We regret to say that considerable evidence has been manifested in some of the counties in West Tennessee since the call upon the militia was made; one county (Carroll) having go so far, we learn, as positively to refuse to submit to the detail. In Weakly county, also, we learn there was trouble on Monday last [January 6th], which led to the fear that serious difficulties would occur there; but we understand that matters were settled peaceably and without bloodshed, which was at one time apprehended. In McNairy county, however, the disaffection seems to have reached its highest point, as we see from the West-Tennessee Whig that it was found necessary to send troops into that county to arrest some of the authorities, and to send detachments of soldiers into some of the other counties for the same purpose.
Trenton Standard, January 10, 1862.[1]
[1] As cited in Rebellion Record, Vol. 4 p. 8. It seems most probable, however, that the rioters were unhappy less about the prospect of serving in the military, as opposed to having their unit disbanded and being forced to serve in the Provisional Army of the Confederacy in a unit not of their creation. That is, they would lose their status as a local volunteer unit. Nevertheless, there is no further information to determine if these reports were speaking to genuine antipathy toward military service or a desire to maintain a local unit's cohesion.
"The negro was condemned to receive thirty-nine lashes, and to remain in the work house until the property unlawfully taken be restored to its owner."
Recorder's Court.
A negro named Washington, a slave of Mrs. Chickering, was arraigned for disorderly conduct in abusing and cursing Mrs. Garrett, and taking from her house property belonging to Mrs. G. without authority. Mrs. Garrett was the principal witness, and testified that she owned the girl whom Washington claims for his wife, and that in consequence of his very bad conduct she had frequently forbidden him to enter her house. At length he demanded Mrs. Garrett's servant and all the clothing and furniture which he was pleased to call hers, and, after much cursing and calling Mrs. Garret a damned liar, he left and returned soon after with a wagon, a white man in Federal uniform, and a teamster, and took from the house beds, bedstead, chairs, clothing, bedding, and other property, notwithstanding Mrs. G.'s protestations. Mrs. Garrett's mother and Mrs. Thomas corroborated her statement in the main particulars. A witness, who belonged to Hospital No. 7, said he had charge of the hospital wagon, and that the negro had told Dr. Fletcher that he had been turned out of his house, and that his furniture was in the street, and asked permission to use the hospital wagon to have it taken away. The Doctor told witness to accompany the negro for that purpose, and he did so, but does not know where the furniture was taken to. The Recorder lectured the last witness on the impropriety of his conduct, but excused him from positive blame, as he acted only according to his orders. The negro was condemned to receive thirty-nine lashes, and to remain in the work house until the property unlawfully taken be restored to its owner. Mr. Mr. Brien, Esq., for prosecution….
Nashville Dispatch, January10, 1863.
10, A Warren County aristocratic woman's reflections on life
This is my first date for the New Year; because ever since the day before New Year I have been sick--have had two of my raging headaches, lasting for days, and leaving me utterly prostrated. I am only now partially recovered from the last attack--yet today I am up--heard the children's lessons, and got through my duties with much satisfaction. This is the first New Year since I can remember in which I have made no "good resolutions." I shall not make any either, I shall try to "do the duty nearest me" hoping fervently that "all the rest will follow," and by endeavoring earnestly to each day's duty, as it comes, possibly I may during the year accomplish as much as if I had planned great works at the commencement which "Circumstances that unspiritual god which turns our hopes to ashes" and over whom we often "have no control", rendered completely negatory. As yet in the New Year I have done nothing. The weather has been--and is, intensely cold, reminding me of winters spent in old Pennsylvania and Va. I have seen nothing like it since I came to Tenn. on New Year's morning the thermometer stood at Zero at Dan [sic]--here it was 6 o [sic]. Since that time we have had snow and the trees, etc. covered thickly with frost, ]the mountains were beautiful, there was a cold blue mist or haze that "lent enchantment to the view," and I wanted to go right at painting some of the views in a "snow piece." For three days the whole mount-top was like a fairy land to look at, but so dead cold that no fairy could live in it; I did not even see a snow-bird. Today it is somewhat more moderate, the mercury went up to 28o. Yesterday morning it was at zero. The cold weather is not good for me,--yesterday I suffered intensely with headache. How ardently I long to be in "some bright isle that gem the oriental seas." A few days ago Dr. Paine examined me critically and he asserts positively that I am "perfectly sounds," [sic] that I have no local disease, only debility and those prostrating headaches which (he says) must be stopped. "Mountain Rumors" are all that we hear in the way; of news, and very meagre and absurd they are indeed. One that there is shortly to be an armistice--another that both armies are falling back, Grant to Murfreesboro and Bragg to Atlanta! So we go-we hear but very little here, and we believe nothing. I am so anxious, so very anxious that something should happen which will allow us to go home in the spring. Darlin [1] appears to contemplate remaining during next summer but I am very much opposed to it indeed, I want to get home once more and get what little I have left, (that is, if I have anything left,) gathered together again under my own roof--tree broken and wasted, as it is. If I am ever to be better in health any more, I think I shall gain it again at home. Our friends here are as kind as ever, but "enough's enough" of anything and I would do any way rather than trespass on the kindness of any one. [sic]....We have a comfortable house, good fires, and plenty of the "substantials" to live upon, also excellent warm clothing enough to make us comfortable. In addition to this we are all in good health and have, kind friend near us -ah! how thankful we ought to be! I am beginning to become reconciled to the continuance of the war--endeavoring to do every duty incumbent upon me, awaiting with patience the issues of this struggle....The Federals are recruiting negros [sic] in McM [sic] --taking off all boys 12 years of age!-----Last Tuesday was the 12th and our anniversary. It was the first time I made no preparations for a good dinner, there is no poultry, eggs, etc. to be bought, and what little of such things I could procure, I had used to fill a nice N. Year's basket....We did not forget our anniversary, but the usual dinner was only postponed until after "this cruel war is over." My health seems at last to be decidedly improving and I greatly enjoy the idea of once again becoming healthy and strong.
War Journal of Lucy Virginia French, January 10, 1864.
[1] Her husband.
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