October 4, 1861, on the Ladies Tennessee Hospital Association
The ladies of the Tennessee Hospital Association having proffered to share their attention and stores for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers, with Dr. Randle of the Bowling Green Hospital, have received an acceptance from him, and the immediate cooperation of the Kentucky and Tennessee Society (which has recently formed.) And they pledge themselves to render assistance in every possible way to the sick and afflicted soldiers, and not to lavish their kindness upon their soldiers alone, but to nurse and provide for our noble Tennessee boys, [sic] who have gallantly gone to protect the...sons of Kentucky, and defend her soil from destruction.
Nashville Daily Gazette, October 4, 1861.
4, Confederate Surgeon M. C. Young decries of squalid conditions at Knoxville public prison
KNOXVILLE, TENN., October 4, 1862.
Dr. F. A. RAMSEY, Medical Director, &c.
SIR: I would respectfully call your attention to a few facts in relation to the public prison. There now are and have been for some time past from 100 to 150 persons confined in the public prison at this place. I find it impossible to establish and maintain such hygienic regulations as are necessary to prevent the engendering of disease among the inmates from the accumulation of filth in and about the prison. Many portions of the house are destitute of anything in which the men can spit or deposit throw-out chews of tobacco. Many of the inmates seem exceedingly careless in the observance of cleanliness despite the best efforts of the jailer and myself. Could some one (an inmate) be appointed and empowered to enforce such observance of cleanliness as will properly preserve the health of the inmates? I feel well assured that this cannot be done without the constant presence of some one to enforce all regulations which may be deemed requisite for the well-being of those confined.
One important fact I wish especially to invite your attention to, viz: For some time past all the windows of the lower portion of the building have been closed during the night, or very nearly so. I have several times protested against such a procedure and have met with the answer that it was the orders. I presume this order has been given in consequence of the occasional escape of confined persons. The inmates cannot long retain or regain their health unless the prison has free ventilation. Would it not be proper that the authorities consider the propriety of inclosing said prison with a wall or fence of plank? By such a course the sanative condition of the house would be greatly improved, a less number of guards required and much greater security against escapes obtained.
Very respectfully,
M. C. YOUNG, Acting Surgeon.
Col. TOOLE, Provost-Marshal.
SIR: The subject-matter of Surgeon Young's communication has more than once been presented to the authorities. By very great effort on the part of the attending surgeon [of] the prison [he] has thus far prevented epidemic, but unless his suggestions can be made to be actually practicable the inmates of the prison will inevitably sicken and almost as surely die.
FRANK A. RAMSEY, Surgeon and Medical Director, Department of East Tennessee.
OR, Ser. II, Vol. 4, pp. 909-910.
4, "Affairs at LaGrange, Tenn."
A friend at Lagrange [sic] communicates to us the particulars of a review of troops at that place on Sunday last (4th), by General Sweeney, commandant of the post. The number of troops reviewed we are not at liberty to state. The regimens in line were the 9th Illinois Cavalry, under command of Major Gifforrd, the 7th Iowa Infantry, Col. Parrott, the 3d Illinois cavalry, Col. McCrillis, the 2d Iowa infantry, 108th Illinois infantry, Col. Turner, 67th Illinois infantry, which had recently arrived, and a portion of another battery which our informant failed to note.
A prominent feature of the review was the appearance of Co. F, of the 9th Illinois cavalry. This company is in charge of a battery of four 12-pounder howitzers, under command of Capt. M. L. Perkins, and is made up of as fine looking and elastic a body of men as ever stretched a stirrup or pulled a trigger. This battery made a magnificent appearance when they dashed up and threw themselves into line.
The review was held upon an elevated plain, and their exercises, from the point occupied by the observer, were imposing and beautiful. Everything evinced the high state of discipline attained by these splendid troops.
The camps in and near Lagrange [sic] exhibit the appearance of neat villages recently built. Camp life is decidedly interesting. All the avocations of civil life exist there. The mechanic, the merchant, the scholar, the professor, each has his place in making up the taste, ingenuity and industry characterizing the whole. An army composed of m en, such as them at Lagrange, can never be conquered. They do not ask for any peace that recognizes a Confederacy, or leaves questions open that may hereafter convulse the land [and] produce a repetition of our present troubles.
At dewy eve the thrill of the fife and roll of the drum from the band attached to the 7th Iowa, ring through the calm air, and affect the mind with singular delight. Among many bands, we give this a place as one of the best. After the review of Sunday last, about 8 P. M., the cavalry bugles broke forth in classic notes with "boots and saddle," and in five minutes all was ready. Rations, horses, men, arms, everything was in array for whatever serviced might devolve upon them The admirable rapidity with which these veteran troops place themselves in readiness for duty, commands the approbation of all observers, and delights the martinet and disciplinarian.
Our informant, Mr. C. C. Pomeroy, whose mission is connected within the fast increasing society of the Strong Band, testifies to the characters of that members of that Band in Lagrange, for all high soldierly qualities, and thinks that the most patriotic men make the best soldiers, while the best soldiers are certain to prove the best patriots.
Memphis Bulletin, October 8, 1863.
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