monday, October 17, 2011

October 16 - 17 - Tennessee Civil War Notes


Guerrillas and Women.

To the Editor of the Nashville Dispatch.

 The position which the Dispatch has taken in regard to guerrilla warfare is not o­nly that which alone is justified by the laws of war, but also looking to the future, the o­nly o­ne that can be looking to the future, the o­nly o­ne that can be taken consistently with the general good.  Whatever the result of the contest, guerrillas are simply a pest and a horror to every community.

 The laws of war apply as well to all classes of people and to each sex as to guerrillas.  They prescribe the manner in which offences of all kinds against existing military rule may be punished.  The female sex is not exempt from the application of these laws.  As this sex has been somewhat conspicuous in the present contest, it may be well to remind them of these laws.  The most recent and valuable work on the subject—"Halleck's International Law, and the Laws of War"—says:

 "There are certain persons in every community who are exempt from the direct operations of war.  Feeble old men, women and children, come under the general description of enemies; but as they are enemies that make no resistance, we have no right to maltreat them.  So persons engaged in the ordinary pursuits of life, and taking no part in military occupations, have nothing to fear from the sword of the enemy.  So long as they refrain from all acts of hostility, pay the military contributions which may be imposed on them, and quietly submit to the authority of the belligerent who may happen to be in the military possession of their country, they are allowed to continue in the enjoyment of their property, and in the pursuit of their ordinary avocations.

"But this exemption is strictly confined to such as refrain from all acts of hostility.  If the peasantry or common people of a country use force, or commit acts in violation of the milder rules of common warfare, they subject themselves to the common fate of military men, and sometimes to a still harsher treatment.  And if ministers of religion and females so far forget their profession and sex as to take up arms, or incite others to do so, they are no longer exempted from the rights of war.  And even if a portion of the non combatant inhabitants of a particular place become participants in hostile preparations, the entire community may be subjected to the more rigid rules of war.  Even women and children may be held in confinement, if circumstances (and of these the General in command alone is judge) render such a measure necessary in order to secure the just objects of the war."

 These rules are universally acknowledged and everywhere applicable.  If there are any females in this community, who have presumed upon their sex to screen them from the punishment of acts which men would not commit through fear of punishment, it may be well for them to understand that there is no law of war under which they are entitled to the least immunity.  It is currently believed that, in this city, there are females, occupying respectable positions in society, who have been guilty of demonstrations of sympathy with the rebellion, which come under the head of "acts of hostility," and render them liable to "the more rigid rules of war."  It is time that such should see this matter in its true light, and take the warning in season.  The fate of guerrillas may be a lesson to them also.

NASHVILLE DISPATCH, October 16, 1862


16, Confederate Colonel W. W. Faulkner's cavalry attacks itself at Island No. 10

Guerrillas at Island No. 10"

Skirmishing near Tiptonville

Pemisco Bayou Quiet

The steamboat Graham, from St. Louis, arrived at our landing last evening (18th), and from Captain BART. BOWEN, her gentlemanly commander, we learn the reason of the firing at the Meteor, which arrived at noon t-day, reported hearing as she passed the neighborhood of the celebrated Island No. 10. It appears that on Thursday (16th) two bodies of Colonel Faulkner's rebel cavalry came in there, and each mistaking the other division for enemies, the two bodies fired vigorously into each other. It is reported, however, that th4e consequences of the blunder had no more serious result that the wounding of two men. The noise of the firing attracted the attention of some Federal troops scouting in the neighborhood, and they pursued them and succeeded in carrying off seven prisoners.

Tiptonville it was reported that the guerrillas were active all around and full of vindictive designs. It was stated, however, that they had been met by; some Federal troops who had wounded four or five of their men. There appears to be great activity manifested at the present time by the enemy along the river. They have been encourage by the inactivity of the gunboats to believe they can close the river commerce of Memphis and starve it into submission to the Confederacy. While we are writing steps are being carried out that will show them the futility of their expectations, whit lit proves to them that General Sherman will not permit their unwarlike banditti proceedings to be perpetrated without bringing bitter consequences on the heads of their aiders and sympathizers.

When the Graham passed Pemisco Bayou (Arkansas), where the Continental and Dickey were fired into, a gunboat was lying there, and all was quiet. In our report of the shooting into the Dickey, we stated that she was hailed at Halle's Point, by a crowd of people. She did not answer the hail. The Graham ascertained that a quantity of cotton had been brought there for shipment, and the crowd that raised suspicion on board the Dickey was composed of a guard collected to protect the cotton.

Memphis Bulletin, October 19, 1862.


16, Skirmish near Bull's Gap

HDQRS. CAVALRY, &c., Rheatown, October 17, 1864.

GEN.: Your note of the 15th instant is at hand. So soon as Lieut.-Col. Bean, who was in command of the troops of my brigade in the Valley, arrives, I shall procure the names of the officers who left their command without the proper authority and see that they are ordered before the military court at once. It is impossible to procure the names at present in the absence of Col. Bean. Lieut. Hopkins, who shot Capt. Day, will also be sent up. On my front all is quiet. Capt. Bushong, in charge of a scout of some thirty men, attacked a scout of seventy of the enemy within eight miles of Bull's Gap last night and stampeded them. The enemy's loss unknown, as he took to the woods; our loss, 1 man mortally wounded. I heard from Col. Palmer's command on the 14th instant. He will move to-day and by at Warm Springs on the 19th instant, nothing preventing. I am, respectfully, &c.,

JOHN C. VAUGHN, Brig.-Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 847.




