We have received the first annual report of this institution. The association of ladies organized, in April, 1860. An application to the city council resulted in the purchase and donation of fifteen acres of land, four miles from the city, on the Ohio railroad. The objects of the association are to provide a home of industry, an asylum for the aged and infirm, and a house of correction and reform for the erring. Owing to a want of buildings, only one of these objects has so far been carried out. Destitute women and children, such as would have been reduced to begging in the streets, have been lodged, clothed and fed, they partly earning their own living. The Board of Managers consists of twenty-four ladies, two from each religious denomination in the city. Since the Home was opened December, 1860, a building containing six rooms and a dining room, with comfortable attic, has been erected. All the ground that could be used has been put in cultivation. Seventy-nine inmates have been received during the year, thirty-five women and forty-four children, five of the latter were born in the institution. A large proportion of them have been discharged honorably; a few have been dismissed for insubordination. The women are principally occupied in washing, ironing and sewing, and work of this kind is solicited. The institution requires more buildings and wider grounds. It is intended, if means can be raised, to employ a teacher of the children. The health of the institution has been good—there has been but two deaths. Owing to sympathy with objects connected with the war, the receipts have, for the last six months, been small, and donations and subscriptions are respectfully solicited. The receipts for the year were $4003.73. Current expenses $2783.30, expenses of building $1026; leaving $659.19 in the city treasury and $82.25 cash on hand. The report is a well written and lucid statement. The objects of the institution are admirable, and if well conducted the Home for the Homeless will be one of the best organizations connected with our city.
MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, January 28, 1862
28, "Small Pox"
For the information of those whom it might concern, we state that we are informed that Smoky Row is a perfect pest house, and we know that hundreds of soldiers and some hospital people frequent those houses. According to testimony adduced in court, a house of ill-fame on College street contains two small-pox patients, and some other girls, and that soldiers and government employees frequent the house. Having given the facts, free gratis for nothing [sic], we beg to ask, are such things calculated to increase or diminish the spread of small-pox? Imagine an inmate of one of our hospitals spending one night with two small-pox patients, and the next day and night in a hospital!
Nashville Dispatch, January 28, 1864.
28, Affair at Lee's House, on Cornersville Pike
JANUARY 28, 1864.--Affair at Lee's House, on Cornersville Pike, Tenn.
Report of Capt. George W. Overmyer, Eighty-first Ohio Infantry.
SIR: On the 28th January, 1864. I sent out a forage train for corn and pork, in charge of Corporal Casey, acting wagon-master, with instructions to keep the teams and men close together, permit no straggling, and go to Mr. Dabney's farm, about 4 miles from camp and on the left of the Cornersville pike.
About 2 miles from camp the train was fired upon and captured, with the following loss: James Mills, teamster, shot through the thigh and left on the field; 6 mules and harness taken away and wagon burnt; William Kimble, teamster, shot in left shoulder, taken prisoner; 6 mules and harness taken away, wagon filled with rails and fired, but was put out by citizens; Corporal Casey and 1 horse, saddle, and bridle captured; David Reece and William Reece, guards from Company K, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Nelson Shappell, James D. Smith, John Reichelderfer, and Jeremiah Parker, guards, Company G, Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, captured and taken prisoners.
Recapitulation: Captured, 1 teamster (wounded), 6 guards, 1 wagon-master, 12 mules and harness, 1 horse, saddle, and bridle; 1 wagon destroyed; all chains for 2 wagons lost or destroyed; wounded and left, 1 teamster.
The attack was made at a bend In the pike about 200 yards from Mr. Lee's residence by 24 rebels (mounted), armed with 2 pistols and Colt revolving rifle each. They were lying behind a hill in waiting. The attack was made by throwing 6 men in the road in front of the teams and 18 men coming over the ridge. All commenced firing about the same time at short pistol-range. They had our men surrounded and captured almost all the Infantry. They took the men out east about 20 miles, and that evening gave them paroles, signed by Capt. Harris, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, by order of Gen. Forrest.
Men got back to camp on the morning of the 29th, having had all their arms and accouterments taken from them (Corporal Casey was robbed of his watch), but say they were kindly treated.
The men have been assigned to duty, but an application for arms has been returned. None to furnish at present.
Respectfully submitted.
G. W. OVERMYER, Capt., Cmdg. at Sam. Mills.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 32, pt. I, p. 153
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