Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

 28, Special Orders, No. 4
Headquarters District of West Tennessee
Office of the Provost Marshal General

Memphis, June 28, 1862
* * * *
Persons issued for persons to pass out of the city of Memphis and its immediate suburbs, kept for the purpose of retailing spirituous, vinous or malt liquors of any kind, must be closed and kept closed by and after 12 o'clock M. of this day.
Any person violating the letter or spirit of this order by keeping open drinking saloons, or retailing therein with closed doors, will subject themselves to imprisonment and the forfeiture of their entire stock.
This order applies to steamboats while lying at the landing.
D. C. Anthony, Lieut.-Col. and Provost Marshal of the City of Memphis
Memphis Union Appeal, August 10, 1862.


   28, "Daring Robberies" in Confederate Chattanooga
Night before last, about a dozen men, apparently soldiers, armed with muskets, went to the house of Mr. Kirklin, and old citizen living a few miles from this city, and demanded his money, and upon his refusing to deliver it up, they dragged him into the yard, and beat him with the buts   of their guns until some of the female members of his family procured a sum sufficient to satisfy their demands; when they released him, after inflicting severe injuries upon him. The also threatened his life and avowed their intention to rob other families in the neighborhood in the same way. We have not heard that they attempted to carry out their threats in other instances.
On yesterday forenoon, in open day, and in the centre of the business part of town, the store of Mr. Peter Marsh was entered during his temporary absence, and robbed of two hundred and fifty dollars in money and some goods.

These are not the first robberies that have been committed in and around this city by men clothed and armed as soldiers, and a stop should be put to such proceeding. We respectfully call the attention of our local military authorities to the subject hoping that if these outrages are perpetrated by soldiers that the guilty o­nes will be ferreted out and properly dealt with.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, June 28, 1863.



    28, "So you can see how things is working hear.  If our negroes are brought home they would all runn off sure. You can read this and not know how many is gone nor nothing about it to make them dissatisfyed." Letter from Robert Cooper to J. M. Cooper [McMinn County]
Mr. J. M. Cooper,
These few lines will inform you that we are all well at this time. We Rec 'd your line the other day without date. You said you want some corn and Bacon. Your own corn has not been troubled since you left, the robbers stold your Bacon all except seven peaces & Critz has been robbed of all his & Bed clothes & Dished & Bees & a great many other things. there   has not [been] a springhouse [that has] escaped the robbers, the woods is full of Lyouts, some Bush whacken going o­n, a few killed o­n Both   sides. There is several company   of Robbers   in this county stealing horses and & Robing houses. I suppose you have heard of Yankee Raid,   bean   about the middle of this Month. Some 250 Yanks came from Knoxville & through Rogersville to Kingsport the stage road taking negroes & horses. Ned & Lize is both gone & Dan I suppose. When they got to fall Branch that they had 50 negroes. say 2 G. M. Lyons John H. Ellis, Isom, Mrs. Besson some James Johnson, some Robt. Neatherland & with a promise to come back and take them all. So you can see how things is working hear.   If our negroes are brought home they would all runn   off sure. You can read this and not know how many is gone nor nothing   about it to make them dissatisfyed.   I am trying to fix for harvest. I think I will be able to save all the wheat and Rice.   Your wheat is tolerable good, the Hamiltons is very good, no smut, the quaker wheat is bat smutted, some in the Rest of your wheat. Your own is all over the 3 time and looks tolerable well. This is the 4 letter that me and Rachel has rote to you & Recd   o­ne from you.

Rachel & the children is all well & getting along very well considering. The   Damd  Roges  stole her bacon, most of the bacon that was left was sids.   The boys complains that they have no ham to eat but a plenty of milk and butter.
You say Wm   Ellis left you some time ago, he got home, come by Russell & your mare was all stolen, and gone sometime before he got Back. Your gray filey   &: mule is still in the pasture up thare   yet. Ellis started back some time ago but he returned back again & says he will start again as soon as the harvest is over. He said that he was taken up twist while gone the last time.
There is a few soldier hear now scouting round no regiment all scouts. We get no news from the army for some time. I am in hope it will be good when it comes.
Robert Cooper
When you receive this write to us and rite   all the news, it will be all news to us.

WPA Civil War Records, TSLA, Vol. 2, pp. 160-161.


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