Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6.4.14 Tennessee Civil War Notes

        4, 1861 Montvale Springs Resort Opens

Montvale Springs, Near Knoxville, East Tennessee, Is Now Open!

This resort, for health or pleasure seekers, as its name indicates, is located in a sequestered valley, almost enclosed by mountain spurs of the Alleghany, known as the Chilhowee, and rise up on every side, and embosom a valley which cannot be contemplated by the lover of nature without much enjoyment.

Of the beneficial effects of this water on cases of Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Complaint,

And diseases most common in southern latitudes, no more certain and effective remedy exists.

The Hotel accommodations consist of a large and commodious building, with spacious Piazzas on each story, running the entire length of the building, and numerous Gothic Cottages,All tastefully arranged on the lawn in front of the main Hotel, and accessible to both Spring and Hotel.

The lawn is handsomely covered with grass, and beautifully shaded with majestic forest trees. No Watering place presents more attractions than Montvale, and the proprietors respectfully invite the attention of those who seek a retreat in summer, either for health or pleasure.

Visitors will go to Knoxville, and thence 24 miles by stage, which connects with the trains.

Watt, Lanier & Co., Exchange Hotel, Montgomery, Alabama.

Daily Constitutionalist [AUGUSTA, GA], June 4, 1861.[1]



        4, Skirmish at Sweeden's Cove, near Jasper

JUNE 4, 1862.-Skirmish at Sweeden's Cove, near Jasper, Tenn.


No. 1.-Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army.

No. 2.-Brig. Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Army.

No. 3.-Maj.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith, C. S. Army.

No. 1

Reports of Maj.-Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army.

BOONEVILLE, June 8, 1862.

Gen. Mitchel telegraphs as follows:

June 8.-On Thursday Gen. Negley succeeded in surprising the rebel Gen. Adams, and after a sharp fight routed and scattered the enemy in the wildest disorder, capturing camp, wagons with supplies, and ammunition. The column under Gen. Sill formed a junction with Gen. Negley's column at Jasper. Adams' cavalry fled 43 miles, without stopping at Chattanooga. The enemy were crossing the river at Shell Mound with infantry and artillery. Adams' cavalry turned them back.


On the 8th he says:

I am ordered by Gen. Halleck to push cars and locomotives across the river at Decatur. This cannot be done until the enemy's troops are driven out. I know their cavalry still remains opposite Lamb's Ferry and along the line of the railway. In my opinion a great struggle will take place for the mastery of the railway from Richmond south to Atlanta.

D. C. BUELL, Maj.-Gen.

HUNTSVILLE, ALA., June 6, 1862.

An expedition, composed of troops from all those under my command, in charge of Gen. Negley, has driven the enemy under Gen. Adams from Winchester through Jasper back to Chattanooga, utterly routing and defeating them there. Baggage wagons and ammunition, with supplies, have fallen into our hands. On to-morrow morning my troops will be opposite Chattanooga, supported, as I hope, by my new gunboat, the Tennessee. We have broken up a most important enterprise of the enemy, making the occupation of the Chattanooga and Nashville Railroad and the mountain region bordering on the road and the Tennessee River impracticable. A few more troops suffice to relieve Eastern Tennessee. Have you any orders?

O. M. MITCHEL, Maj.-Gen.

No. 2

Reports of Brig. Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Army.

HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Sweeden's Cove, East Tenn., June 4, 1862.

SIR: By making a forced march of 20 miles over a rugged and almost impassable mountain road and by capturing the enemy's pickets we succeeded in completely surprising Gen. Adams' command of rebel cavalry encamped at the foot of the mountain. They formed in line and fired upon Col. Hambright's advance, which we replied to from two pieces of artillery, which had been placed in position unobserved. They retreated through a narrow lane toward Jasper, closely pursued by a portion of Col. Haggard's Fifth Kentucky Cavalry and Maj. Wynkoop's battalion of Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. My escort, commanded by Lieut.'s Wharton and Funk, led the charge with reckless daring, dashing into the midst of the enemy, using their sabers with terrible execution. The narrowness of the lane and very broken ground alone prevented the enemy from being totally destroyed. They fled in the wildest disorder, strewing the ground for miles with guns, pistols, and swords. We captured their ammunition and commissary wagons and supplies. The enemy's loss, as far as we could ascertain, was 20 killed and about the same number wounded, among whom is Maj. Adams, Gen. Adams' brother. We captured 12 prisoners, including 2 commissioned officers, with a large number of horses.

