Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/12/2013 Tennessee Civil War Notes

12, Greene County Unionist Uprising

Rebellion in Greene County.

The Knoxville Register, of the 10th instant says:

Blood has been spilled in Greene county, the home of Andy Johnson The Lincolnites have been keeping up the excitement there-drilling companies under the stars and stripes of the United States, and threatening death to southern rights men. Among the leasers of these rebellionists was Capt. David Fry. An order was issued for his arrest, and a detachment of Capt. Jas. Fry's company, stationed at Midway, under his command, went to make the arrest.

The Greene county Lincolnites connived at Dave Fry's escape. Capt. Jas. Fry arrested several men implicated in the escape of his Lincolnite namesake, and it is supposed still has them in custody. In retaliation, a party of near fifty Lincolnites attacked a force of twelve or fifteen Confederates soldiers stationed at Cedar Creek, killing one of them name James Henegar, after which they retreated to the bushed, and after several rounds, escaped. This is the legitimate fruit of And Johnson's treason. It is time that his coadjutors in East Tennessee were brought to justice.

Memphis Daily Appeal, September 9, 1861. [1]



12, An editorial lecture for Nashville women on indigestion and domestic tranquility

Address to the Ladies.

One of the first objects of the purchaser of market "truck" should be to furnish for his family consumption such articles only as are fresh, wholesome, and digestible—the latter quality, above all others, should be insisted upon, or upon the proper and speedy digestion of our food depends much—very much—of our happiness, as well in this world as in the next. What does indigestion produce? Pains in the chest, headache, sourness of stomach and temper, quarrels with wife and children and neighbors, loss of customers and of all charitable and social impulses, nightmare and bad dreams—in fact, nearly all the ills that flesh is heir to. One of the first incentives to a good digestion is contentment of mind; when this is all right, and the body is in a sufficiently healthy state to enjoy a certain degree of out-door exercise, the usual fare is easily converted into blood, bone, and flesh, by the aid of our digestive organs, and after the day of labor is ended, we meet our family, hungry and happy and find them all smiling, and so glad to meet Pa as Pa is to enjoy their society. A contented mind must therefore be looked to—at all hazards it must be preserved. Think you, dear wife, that a man can digest butter of an inferior quality at 50 cents a pound, with business dead and money scarce? The very idea is sufficient to worry a man into a fit of dyspepsia. Can potatoes at seventy-five cents a peck be digested? No; a Welsh rarebit would be a delicacy compared to it, and hot light bread and butter a medicament for a dyspeptic. Other things might be enumerated, but we consider it unnecessary. The careful wife can always discriminate between extravagance and economy, and with a little reflection she will agree with us that even bread and bacon and a happy home are better than all the luxuries she could purchase at so great an expense. Economize, therefore, when you can, and dispense with all luxuries. Buy nothing that you cannot conveniently pay for, and remember that if you have anything to spare, there will be thousands of poor the coming winter that will need your aid; and charity always confers a double happiness upon those who give, as well as upon those who receive. Let us all look to these things before it be too late.

Nashville Dispatch, September 12, 1862.




12, Report relative to esprit de corps of the Army of Tennessee

HDQRS. FIRST DIVISION, TWENTY-FIRST ARMY CORPS, Gordon's Mills, September 12, 1863--7.30 p. m.

Capt. P. P. OLDERSHAW, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

CAPT.: Three deserters, belonging to the First Confederate, Jackson's brigade, Cheatham's division, Polk's corps, just brought in by my pickets, furnish the following information:

....They say...that the Tennessee troops especially were harangued by Governor [Isham G.] Harris. He told them that our army was separated into three corps, and that they (rebels) had four corps; that they outnumbered us two to one, and that they would fall on and destroy two of our corps before the other corps could come up. Governor Harris further told them that he wished to make one more Fourth of July speech after the war was over, to tell how well the Tennessee troops had fought. After remaining in line of battle some time, they were marched again toward La Fayette, and encamped Thursday night near Rock Spring, some 5 miles from here.

I should have remarked that Governor Harris told the men, in his speech, that the battle would certainly come off in four days....They deserted from their command yesterday morning, near Rock Spring....They have been skulking in the hills since yesterday morning, trying to get to us. They say it is commonly reported that Bragg's army is from 60,000 to 70,000 strong, but they do not think it so much, and that the strength is exaggerated to encourage the men.

Another deserter, who was brought in with these men, reports himself belonging to White's battery, attached to one of Forrest's brigades of cavalry. He says he killed Capt. White this morning, two hours before day, and made his escape. The captain had drawn his pistol to shoot him, when he seized a gun and shot him....his brigade and battery marched to Tunnel Hill, and encamped last night, where he killed Capt. White this morning...

All these men confirm the dissatisfaction among the Tennessee troops and those from Northern Georgia and Alabama. I would desire that this resume be sent immediately to department headquarters.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

TH. J. WOOD, Brig.-Gen. of Volunteers, Comdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, pp. 581-582.




12, Skirmish near Memphis[2]

SEPTEMBER 12, 1864.-Skirmish near Memphis, Tenn.

Report of Col. John W. Noble, Third Iowa Cavalry, commanding brigade.

HDQRS. SECOND DIV., CAV. CORPS, DIST. OF WEST TENN., Memphis, Tenn., September 12, 1864.

CAPT.: I have the honor to report that the main body of the patrol on the Hernando road have returned. They state that upon coming to a bridge about the end of their patrol (twelve miles) the advance guard became engaged, and at the same time their whole body, with the exception of the rear guard, was attacked on both flanks by a strong body of rebels, numbering from 150 to 200; that upon finding the enemy too strong, they broke for a swamp and made the best of their way to the Pigeon Roost road, hearing the rebels say, "Never mind boys, we will wait for them, they will be back again presently," and by that road came into camp. They lost 4 men, of whom 2 are reported killed and 2 missing, and 1 man and 3 horses wounded. I have sent out 150 men of the First Brigade to learn what they can in regard to the movements of the enemy.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JOHN W. NOBLE, Col., Cmdg.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 39, pt. I, p. 503.




12, "Murder of Surgeon Moore."

The friends of Dr. Moore were shocked yesterday at hearing a report that he had been waylaid and brutally murdered, Monday night [12th], while riding home from the city. His residence is eight miles from the city, and the cold-blooded, unprovoked murder was committed within one mile of his house. The cause of Dr. Moore's assassination was the Surgeon of the 5th Tennessee cavalry, (Col. Stokes) a fact which gave great offence and scandal to the rebels, and sympathizers in his neighborhood. We have no doubt that the deed was done by some of his own neighbors, or at least instigated by the wretches. It is idle for them to disclaim any knowledge of or connection with the transaction, for the blood of Dr. Moore, as well as of hundreds of other loyal men is on their skirts. The murderers who prowl along our public roads to shoot down any straggling Union soldiers, or unarmed citizens whom they may chance to meet, do so from the belief that they are acting in accordance with the wishes of the rebellious people around them. We learn that a cavalry company has gone out in pursuit of the murderers, and we ardently hope they may lay hands on the murderers, besides making their ineffaceable mark in that neighborhood. Tennessee belonged to the loyal, and loyal men must be permitted to ride and walk alone, by day or night, without danger of being shot or stabbed.

Nashville Daily Times and True Union, September 14, 1864.




[1] As cited in PQCW.

[2] Not listed in Dyer's Battle Index for Tennessee. Here there is mention of a military action called a "patrol." Certainly the term is known to everyone, but it is not used in any official sense, that is, in the OR indices.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-532-1550  x115

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