17, Residents of Overton and Fentress counties seek retention of local units for domestic use only
In transmitting the letter of His Excellency Governor Harris to you, together with other communications, I beg leave to add that the regiments of Col.'s Stanton and Murray were ordered to be organized expressly for the protection of the section of Overton, Fentress, and adjoining counties. While subject to duty anywhere, their removal leaves, as you are assured by men of the highest respectability, the country wholly exposed to the enemy.
Nashville, Tenn., October 17, 1861.
DEAR SIR: I herewith transmit communications from highly respectable citizens of Overton and Fentress Counties showing a state of apprehension well grounded to some extent, I fear, of marauding parties from the enemy's camp in close proximity to these counties. Having transferred to Confederate States all the organized troops and army of the State, I must call upon you to take such steps as will protect our soil from invasion and defend the lives and property of our citizens.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, pp. 179-180.



We cannot avoid again recurring to the subject. It is the most important one that at present engage[s] the attention, not only of the [Confederate] Congress, but the whole country. If our troops can be properly clad, properly fed, and properly clothed they may defy the enemy to do his worst. F[or?] the article of food we learn that ample pro[gress?] has been made. For the article of shoes [we?] observe that Congress has passed a law [to?] [or?]ganize a corps of 2,000 shoemakers for the public service. They are enough, it be possible to [procure?] leather, which we believe it [?] is here, especially, that the patriotism of men and women of the country might [come?] as a powerful aid to the Government [...?] everybody who has a scrap of leather th[at?] by exercising the most severer self-denial [can we] vote it to the service of the country. Let everybody who has leather part with it to an [...?] but an agent of the Government. Let everybody who has no leather, but has money, contribute as much as he can spare b[y?] means, to purchase leather. Le[t it be?] bought if possible wherever it exists from speculators, at any price, however exorbitant. Send all the old shoes you may [have?] and can spare, to be half-soled for the t[roops?] Rake and scrape together every scrap of leather you can possibly lay your hand on f[or the?] holy purpose. If the people will [get to?] work, the army can be shod and kept in[....?] and we feel assured that they will set to [...?] in right good earnest.
So in the way of clothing and blankets [give?] everything you can possibly spare. Ge[.....?] [...?]burgs, where you have no blankets to [...?] sew the pieces together, and stuff them with cotton. Learn to sleep under as few blankets as possible, that you may send the over [...?] the soldiers.
Remember, men and women of the Confederate States, the army of...[Tennessee] is standing guard over you, your homes, and your [coun?]ties, no matter in what part of the country you may be. If once that army be force to [go to ?] the field if they h[ave?] these comforts. And are you not pr[oud?] of that army? It has won for you already [that?] which no people ever had the com[...?] [...?]ment of a national career. It has fought battles and gained victories t[o?] [be?] conferred undyingly luster on any people [that?] ever existed. It has protected your [in your?] hour of need. But for its courage and [protec?]tion you would be, at this moment, the subjects of the most hateful tyranny, and t[he?] [most?] odious tyrant that the world ever be[held?]. You would be the subjects of the Yan[kee] [domina?]tion , and of Abraham Lincoln. Do [you?] owe them, then a debt of gratitude wh[ich?] [...?] labor of a long life would not be too [n?oble?] [to?] extinguish?....illegible
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, October 17, 1862.


17, "Tennessee Money."
Our object is calling attention yesterday to the legal status [sic] of the Bank of Tennessee, was to show the holders of its notes that the States is, in the end, responsible to them for the redemption of the same, whether the bank shall return or not. It was a question among the politicians of this Sate a few years ago, "What shall be done with the Bank of Tennessee?" That very same question comes up to day, and in a m ore perplexing form than it ever presented itself to the politicians of the past. If civil authority were restored without the return of the bank, that question would be an important one, for it would enter largely into the policy of the State. We have no idea that, in any event, the people of Tennessee will agree to tarnish the fair escutcheon of their State by repudiating the State's responsibility for the Bank of Tennessee. Such repudiation would be a burning shame, more damning, if possible, that that which has hung around the name of Mississippi for a quarter of a century. No, Tennesseeans [sic] will never repudiate the State's responsibility for the Bank of Tennessee. They may lose the entire capital of the bank, and then have to pay its liabilities up to the time of its removal from Nashville, but they will not deliberately bring dishonor upon their State whose credit has never been tarnished.
We do not know what to advise the people to do with the Bank of Tennessee money, now that they cannot even pay their taxes with it. Those who are able to hold it will probably do so, since the State stands security to them, bay her plighted faith, for the redemption of these "bills or notes?" But ether are thousands who cannot act thus, because their necessities will compel them to use their money, and hence they will have to submit to whatever terms they can make with the brokers.
We are gratified to notice that since our exposition yesterday of the legal status [sic] of the Bank of Tennessee, there has been a very favorable improvement in the demand and prices paid for its notes.
While upon this subject, we may as well state that there is no reason why the notes of the Planters' and Union Banks should be at so great a discount as they are. We have been assured by a gentleman who has no connection with banks, who has seen the statements of these banks recently submitted to Gov. Johnson, that they have reliable assets largely in excess of their liabilities; and that if it was necessary; they could go into liquidation now and pay off their entire liabilities and then have a large surplus to be divided among the stockholders. The publication of these statement would add greatly to the confidence in these banks, and go a along way towards bringing their notes up to par with greenbacks.
Nashville Dispatch, October 17, 1863.

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