Our loss, which I regret to say was chiefly sustained by my escort, is 2 killed and 7 wounded; several seriously.

The troops acted with admirable efficiency. Col. Hambright, acting brigadier-general, with Col. Haggard, Maj. Wynkoop, and Lieut.'s Wharton, Funk, Sypher, and Nell, deserve special notice.

Yours, very truly,

JAS. S. NEGLEY, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

HDQRS. UNITED STATES FORCES, Four Miles beyond Jasper, June 5, 1862.

SIR: I have just captured 4 men who left Chattanooga this morning. They report the arrival of a portion of Gen. Adams' cavalry, who reached Chattanooga last night. This, with the statements of citizens living along the road, proves the total rout and disgraceful flight of the enemy to Chattanooga, a distance of 43 miles, without stopping. An attempt was made to rally in Jasper, but they cursed Gen. Adams and rushed on with their foaming horses. Hundreds of Union men have flocked into Jasper from the mountains. The enemy, who was crossing the river at Shell Mound, retreated to Chattanooga by rail this morning. Appearances indicate that they will not defend Chattanooga. There were but two regiments at Atlanta, Ga., on Tuesday last. Col. Starnes' regiment of cavalry avoided meeting us, and are now near Sparta. We will give them attention on our return. I trust you will be able to engage the attention of Starnes until we can overtake him. I shall push on to Chattanooga to-morrow.

JAS. S. NEGLEY, Brig.-Gen., Cmdg.

No. 3

Report of Maj.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith, C. S. Army.

HDQRS. DEPARTMENT OF EAST TENNESSEE, Knoxville, Tenn., June 5, 1862.

Gen. Leadbetter makes the following report:

Gen. Adams surprised at 3 p. m. yesterday, 12 miles northeest of Jasper, Tenn., by reported force of 4,000 Federals. Confederate killed and missing 100, including Gen. and Maj. Adams. Enemy in strong detachments yesterday at Stevenson and Bridgeport. Avow descent on Chattanooga. Expected opposite us this afternoon. Our effective force here, 1,330. Can make stand if re-enforcements sent.

I have sent Gen. Leadbetter eight companies [450 men], all the available force I have, with instructions to hold Chattanooga and its approaches as long as possible.

E. KIRBY SMITH, Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.

Gen. R. E. LEE, Richmond, Va.

OR, Ser. I, Vol. 10, pt. I, pp. 903-905.



        4, Civilian anxieties expressed about Nashville as an army ammunition depot

Whether justly entertained or not, there is no little uneasiness among the citizens of Nashville in regard to the large quantity of powder and ammunition of various kinds believed to be stored in the city for the military authorities. Only those who are entrusted with its custody know the real danger, and doubt they correctly estimate the danger connected with it, and exercise all proper and possible care to prevent the terrible consequences which would ensure from its ignition. But is it possible to prevent its combustion by lightning? and is due precaution taken against such an event? do those in authority feels secure on this point? It is understood that the material referred to is contained in one or two tall buildings prominently situated-most eligible marks for the artillery of the heavens. No one can contemplate such an occurrence, with the horrible destruction of life and property which would ensue, without a shudder. If all human means have not been adopted to escape it, should not steps looking to that object be taken immediately?

The alarm felt by our citizens on this score may be groundless, but if it is not known to be so by those competent to judge, we think that, in case of an accident, a fearful responsibility will rest somewhere. In advertising to this subject-which we do for the purpose of calling the attention of the authorities to the matter, in order that they may quiet the apprehensions of the community, or take steps to guard against the possibility of combustion, if such has not already been done. We would suggest the building of a subterranean magazine beyond the suburbs, as the base of some adjacent hill, as affording greater protection from electricity than the present ordnance depot in the heart of the city. The fact that our city suffered terribly from the explosion of a powder magazine ignited by electricity a few years ago, will sufficiently explain the uneasiness that exists on this subject at present.

Nashville Dispatch, June 4, 1863.



        4, Gingerbread cakes and young ladies: letter from Major General S. B. Buckner to E. C. & Lizzie Lillard, Lizzie & Emma King and Sallie McClain Vs [sic] Mrs. Buster & Others [sic]

Knoxville, Tenn.

