Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22 - Tennessee Civil War Notes

22, Anxious telegram communication between Governor Isham G. Harris and L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, relative to need for arms in Tennessee
NASHVILLE, April 22, 1861.
Have you any arms that you can spare to Tennessee? If so, of what character? I know of no market at which they can be procured immediately.
MONTGOMERY, April 22, 1861.
Governor ISHAM G. HARRIS, Nashville, Tenn.:
Some days ago I ordered 1,500 muskets and some heavy guns to Memphis. In my dispatch to-day I propose to furnish the three regiments asked for. If more can be done for you, you may rest assured it shall be.
NASHVILLE, April 22, 1861.
Can you send me an experienced ordnance officer to supervise, for a short time, the casting, testing, &c., of ordnance? It is indispensable.
MONTGOMERY, ALA., April 22, 1861.
Governor ISHAM G. HARRIS, Nashville:
Will send you ordnance officer as soon as one can be had. You may rely on this.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 52, pt. II, pp. 63-64.

22, Life in the Midst of Death; the Birth of Baby Empress
The Empress…left Pittsburg Tuesday noon, with three hundred and fifty-seven patients….On board was also a party of nurses and other assistants from St. Louis. During the passage a number of amputations were performed, and ten of the patients died.
In the midst of the scene of suffering and death, a woman on board, the wife of a missing soldier who was in the fight at Pittsburg, gave birth to a female infant. The woman accompanied or closely followed her husband to Pittsburg, and, on the second day of the fight, while the conflict was raging around here, was engaged in searching for him on the battle-field. While thus employed she received a gunshot wound--a flesh wound only--in the breast. Failing, at last, to find her husband, in despair she took passage on the Empress. Her child received the name of the steamer.
The missing father is said to be a Polander or Norwegian, with a long name, which our informants find it impossible to remember.
Chicago Times, April 22, 1862. [1]

22, "Counterfeits."
The city is being flooded with counterfeit $20 Treasury notes. The engraving is pretty well executed, and likely to deceive a casual observer, but by comparing the genuine spurious, the fraud can be easily detected by its general appearance; the Goddess of Liberty is somewhat different, and inferior to the genuine; some of the figures are badly executed, and the signature is bad, particularly the F. Business men who are desirous of comparing them may well call upon Sanford & Co., bankers and brokers, College street.
Nashville Dispatch, April 22, 1864.

22, Bigamy in Nashville, a comedy of errors
"Rather Muddled"
Night before last [20th], a lady residing in South Nashville, named Fly, and whose husband has been absent in the Rebel ranks nearly three years, got married to a private soldier of the Federal army. Yesterday her husband was captured, or deserted, and early in the day he sent an epistle of sweet things to his wife, one of which was that he should take the oath of allegiance and Fly into her arms. But the woman protested against any and all such proceedings, contending that she was no longer a Fly. She informed the new partaker of her joys what had transpired, who, thinking there would be a muss, in which an infuriated husband might get the best of it, stated his intentions as honorable, and as proof thereof, was willing to cry quits, and forfeit the realization of all his ecstatic anticipations. But the wife gave a groan, and swore fidelity to her new found love, and swore, further that the original Jacob should never again enter her abode. This case promised a rich denouement, and will be a godsend to gossips.
Nashville Dispatch, April 22, 1864.

[1] As cited in: 

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-532-1550  x115
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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