22, Correspondence from Edmund Cooper to Military Governor Andrew Johnson relative to secessionists in Shelbyville
Shelbyville Ten. May 22 1862 [sic]
Govnr Andrew Johnson
Dear Sir:
We have in our community a few active talking secessionists, between the ages of 20--and 40--that never have been to war, and have a "holy horror" of fighting-In other words-they are all "gass," and no "deeds." They are too insignificant to be to be arrested and sent to Nashville-and yet as carriers of Grape vine telegraphs, they do some harm-
Now, what think you of this suggestion-Have about three or four of them arrested, who are liable to the "conscription act" of the so called confederate states-and send them down to "Dixie"-for the purpose of giving them a chance to act treason amongst their friends-instead of talking it here. They are all cowards-would not fight if they can help it-yet are always talking.
We could not be charged with tyranny in sending them amongst their friends [sic] -- and yet we could not get rid of them?
The idea I think is a good one--and will be the most efficient way of breaking up the squad.
One or two of them, that I would select have actually come here to avoid the [Confederate] "Conscription" --
We are moving along very quietly here, and the cause of the [U.S.] Government is rapidly gaining ground with us.
Hope to meet you at Murfreesboro.
Very Truly Yr friend,
Edmund Cooper
The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 5, pp. 409-410.
22, "Improvements about Nashville."
It is scarcely possible for one man to keep pace with the improvements made and making in and around this city. The laws in regard to the construction of frame houses are a dead letter, for everywhere, west, north and south, frame buildings are being erected, additions made to others, barns and stables converted into stores and dwellings, and the march is still onward. Every nook and corner in the business part of this city, that can be bought or hired at any price, no mater how exorbitant, I taken possession of , and in a few days a store of some kind is erected. Even the rocky hill beyond Spruce street, between Cedar and Church streets, is rapidly filling up with grocers, confectioners, sutlers, dwellings, etc., beyond the trestle work is a range of two story frame buildings erected by the Government. On Cedar street, the Square, College, Market, Union, and Cherry streets, owners of property could sell at the rate of a bushel of greenbacks per foot, with a peck or two thrown in if necessary. Everybody seems to be overburdened with money, and yet they are desirous of making more.
Nashville Dispatch, May 22, 1864.
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