June 4, 1863

My Dear Young Ladies,

It pains me very much to learn from our brave Soldiers [sic] at Vicksburg, Who are now bravely defending the beautiful valley of the Miss [sic] from the Ruthless invader of our soil, to be informed by them that you had deprived them of their rations Such [sic] as sweet bread, more commonly called Ginger Cakes, which was [sic] prepared for them by their wives, mothers and sisters. It is with regret that I shall and do order you one and all to appear before me at these head quarters [sic] to answer the charge made against you viz.,: Sweet bread thereby trying to make yourselves Sweet at the expence [sic] of the Poor Soldiers. [sic]


1st for eating said ginger bread without butter

2" Taking to large mouth fulls [sic]

3" Eating as much as 2 rations each without water

4" Consumg [sic] the whole 10 sacks and asking for more

Maj. Gen. S. B. Buckner, Commander Dpt. East Ten [sic]

W. P. A. Civil War Records, Vol. 2, p. 174.



        4, "…the evils of slavery are apparent and more horrible to me than ever; but believe me, to-day the white man is the greatest sufferer." A Northerner's Observations on the Effects of Emancipation in Tennessee


We commend the following extract from a letter from East Tennessee, published in the N. Y. Evening Post, to our correspondent who argues that the Constitution is all right as it now stands, so far as it's prohibition of slavery is concerned. The writer of the letter is doubtless is concerned. The writer of the letter is doubtless right in saying that the only chance for the slave is in the despair which an amendment of and Constitution would produce. Slaveholders, at least, the great mass of them, will never favor emancipation if they can avoid it.-And when forced upon them the present generation, as has been the case in the British West India Islands, will threaten the operations of freedom forced upon them in all the ways they can. But with the Constitution unamended, as slavery has existed under it for three-fourths of a century and all the decisions of the courts for that period; and the administration of the Government having proceeded upon its lawfulness, how can emancipation ever be carried into full operation.

Murfreesboro', May 3, 1864.

"It is not always true, coelum non animum."[2] I doubt if any one can cross the Ohio river for the first time without being very much changed in all his views. For myself, I find so many things different, and much worse than I had supposed, that the evils of Southern society no longer hold the same relative position in my mind or interest.

"The condition of the blacks is worse than I had imagined; but I never began to understand the condition of the whites. The generally low standard of knowledge' the intellectual stagnation among even the most advanced; the narrow sphere of thought and conservatism in which my own associates move; the ignorance in the middle classes of the ordinary democratic ideas of progress; the absence of any thought of any thought of right to opportunity on the part of those who need it most; the deplorable darkness of the lower whites, are to me evils so new and appalling that I no longer burn with indignation at the wrongs of the negro, without being calmed and sickened by the universal degradation. My Northern blood boils oftener at the contemptuous tone of the privileged classed towards the underprivileged than at the unquestioned domination of color; and when I see a white man without property, education or hope, I feel that if I could but inspire him with a conviction of his rights, I should be kindling a fire which would burn in him, perhaps, longer than in me. No one who has not seen it can understand the depths of debasement in which the underprivileged whites are steeped. Do not suppose that I am less anti-slavery: the evils of slavery are apparent and more horrible to me than ever; but believe me, to-day the white man is the greatest sufferer.

"If you have any influence at Washington use it to promote an amendment of the Constitution-nothing less can save this State. There is but little loyalty here. Regret for the war became unsuccessful, and a wish to return to former avocations in peace, are the most favorable feelings. An earnest desire to retain their slaves, to keep them together until peace returns, and an abiding faith that the State will never consent to the abolition of slavery, are the strongest incentives of the masters.- They will not hire their slaves themselves; they prefer to sit in solitary destitution. They will not consent to others hiring them they prefer to see a general embarrassment of all parties, and predict with pleasure the hoped-for failure of the new experiment. They will do nothing recognizing that the negro is entitled to anything.

"The only chance for the State is in the despair which an amendment to the Constitution would produce. Once let them see that Slavery is impossible, that no power within or without can re-establish it-be their negroes ever so willing, or the system ever so beneficial-and the masters will give up the contest in despair. Their children and grand-children may then become industrious men, and their posterity will raise the State to the proper place to which its natural resources entitle it-but from this generation nothing is to be expected.

"Therefore, if you can do anything to promote the amendment of the Constitution, do so; and your success will, in my opinion, accomplish more for mankind, without regard to color, than any effort in any other direction."

Evening Post.

Vermont Chronicle, June 4, 1864. [3]

[1] As cited in:

[2] Latin for "heaven does not mind."

[3] TSL&A, 19th CN.

James B. Jones, Jr.

Public Historian

Tennessee Historical Commission

2941 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN  37214

(615)-770-1090 ext. 123456

(615)-532-1549  FAX


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