Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/10/13 Tennessee Civil War Notes = TCWN

10, A Connecticut-Tennessean offers support to the Confederacy

NEW HAVEN, CONN., April 10, 1861.


MY DEAR SIR: I am a native of Tennessee, the stepson of the Hon. John Bell, of that State; the brother-in-law of Capt. John Pope, of the topographical engineers, the relative of Mrs. Mary McRee, in whose husband's company you served as lieutenant. I enter into this personal detail that I may, in some degree, prove to you that my connections are respectable, and that my statements and propositions may be received with some confidence. From present indications war seems to be resolved upon. If this dead contingency should arise, I can, without the slightest difficulty, raise and equip from this city two companies of 100 men each to serve under your command, every man a Democrat, upon whom you can rely. I have an independent fortune, and do not ask pecuniary assistance from any quarter. I only ask from you that you will receive these companies and grant for the war commissions to such officers as they may elect. I am a lawyer by profession, a graduate of Yale College, served in the Mexican war, was present at the siege of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo, and on account of my health have resided in this city for the past six years. Mr. Toombs is acquainted with my family, and will, I doubt not, assure you of its respectability; but I believe you know my mother, Mrs. John Bell, whom you have met in Washington.

With my most ardent wishes for your personal welfare, and for your successful administration amid the difficulties and embarrassments which encompass you,

I remain, with great personal esteem, most respectfully, your friend,


OR, Ser. IV, Vol. 1, p. 216.




10, Confederate report on five day scout, Hickman to Union City to Dresden, relative to strong Union sentiment in West Tennessee and difficulties with independent companies

HDQRS. CAVALRY, Trenton, Tenn., April 10, 1862.

Maj. GEORGE WILLIAMSON, Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Corinth, Miss.:

MAJ.: I have just returned from a five days' scout in the direction of Hickman; remained one night at Union City, and thence toward Dresden. The enemy's cavalry did not make their appearance. I found everything quiet on my line. The Union feeling throughout the upper country is very strong, and the management of these men is one of the most delicate and perplexing of all to me. Our Southern friends beseech me not to interfere with the Union men, since they will be certain to report them, and thereby bring down a retaliation on the part of the Federal troops much more harsh and severe than any that we could have the heart to show our enemies. I have therefore determined not to arrest any Union sympathizers unless known to be aiding and abetting the enemy.

I have made a reconnaissance of the country above this, and am of the opinion that there is no line nearer to the enemy than the one from Dresden through this place across to Dyersburg to be convenient to a telegraph office. There seems to be but little disposition displayed by the citizens of Weakley and Obion Counties to sell provisions and forage to the Confederate Government, since they invariably refuse to take Confederate notes in payment.

The Obion bottoms are at present almost impassable, which will prevent my forming a new line above this point. I can guard the line, however, by sending out from time to time strong scouting parties to operate in the country about Union City and Dresden.

The independent companies attached to my command are an expense to the Confederacy and do very little service, since they are not acquainted with the country. I would respectfully recommend the merging of all these companies (with the exception of Dillard's) into one, and have the election of company officers, then muster them into one, and have the election of company officers, then muster them into service for the war, and if they do not wish to do this, discharge them. They are now a heavy expense for the service rendered. Capt. D. G. Reid, with a squad of 15 men, is operating on my line under the authority of Gen. Beauregard, and I would state for the information of the general commanding that he is doing great damage to our cause. He is reported to me by good citizens to be engaged in taking horses from Union men on the line and near Dresden, thereby causing the Union men to retaliate upon our friends; in fact, I consider the party a nuisance, and have the honor to request his removal from my line.

I was sufficiently near Island 10 on last Sunday and Monday to hear the firing, which was very heavy. I presume you have heard the result; it is reported by parties from there that one gunboat ran by the island on Friday night and two more on Sunday night; our batteries were abandoned and spiked Monday and the infantry force surrendered on Tuesday morning; a good many poor made their escape and are coming in here daily.

Capt. Neely's company arrived here to-day; Haywood's company not yet arrived. I would respectfully request that Capt. Robertson's company be ordered here at once, as I need them very much. I have lost the copies of my order and my report of the Union City affair, and would like to have copies of both sent me. For the present my headquarters will be at this place.

I am, major, with high respect, your obedient servant,

W. H. JACKSON, Col., Cavalry.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. II, pp. 407-408.




10, A trip from Fairmont to Lebanon; excerpt from a Confederate woman's diary

* * * *

After trying for three weeks to get a conveyance and escort to Lebanon, Mr. Dick Malone at last said he'd risk the consequence and take me. I went over April 10 [1863] with Margart [sic], Leila and 7 trunks-taking most of the wearing apparel of the family that had been saved from the fire, to try to save it. Imagine my consternation to come right on the rear guard of a column of Yankees, numbering 3,000. Mr. Malone's. coolness and address saved our trunks and pockets from being rifled. He offered the keys and insisted that an officer should examine the trunks; but, they told us to drive out to the side of the road and they would pass. They wheeled the columns and went back to Murfreesboro. This was ten miles from L.[ebanon]. We rode on and in 4 miles met the Southern Pickets. [sic] This then was the cause of the [Yankees'] sudden return [to Murfreesboro].-Wheeler was certainly in Lebanon with 6000 men and had torn up the Railway at 2 points the night before, taking a number of prisoners, capturing the mail and doing them great damage otherwise. Words fail me in speaking of the unexpected pleasure of meeting my dear Husband in L.[ebanon] after an absence of 3 months, during which we had met such painful vicissitudes of fortune. When I had last seen him, I was almost dead and he was in eminent danger of being captured that he had to leave me.

