Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6.17.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        17, Rebel Flag Flies in Nashville
Raising the Confederate Flag on the Capitol of Tennessee
[From the Nashville Union, June 18]
Last evening at 5 o'clock, an immense number of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the capitol to witness the hoisting of the flag of the Confederate States. Proudly it floated over our beautiful capitol, and under it we again feel ourselves a free and independent people. Tennesseans remain under no colors controlled by tyrannical powers and leaders whose every step is marked by usurpations. The heavens favored us with a breeze that our flag, in full length, should waive over the joyous throng whose hearts beat happily in its triumphant power. The beautiful women were there, ready at all times to manifest their patriotism, and whose appreciation of independence and constitutional freedom nerves us on in victory in every contest with the vandal hordes who dare pollute our southern soil.
And for them will our brave boys
"Fight till the last armed foe expires."
Gen. Wm. M. Moore, of Coffee county, and Robert Gibson, of Nashville, both soldiers of the war of 1812, were deputed by Hon. J. D. R. Ray, our gallant secretary of State, to throw the colors to the breeze for the first time over the capitol of the proud State of Tennessee. In doing so Gen. Moore acknowledged the honor of the duty assigned him, having in 1812 carried the flag of the old Union triumphantly throughout that war, remarking that "the one we now raise is to perpetuated in our posterity all the blessing bequeathed to us by our revolutionary fathers."
A salute of eleven guns, by the efficient artillery corps of Captain A. Rutledge, from two pieced of cannon, was fired in honor of the eleven States that have so [illegible] declared their independence, and which was responded to my the applause of the vast concourse of our free and determined people. The interest of the occasion was greatly due to Cap'. Rutledge and the Dunlap Zouves, which could not fail to stir every heart.
Capt. William Ewing, of Williamson county, was called for, and responded with his accustomed flow of eloquence. He was followed by Hon. R. G. Payne, of Memphis, the orator of the occasion.
Memphis Daily Appeal, June 20, 1861.

        17, Military orders relative to prohibition of liquor sales, protection of Union flag, possession of firearms. restrictions upon lewd women and theft in Memphis
Office Provost Marshal
Memphis, Tenn., June 17, 1862
For the purpose of better preserving the peace and good order of the city of Memphis, the following orders are announced for the information of all parties concerned; and it is made the duty of the Provost Guard to see that they are obeyed:
I. The guard stationed in the various parts of the city will use the utmost vigilance to discover the parties who are in the habit of selling intoxicating liquors in defiance of orders. Persons found guilty of a violation of the order relating to the sale of liquors, will be at once arrested, his liquors confiscated, his place of business closed, and the offenders reported to headquarters and punished to the extent of military authority. This order applies on steamboats as well as in the city.
II. The practice too often indulged in by evil disposed persons of insulting and using violence toward loyal citizens will no longer be tolerated under any circumstances. Union citizens who have placed the American flag over their houses will be protected in this manifestation of their loyalty to the Government; and hereafter the Provost Guard are instructed to shoot down any one who may attempt to remove the flag or molest the owner of his premises.
III. No citizen, except the Police force of the city, will hereafter be allowed to carry any firearms or other weapons, and when so found they will be promptly arrested and placed in close confinement upon bread and water. The members of the Police are required to report themselves immediately at this office, and register their names, stating the number of the ward where they perform police duty.
IV. Lewd women are prohibited from conversing with soldiers while on duty nor will they be allowed to walk the streets after sunset. Any one of the class indicated who shall violate this order will be conveyed across the river, and will not be allowed to return within the limits of the city.
V. Some unknown person representing himself as "Capt. J. K. Lindsey, Co. K. 43d Ill. Vol.," has committed several depredations by entering private houses and taking private property, giving a receipt for the same, under the pretense that he is acting by authority of the Provost Marshal. No such officer is in this army. No orders are issued to take private property from the citizens, and on a repetition of these outrages it is hoped the fact will be speedily reported to our office, that justice may be done and the guilty punished.
John H. Gould
Captain and Provost Marshal, J.R. Slack, Col. Commanding
Memphis Union Appeal, July 7, 1862[1]

