11, Altercation in a Memphis bagnio
[W]hile in one of the parlors at Pirse Perry's bagnio on Main street, [a U.S. naval officer] was shot by John Forrest. Both had been in the parlor some time, and those who witnessed....say the parties had had a difficulty. Forrest was intoxicated. The name of the officer was Gilmore. The police and a Federal guard soon entered the room and arrested Forrest, who was taken to the fleet.
Memphis Argus, June 12, 1862
11, Company C, 5th Iowa Cavalry, reaches Murfreesboro
Last night was wet and uncomfortable for soldiers sleeping on the ground in the open air, but the boys were cheerful and ready to march early. Reached Murfreesboro and camped on the front just behind the first line of pickets and about three miles south of M [sic]. Everywhere the soldiers and officers said we were decidedly one of the finest looking regimens in the service. The day was a lovely one, and the country through which we passed in general was fine; but the farms were almost wholly waste, houses burned, fences burned and the road for miles strewed with fragments of burned wagons [sic], caissons etc., some of ours and some of the rebels. We marched across the battlefield to Stone [sic] River. There were a great many enclosures in which sleep the fallen soldiers of that bloody and obstinately contested fight. Murfreesboro is a small town pleasantly situated on the south bank of Stone River – more of stone than water in it; fully deserves its name – and as may be supposed, it is surrounded at present by strong fortifications and filled with soldiers. Our day's march was 35 miles.
Alley Diary
11, Action at Triune*
No. 1
HDQRS. FIRST CAVALRY DIVISION, Camp near Triune, Tenn., June 12, 1863.
MAJ.: I have the honor to make report as follows of the part taken by my command in the affair of yesterday:
Maj. Gwynne had immediately, subsequent to the attack of the enemy, driven them into the timber on the west of the Chapel Hill pike in our front and on their left, from which they had advanced with an attempt at a charge. The enemy falling back, the First Brigade, Col. Campbell, moved to the right of the pike, and the Second Brigade, Col. McCook, moved to the left, both advancing and concentrating near the pike, about three-quarters of a mile from the Harpeth River.
The enemy retreated rapidly over the open country, but made short stands in the intervening wooded positions. They succeeded in crossing the ford, and made a final stand on the opposite bank of the river, behind a stone wall, from which they were driven by the Second Michigan, First East Tennessee, and part of the Second Indiana, who crossed the river, and the enemy left in disorderly retreat.
Being without artillery, and the enemy having obtained such an advance, I did not deem it advisable to follow them farther, and returned to this encampment.
I have previously reported, by signal dispatch, the probable loss of the enemy, from information gathered from citizens, prisoners, and other sources.
* * * *
The prisoners taken were all on picket here.
I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. S.--The command behaved admirably. It has been ascertained since my signature that two more of the wounded enemy have died, making a loss to them in killed of 23.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 376.
No. 5.
Report of Lieut. Col. John A. Platter, Fourth Indiana Cavalry.
COL.: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my command in the action of yesterday (June 11):
My skirmishers, under command of Capt.'s Pepper and Purdy, successfully engaged the enemy on our left, dislodging him from behind stone walls and cedar groves, and finally compelled him to fall back across the river, with a loss of several wounded.
My loss is as follows: 8.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
I have the honor to be, colonel, your obedient servant,
JOHN A. PLATTER, Lieut.-Col., Cmdg. Fourth Indiana Cavalry.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 23, pt. I, p. 377.
* Ed. note - there are a total of six reports on this action.
June 11, 1864
The William H. Robinson affair
Nashville Tenn. June 11th 64
Andrew Johnson
Mil. Governor.
I would respectfully represent that I am a loyal Citizin [sic] of Wilson County.
