3, "Volunteers;" suggestion to keep Clarksville volunteer clerks' pay in escrow
Many of the young men who have Volunteered, in this hour of peril, to go forth and battle for the homes, the firesides, and the liberty of the South are Clerks [sic], who in thus doing, surrender situation on which they have been dependent for their living. They give them up, to, for the perils of war, and without the hope of any gain, save the glory, they may win;' and in view of this, we wish to suggest to those, who have had these young men in their employment, that they shall let their salary go on, as heretofore, while they are in the service of their country, as soldiers, and that whenever they employ other young men in their place, it shall be with the understanding that it is to be given again to the gallant Volunteer, should he return to claim it, and have proved worthy of it. Our merchants are able to do this, and we hope they will. If they cannot afford to continue the full salary, allow half of it [sic], any way -- (to such as deport themselves as good soldiers, we mean, of course.)
We see that this has been done in New Orleans -- the full salary continued, and the old situation, with increased pay, promised to be worth, on their release from service -- and we hope it will be done here. Who will lead in doing it?
Clarksville Chronicle, May 3, 1861.
3, "Montgomery County News."
From the Clarksville (Tenn.) Gazette, April 30.
By order of Col. Smith, Post Commandant, on and after May 1, all retailers of liquor -- (all selling less than a gallon) -- must obtain a license from the Provost Marshal, for which they must pay $150 (for a year.) Billiard Saloons are to be licensed at $10 a year for each table, and Ten-pin Alley the same.
An esteemed lady-friend of ours, Miss B_cky A__y [sic], of Louisa Furnace, in this county, has related to us a case of ruffianism and guerrillaism in which she narrowly escaped being shot. She was riding along the public road, near home, having with her only a little negro boy, when hearing a peremptory order to "halt," she looked around, and saw a man in Federal uniform, mounted, and coming through the woods, towards the road. The fellow's horse stumbled over some brush, and fell, and Miss B__y [sic], taking advantage of this put off at a real Tam O'Shanter gait! Not being ab le to follow her, the rascal got into the road, and sent two or three shots whizzing by her! -- but fortunately they all missed her, and she got home safe. Some of the neighbors turned out, and caught the fellow, and two others with him, all of whom are said to be deserters from the Federal force that was at Charlotte [KY]. They were taken to Nashville. We congratulate Miss B__y [sic] on her fortunate escape.
A small band of thieving guerrillas made their appearance at Darden's Still House, near Port Royal, on Friday-week [April 22], and after buying, and paying for a quart of whisky, they demanded Mr. Darden's watch. He refused to give it up until some two or three pistols were drawn upon him, when he handed it over. They next, with the same circumstances of persuasion, asked for his money. Going to his house he got, and gave to them, a pocket-book containing several hundred dollars in Confederate money, that he had laid up for hard times, hoping thus to get off. They however, demanded the pocket-book from which he had taken change, when they bought the whisky. To this he was seriously opposed, but the pistols being put in battery again, he delivered the wallet to them. It contained some $400 or $500 in greenbacks. Leaving Darden's, these fellows went on the Keysburg, and took that town. After satisfying themselves with plundering stores, shops, and individuals, they proceeded to Cross Plains. In the meantime a small body of citizens had armed themselves, and gone in pursuit of the villains. They came up with them near Cross Plains, where two of the rascals were killed. The others unfortunately escaped. It was reported that these desperados [sic] were men who had deserted from the Federal forces stationed at Springfield.
Richard Carney, of this county [i.e. Montgomery], was tried by a Military Commission, in this city [Clarksville], last September, on a charge of murder. It will be remembered that the killed Lawson Murphy, of this county, about a year ago. "The two h ad some difficulty about a fish trap, that was on Carney's land, (rented by him) and one evening they met at the trap, and Carney shot Murphy, in self-defense, as he alleges, from the effects of which shooting the latter died the day after. The finding of the Commission, by whom Carney was tried, was forwarded to Gen. Rosecrans, for approval or rejection, and the penalty adjudged, death by hanging! These have been approved by the Department commander, and confirmed by the President of the United States. By some oversight, we presume, the Commander of this Department failed to name a day on which the execution should take place, and, as he will yet have to do this, it may be some weeks before it is known. Carney is a young man -- about 25 years old -- and has a wife, and two or three children. Murphy was also a married man, but had no children. They were closely connected by marriage. Carney's doom is indeed a terrible one for one so young. Would to God, if consistent with the ends of justice, it may be, in some way, averted!
Nashville Dispatch, May 3, 1864.
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