Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

2, Skirmish near Thompson's Station
MAY 2, 1863.-- Skirmish near Thompson's Station, Tenn.
No circumstantial reports filed. 
Excerpt from "Record of Events," Cavalry Command, Department of the Cumberland.
May 2, the First Brigade, under command of Col. A. P. Campbell, left camp at 3 a. m., on the Lewisburg pike. When about 7 miles south of Franklin, near Thompson's Station, at daylight a portion of the command made a charge into the camp of the enemy, capturing 24 prisoners and killing 2.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 326.



2-12, Scout in Hickman & Maury Counties
MAY 2-12, 1864.-- Scout in Hickman and Maury Counties, Tenn.
Report of Capt. Russ B. Davis, Tenth Tennessee (Union) Cavalry. 
May 12, 1864, Camp Gillem, (located on Harden's Hill a mile west of Nashville.)
* * * * 
From the 2nd instant up to the 8th my time was employed in scouting through the counties of Hickman and Maury. On the evening of the 3rd I sent Lieutenant Creasy, of the Twelfth (Tennessee Cavalry), with a detachment of twenty-five men, up Piney River, with instructions to move from thence up the Duck River, and cross, and report to me as soon as practicable, while myself, [sic] Lieutenant Orr, and the remainder of the command moved in a southwest course that evening. Next morning [May 3] I crossed Duck River by means of a ferry, the river being beyond fording. After crossing I divided my party and sent Lieutenant Orr, with fifteen men, up Duck River, with instructions to report to me that night at Judge Walker's, on said river. During the day he pursued a guerrilla very closely, so near the man was obliged to swim the stream, abandon his horse, and seek refuge in the mountains, the horse being left to our mercy. The same day I moved up Blue Buck Creek to Walker's, where I encamped for the night. On the morning of the 4th I moved up Lick Creek and Leatherwood Creek some twelve miles, from thence across the bluffs on to Dunlap Creek, where I remained until 8 p.m., when I started in pursuit of three deserters from our army, who were reported to me as being in the county as also being connected with a band of guerrillas and horse-thieves. I succeeded admirably in capturing two of them, namely, H. Love and Thomas Fitzgerald; the third one not to be found; [although a] diligent search was made for him.
During the time I was south of Duck River, Lieutenant Creasy was operating to a very good advantage north of the river. Up to this time he had captured two men, namely, Nat Suggs and Capt. George H. St. Claire, the former acknowledging to have been engaged in guerrilla warfare at one time, about a year a go, I think, about which time he, with others, fired upon a scouting party, and during the engagement said Suggs was wounded and paroled by Federal authority. The latter, St. Claire, claims to have been a captain in the One hundred and second Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and says his resignation was accepted by General Rosecrans some time in September last [i.e., September, 1863]. He furthermore states that owing to some private difficulty between himself and Miss ______, of Nashville, he left and moved to this mountainous region to act as a Federal spy; while on the contrary, citizens of the country have informed me that he had represented himself to them as being a deserter from the Union army, and had come among them to aid in carrying on a guerrilla warfare between the two parties; in no instance did he represent himself as being a Union man. Following the capture of the two above named men, Lieutenant Creasy heard of two guerrillas, and after striking their trail he pursued them o'er hill and dale until finally he was upon them, they being concealed in a house of ill fame, situated in a most secluded spot on the top of a large bluff. The lieutenant, fearing escape on their part, dashed upon them alone and shot them both before any of his party were on the spot. Much credit is due Lieutenant Creasy for his gallantry in this single contest. The names of the killed are Colonel Pointer and Lieutenant Buford. Four army pistols and three horses were found with them....
During the absence of ten days I found abundance of corn and long forage, also subsistence for my men. Perfect order was kept throughout the entire march, and the rights of law-abiding citizens respected by my entire party. I realized some trouble by men not supplying themselves with extra horseshoes and nails. With this one exception all was right. 
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, pp. 6-7



May, Monday 2, 1864
Very cold and disagreeable - had to keep large fires to keep warm. No Yankees have been out today - the lines are still closed, Nannie and Joanna have not got home yet. Cousin Frazor, John and Mr. Wormely got here from Dixie today - everything is cheering from below. Gen. Price has demolished Stith's [Smith's i.e.]entire army, capturing all of his Artillery, Wagon train and demoralizing his entire command. We have not heard from Forrest yet, but our faith in him is implicit, he will be successful. Oh! I think the bright day for Dixie is dawning. God is just, our prayers are answered, oh! let us be humble, and pray constantly in our success, thy will, not ours, be done. I made Laura a dress today - Sallie Hildebrand & Mary Robinson came down and spent the evening - Mr. Wormely went on over to Mr. Holmes - the Hildebrands all got off safe last night , everything has been unusually quiet in the neighborhood today - I did not stay in the Parlor very late. Bettie & Laura both busy sewing. 
January - November, 1864 


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