Journal of Bettie Ridley Blackmore.[1]




10, David Crockett "Tinker Dave" Beatty[2]  requests supplies from Military Governor Andrew Johnson

Fentress County, April 10th, 1864

Gov. Johnson-

Sir; Necessity forces me to address you this note....I have held this county with a small band, without the aid of state or government....I must have some assistance from some source, & knowing as I do that you are the head of state, I ask you to do something for me....We need something here that will answer insted-of [sic] for bred [sic] & the fact is we must have it, or starvation will appear among us soon-families are today suffering for the want of bread, & this section is unable to farnish [sic] enough of that. Our stock I gon [sic], or unable to do service....our only means of releaf [sic] is in apply to you [sic] & be assured we have great confidence. My plan to furnish this country is to get you to send something up the river to the nearest point, Mill Springs I suppose-corn, flour, crackers, or anteing [sic] that will sustain life. To prevent women, &children from starving something of this character must be brought into the country.-I will make the best distribution of them possible.

One other thing I desire to mention, I have written...asking for pay....We have never drawn any, & now we need it. Can you do anything for us[?] I think I am enti[t]led to pay or I would not ask,-& if you do not of cours [sic] you will not attempt to get it or put me in any way so that I can draw it. Write to me, & let me know whether you can do any thing for me or not.

Capt. David Beity [sic]

Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 6, pp. 666-667.




10, Thirty-six gun salutes ordered in Knoxville to observe Lee's surrender

GENERAL ORDERS, No. 22. HDQRS. DISTRICT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Knoxville, Tenn., April 10, 1865.

Semi-official information having been received at these headquarters of the surrender of Lee and his army to Lieut.-Gen. Grant, it is hereby ordered that a salute of thirty-six guns be fired from each fort and battery in this district.

By command of Maj.-Gen. Stoneman:

H. G. GIBSON, Col. Second Ohio Heavy Artillery and Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 49, pt. II, p. 368.


[1] Sarah Ridley Trimble, ed., "Behind the Lines in Middle Tennessee, 1863-1865: The Journal of Bettie Ridley Blackmore," THQ, Vol. XII No. 1 (March, 1953), p. 56. [Hereinafter: Journal of Bettie Ridley Blackmore.]

[2] In early 1862 David Crockett "Tinker Dave" Beatty, a Fentress County native, had formed a Union partisan company known as Dave Beatty's Independent Scouts, U. S. A., which countered the guerrilla activities of Champ Ferguson in Fentress and Overton Counties. It is not known how or if Governor Johnson responded Beatty's request. Nevertheless, the guerrilla war in the Upper Cumberland continued, producing long-lasting and hard feelings after the war. For example, fourteen years after the end of the war the competing entourages of the Beatty and Ferguson bands opened up old wounds. Two of Beatty's followers were indicted for the wartime murder of one Baker, a Ferguson partisan, along with Clabe Beatty, "Tinker" Dave's son. The three were taken to Nashville to have their plea for a writ of habeas corpus heard. In the meantime Ferguson's followers heard of the upcoming legal proceedings and determined to stop them. On the day of the hearing Bowles and Threel were being brought out of the Nashville jail when men claiming to be Cumberland County sheriff's deputies "arrested" Clabe Beatty. They took him on horseback and in bugg ies in a roundabout route through the southern part of Middle Tennessee, into northern Alabama, and over the Cumberland Plateau to avoid the United States marshals looking for them and their prisoner. In Cumberland County, Beatty was arraigned before a Crossville justice of the peace on the murder charge for which Threel had Bowles had been accused. Soon a mob gathered near the Crossville jail, headed by a Cumberland County deputy sheriff who claimed to have seem Beatty kill Baker fourteen years earlier. Seeing he was in jeopardy, Beatty waved examination and offered to give bail. Pistols were drawn, and the throng threatened Beatty's life. He ran out the back door of the jail and fled into the surrounding woods, where he was followed and protected by his guards. A bondsman made up his bond, which was signed in the woods. From this relative safety, Beatty slipped back into Crossville to get some food and narrowly escaped with his life. He took to the woods, found a guide, and made his way across the plateau to Jamestown.

Beatty was described as a "brave, determined sort of man but says this last beats everything in his war experience." The hearing for Bowles and Threel was rescheduled for April 22, but there was a mass trial of moonshiners that day. The outcome of the entire matter is not known. Knoxville Daily Chronicle, April 10, 1879, as cited in: James B. Jones, Jr., Every Day in Tennessee History, (John F. Blair: Winston-Salem, NC, 1996), p. 72.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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