17, Confederate spin on the murder of General Van Dorn at Spring Hill, Tennessee
Editors Register and Advertiser:
We, the undersigned, members of the late Gen. Van Dorn's staff, having seen with pain and regret, the various rumors afloat in the public press in relation to the circumstances attending that officer's death, deem it our duty to make a plain statement of the facts in the case.
Gen. Van Dorn was shot in his own room, at Spring Hill, Tennessee, by Dr. Peters, a citizen of the neighborhood. He was shot in the back of the head, while engaged in writing at his table and entirely unconscious of any meditated hostility on the part o Dr. Peters, who had been left in the room within him, apparently n friendly conversations scarcely fifteen minutes previously, by Major Kimmel. Neither Gen. Van Dorn nor ourselves were suspicious in the slightest degree of enmity in the mind of Dr. Peters, or we would certainly not have left them one together, nor would Gen. Van Dorn have been shot, as we found him five minutes later, sitting in his chair, with his back towards his enemy.
There had been friendly visits between them up the date of the unfortunate occurrence.
Gen. Van Dorn had never seen the daughter of his murder but once, while his acquaintance with Mrs. Peters was such as to convince us, his staff officers, who had every opportunity of knowing that there was no improper intimacy between them; and for our own part, we are led to the belief that there were other and darker motives from the fact that Dr. Peters had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States Government, while in Nashville, about two weeks previously-as we are informed by refugees from that city-that he had remarked in Columbia, a short time before, "that he had lost his land and negroes in Arkansas, but he  thought he would shortly do something which would get them back," and finally, having beforehand torn down fences and prepared relays of horse, he made his escape across the country direct to the enemy lines.
Such is the simple factor of the affair, and we trust that in bare justice to the memory of a gallant soldier the papers that have given publicity to the false rumors above alluded to-rumors alike injurious to the living and to the dead-will give place in their columns to this vindication of his name.
W. M. KIMMEL, Maj., & A.A.G.
R. SHOMAKER, Aid-de-camp.
Dallas Herald, June 17, 1863.

        17, School Outing
School Picnic. – The annual pic-nic of Mr. R. Dorman's School took place yesterday [17th] at the residence of Mr. W. F. Bang, about two miles north from Edgefield, one of the most lovely spots in this county. The scholars accompanied by their teachers, left the schoolrooms about nine o'clock, and marched in procession to the opposite end of the bridge, where carriages, buggies and wagons, were awaiting them. Soon after reaching the ground, the boys and girls assembled around a platform, on which were seated the lovely girl who was selected as the Queen of May, her Maids of Honor, and others intended to participate in the exercises, which were exceedingly interesting and instructive, and consisted of singing, addresses by Misses Delia Driver, Sarah Coltart, Selina Hinton, Mary Henderson, Bettie and Laura Wilkerson, Fanny Gower, Annie Reyer, Augusta Larcombe, Laura Bailey, Rebecca Walker, Nona Glasier, Georgie Rowand; Masters Jos. Walker, J. M. Dolin, John Marrow. Not the least interesting event of the day was the presentation of Master Oscar Hill, on behalf of the scholars, of two superbly bound Bibles, one to Mr. Dorman and the other to Miss Dunham. The address was delivered in the most admirable manner, and was full of sublime sentiment. We regret our inability to publish the address entire, with the reply of Mr. Dorman, but on our return to town we found all our space occupied The rain put a sudden stop to the genera fun, and interfered somewhat with the dinner, but all were brought safely home, but the constant kind care of the teachers. We regret to say that Charlie Walker met with a painful accident on the ground, but he will probably recover from it in a few days.
Nashville Dispatch, May 18, 1864.

        17, Newspaper report on news from Memphis
Rebel Guerrilla Chiefs in the City-They Have a Nice Time of it with Their Friends-The "Sultana" Disaster.
Special correspondence of the Inquirer.
Memphis, Tenn., June 17, 1865.
Club-footed Forte, the guerrilla leader, who killed six of the Twelfth New York Cavalry after they surrendered in April last, near Germantown, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, is not at this house (the Gayoso), having a good time of with his friends, who are numerous. The notorious Jeff. Thompson is also here.
Of the solders lost on the Sultana, five were found yesterday on the Arkansas shore, above this place. Over one thousand of the entire number have been picked up and buried. The hull of the vessel is now above the water.
Nineteen hundred negro children are now in school here, and learning well. Some of the negro regiments have from two to five hundred men that can read.
The negroes generally work pretty well when they are certain of being paid.[2]
The late heavy rains have improved the growing cotton very much, but vast quantities of river bottom have been overflowed. Cotton is coming out pretty freely under the new regulations. Several regiments of cavalry left last night for Red River
Philadelphia Inquirer, June 23, 1865.

[1] Also referenced in Memphis Union Appeal July 2, 1862. Not referenced in OR.
[2] Doh!

James B. Jones, Jr.
Public Historian
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN  37214
(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456
(615)-532-1549  FAX

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