Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

   25, "From Fort Henry."

Fort Henry, Jan. 25, 1862

Dear Chronicle: -- Since my last letter we have arrived here, and are now camping in our tents again, and as the weather has been very cold for some time, we miss our comfortable cabins very much. Our company (A) of Col. Bailey's Regiment, and o­ne from Col. Sugg's (formerly Stacker's) Regiment are now encamped here together. -- PADDIES TICKTACKS [sic]: Since our arrival we have been furnished with side arms -- spades and shovels  and are now drilling in that manual. Our boys were greatly disappointed at not meeting the enemy here, and now feel that they have been badly sold, or taken in -- to the ditches  -- instead of among the enmy [sic]. 

The day after our arrival, the gunboat "Conestoga" chased the steamer Dunbar 14 miles up the river until within sight of the Fort, and then fired her seventh shot and ran up behind the Island, two miles below the Fort. She afterwards fired three shots at the Fort and meeting no response, she retired with a white flag flying to the breeze. No damage was done by her shots as they all fell short. However, she again made her appearance with the stars and stripes flying and opened fire o­n the Fort. As soon as the first shot was fired by her the Confederate flag was raised in the Fort, and we all expected to have a brush with the "Feds," but as soon as we fired o­ne shot, she responded with a shell (which burst some yards below the Fort,) and retired behind the Island. Nobody hurt.

We are now under command of Lieut.-Col. Sugg -- Col. Stacker having resigned the command of the 50th Regiment.

The enemy are reported to be 15,000 strong at Highland (KY), 35 miles below here. They were 16 miles from here a few days ago, but are now falling back. Little prospect of a squirmish [sic]. 

Clarksville Chronicle, January 31, 1862.
Note: A "squirmish"?




 25, A Texas Ranger's letter home from Middle Tennessee

Mr. Polk Childress, who in Capt. Houston's Company, Terry's Texas Rangers, wrote to his mother, Jan. 25th, from near Shelbyville, from which we take the following:

"I went all through the Murfreesboro fight and never received a scratch. O­ne Regiment lost sixty four killed and wounded; our company three; Ellis and Burns supposed to be badly wounded, and Blair shot through the arm.  Our company has o­nly fifty men, officers and all; it is next to the smallest company in the Regiment.

I have been in the war sixteen months, and can stay that much longer if necessary, but I would like to have peace and go home; but I have never regretted coming to Tennessee, where I can have the fun of shooting at Yankees, occasionally. It would have killed me to have been compelled to lay in o­ne of the forts o­n the frontier, doing nothing; here I have something to keep me alive and stirring; and I consider the good health I have had owing to the constant exercise.  I have plenty of money, a good horse, six-shooter and sharp-shooter."

San Antonio Semi-Weekly News, March 16, 1863.[1]



[1] As cited in:




25, Public health initiative taken in Nashville by U. S. Army

General Orders, No. 5

Headquarters U.S. Forces

Nashville, Tenn., Jan 25, 1864

I.*** The municipal regulations failing to keep the city effectually policed, it is hereby ordered, for the preservation of the health and lives of the citizens, and of the troops on duty at this place, that the occupant of every house daily sweep or scrape clean the pavement or sidewalk in front of his building. This will be done daily before 9 o'clock A.M. On stated days, hereafter to be announced, each occupant will clean to the middle of the street in front of his premises, collecting the sweepings into piles, to be carried away by Government wagons.

For any neglect of this regulation, a fined double that enforced by the municipal ordinance will be imposed by the Provost Marshal; and if not paid at his office within one week from notice, will be levied by sale at public auction of goods sufficient to realize the sum.
A commissioned officer is detailed to superintend the policing of the city, whose special duty it is to report any neglect or violation of this order.

By command of Brig. Gen. R. S. Granger

Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864



    25, "Guerrillas o­n the Cumberland."

We learn that the up-river fleet was fired into at Gainsborough o­n Monday, and compelled to return to Carthage, the Newsboy coming down to Nashville for reinforcements. The river will probably be opened today. Rumor said o­ne boat had been sunk, but we believe no damage of consequence had been done.

Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864.

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