Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

Capt. Wm. D. Chamberlain, the Chief of the Military Police of this post, has issued a very important order -- one which interest every citizen, and which we hope every person will aid the Chief in carrying out. The following is the order we allude to. Read it carefully, and file it away:
Office, Chief of Police
Nashville, Tenn., March 28, 1864

In accordance with Special Order No. 76, dated March 22, it is hereby ordered:
I. That occupants of Stores, Restaurants, and Dwelling Houses, will be required to clean their yards and cellars, and have the offal removed, within forth-eight hours from the date of this order. No garbage or dirt of any kind will be allowed to accumulate on any premises within the city limits.
II. All dirt to be removed in barrels and boxes from the back yards and alleys by the persons occupying the same. No rubbish will be allowed to remain more than twenty-four hours without being removed.
III. Offal, the accumulation of Restaurants, must be removed by the occupants each day (Sundays excepted) before 10 A. M. All ashes and rubbish will be set in barrels on the sidewalk before 10 A. M. each day.
IV. Hereafter occupants of Stores and Houses will be required to have the rear of their premises clean, and the side-walk swept before 9 A. M. each day.
V. Any violation of the above Order will be punished by a fine of Five Dollars ($5,) to be collected by the Provost Marshal.
VI. As cleanliness is one of the first requisites to health, it is hoped the citizens will do all in their power to assist in removing one of the first causes of disease. As soon as a sufficient number of carts can be procured, notice will be given, and the dirt and rubbish removed without cost to citizens.
VIII. As it is m y intention to remove all filth from the city proper, whether in the shape of dirt, rubbish, or dead animals, all information that would facilitate the above will be thankfully received and immediate action taken in the premises.
Wm. D. Chamberlain
Capt. and Chief of City Police
Nashville Dispatch, March 29, 1864




29, Encounter of the bovine kind on the Nashville & Northwestern Railroad
"The Northwestern Railroad."
A raid was made upon the Northwestern road on Tuesday [29th] evening by some Confederates, who captured a train and tore up a large portion of the track. A large force of infantry has been sent in the direction with Gen. Gillem at the head, but the birds will have flown before he reaches where they were.

Nashville Dispatch, March 31, 1864.
"The Raid on the Northwestern Railroad."
After a diligent inquiry, we have learned the particulars of the raid upon the Northwestern Railroad, to which allusion was made in the DISPATCH of yesterday. It appears that the engineer saw the enemy some distance ahead, but thought he had better put on a bold front and push ahead. To give notice of something in the wind he blew his horn, and the enemy fell back; the engineer then "let her rip," the cow jumped on the track and the locomotive jumped off, carrying with it down a fifteen feet embankment seven cars. The engineer was somewhat injured, the cow was killed, and the cars were smashed up to some extent, as might naturally be expected.
Nashville Dispatch, April 1, 1864.




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