8, Attack on a Federal column outside Pulaski; an entry from the diary of John Hill Fergusson, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Monday 8th we marched 24 miles and passed through Pulaski it is a fair sized town and has a business appearance at the edge of the town we passed a large cotton factory in operation the factory girls stood gazing at the multitudes and cheering the yanks as the[y] passed through and stood about a dozen in each window and the windows were without number after the devision [sic] had all passed by and the rear gard [sic] and (wagon) train was coming up a volley [sic] was fired on the gard [sic] from the factory windows the rebels made there [sic] escape Some buckway [sic] for the soldiers could find nothing of the friends in searching for them it was reported that the[y] burned the factory before the [division?] came away after a wearisom [sic] march of 24 miles we camped for the night close to Linnville we had not got supper over when the peels [sic] of thunder and the driving winds from that [sic] a stormy night was close at hand some fixed up there [sic] blankets to protect them from the coming storm and some rolled themselves in there [sic] blankets and lay down and slept contented regardless of the driving storm
John Hill Fergusson Diary,1862. [1]
8, Riot suppression and punishment of prostitutes in Knoxville; excerpt from a letter in the Daily Morning News (Savannah, GA) from J.T.G, in Knoxville
From Knoxville – "J.T.G."
Knoxville, Sept. 9, 1862
Editor Columbus Enquirer:
Quite a serious row occurred last night [8th] at a brothel in this place. Capt. Hartshell, Chief of Police, went down with his posse to quell the disturbance, to accomplish which he ordered his men to fire upon the rowdies. A volley was fire into them, wounding several. – This placed a quietus upon them instants. – The inmates of the house were carried off to the guard-house this morning; they were severely strapped upon the bare flesh for being participants in the row. It strikes me that our authorities could have found some other mode of punishment that would have served their purpose as well, if not better, than corporal punishment. It is bad enough to have to whip a white man, and infinitely more so a woman, though she be degraded. Knoxville, however, is a great place, famous for tories, free negroes and free dogs – just the place to hatch and rear such worthless curs as Brownlow and Maynard.
Daily Morning News (Savannah GA), September 17, 1862.[2]
8, Continued Federal bombardment of Confederate works, and construction of boats to ferry artillery across Tennessee River, Chattanooga environs
HDQRS. FIRST BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 14TH ARMY CORPS, Camp opposite Friar's Island, September 8, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. HAZEN, Comdg., Poe's Tavern:
GEN.: I have been firing for some time this morning. Find the works occupied by a small force--say 150 or 200.
The river at this point can be forded easily; the current is very swift, however. The boat building on the creek will be finished by daylight to-morrow and will carry one gun and caisson. I am satisfied that this is the point at which a crossing should be made. They have no artillery in their works to-day. The position can be carried with but little loss, I think.
Yours, respectfully,
J. T. WILDER, Col., Comdg.
P. S.-The pontoons at Chattanooga are taken to pieces this morning.
J. T. W.
HDQRS. FIRST BRIG., FOURTH DIV., 14TH ARMY CORPS, Friar's Island, September 8, 1863.
Brig.-Gen. HAZEN, Poe's Tavern:
GEN.: I have the Seventeenth Indiana (dismounted) on Friar's Island. They crossed in boats without discovery. It is now too late to cross the river. I propose to make a dash and carry the works at daylight with the Seventeenth Indiana, supported by the Seventy-second Indiana, on horseback, across the ford, they covered by the Forty-first Ohio and battery on this side of the river. I very much desire to have all four of my regiments here, and at any rate reconnoiter the country as far as Tyner's Station, and perhaps go into Chattanooga, if not driven back. To do this I will need my whole command, so as to cover my recrossing, in case I am forced to do so. If you will send me eight companies, leaving two companies for vedette duty, I will try it. I believe there is but one regiment to oppose my crossing; there may be more. It may be necessary to await rising of the log. [sic]
Yours, respectfully,
J. T. WILDER, Col., Comdg.
P. S.-Send me all the information you can to-night.
J. T. W.
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. III, pp. 464-465.
8, Confederate anti-guerrilla patrol, skirmish with "Tinker" Dave Beatty's band
Excerpt from the Report of Col. John M. Hughs, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry, Army of Tennessee, Dalton, Ga., April 28, 1864[3], relative to attack on "Tinker" Dave Beatty, September 8, 1863
* * * *
On the 8th September, we attacked Beatty's band of robbers, killing 8 and routing the balance.
* * * *
OR, Ser. I, Vol. 30, pt. II, p. 647.
[1] Diary of John Hill Fergusson, 1862-1865, for the year 1862. Unprocessed original manuscript, TSL&A. Ferguson belonged to the 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. [Hereinafter cited as John Hill Fergusson Diary, year, etc.]
[3] This report was made eight months after the fact.
James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
(615)-532-1550 x115
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