That on the 9th Inst, Capt Wyatt of the 13th Tenn. Cavalry, in command of about thirty soldiers, and while I was absent, visited my house, entered it with pistols drawn, and in a state of intoxicatin [sic], himself and men, Cursed my wife – entered my drawers, destroyed papers, took thirteen hundred and fifty dollars in different kinds of money, drank whiskey, and played at carts, laid and rolled on my beds with their boots on – also took one shot gun, one saddle, one horse, and one pr of silver specticacles [sic] & one watch seal, and after staying in this manner some three hours, left word with my wife that if I did not report at Gallatin to day they would again visit my house and hang me to the first lim. [sic]
Respectfully Yr obt Svt
William H. Robinson
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, p. 733.
Captain James B. Wyatt, Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, Co. M, defends himself from charges of thievery
Jun [sic] 17, 1864
Head Qrs 13th Regt. Tenn. Cav.
Near Gallatin Tenn. June 17th 1864
To His Excellency Gov. Johnson.
Having learned that there is an order from your Excellency for my arrest upon the charges of having visited the house of Mr Robison [sic] in his absence with a Party of drunken soldiers from the 13th Tenn. Cav. – entering his house drunk – wallowing on his bed with muddy boots and vomiting on his bead stealing three (3) horses from him and one saddle one pr scissors one shot-Gun and ($1300.) thirteen hundred dollars in different kinds of money, I deem it my duty to make a statement of the facts in the case with the testimony of Henry M Walker Lieut Co. "K" 13 Tenn. Cav. And Sergeant A. G. Parks of Company of "I" who were present during the whole of my stay with Mr Robison [sic] was ordered by Lieut Col Ingerton of the 13 Tenn cavalry to take charge of a Detachment of men provided with 3 days rations and proceed in a direction South of the Cumberland River for the porpose [sic] of "impressing horses to mount the 13th Regt Tenn. Cavalry." accordingly [sic] on the night of the 4th of June I left camp pursuant to order, I was ordered also to disperse "gangs of Guerilla's [sic] reported to be very troublesome to the Citizens of Wilson Co." my [sic] order stated also that I was not limited to 3 days time though I was only ordered to provide the party with 3 days rations. on the 8th of June I arrived at the house of Robison [sic] in Wilson Co. Tenn. having traced 2 stolen mules into that neighborhood and found them turned loose in the road. I was there creditably informed by Sanford Casterman that the above named Robinson had been harboring guerrillas' [sic] – that he would pilot me to the house and if I would surround the house instantly I would probably catch some of them there, according to Mr. Casterman direction I surrounded the house but found no guerrillas there. I found a horse there suitable for the cavalry service which Mrs Robison [sic] could give no account of stating that she did not know how he came there. I took this horse for the use of the 13th Tenn. Cavalry and reported him to the Command where he may be found at any time. I took a Rebel Officer saddle which I told Mrs. Robison I would return the next morning, on my return to Camp I came back to Robison's the next morning finding neither Mr. nor Mrs. Robison at Home[.] in [sic] the mean time I learned that the horse was a strange horse in the neighborhood[.] taking this fact in connection with the finding of the rebel saddle I regarded it very suspicious and my ions were confirmed by his general character in the neighborhood, I concluded I would bring the saddle to Camp. This horse and saddle were the only things taken from Mr. Robison to my knowledge. There was no man in my Command under the influence of intoxicating liquor. I called upon Mrs Robison for dinner the first day I was there[.] she [sic] refused to get us dinner remarking that if we were Bushwhackers she would feed us but as we were Yankee soldiers she would not or language to that effect, I then told her that we would have to have diner and if she would not get it some of the soldiers could. She baked some corn bread and fried some meat but would not furnish any plated or chairs for us.
I certify that the above are facts which I can substantiate by a nuber [sic] of men who were with me and who are known to this Command as men of veracity.
I am Gov. With much Respect
Your Obt. Svt. James B. Wyatt
Capt. 13th Tenn. Cav Comd'g Col. "M"
Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, pp. 742-743.[1]
[1] The ultimate resolution of this matter is not known.
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