Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17 - 18 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

18, “The Circus in a New Performance.”
Yesterday morning as the brilliant cortege of Maginley’s Circus was making a parade through the city, a scene occurred which was not set down in the bills, and which in some respects eclipsed the usual performance of the ring. As the procession moved up Second street, and when near the corner of Adams, the horses attached to the wagon containing the band of music, became unmanageable; the drive was frightened and so were the horses, and a general kicking and dancing ensued. The two lead horsed attached to the music wagon, made a sudden turn, and plunged into a two horse buggy directly in front of them, which consisted of Mr. Maginley and another gentleman. At this stage of the performance there was a general mixing up of horses’ vehicles and men. How Mr. Maginley and his friend escaped we do not know, and we presume it would be difficult for themselves to tell. The horses in the buggy started off at full speed with whatever portion of it still remained, and the leaders belonging to the music wagon, becoming detached, followed the example of the buggy horses, the whole party bringing up at the corner of Second and Adams streets, after having run into a peacable [sic] horse attached to a light wagon doing him no other injury than to push him from his position and break some of the harness. There was no one injured so far as we could learn, though there was some “hairbreadth escapes.” The buggy was a complete wreck, and was strewn along the entire route of the runaways. The equestrian part of the procession beat a hasty retreat at the beginning of the performance, but appeared again looking gay and gaudy after things had been made all right. The whole affair occupied but a few minutes, and was a mingling of tragedy and comedy not often seen even in the circus.
Memphis Bulletin, August 18, 1863

17, “Dr. Coleman.”
A large proportion of the human race suffer more or less from venereal diseases, or their complaints. The taint once acquired is often [said?] to lurk in the blood, and manifests itself through succeeding generations. The great fault of the age immediately preceding this, was that this frightful class of disease were combated only in their symptoms, which being once subdued, the patient was declared cured, through the deadly virus is still unexpunged from the system. Fortunately for humanity, a better state of things has been inaugurated, and the increased knowledge acquired by the foremost in the ranks of medical practitioners, enables them to strike at the very root of the disorder. Prominent among them is Dr. Coleman, who had devoted the labor of his life to the discovery of the means of totally eradicating the venereal taint, and leaving the patient as free as before infection. That he has succeeded, his thousands of former patients testify; that he will still succeed, his large present practice plainly proves. Dr. Coleman is one among the very few specialists now practicing, who are able to what they promise – work a perfect cure. He can do this, and that in a safe and speedy manner, without danger or exposure. His office is located on Cherry street, between Cedar and Deaderick. Visit him, all ye who are afflicted. You cannot afford to remain away.
Nashville Dispatch, August 17, 1864

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