Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

Establishment and Repeal of "Bawdy House Police Ordinance" in Confederate Memphis
August 6, 1861, Bawdy House Police Ordinance in Confederate Memphis
Be it Ordained &c That the Mayor is hereby empowered and authorized and by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen [to] appoint and employ as addition to the police force of the city o­ne policeman for each and every bawdy house in the city of Memphis.
Be it further ordained That the Mayor and Committee o­n Police be authorized to prescribe the districts in which each of Said Policemen shall serve
Be it further Ordained That a tax shall be levied o­n the several bawdy houses of the city for the security and protection of which said policemen are appointed of an amount sufficient to pay the salaries of the policemen to be appointed under the provisions of this Ordinance – the said tax to be paid monthly and in advance to the City tax Collector and in the event of the failure or refusal of the property of any such bawdy house to pay the said monthly installment promptly in advance as herein before provided for the house kept by such recusantshall be suppressed in such manner as the Mayor and Police Committee Shall direct.
Bet it further Ordained That the policemen herein provided for shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing other police officers of the city and before entering o­n the duties of their office shall take the oath prescribed by city ordinances for other city officers.
Memphis City Council Meeting Minutes, Meeting of August 6, 1861, p. 510.[1]
Repeal of Bawdy House Police Ordinance in MemphisBe it ordained &c. That the ordinance passed by the Board o­n the 6th of August last entitled “Bawdy Houses” be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed 1st reading and referred to the Ordinance Committee.
Memphis City Council Meeting Minutes, Meeting of October 15, 1861, p. 604.
 Repeal of Bawdy House Police ordinance in Memphis
Be it ordained &c. That the Ordinance passed by the Board o­n the 6th of August last entitled “Bawdy Houses” be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed 1st reading and referred to the Ordinance Committee.
Memphis City Council Meeting Minutes, Meeting of October 15, 1861, p. 604.

[1] City of Memphis Records, September 1860 to July 1862, mfm roll 182, Tennessee State Library and Archives.
6, Initiation of planning for Federal forts in Nashville
HDQRS., Huntsville, August 6, 1862.
Capt. MORTON, on Chattanooga Road:
Go at once to Nashville and select sites and give plans and instructions for redoubts to protect the city. For the present I only propose to throw up small works to hold from four to six companies and from two to four pieces of artillery. They should be in the edge of the city, to command the principal thoroughfares and other prominent points. They should not be within musket-range of houses that could be used to fire into them. They should have easy communication with the city. See Governor Johnson, and if he approves, devise some defenses also around the capitol; devise also some defenses for the bridge. These works must all be practical and as simple as possible in the beginning, so that they can be constructed with the greatest promptness and occupied immediately by a small force. They can then be elaborated and made more formidable. Start the works at once, the most important first. The commanding officer will call in slave labor on it. Look to your bridge defenses at the same time. I shall want you here in a very few days.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, p. 268.
HDQRS., Huntsville, August 6, 1862.

Maj. SIDELL, Nashville:
I will send Capt. Morton to select sites and lay off works. Examine the ground yourself, so as to enable him to understand the situation readily, as the time is short and he is greatly occupied elsewhere. My notion is that for the present the works should consist of small redoubts in the edge of the city or very close to it, and commanding the main avenues of important points.
HDQRS., Huntsville, August 6, 1862.
Maj. SIDELL, Hdqrs., Nashville:
Capt. Morton, Engineers, is ordered to select sites and lay out works for defense of Nashville.
Direct Col. Miller to see that the works are pushed with all possible dispatch. Tell him to call in regular from upon slave-owners for hands to work, and put as many on the works as can be employed.
JAMES B. FRY, Chief of Staff.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 16, pt. II, pp. 268-269.
6, “…his gladiatorial manifestations were unseen ….”
A Collision. – We have all along deceived ourself with the agreeable idea that our neighborhood was too highly civilized ever to become the scene of a pugilistic rumpus. The illusion passed away at about four o'clock yesterday evening.  The long maintained quietude of Post-office corner was disturbed.  A fracas occurred; combatants, two nephews of their big uncle, attired in martial blue. Not much of a prologue before the drama commenced.  o­ne of the pugnacious gentleman quietly, deliberately, and decidedly coerced the other o­ne to take a horizontal attitude o­n the stone pavement.  Didn’t go through the customary form of “dragging out” the recumbent victim.  Numerous persons witness to the “”striking situation” gathered about the fallen hero to raise him to his “continuations” that had failed to support him in the trying moment.  He did elevate himself, but his gladiatorial manifestations were unseen by the man that “threw the last brick,” for said personage had made his exit at the earliest opportunity, which was presented simultaneously with the downfall.  Large crowd dissolved, and tranquility resumed its empire over the rarely disordered post office corner.
Nashville Daily Press, August 7, 1863
6, Confederate tax collection in  Hamilton County
R.P. Jones, Collector of the Tax for Hamilton County, gives notice to the Farmers of the county, that Chattanooga is established as the permanent Depot for the reception of the tax in kind required by the Government. Tyner’s Station, Ooltawah, and Thatcher’s Landing, are established as temporary Depots for a like purpose. Farmers living within eight miles of any of these points, will deliver without delay at the Depot nearest his residence, one-tenth of their farm products as required by law. Those living more than eight miles will deliver their tax to the nearest Depot designated, and will be paid for hauling for the distance above eight miles. The necessities of the Army require that the Farmers comply immediately with this order. A failure to comply will subject the Farmer to money payment and fifty per cent. in addition.
Chattanooga Daily Rebel, August 6, 1863

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