18, "Clothing for the Soldiers"
We are glad to notice that steps have been taken to have a lot of clothing made up for that gallant company's attached to the First Regiment-the "Railroad Boys." This company was among the first to respond to the call, and is composed of as good material as will be found in the ranks of the Confederate army. The great majority of those attached to the corps have not the advantages of other companies formed in this city. They were comparatively strangers in our midst, some of whom having worked at their business but a very short period, but the alacrity with which they responded to their country's call, showed them to be of true Southern metal. They have here no kind mothers or sisters or relatives to furnished them with the supplies actually necessary for their comfort, and being thus situated, it must be expected that they are suffering from the many articles so liberally bestowed on the on the members of other companies in the regiment.
We are glad to know that our patriotic fellow-citizens, Messrs. Gilkison and Cumming are engaged in the good work of soliciting donations to be expended in clothing for this company. These gentlemen started out on their mission yesterday, and we are happy to state were most cordially received by our citizens, and for the remainder of the week, we bespeak a continuance of their contributions in behalf of our gallant defenders.
Lieut. Anderson leaves for the regiment on Sunday next, and will carry such articles as may be prepared by that time. Those who are disposed to contribute shirts, drawers, socks, boots, shoes, caps, &c., can leave them at the grocer store of Gilkison & Edwards, College street, two doors from Church [street]. Send in your donations immediately, and before the cold blasts of winter is upon them, the heart of the soldier will be made glad with the sweet remembrances from home. [1]
Nashville Daily Gazette, September 18, 1861.
18, Funeral procession of Ellen Hill
Death of Ellen Hill.—One of the largest and most mournful funeral processions we have ever seen was that which passed through the city yesterday following to the grave the body of Ellen Hill, wife of James Hill, the colored barber on Cedar street. She was greatly respected by all who knew her and her loss will be sorely felt by the colored population, as she possessed not only the means, but the disposition, to be charitable toward her poor neighbors and friends. The procession was fully half a mile in length.
Nashville Dispatch, September 19, 1862.
18, Confederate news relative to Federal army movements, negroes, and public meetings in Shelbyville and Winchester
Letter fro Murfreesborough-The Federals Leave Nashville and Return.
Murfreesborough, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1862.
Editor Rebel: I have just time to write you a line.
Buell, after evacuating Nashville, attempted to retreat across the river and into Kentucky, but finding he was cut off by the army under Gen. Bragg, which had crossed the river previously, his retreating force turned and back to Nashville.
There is some doubt here as to their future movements, but one thing is certain, they have 10,000 to 12,000 stolen negroes at work on the fortifications at Nashville. These negroes are literally starving to death, and many of them are running away and endeavoring to get back to their masters.
I have attended two public meetings-one at Winchester and one at Shelbyville. The latter was a rousing meeting, and everywhere the cry is, "let the last man die rather than see the Vandals enter our country again!"
Tennessee is fully aroused, wherever I have been, and, I have no doubt, will, almost to a man, sustain General Bragg in the business of crushing this vast army of thieves and robbers.
Let everybody come on and we will first invest and then wipe out this army of outlaws.[2]
Macon Daily Telegraph, September 18, 1862.
18, "Attention, Battalion." Looking for love in the Memphis want ads
Wanted, correspondence, by an amiable and interesting young lady, of marriageable age-just twenty two-of elegant style, graceful carriage, of medium hight [sic] and suggestive proportions, possessed of a happy disposition and domestic habits, with one or more gentlemen of intelligence and standing and of known respectability, with a view to love, matrimony and the consequences. All communications strictly confidential. Address, with or without carte de visite, Glass Box 20, Memphis, Tenn.
P.S. No "gay or festive cusses" [sic] need apply.[3]
Memphis Bulletin, September 18, 1863.
[1] This early in the war it was impossible to obtain uniforms for Tennessee volunteers and so the soldiers had to be depend upon donations of second hand clothing.
[2] In hindsight these are some of the most desperately unjustified words uttered by Confederate supporters. The naivety in them is as obvious as is the enthusiasm and empty bravado. While this is nineteenth century rhetoric, it can be used today to propagandize young men to volunteer to fight for a reprehensible cause in a war of choice, which this, like Iraq, was. Editor.
[3] Given the intent of this want ad it seems at least ambiguous that the reference may have been toward homosexual soldiers.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
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