8, The Tennessee Military and Financial Board appeals for homespun clothing for the Volunteer State’s soldiers
Military and Financial Board, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 8th 1861
The Military and Financial Board of this State, impressed with the necessity of preparing to protect the patriotic volunteers now in the service from the rigors of the approaching winter, appeals to the wives, mothers, and daughters of Tennessee to manufacture woolen goods and stockings for those who are defending their homes and protecting them from the horrors of armed occupation of our soil.
It is suggested that each lady in Tennessee shall prepare goods for one suit of clothing and knit two pairs of stocking. If this shall be done, every soldier will be amply clothed and provided against the sufferings of a winter’s campaign.
Shall this appeal be made in vain[?] It is by undivided exertion alone, that our wants can be supplied.
Neil S. Brown
W. G. Harding
Jas. E. Bailey
Clarksville Chronicle, August 16, 1861.[Ed. note: This appeal demonstrates the utter incompetence of those who were responsible for running the confederate Tennessee war effort. They were long on bluster and rhetoric, and short on industrial capacity, about which surely they were aware at the time of secession. It is not known if this appeal was responded to or if any substantial amount of homespun clothing was produced.]
Military and Financial Board, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 8th 1861
The Military and Financial Board of this State, impressed with the necessity of preparing to protect the patriotic volunteers now in the service from the rigors of the approaching winter, appeals to the wives, mothers, and daughters of Tennessee to manufacture woolen goods and stockings for those who are defending their homes and protecting them from the horrors of armed occupation of our soil.
It is suggested that each lady in Tennessee shall prepare goods for one suit of clothing and knit two pairs of stocking. If this shall be done, every soldier will be amply clothed and provided against the sufferings of a winter’s campaign.
Shall this appeal be made in vain[?] It is by undivided exertion alone, that our wants can be supplied.
Neil S. Brown
W. G. Harding
Jas. E. Bailey
Clarksville Chronicle, August 16, 1861.[Ed. note: This appeal demonstrates the utter incompetence of those who were responsible for running the confederate Tennessee war effort. They were long on bluster and rhetoric, and short on industrial capacity, about which surely they were aware at the time of secession. It is not known if this appeal was responded to or if any substantial amount of homespun clothing was produced.]
8, Governor Isham G. Harris expresses doubts concerning much success for Confederate recruiting and conscription in Middle Tennessee
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., August 8, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo. This would be more speedily done here than by the policy which you suggest, but I hope the latter may be successful. I shall certainly give all the aid in my power to make it so. The ranks of most of the Tennessee regiments now in the service are thinned by disease and the casualties of the field, and as we advance into Middle Tennessee I confidently expect a large number of volunteers, yet not a sufficient number to fill all of our now skeleton regiments, and apprehend that it will be found necessary when we shall have regained possession of that part of the State to order the conscripts of the State into service, in order that those regiments may all be promptly filled. The Government shall have all the facilities in my power to give to enforce this order when it shall be made. While we are thus recruiting old regiments I doubt the policy of attempting to raise a new regiment to complete the Tennessee brigade in Virginia. If a fourth regiment shall be necessary, it is better to order some one of the old regiments to that brigade. I am gratified at the assurance which you gave me that Gen. Whitthorne should be appointed to command this brigade. His appointment is sought and desired by the brigade, and I am confident he will make an efficient officer who will acquit himself with credit.
Very respectfully,
[First indorsement.]
Secretary of War for attention and reply.
The expectation was that the new brigadier and the officers sent would be effective to obtain recruits. The conscripts of East Tennessee might be better employed here.
J. D.
[Second indorsement.
Inform Governor Harris that Gen. Bragg has been authorized to enroll conscripts in Tennessee whenever it is deemed advisable to do so, and that the conscripts from East Tennessee will probably be more valuable here than in Tennessee. These regiments here might be filled up so soon as East Tennessee is cleared of the enemy.
G. W. R.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 339.
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., August 8, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo. This would be more speedily done here than by the policy which you suggest, but I hope the latter may be successful. I shall certainly give all the aid in my power to make it so. The ranks of most of the Tennessee regiments now in the service are thinned by disease and the casualties of the field, and as we advance into Middle Tennessee I confidently expect a large number of volunteers, yet not a sufficient number to fill all of our now skeleton regiments, and apprehend that it will be found necessary when we shall have regained possession of that part of the State to order the conscripts of the State into service, in order that those regiments may all be promptly filled. The Government shall have all the facilities in my power to give to enforce this order when it shall be made. While we are thus recruiting old regiments I doubt the policy of attempting to raise a new regiment to complete the Tennessee brigade in Virginia. If a fourth regiment shall be necessary, it is better to order some one of the old regiments to that brigade. I am gratified at the assurance which you gave me that Gen. Whitthorne should be appointed to command this brigade. His appointment is sought and desired by the brigade, and I am confident he will make an efficient officer who will acquit himself with credit.
Very respectfully,
[First indorsement.]
Secretary of War for attention and reply.
The expectation was that the new brigadier and the officers sent would be effective to obtain recruits. The conscripts of East Tennessee might be better employed here.
J. D.
[Second indorsement.
Inform Governor Harris that Gen. Bragg has been authorized to enroll conscripts in Tennessee whenever it is deemed advisable to do so, and that the conscripts from East Tennessee will probably be more valuable here than in Tennessee. These regiments here might be filled up so soon as East Tennessee is cleared of the enemy.
G. W. R.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, p. 339.
8, “The Darkey Registering.”
The darkies have been greatly exercised for the past few days to know what would become of them if they could find no masters, the order for registering making it incumbent on them to find some responsible white person to vouch for them. The Provost Marshal’s office has therefore organized a scene which the public of Memphis has never before seen -- thousands of negroes anxiously waiting to learn their destiny. We are informed by the polite officer who superintends the registration office that the negroes have somehow or other got up the idea that they will not be free, if a white man has to have his name on their passes. The consequence is that they make applications for passes of a kind of general character that will permit them to go about and seek work where they can find it without being responsible to anybody. About six thousand negroes have already been registered.
Memphis Bulletin, August 8, 1863
The darkies have been greatly exercised for the past few days to know what would become of them if they could find no masters, the order for registering making it incumbent on them to find some responsible white person to vouch for them. The Provost Marshal’s office has therefore organized a scene which the public of Memphis has never before seen -- thousands of negroes anxiously waiting to learn their destiny. We are informed by the polite officer who superintends the registration office that the negroes have somehow or other got up the idea that they will not be free, if a white man has to have his name on their passes. The consequence is that they make applications for passes of a kind of general character that will permit them to go about and seek work where they can find it without being responsible to anybody. About six thousand negroes have already been registered.
Memphis Bulletin, August 8, 1863
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